Radiant Domain (5e Subclass)

Radiant Domain

The chosen few have been elected to be beacons of hope and champions of light, bringing with them the radiant light of their chosen deity. Those who have been blessed to walk this path have been tasked to use the this divine power to not only heal, shield and protect the innocent; and kindhearted, but to also to hunt down and burn away the servants of darkness and evil with the same divine light. It is not an easy path to; tread as one must always be prepared to place themselves between harm and the innocent and always be prepared to be set upon by every dark and; evil thing that would try to destroy such radiant light so they no longer must cower and lurk in the shadows.

Radiant Domain Spells
Cleric LevelSpells
1stguiding bolt, faerie fire
3rdaid, prayer of healing
5thspirit guardians, daylight
7thheal, wall of fire
9thsunburst, holy aura
Bonus Proficiency

When you choose this domain at the 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor. Also once you choose this domain, you are sworn to the servitude of your deity. As such, you will no longer be able to cast or prepare any spells that do not match your deity. (up to DM ruling for which spells would count) (For example, if your Deity of Radiance is Pelor, you would only have access to casting spells of the Sun, Light, Strength, or Healing spell types)

Disciple of Life and Light

Also starting at 1st level, whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell's level.

In addition, you may learn the cantrip Radiant Blade (below)

   ==Radiant Blade==
   Spell Type:      Evocation cantrip
   Casting Time:    1 action
   Range:           60 feet
   Components:      V, S, M(must be wielding a sword)
   Duration:        Instantaneous
   You channel radiant energy into your blade weapon, and while swinging it in the air toward your intended target, you send out an arc of brilliant radiant energy that travels almost instantly to it's target. Make a ranged spell attack. On hit, the target takes 1d10 radiant damage.
   The spell creates more arcs as you level. At 5th, it makes two arcs; at 11th, it makes three; and at 17th, it makes four. The arcs must all be directed at the same target. Each arc gets its own attack roll.
Channel Divinity: Life or Death

Starting at 2nd level, as an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke radiant energy that can either restore hit points or damage a creature, equal to five times your cleric level. Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you, and divide those hit points or deal radiant damage among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its maximum hit points. You can't use this feature to restore hit point to undead or construct but instead deal radiant damage to them.

Radiant Healer

Beginning at 6th level, you may cast a spell that restores hit points to any creature other than you this turn as a Bonus Action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Empowered Blades

Starting at 8th level, When you cast Radiant Blades, add your Wisdom modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.

Supreme Healing

Starting at 17th level, when you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 hit points to a creature, you restore 12.

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gollark: There are multiple appropriate ones for various scenarios.
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