Races (Ilarion Supplement)

The races presented below are each worth 8-10 RP according to the Paizo’s Advanced Race Guide and are meant to be approximately equal to the core races as written. That said they are also designed to be races free of culture. Below each race is a short list of ethnicities. These have an additional 4-6 points worth of traits that represent their culture. If you wish to model core equivalent races simply use these as Alternate Racial Traits.


Whether in the mines deep within the mountains or settlements are perched on the highest peaks, Dwarves of Ilarion call the mountains home. Moreover, they call it mother, as they are descended from Earth Elementals. They do not worship the gods; the gods have no time for them and they've no time for the gods.

Dwarven Racial Traits

  • Stats: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom
  • Medium: Dwarves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Slow and Steady: Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
  • Low-Light Vision: Members of this race can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.
  • Mountaineer: Dwarves are immune to altitude sickness and do not lose their Dexterity bonus to AC when making Climb checks or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces.
  • Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground.
  • Stonesinger: Dwarves are treated as 1 level higher when casting spells with the earth descriptor or using powers of the Earth domain, bloodline powers of the earth elemental bloodline, and revelations of the oracle's stone mystery. This trait does not give Dwarves early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers they could already use without this trait.
  • Healthy: Dwarves gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.
  • Stony Step: Dwarves may move through 5 feet of earth- or stone-based difficult terrain (rubble, stone stairs, and so on) each round as if it were normal terrain. This stacks with similar feats such as Acrobatic Steps and Nimble Moves.
  • Master Craftsman: Dwarves gain Master Craftsman as a bonus feat.
  • Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Sprache. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aylic, Omilía, Ötmek, Şıge, Söylemek, Taghrid, and Tale.
  • Dwarven Ethnicities

    By column: Wüste Dwarves, Fahrer Dwarves, Zwerg Dwarves, Deep Dwarves, and Kalt Dwarves.
    Dwarven Height and Weight Chart
    Ethnicity Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier Height Range Weight Range
    ZwergMale3 ft. 9 in.+2d4 in.150 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'11–4'5164–206 lbs.
    ZwergFemale3 ft. 7 in.+2d4 in.120 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'9–4'3134–176 lbs.
    Deep MineMale3 ft. 6 in.+2d4 in.150 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'8–4'2164–206 lbs.
    Deep MineFemale3 ft. 5 in.+2d4 in.145 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'7–4'1159–201 lbs.
    KaltMale3 ft. 5 in.+2d4 in.120 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'7–4'1164–206 lbs.
    KaltFemale3 ft. 3 in.+2d4 in.90 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'5–4'1104–146 lbs.
    WüsteMale3 ft. 11 in.+2d4 in.165 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.4'1–4'7179–221 lbs.
    WüsteFemale3 ft. 9 in.+2d4 in.135 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'11–4'5149–191 lbs.
    FahrerMale3 ft. 10 in.+2d4 in.150 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.4'–4'6164–206 lbs.
    FahrerFemale3 ft. 9 in.+2d4 in.120 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'11–4'5134–176 lbs.

    Zwerg Zwerg (tsveh r̃g) Dwarves are the most common and the closest to iconic dwarves.

  • Physical Description: Zwerg Dwarves stand about a foot shorter than most humans, with squat, broad bodies. They have thick, bushy hair of any natural color that is typically worn in braids by both men and women. Men often sport anything from full beards and mustaches to thick goatees, which are either worn braided of styled with wax. Their eyebrows and eyelashes are thick and long and get longer with age. Their features are broad and round. Grey is the dominant eye color, but brown, black, and green are also possible. Their skin tends to range from light beige to bronze with a red undertone.
  • Names:In dwarven names W's are pronounced as V's. Zwerg Dwarves often use an occupational title in front of their names, using the title is the equivalent of using sir or lord. They use clan names in place of surnames. Clan names are always made up of two parts and reflect the characteristics of the clan’s founder.
    • Female Names: Beatrix, Brünhild, Dagmar, Elisabeth, Helga, Katarina, Leonore, Melanie, Swanhilda, Ursula
    • Male Names: Berthold, Boris, Günter, Gustav, Hienrich, Jörg, Klaus, Olaf, Rienhold, Siegfried
    • Clan Name Parts: Berger (mountain), Brandt (fire), Braun (brown-haired), Busch (shrub), Fuchs (fox-like), Grimm (fierce or mask), Haas (hare), Horn (horn), Jung (young), Klein (small), Krause (curly-haired), Kühn (brave), Lange (big), Roth (red-haired), Schwarz (black-haired), Sommer (summer), Stein (rock), Vogel (bird), Walk (falcon), Weiß (white-haired), Winter (winter), Wolf (wolf-like)
    • Titles: Bauer (farmer), Becker (baker), Bergmann (miner), Fischer (fisherman), Fuhrmann (foreman), Hoffmann (steward), Jäger (hunter), Keller (ale maker), Koch (cook), Köhler (charcoal-maker), Krämer (merchant), Krüger (innkeeper), Müller (miller), Pfeiffer (piper), Richter (judge), Schäfer (shepherd), Schmidt (smith), Schneider (tailor), Schreiber (scrivener), Schröder (tailor), Schubert (shoemaker), Vogt (bailiff), Wagner (wainwright), Weber (weaver), Winkler (grocer), Ziegler (brickmaker), Zimmermann (carpenter)
  • Cultural Traits
    • Long Memory: Zwerg Dwarves keep extensive records of their history and the world around them. Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (Society) checks that pertain to dwarves. They can make such skill checks untrained. (This trait may replace Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger.)
    • Weapon Familiarity: Zwerg Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word "dwarven" in its name as a martial weapon. (This trait may replace Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
    • Urban Raised: Zwerg Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Sense Motive checks made to get a hunch about a social situation. They also gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks. (This trait may replace Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
    • Obsessive: Zwerg Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice. (This trait may replace Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger.)
  • Deep Mine Deep Mine Dwarves work three to six months at a stretch in the mines before coming up to the surface. Due to work conditions, there are fewer physical and cultural differences between males and females.

  • Physical Description: Deep Mine Dwarves are shorter and more compact than Zwerg Dwarves, but with thicker limbs. Their hair tends to stay short and is typically white, but may be grey, light blond or very pale red. Light grey eyes are the norm but blue and pale green are not uncommon. Their features are broad and square. Their skin is naturally pale from the lack of sunlight.
  • Names:Deep Mine Dwarves use most of the same naming conventions as dust, the exceptions being titles and that they tend toward unisex names. As they are all miners only the worksite foreman is addressed formally.
    • Names: Brogan, Esmé, Hanne, Micha, Sasha, Ulli, Puck, Rini, Robin, Wil
  • Cultural Traits
    • Poison Resistance: Deep Mine Dwarves gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice. (This trait may replace Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger, AND Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
    • Darkvision 60ft: Deep Mine Dwarves with this race trait can see in the dark up to 60 feet. (This trait may replace Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
    • Cave Dweller: Deep Mine Dwarves gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made underground. (This trait may replace Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger.)
  • Kalt Kalt (kahlt) Dwarves are adapted to the colder weather of the north.

  • Physical Description: Kalt Dwarves are the shortest of the Dwarves, with the broadest features, and round faces. Their hair is thick and straight and ranges in color from redish-brown to black. Black and brown make up the majority of eye colors, but the occasional amber or grey can be found. Their skin tends to range from golden sand to deep copper.
  • Names: Kalt Dwarves tend to use local Dao Ming names as given names and translate their clan name into Shuōhuà.
    • Clan Names: Berger = Shān, Brandt = Huǒ, Braun = Zōngsè tóufǎ, Busch = Guànmù, Fuchs = Húlí bān de, Grimm = Jīliè or Miànjù, Haas = Yětù, Horn = Lǎbā, Jung = Niánqīng, Klein = Xiǎo, Krause = Juǎn máo, Kühn = Yǒnggǎn, Lange = Dà, Roth = Hóng fā, Schwarz = Hēi tóufǎ de, Sommer = Xiàjì, Stein = Yán, Vogel = Niǎo, Walk = Gǔ, Weiß = Bái fà, Winter = Dōngjì, Wolf = Láng yīyàng de
  • Cultural Traits
    • Weapon Familiarity: Kalt Dwarves with this racial trait are proficient with Monk’s spades, and Blunderbusses. (This trait may replace Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger.)
    • Emissary: Once per day, Kalt Dwarves can roll twice when making a Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll. (This trait may replace Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger.)
    • Charismatic Nature: Kalt Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus to Charisma. (This trait may replace any two: Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy, OR any two: Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger and one: Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
  • Wüste Wüste (voo steh) Dwarves are adapted to the heat and sand of the south.

  • Physical Description: The tallest of the Dwarves, Wüste Dwarves are still half a foot shorter than your average human. Their hair ranges in color from light brown to black. Beards are only grown out in old age and are never braided. Their eyes are commonly amber, brown, or grey, but black and hazel do occur. Their faces are oval and their features long. Their skin tends to range from an olive complexion to warm umber.
  • Names: Wüste Dwarves add Mes-en to their clan name and tend to use local given names. There is a mix of old dwarven clan names and newer clan names in the Aghnia language.
    • Clan Name Parts: Ahmad (commendable), Ajam (foreigner), Ali (lofty or sublime), Amin (truthful), Amjad(glorious), Bulus (small or humble), Hakim (wise), Hasan (handsome), Hashim (crusher or breaker), Hasuna (beautiful), Karim (generous or noble), Najm (star), Qadir (capable or powerful), Sabah (morning), Saqaf (roof), Tawfiq (good fortune or successful), Zaman (time or old)
  • Cultural Traits
    • Contractor: Wüste Dwarves with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise, Bluff, and Sense Motive checks made for business deals and transactions. Appraise is always a class skill for them. (This trait may replace Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
    • Merchant: Wüste Dwarves with this trait increase the gp limit of any settlement by 20% and can resell items at an additional 10% over the amount of gp they normally would get from selling off treasure. (This trait may replace Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger.)
    • Desert Runner: Wüste Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments. (This trait may replace Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
  • Fahrer Fahrer (fah r̃ehr̃) Dwarves are adapted to the foothills and open plains of the west.

  • Physical Description: Their hair ranges in color from blonde to brown with occasional red. long mustaches are favored over beards. Their eyes are commonly brown, or hazel but grey and green are also common. Their faces are square and their features are broad. Their skin is dark tan to medium brown.
  • Names: Fahrer Dwarves add -oğlu to their clan name and tend to use local given names. Married women carry both their father's and husband's clan names.
  • Cultural Traits
    • Horse Savvy: Fahrer Dwarves with this trait gain a +2 bonus to Handle Animal, Ride, and Acrobatics when dealing with horses. Handle Animal and Ride are always class skills for them. (This trait may replace Mountaineer, Stability, or Stonesinger.)
    • Fast Friend:Fahrer Dwarves with this trait gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, can do gather information checks in half the normal time, and the attitudes of any NPCs they interact within an area they have either gathered information in or spent a week in begin one step closer to helpful. (This trait may replace Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
    • Silver Tongued: Fahrer Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can do so up to three steps up rather than just two. (This trait may replace Master Craftsman, Stony Step, or Healthy.)
  • Kumo

    Kumo are 400-year-old spiders that have gained the ability to transform into humans. They are found predominantly in the Dao Ming Empire.

    Kumo Racial Traits

  • Stats: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength
  • Medium: Kumo are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Aberration: Kumo are aberrations.
  • Normal Speed: Kumo have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Climb Speed: Kumo have a climb speed of 20 feet.
  • Darkvision: Kumo can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • All-Around Vision (Ex): Kumo see in all directions at once and cannot be flanked.
  • Change Shape (Su): A Kumo can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The Kumo always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A Kumo in human form cannot use her web ability but gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the Kumo does not adjust her ability scores.
  • Web (Ex): Kumo can use webs to support themselves and up to one additional medium creature. In addition, they can throw a web up to eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to large size. Kumo can create sheets of sticky webbing up to three times their size. To notice a web is a DC 20 Perception check. The DC to burst or escape the web is equal to 10 + 1/2 character level + Con modifier. Attempts to burst a web by those caught in it suffer a –4 penalty. Each 5-foot-square section of the web has a number of hit points equal to the level of the Kumo that created it and DR 5/—. A Kumo can move across its own web at its climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature touching its web.
  • Poison Bite (Ex): Kumo with this trait gain a 1d6 bite attack which inflicts poison.
    • Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC (10 + 1/2 character level + Con modifier), frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, effect 1d4 Con, cure 2 consecutive saves.
  • Jumping: Kumo with this trait gain a + 2 to all Reflex saving throws, a +10 racial bonus to Acrobatics when jumping, a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks to avoid being surprised by a foe, and +1 dodge bonus to AC.
  • Languages: Kumo begin play speaking the language of the dominant culture in the area. Kumo with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
  • Physical Description: All Kumo are man-sized spiders. They have four pairs of solid black eyes and range in color from reddish brown to grey and black. They are thick-limbed and covered in bristly hairs. Females are larger than males. their height is half of their leg length.
    • Their humanoid form has hair that matched their bristles, black eyes and skin as pale as moonlight. They are of average human height but have a slender build. Their features are fine or delicate.
  • Names: Kumo use the naming conventions of the dominant culture in the area.
  • Kumo Ethnicities

    A brown female and grey male Kumo in their natural forms.

    Kumo adopt Ethnicities from Humans. Jumping and Poison Bite, or All-Around Vision is replaced if you wish to model core equivalent races. Their height is half of their leg length. Their height and weight in human form are the same as the human ethnicity they mimic, but their weight is multiplied by one less.

    Kumo Height and Weight Chart
    Gender Base Lenght Lenght Modifier Leg Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier Length Range Leg Length Range Weight Range
    Male2 ft.+1d4 in.+1d4+1d3 in.10 lbs.+2d4 lbs.2'1–2'42'2-2'712–18 lbs.
    Female2 ft. 5 in.+2d4 in.+2d4+2d3 in.15 lbs.+3d4 lbs.2'7–3'12'9–3'718–27 lbs.


    Minotaurs are fearsome warriors, quick to anger and just as quick to forgive. Most are fun loving and good natured; they enjoy physical competitions. Groups and communities are called a fold, not a herd.

    Minotaur Racial Traits

  • Stats: +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity: Minotaurs are incredibly strong, but not that agile.
  • Monsterous Humanoid: Minotaurs are Monstrous humanoids.
  • Fast Speed: Minotaurs have a base speed of 40 feet.
  • Darkvision: Minotaurs can see up to 60 ft. with no light source.
  • Natural Cunning: Minotaurs possess immunity to maze spells and can never become lost. They are never caught flat-footed.
  • Natural Weapons: Minotaurs possess a gore that deals 1d6 damage, when using it they are not considered unarmed.
  • Languages: Minotaurs begin play speaking Kor. Minotaurs with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
  • Physical Description:All Minotaurs have a bull-like head, typically with horns, a tail and legs ending with large cloven hooves. Horns and hooves typically match and are most often solid white, black or brown. Thier bodies are covered with fur. Thier fur typically comes in reddish-brown, white, grey, dun, or black. The reddish-brown ranges from strawberry blond to sepia. Thier eyes are typically brown or black, but red in cases of albinism, which occrurs more frequently in Minotaurs than in other races.
    • Common markings include:
      • Belted - a wide swath of a second color around their middle, typically lighter. The second color may show up elsewhere but that is considered less attractive.
      • Brindle - irregular streaks of darker color on a similar base coat.
      • Color-sided - white, but with any color up the sides.
      • Finching - a white or pale stripe along the spine.
      • Flecking - many small spots.
      • Hereford - white covers the face, underbelly, legs and tail.
      • Paint - large spots of a different color are on their bodies.
      • Points - horns, hooves, fur near the hooves, hands, ears, eyes, and muzzle are a darker color than the body, typically black and white. The darker color may show up elsewhere but that is considered less attractive.
      • Roan - intermingled colored and white hairs.
      • Skull marking - a white face with coloring around the eyes.
      • Spotted - any color with white spots throughout.
  • Minotaur Ethnicities

    Top: Boer with goat horns, Brahman with thick horns, Fjäll polled,
    Bottom: Highland with long horns, Merinos with ram horns, Yak with forward-sweeping horns.
    Minotaur Height and Weight Chart
    Ethnicity Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier Height Range Weight Range
    BoerMale5 ft. 11 in.+2d12 in.235 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.6'1–7'11245–335 lbs.
    BoerFemale5 ft. 9 in.+2d12 in.207 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.5'11–7'9217–307 lbs.
    BrahmanMale9 ft.+3d12 in.385 lbs.+3d10×5 lbs.9'3–12'400–535 lbs.
    BrahmanFemale8 ft. 10 in.+3d12 in.355 lbs.+3d10×5 lbs.9'1–11'10360–505 lbs.
    FjällMale5 ft.+2d10 in.200 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.5'2–6'8210–300 lbs.
    FjällFemale4 ft. 10 in.+2d10 in.165 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.5'–6'6185–265 lbs.
    HighlandMale8 ft.+2d12 in.335 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.8'2–10'345–435 lbs.
    HighlandFemale7 ft. 10 in.+2d12 in.305 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.8'–9'10315–405 lbs.
    MerinosMale5 ft. 11 in.+2d12 in.235 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.6'1–7'11245–335 lbs.
    MerinosFemale5 ft. 9 in.+2d12 in.207 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.5'11–7'9217–307 lbs.
    YakMale5 ft. 11 in.+2d12 in.285 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.6'1–7'11295–385 lbs.
    YakFemale5 ft. 9 in.+2d12 in.257 lbs.+2d10×5 lbs.5'11–7'9267–357 lbs.

    Boer Minotaur

  • Physical Description: Boer Minotaurs stand between six and eight feet tall, with females being a half a handspan shorter on average. They have horns like a goat. Typically the fur on their bodies is white while the fur on their heads is brown. Completely brown, white, or paint coats are less common but not unheard of. They reach adulthood faster than other Minotaurs.
  • Names: It is customary to name the first son after the father's father and the first daughter after the mother's mother. A patronym is often used as a middle name (by adding -se, -sen, or -szen for sons and -sdochter, -dochter, -x or -dr for daughters). Van is used to proceed surnames that place, and de for occupations; neither are capitalized.
    • Female Names: Brigitta, Carolien, Cécile, Debora, Diantha, Elian, Elise, Fenna, Gertrude, Heleen.
    • Male Names: Adrianus, Barend, Bram, Casper, Diederick, Edwin, Fester, Izaäk, Johan, Niels
    • Surnames: van Aaldenberg (old mountain), de Aarden (clay, stone, earth), de Arzt (doctor, physician), de Baas (overseer), de Bakhuizen (bakery), van Bosch (wood, forest), van Eikenboom (oak tree), de Haak (pedlar), de Klerk (clerk), van Zuidhout (south forest).
  • Cultural Traits
    • Selfsuficient:Boer receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments (This trait may replace Natural Cunning)
    • Goat Stomach: Boer gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
    • Sure-footed: Boer do not lose their Dexterity bonus to AC when making Climb checks or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces. Additionally, they gain a +4 racial bonus to climbing steep or sheer cliffs with at least some hand holds. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
  • Brahman Minotaur

  • Physical Description:Brahman Minotaurs are the largest of their kind, standing up to twelve feet tall. They are thickly muscled with short, glossy fur covering most of their body. Their shoulders are broad and they have a large hump at the base of the neck. A majority of Brahmans are light to medium grey, but they can be reddish-brown or very dark grey to almost black. They usually have dark areas on the neck, shoulders and lower thighs. Adult males tend to be darker on average than females. They have upward-curving horns that are white with black tips, large ears, and black eyes.
  • Names: Family names are most commonly derived from the name of their ancestral hometown or the family profession. The family name is placed before the given name.
    • Female Names: Asha, Asmi, Bala, Erisha, Ila, Indu, Kashi, Lavi, Myra, Nisha.
    • Male Names: Akash, Amit, Falit, Ganesh, Gyan, Manan, Naren, Rajiv, Sachin, Tarak.
    • Surnames: Avipāla (shepherd), Ayaskāraḥ (blacksmith), Jālika (fisherman), Kṛṣaka (farmer), Māṃsika (butcher), Rakṣika (guard), Śilpakāraḥ (craftsman), Takṣakaḥ (carpenter), Vāṇijyaka (merchant), Vyādhaka (hunter)
  • Cultural Traits
    • On Guard: During the surprise round and before their first action in combat, Brahman Minotaurs can apply half of their Dexterity bonus (if any) to their AC. Further, they gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and when they are frightened or shaken, they only take a –1 penalty on their rolls instead of –2. (This trait may replace Natural Cunning)
    • Especially Helpful: Whenever Brahman Minotaurs use the aid another action to aid an adjacent ally, increase the bonus they grant their ally by 1.(This trait may replace Fast speed)
    • Hulking: Do to their size and weight Brahman Minotaurs gain a +1 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks made to overrun opponents, as well as a +1 racial bonus to their CMD against trip attempts. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
  • Fjäll Minotaur

  • Physical Description: Fjäll Minotaurs are the smallest, standing at just eight feet. They are natturally polled, meaning they have no horns. They are most often white (or whiteish grey), with points or color-sided, with or without flecking, being the most common patterns. Red or black are the most common colors for these patterns.
  • Names:Fjäll surnames are made up of two nature themed words or one nature themed word and a suffix (-ander/-andra, -ius/-ia, -us/-a, -er, -en, -in, -ell). When a Fjäll Minotaur joins the military they are given a new surname. This name is one word, based on characteristics of the individual, an animal, or the place where they are stationed, and chosen by thier commanding officer. Apon reaching journeyman status in a trade an additional surname is choosen. Generally, children are named after their same-sex parent's same-sex parent, then the opposite parent's parent, then the same-sex parent, then the same-sex parent's same-sex siblings in birth order, and so on. Large families are common.
    • Female Names: Alva, Ella, Elsa, Greta, Freja, Isabelle, Linnea, Maja, Sigrid, Stella.
    • Male Names: Arvid, Axel, Elias, Hugo, Jörgen, Lars, Nils, Noah, Oskar, Viktor.
    • Surname parts:
      • Nature words: Å (creek/stream,), Älv (river), Berg (hill), Björk (birch), Blad (leaf), Bräken (fern), Ek (oak), Gren (branch), Hage (pasture/field), Jord (earth/soil), Källa (spring), Lav (lichen), Lind (linden), Lung (grove), Mossa (moss), Sjö (lake), Sten (rock), Tall (pine), Träd (tree), Utsäde (seed).
      • Characteristic words: Björn (bear), Järv (wolverine), Lo (lynx), Lojala (loyal), Modig (brave), Rosett (bow), Skydda (shield), Spjut (spear), Stadig (steadfast), Stark (strong).
  • Cultural Traits
    • Naturally Polled: Fjäll are born without horns, and never develop them. Instead, they gain a +4 racial bonus on a specific type of combat maneuver check. (This trait replaces Natural Weapons.)
    • Mountain Guide: Fjäll maintain their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class while climbing and gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks when in mountainous areas. Knowledge (geography) is always a class skill for them. (This trait may replace Natural Cunning)
    • Highlander: Fjäll gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill for them. This bonus increases to +4 in hilly or rocky areas.(This trait may replace Fast speed)
    • Quick Appologies: When Fjäll fail a Diplomacy check by 5 or more and would cause an NPC’s attitude toward them to worsen, they can immediately attempt another Diplomacy check against the same DC as a free action. If they succeed at this second Diplomacy check, the character’s attitude doesn’t change, as though they had failed the original check by 4 or less. They can do this three plus their charisma modifier times per day. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
  • Highland Minotaur

  • Physical Description: Highland Minotaurs stand ten feet tall. They have long, shaggy, oily outer haircovering a downy undercoat, that is typacally black, red, white, or dun. They have long horns and especially long hair on the tops of their heads, forming bangs. Their eyes are typically brown, with black occuring more frequently in white, black, and grey Minotaurs. Their muzzle will either be black or match thier coat.
  • Names: If a female is the eldest among her siblings her second son will be given her father’s surname.
    • Female Names: Adwen, Anneth, Ebrel, Elowyn, Emblyn, Lamorna, Rosen, Senara, Tressa, Wenna
    • Male Names: Bowen, Brenin, Colan, Gwayne, Lowen, Merrin, Talan, Talek, Tremayne, Winwaloe
    • Surnames: Argall, Banes, Crewe, Ellis, Howell, Merrick, Pryce, Sayer, Trevor, Vaughan
  • Cultural Traits
    • Mountain Watch: In rocky or mountainous terrain, Highland Minotaurs reduce a single target’s effective level of concealment against them (from total concealment to concealment to not concealed) by studying their natural surroundings as a move action (as a swift action at 10th level). This reduced concealment ends immediately once the target moves from its current location. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
    • Mountain Raised: Highland Minotaurs gain a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks when looking for food or water and a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments. (This trait may replace Natural Cunning)
    • Community Minded: Highland Minotaurs gain a +1 trait bonus on skill checks to use the aid another action.(This trait may replace Fast speed)
  • Merinos Minotaur

  • Physical Description: Merinos have longer, narrower muzzles. Their noses and the inside of their ears are iether pinker or darker than the rest of their skin. They have fine, soft wool coats that typically vary from white to straw in color. Occasionally they will have long curly fur or black or brown wool. Their faces and limbs are black or white and have shorter fur on them. Their horns grow close to their head in a spiral or straight out with a twist.
  • Names: First names are referred to as forenames. the suffix -ina may be added to any male name to create a female name. Galloways use personal bynames instead of surnames, it is very rare for a name to be inherited. Personal bynames are usually just their occupation, the town they are from, or occasionally patronyms (meic- meaning 'child of'). Descriptive nicknames are also quite common (such as Ethan who lives by the river, one-eyed Ethan, or bad-tempered Ethan) and may become personal bynames.
    • Female Names: Agnes, Ailsa, Elspeth, Emilia, Fenella, Fiona, Hilda, Isla, Lyall, Mairi.
    • Male Names: Adair, Alban, Bryce, Calum, Ewan, Fergus, Fingal, Hamish, Muir, Rory.
    • Bynames: Allamhagh (from the wild field), Blár (from the battlefield), Cambéul (crooked mouth), Camdun (from the crooked hill), Camsròn (crooked nose), Clachair (stonemason), Coille (from the grove), Cruickshank (bent leg), Crum (bent), Darach (oak tree), Dubhglais (dark water, usually river), Druim (ridge), Dùnbarr (from the fort on the summit), Fairbairn (beautiful child), Faulkner (keeper of falcons), Fleisdeir (arrow maker), Gleann (from the valley), Grant (grand, tall, large, or great), Jardine (gardener), Logan (from the little hollow), Meicbeatha (child of life, commom among the clergy), Meicfold (orphan), Rusgairean (tanner), Rusgan (tanner).
  • Cultural Traits
    • Charging Gore: Merinos gain a +4 to attacks with their horns while charging instead of the usual +2. (This trait may replace Fast speed) (This trait may replace Natural Cunning)
    • Protective Nature: Merinos gain a +1 racial bonus to attack and damage rolls when defending a creature they perceive as weaker. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
    • Easy Survival: Merinos only require two-thirds of the food intake normally needed, and gain a +2 racial bonus to survival, which is always a class skill for them. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
  • Yak Minotaur

  • Physical Description: Yak Minotaur have longer faces than other Minotaur. They sport a long shaggy coat which is typically solid black. They have small ears and a wide forehead. Their smooth, dark colored horns sweep out from the sides of the head, and then curve forward. Yak Minotaur are hunch-backed.
  • Names: Traditionally, when a woman marries, she takes her husband's first name as her middle name, in addition to taking his family name. When friends talk to one another, they may show affection by appending "brother" (bhai, kumar or lal) or "sister" (ben or bahen) to their names.
    • Female Names: Aadhira, Hansika, Harini, Indira, Inrani, Kaashi, Kala, Lana, Leela, Mala
    • Male Names: Aadesh, Haresh, Harith, Indrajit, Ishir, Kairav, Kavish, Mahir, Nadeesh, Narsi
    • Surnames: Adarsh, Biswas, Desai, Doshi, Kamala, Maji, Malakar, Sadangi, Sahni, Yadav
  • Cultural Traits
    • Naturalist: Yak Minotaurs receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks and can make those checks untrained. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
    • Thick Hide: Yak Minotaurs gain a +2 natural armour bonus and a +4 racial bonus to saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments. In addition, you begin play with a cold-weather outfit at no cost.(This trait may replace Natural Cunning)
    • Story Teller:Yak Minotaurs gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, and Diplomacy checks, and can do so in half the normal time. In addition, Bluff, Diplomacy and Knowledge (History) are always class skills for you. (This trait may replace Fast speed)
  • Orcs

    Iwi, Sana, Ma'a and Witi Orcs.

    Orcs are seen by most as uncultured, uncivilized, and unruly. In truth, they are merely nomadic. They group into clans or extended families under the rule of a matriarch referred to as Grandmother (Kuia). This loose tribal organization keeps the orcs from being a military presence. Though they more than strong enough to defend themselves. Notable Achievements are indicated by tattoos, the more one has the high their rank.

    Orcish Racial Traits

  • Stats: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Intelgence
  • Medium: Orcs are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Damage Reduction: Orcs get damage reduction of 5 against bludgeoning and piercing weapons due to their tough, thick skin (DR 5/slashing).
  • Ferocity: An orc remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. It is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.
  • Scent (Ex): Orcs gain the scent ability.
  • Languages: Orcs begin play speaking Hau, Ua, or Waiata depending on what region they are from. Orcs with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
  • Physical Description: Orcs typically stand between 5' and 6'4" and weigh between 200 and 300 lbs. Their skin ranges from black or grey to browns and reddish browns. Their hair is generally black or dark brown. Females are larger and darker in color than males. Orc features are broad and they tend to have square-jaws with cleft chins. Males sometimes grow bristly beards along their jawline. They have batlike noses, tusk-like lower canines, and pointy ears. Tattoos are common among all orcs, they may be placed anywhere on the body, and are frequently found on the face.
  • Orcish Ethnicities

    Orc Height and Weight Chart
    Ethnicity Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier Height Range Weight Range
    IwiFemale6 ft.+2d3 in.290 lbs.+2d4×5 lbs.6'2–6'6300–330 lbs.
    IwiMale5 ft. 10 in.+2d3 in.270 lbs.+2d4×5 lbs.6'–6'4280–310 lbs.
    SanaFemale5 ft. 9 in.+1d4+1 in.220 lbs.+2d4×5 lbs.5'11–6'2230–260 lbs.
    SanaMale5 ft. 7 in.+1d4+1 in.210 lbs.+2d4×5 lbs.5'9–6'220–250 lbs.
    Ma'aFemale5 ft.+2d4 in.194 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'2–5'10208–250 lbs.
    Ma'aMale4 ft. 10 in.+2d4 in.185 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'–5'8199–241 lbs.
    WitiFemale5 ft. 8 in.+2d4 in.234 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'10–6'4248–290 lbs.
    WitiMale5 ft. 6 in.+2d4 in.224 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'8–6'2238–280 lbs.

    Iwi Orcs

  • Physical Description: Iwi Orcs typically stand between 6' and 6'4 and weigh around 300 lbs. Their skin is very dark grey or black and their hair is coarse, thick, and black. It is typically braided and decorated with beads or coated with a paste made from ochre; which lighter skin males and children will also use it as skin protection. They have amber, brown, or green eyes.
  • Tattoos: Geometrical patterns are common, usually placed on the dominant arm in bands, though some start on the pectoral muscle and spiral into bands on the arm. Each band represents a skill mastered or a great feat accomplished.
  • Names: A new name is coined for each child, with careful thought of its meaning. Often the name commemorates an incident at the time of birth, but children can be named after relatives. An orc might have several names, as they are changed with increases in status or accomplishments. Names beginning with Keliʻi-("Grandmother") or ending in -lani ("sky") are reserved for chiefs. The lowest social class, kauwā (slave), are only allowed to take simple names from natural objects. ka, ke, and nā are definite articles (the). They are commonly used in Iwi names. Nanikaua (glory of the rain), Kemanakoa (the powerful warrior), and Nāleokama (the noisy child) are some examples.
    • Name parts: ahi (fire), ala (path), aloha (love), anu (cool), hau (snow), hōkū (star), honua (earth), ipo (sweetheart), kai (ocean, sea), kani (sound), kau (cow, bull), keiki (child, youth), koa (warrior), leo (voice), lio (horse), makana (gift), makani (wind), mana (power), mele (song), nani (glory), one (sand), pua (flower, offspring), ua (rain), uhi (mist), wai (water).
  • Cultural Traits
    • Will to survive: Iwi Orcs gain Survival as a class skill and gain a +1 racial bonus on melee weapon attack and damage rolls when at negative hit points. (This trait may replace Scent or Damage Reduction)
    • Silent Hunter: Iwi Orcs reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty (this number includes the penalty reduction from this trait). (This trait may replace Ferocity).
    • Weapon Familiarity: Iwi Orcs are proficient with the Taiaha, Atlatl, and Wahaika, and treat any weapon with the word "orc" in its name as a martial weapon. (This trait may replace Scent or Damage Reduction).
  • Sana Orcs

  • Physical Description: Sana orcs are between 5'8 and 6' and weigh as much as 250 lbs. Their hair is typically black or dark brown and curly. Generally, it is braided tightly against the scalp to the ears with the rest left unsecured and unadorned, or braided on both sides of the head, including behind the ears, and a wide strip in the middle is left unsecured and unadorned. They have brown, green, or hazel eyes and grey or dark grey skin.
  • Tattoos: Sana tattoos are generally stylized murals depicting animals and nature scenes over large parts of the body. They use the widest array of color pigments.
  • Names: Each Sana infant is born already having a name; the day of the week that they are born on coupled with the time of day. Many descriptive nicknames are earned from friends and family alike (such as Clumsy, Chip-tusk, or Gangly). These names will follow them their whole life. At a coming of age ceremony in the month of their birth in their 14th year, they receive a new name. The number of syllables is dictated by family tradition; typically between three and five. for example Maslugla (Moon over sun or eclipse), Lamatoatlau (the sun's beauty is a mighty blade), or Alolealiu (love is not death). Additional syllables can be gained by powerful/important leaders/warriors/defeated enemies bestowing a part of their name on you. Repeating a syllable either intensifies it or turns it into a verb; i.e. doubling Fe (fear) becomes either terror or fearing. Only syllables that your mother's ancestors or your father's living relatives use can be used. While many tribes allow the child to chose their own name the elders still have final say.
    • Birth Names Day: Tasi (one), Lua (two), Tolu (three), Fa (four), Lima (five), Ono (six), Fitu (seven).
    • Birth Names Time: Vave (early), Taeao (morning/dawn), Aoauli (noon/midday), Afiafi (evening), Tuia (late), Po (night), Vaeluapo (midnight).
    • Names Parts: Al (love), At (might), Fe (fear), Fil (enemy), i (to/at), Iug (end), La (life/sun), Lap (club), Lau (blade), Le (will), Lea (not), Liu (death), Lo (under), Lug (over), Ma (with), Mai (from), Mal (strength), Mas (moon), Mat (beauty), Nu (victory), o (of/is), Oa (teach) Ol (joy), Sos (flee), Toi (defeat)
  • Cultural Traits
    • The Long Game: Sana orcs gain +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against opponents they have been fighting for more than three rounds. (This trait may replace Scent or Damage Reduction)
    • Master Nomad:Sana orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on Survival and Handle Animal checks, and Survival is always a class skill for them. Further, up to 10 animals and humanoids traveling with them can hustle or make a forced march for 1 hour longer than normal before taking nonlethal damage and becoming fatigued. (This trait may replace Scent or Damage Reduction).
    • Shepherd: Sana orcs a +2 racial bonus on all Intimidate checks made to demoralize opponents and a +2 racial bonus on all Perception checks to avoid being surprised. Further, they treat whips and nets as martial weapons and gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks. (This trait may replace Ferocity).
  • Ma'a Orcs

  • Physical Description: Ma'a orcs are between 5' and 5'8 and weigh as much as 250 lbs. Their hair is typically dark grey and worn in dreadlocks or many tight braids. They have brown, green, or hazel eyes and reddish-brown or brown-grey skin.
  • Tattoos: Ma'a tattoos are animal shapes and symbols with intricate details. The placement of each tattoo can affect the meaning. For example tattoos on the back are about the past, such as honoring an ancestor, or recounting a disaster. Lineage is often marked on the backs of the arms.
  • Names: Infants are named during the first Spring after their birth. They are anointed with the blood of an animal killed by their mother or one of her sisters. They are named after the hunter, the animal, or a quality of the animal. If the mother and aunts fail to hunt game the infant is anointed with the sap of a red plant and named after the plant or its qualities. When the child is old enough to hunt the must go on a hunt and bring back game, they then add to their name (the animal, a quality of the animal, or a quality/quirk displayed on the hunt). If they fail to do so by the end of spring they are anointed with the sap of a red plant and named after the plant, its qualities, or a negative quality/quirk displayed on the hunt. Finally, after they train in a useful skill (healing, leatherworking, flint knapping, ect.) they add to their name again, after their teacher, the skill they learned, or a quality needed to perform that skill.
    • Animal Names: I'a (fish), Lapiti (rabbit), Laumei (turtle), Luko (wolf), Puaa (pig), Tia (deer), Salu (quail), Uila (pheasant), U'u (bear), Ve'a (boar).
    • Quality Names: Agalelei (graceful), Alaoa (resourceful), Atamia (wise), Filemu (silent), Fufulu (wily), Laki (lucky), Leaga (fierce), Malosi (strong/mighty), Mamalu (majestic), Tamalii (noble), Toa (brave), Vave (swift).
    • Plant Names: Fefe (timid), Fugalaau (flower), Gūgū (dumb), Lalelei (skittish), Lau (leaf), Mitamita (proud), Paie (lazy), Telegese (slow), Vaivai (soft), Vao (bush).
    • Skill Names: Agalelei (gentle), Faamaoni (loyal), Kuka (cooking), La'au (shepherd), Lalaga (weaver), Matagofie (charming), Mausali (steadfast), Onosai (patient), Tala (storyteller), Vaneina (carving).
  • Cultural Traits
    • Mountain Walker: Ma'a Orcs gain a +4 racial bonus on Climb checks without rope and on Acrobatics checks to maintain balance. Climb is always a class skill. (This trait may replace Scent or Damage Reduction)
    • Iron Stomach: Orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made to resist nausea, the sickened condition, and disease. (This trait may replace Scent or Damage Reduction).
    • Stone Hide: Ma'a Orcs gain +2 natural armor and a +4 racial bonus to stealth checks, this bonus increases to +8 in rocky or mountainous terrain. (This trait may replace Ferocity).
  • Witi Orcs

    Physical Description: Witi orcs are as tall as 6'2 and weigh as much as 280 lbs. Their thick, wavey hair is typically black, but grey, reddish-brown, or brown are not un heard of. It is often decorated withflowers or tied back with a simple leather cord. They have amber, green, or hazel eyes and umber or dark copper skin.

  • Tattoos: Swirl-and-spiral style tattoos are common on both males and females. Most are placed between ankle and knee or wrist and elbow, but elders, leaders and great warriors will have them on thier face.
  • Names: Infant Witi orcs are given a ‘milk’ name until they reach their third year when they are given a proper name at the Sun Ceremony (Ko te Waahi Rua). After their first successful hunt they spend a year training under an experienced hunter, and at the next Sun Ceremony are granted a hunter’s/warrior’s name (passed down from a family member) or title depending on the tribe.
    • Female Names: Ahi (fire), Auahi (smoke), Honu (turtle), Okiha (ox), Poipoi (wave), Pokiha (fox), Te Ra (sunlight/day), Tia (deer), Uira (lightning), Whetu (stars)
    • Male Names: Hata (deer/stag), Kapura (fire), Ngaru (wave), Paowa (smoke), Rangi (sky/day/music), Taika (tiger), Toroa (albatross), Tupuhi (storm/squall), Whatitiri (thunder), Wuruhi (wolf)
    • 'Milk' Names: Anga (shell), Kiore (mouse/rat), Moko (lizard), Paru (dirt/mud), Poroka (frog/toad), Pupu (snail), Rakau (stick), Rau (leaves), Toka (rock), Uku (clay)
  • Cultural Traits
    • Haka: Witi orcs can perform a bewildering show of prowess as a full-round action, they make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see their display. Further, they add their Strength modifier to Intimidate skill checks in addition to their Charisma modifier. (This trait may replace Scent or Damage Reduction)
    • Weapon Familiarity: Iwi Orcs are proficient with the Taiaha, Terbutje, and great Terbutje, and treat any weapon with the word "orc" in its name as a martial weapon. (This trait may replace Scent or Damage Reduction).
    • Capitalizing on Weakness: Witi orcs deal an additional 1d6 points of precision damage on a successful melee attack when striking a creature they flank, or has lost it's Dex to AC. This bonus damage stacks with other sources of precision damage, such as sneak attack. This bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. (This trait may replace Ferocity).
  • Xuilan

    Xiulan are humanoid plants originally grown as royal assassins and guards.

    Xuilan Racial Traits

  • Stats: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
  • Medium: Xiulan are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Plant: Xiulan are plants. They breathe and eat, but do not sleep, instead they cover their feet in soil (they regain spells this way). They may engage in simple tasks such as reading, writing, or gear matanence so long as they do not uncover their feet.
  • Normal Speed: Xiulan have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Plant Imunities: Xiulan are immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms), paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning.
  • Low-light Vision: Members of this race can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.
  • Light Dependent: Xiulan are heavily light dependent and so take 1d4 points of Constitution damage each day they go without exposure to sunlight (magical or true).
  • Languages: Xiulan begin play speaking Yun Shen. Xiulan with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
  • Xiulan Ethnicities

    Orchid, Lily, Iris and Lotus Xiulan.
    Xiulan Height and Weight Chart
    Ethnicity Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier Height Range Weight Range
    OrchidMale5 ft.+1d6 in.950 lbs.+2d4×5 lbs.5'1–5'6105–145 lbs.
    OrchidFemale4 ft. 11 in.+1d6 in.90 lbs.+2d4×5 lbs.5'–5'5100–140 lbs.
    LilyMale3 ft. 6 in.+2d4 in.150 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'–5'490–135 lbs.
    LilyFemale3 ft. 5 in.+2d4 in.145 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.3'–5'490–135 lbs.
    IrisMale3 ft. 5 in.+2d4 in.120 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'2–5'490–115 lbs.
    IrisFemale3 ft. 3 in.+2d4 in.90 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'2–5'490–115 lbs.
    LotusMale3 ft. 11 in.+2d4 in.165 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'–5'5100–135 lbs.
    LotusFemale3 ft. 9 in.+2d4 in.135 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'–5'5100–135 lbs.

    Orchid Xiulan

  • Physical Description: Orchid Xiulan look completely human, except for the orchids growing on either side of their head. Standing between 5' and 5’6 they are petite with soft features, a very prominent nose bridge, and less pronounced cheekbones. They weight between 100 and 145 lbs. Orchid Xiulan have large, expressive eyes with central heterochromia (a ring of a second color around the iris). The main color of the eye is usually dark brown or black, while the inner ring is typically blue, green, or grey. Their hair runs from medium brown to black and their skin from beige to olive-brown.
  • Names: Orchids Xiulan use the name of the type of orchids blooming on thier head as a surname. Their first names are often a single sylable.
    • Female Names: Ah, Ai, An, Bao, Bo, Fa, Fen, Fu, Hua, Hai.
    • Male Names: Da, Fa, Fai, Guo, Hai, Han, Ho, Ji, Jia, Jin.
    • Surnames: Chǐ shé (toothed-tongue), Chuán (boat), É (moth), Hǔ (tiger), Nǚshì dì tuōxié (lady's slipper), Píng yè (flat-leaved), Quánshuǐ (springwater), Tiàowǔ nǚshì (dancing-lady), Xiāngcǎo (vinilla), Xīng (star).
  • Cultural Traits
    • Hide in Plain Sight (Su): Orchid Xiulan can use the Stealth skill even while being observed and without cover or concealment. As long as she is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, she can hide from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. She cannot, however, hide in her own shadow. (This trait may replace Plant Immunities).
    • Improvised Weapon Mastery: Orchid Xiulan gain Improvised Weapon Mastery as a bonus feat (This trait may replace Low-light Vision).
  • Lily Xiulan

  • Physical Description: Lily Xiulan look mostly human, in addition to the lilies growing on either side of their head they have unusually long fingers, and pale green tinged skin. While they also have central heterochromia, they have three color rings instead of two. The main color of the eye is usually blue or green, while the inner and outer rings are typically dark brown, black, or grey. They rarely stand taller than 5'4 and weight between 90 and 135 lbs. Their hair is typically black but may have streaks of white, or the most prominent color of their flower.
  • Names: The prefix Ah- (it has no distinct meaning, but it can be prefixed to another name to make it a diminutive) is often used by nobles that employ Lily Xiulan when they use the Xiulan's given name. The name Yuri (meaning lily) is added after the surname to more easily distinguish them in paperwork. Girls names are ended with -ko (meaning child) and boys names with -ruo (meaning son). Close friends will often replace these suffixes with -tomo (meaning friend). Both surnames and given names are created out of a pool of name parts. Surnames are often made up of parts meaning numbers and colors; some believe it to be a holdover from their original creation. Surnames may be as long as eight syllables, while given names can only be five, before adding the suffix. (Example: Nonreiyako Sabuchigomomokuro, the sound of a bell at night, four thousand five hundred black; Aikaruo Rukuao, an indigo flower, six green).
    • Name parts: Ai (indigo), Aka (red), Ao (green, blue), Asu (tomorrow), Chi (thousand), Go (five), Hachi (eight), ichi (one), Ji (two), Jun (obedience), Juu (ten), Ka (fragrance, flower), Ken (healthy, strong), ki (yellow, tree, valuable), Kou (peace), Ku (nine), Kuro (black), Mi (beautiful), Moe (bud, sprout), Momo (hundred), Mori (forest), Mu (dream, vision), Non (sound), Rei (bell, wise), Ri (pear), Roku (six), Sa (blossom), Sabu (three), Shi (four), Shichi (seven), Shiro (white), Shizu (quiet), Sumi (clear), Ta (thick, big), Ya (night), Yo (world).
  • Cultural Traits
    • Touch of Serenity (su):It must declare that Touch of Serenity is being used before the attack roll is made (thus a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). On a successful hit, the attack deals no damage and bestows no other effect or condition, but the target cannot cast spells or attack (including attacks of opportunity and attacks as immediate actions) for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Will saving throw with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Lily Xiulan's character level + their Wisdom modifier. They may attempt a Touch of Serenity once per day for every four levels they have attained (or once per day for every level of monk), and no more than once per round. (This trait may replace Plant Immunities).
    • Improved Unarmed Strike: Lily Xiulan gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat (This trait may replace Low-light Vision).
  • Iris Xiulan

  • Physical Description: If not for the iris growing on either side of their head Iris Xiulan could easily pass for human. They have the least variation in size of all the Xiulan; standing between 5'2 and 5'4, and weighing between 90 and 115 lbs. Their hair is black but has tints of red, blue, or purple. The colors of the irises of their eyes match the colors of their flowers. This means that their eyes may be a single color or as many as three colors. The most common are purple with yellow around the inner ring. Their skin runs from fawn to tawny.
  • Names: Iris Xiulan are named after important relitives and ancesters. Each Iris Xiulan has a one or two syloble surname that they attach a a suffix to the name of the noble family they serve.
    • Female Names: Kanda, Kanya, Kulap, Lawan, Malai, Mali, Ratree, Sasithorn, Sukhon, Ubon.
    • Male Names: Arthit, Klahan, Prasert, Preecha, Sakchai, Somsak, Suchart, Sunan, Thanksin, Wattana.
    • Surnames: -ar, -cha, -chai, -ka, -ku, -pra, -sak, -sakhon, -sas, -wat.
  • Cultural Traits
    • Superb Feint: If an Iris Xiulan makes a successfully feint, their opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC until the end of the Xiulan's turn. (This trait may replace Plant Immunities).
    • Weapon Familiarity: Iris Xiulan are proficient with Fighting fans, Nine-section whips, Rope darts, and Urumi. (This trait may replace Low-light Vision).
  • Lotus Xiulan

  • Physical Description: Standing between 5' and 5'5 and weighing between 100 and 135 lbs, Lotus Xiulan are the most stocky of all the Xiulan. Their hair, which runs from medium brown to black, contrasts strikingly with the, usually, white and/or pink lotus growing on either side of their head. The colors of the irises of their eyes are the most normal of the Xiulan, the inner ring typically being a darker shade of the same color as the main part. Dark and light blue are the most common pair with greens and brown with amber being the next most common. If the two rings are different colors grey, amber, or black are the secondary color. Their skin runs from porcelain to russet, always with a pink/red undertone.
  • Names: In place of surnames Lotus Xiulan use Zài de fúwù (in the service of) and the family name of the noble they serve, if they no longer have a master they use Rōnin and if they were born free they use Yěshēng de (of the Wild). A Xiulan freed of her service might use Gōngmín zìyóu (Free citizen).
    • Female Names: Arya, Devi, Esha, Jaya, Kasi, Lina, Mala, Rani, Reva, Shri.
    • Male Names: Anuj, Dev, Indra, Jai, Kishor, Navin, Nirva, Rakesh, Ravi, Sashi.
  • Cultural Traits
    • Sun Heal: Lotus Xiulan can heal themselves when exposed to sunlight. In sunlit conditions (magical or true), once per day as a standard action, the Lotus Xiulan can heal 2 points of damage per character level. Using this ability also provides the Lotus Xiulan with one meal’s worth of nourishment. (This trait may replace Plant Immunities).
    • Amphibious: Lotus Xiulan are amphibious and can breathe both air and water (This trait may replace Low-light Vision).
  • Humans

    Humans are the most common and diverse race.

    Human Racial Traits

  • Stats: +2 to any one stat
  • Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
  • Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
  • Languages: Humans begin play speaking the dominate language of their region of origin. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
  • Human Ethnicities

    As both the Bonus Feat and Skilled are worth 4 RP any Cultural Traits package may replace either of them (if you wish to model core equivalent races).

    Human Height and Weight Chart
    Ethnicity Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier Height Range Weight Range
    AmazonsBoth6 ft.+1d12 in.180 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.6'1–7'194–236 lbs.
    AyleansMale5 ft. 2 in.+1d6 in.100 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'3–5'8114–156 lbs.
    AyleansFemale5 ft.+1d6 in.93 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'1–5'6107–149 lbs.
    MéngMale5 ft. 2 in.+2d4 in.125 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'3–5'10139–181 lbs.
    MéngFemale5 ft.+2d4 in.115 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'1–5'8129–171 lbs.
    NiǎoMale5 ft. 5 in.+1d4 in.98 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'6–5'9112–154 lbs.
    NiǎoFemale5 ft. 3 in.+1d4 in.92 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'4–5'7109–151 lbs.
    Shī rénMale5 ft.+2d4 in.105 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'2–5'8119–160 lbs.
    Shī rénFemale4 ft. 9 in.+2d4 in.98 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.4'11–5'5100–154 lbs.
    JiyūMale5 ft. 1 in.+2d4 in.98 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'3–5'9100–154 lbs.
    JiyūFemale4 ft. 11 in.+2d4 in.90 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'1–5'7104–146 lbs.
    RénMale5 ft.+2d4 in.96 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'2–5'8110–142 lbs.
    RénFemale4 ft. 10 in.+2d4 in.90 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'–5'6104–146 lbs.
    TōminMale4 ft. 10 in.+1d4 in.90 lbs.+2d4×5 lbs.4'11–5'2100–140 lbs.
    TōminFemale4 ft. 7 in.+1d4 in.80 lbs.+2d4×5 lbs.4'8–4'1190–130 lbs.
    HuanMale5 ft. 5 in.+2d4 in.99 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'3–5'10113–155 lbs.
    HuanFemale5 ft.+2d4 in.90 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'2–5'8104–146 lbs.
    ŞahinMale5 ft. 4 in.+2d4 in.111 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'6–6'125–167 lbs.
    ŞahinFemale5 ft.+2d4 in.101 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'2–5'8115–157 lbs.
    DoğanMale5 ft.+2d4 in.101 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'2–5'8115–157 lbs.
    DoğanFemale4 ft. 10 in.+2d4 in.95 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'–5'6109–151 lbs.
    Bjerg FolkeMale5 ft. 4 in.+2d6 in.120 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'6–6'6134–176 lbs.
    Bjerg FolkeFemale5 ft. 2 in.+2d6 in.110 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'4–6'4124–166 lbs.
    Lave LandereMale5 ft. 4 in.+2d6 in.110 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'6–6'6124–166 lbs.
    Lave LandereFemale5 ft. 2 in.+2d6 in.100 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'4–6'4114–156 lbs.
    JibadeMale5 ft. 6 in.+2d6 in.105 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'8–6'8119–161 lbs.
    JibadeFemale5 ft. 4 in.+2d6 in.100 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'6–6'6114–156 lbs.
    ThamiriMale5 ft. 4 in.+2d4 in.125 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'6–6'4139–181 lbs.
    ThamiriFemale5 ft. 2 in.+2d4 in.115 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'4–6'2129–171 lbs.
    BadawiMale5 ft. 4 in.+2d6 in.110 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'6–6'6124–166 lbs.
    BadawiFemale5 ft. 2 in.+2d6 in.100 lbs.+2d4×7 lbs.5'4–6'4114–156 lbs.


  • Physical Description:Amazons stand between 6' and 7' feet tall with powerful, lean builds. They have a narrow and often slightly aquiline nose. Their faces are long and square, with a strong jaw and prominent brow. They typically have curly brown or black hair and amber, green, brown, or black eyes. They have an olive complexion, between tan and bronze, with pink to reddish undertones.
  • Names: Amazon names are not gender-specific, and they do not have surnames. They are known to create unique or uncommon names in a variety of ways, often combining parents' or grandparents' first names (Abraxas and Elektra might result in Elebrax) or combining existing names together to get the meaning they want.
    • Names: Abraxas, Callias, Chloe, Eirene, Hero, Ira, Jordi, Kalidas, Leonidas, Melitta, Myrrine, Nikanor, Phoibe, Sappho, Tyche, Vander, Xanthe, Xylon, Zan, Zephir.
  • Cultural Traits
    • Strong but Arrogant: Amazons receive a +2 racial bonus to Strength, and a -2 penalty to Charisma.
    • Phalanx: Amazons are used to living and fighting communally with other Amazons. Up to two Amazons can share the same square at the same time. If two Amazons that are occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares. Further, all Amazons are proficient with Spears, Shortswords, bows, and shields.
  • Ayleans

  • Physical Description: Aylean men are on average 5’6, and women are around 5’2. They have hook noses and very large, typically dark or medium brown eyes with thick eyelashes. Their brow is strong and their faces are oval shaped. They have black or very dark brown hair that normally has a lot of volume and some wave or curls. Their skin is olive colored or light brown.
  • Names: A name for a male citizen consisted of three parts: given name, name of the family and name of a branch within the family. The family and branch names are virtually always hereditary. Females are officially known by the feminine form of their father's family name, followed by the feminine of their father's (husband's if married) branch name and an indication of birth order among sisters. So, Amatia Pinaria Prima is the eldest daughter of Atticus Amatius Helvetius, and wife of Tiberius Marcius Pinarius.
    • Male Names: Alexander, Atticus, Augustus, Cornelius, Dexterus, Donatus, Julianus, Luscious, Phineas, Thaddeus, Tiberius
    • Official Female Names: Prima, Dula, Trica, Quarteta, Quinna, Septia, Octavia, Nina, Deca
      • Female Names: Alexandria, Augustina, Camilla, Cassia, Drusilla, Julia, Luscia, Maxima, Phinea, Valentina
    • Family/Branch Names: Arrius, Atrius, Balventius, Calvisius, Cantilius, Duronius, Fabius, Gavius, Horatius, Junius, Modius, Nigidius, Oppius, Paprius, Salvius, Stertinius, Titius, Trebatius, Varius, Victricius.
  • Cultural Traits
    • Proper Respect: Ayleans know how to show proper respect to their betters, and how to garner respect from their subordinates. Ayleans gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for them.
    • Comprehensive Education: Ayleans gain all Knowledge skills as class skills, and they gain a +1 racial bonus on skill checks for each Knowledge skill that they gain as a class skill from their class levels.
  • Dao Ming


  • Physical Description: Méng men are larger in build, and taller than other Dao (5’7” on average), while the women are voluptuous and curvy. Their hair color varies from red-brown to black. Their faces are much larger, with bigger foreheads and larger cheeks. Their eyes are usually dark brown, and their skin is between light sand and warm umber.
  • Names: The Méng do not have family names. Méng names usually consist of two adjectives or nouns, which in Méng grammar form a single word. This combination is supposed to represent qualities of the child. Names are often combined with suffixes used only for personal names, such as -dai, -ge/gei and -der for boys and -jin, -tani, -maa and -lun for girls. Names are often shortened by friends and family, most commonly by choosing one of the parts of the name and adding a vowel, melting it into one or adding the suffix -ka.( Batbayar to Bataa, Baka, Bayaa or Yaraa; Altansarnai to Altaa, Tanaa, Saraa, or Naika) There is also a tradition of giving names with unpleasant qualities (Taboo Names) to children that are sickly or born to a couple whose previous child had died, to avoid misfortune and confuse evil spirits.
    • Nouns: Abaqa (Uncle), Amur (Peace), Baatar (Hero), Bayar/Jirgal (happiness), Bolad/Bold/Gan (Steel), Bolor (crystal), Buqa (Bulls), Chimeg (Decoration/ornament), Chuluun (Stone), Engke/Enkh (Peace), Erdene (Jewel), Esen (Good Health), Gerel (Light), Hulagu (Surplus), Kesig/Öljei (Blessing), Möngke/Mönkh (Eternity), Naran (Sun), Nasu (Long Life), Od (Star), Oyuun (Mind/Wisdom), Saran (Moon), Sarnai (Rose), Sükh (Ax), Temür/Tömör (Iron), Tsetseg (Flower), Tulga (Hearth), Tuyaa (Ray/Beam), Zorig (Courage)
    • Adjectives: Altan (Golden), Bat/Batu (firm), Berke (Hardness), Chagha’an (White), Köke (Blue), Otgon (youngest), Qara (Black), Saikhan (Fine), Toqto'a (Stability), Tungalag (Clear), Uran (Artistic)
    • Taboo Names: Enebish (Not This One), Khenbish (Nobody), Khulan (onager, wild donkey), Khünbish (Not A Human Being), Medekhgüi (I Don't Know), Muunokhoi (Vicious Dog), Nekhii (Sheepskin), Nergüi (No Name), Ogtbish (Not At All), Terbish (Not That One)
  • Cultural Traits
    • Heart of the Steppe: Méng gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks, and once per day, they may ignore an effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted.
    • Nomadic Sheppard: Méng gain a +2 racial bonus on Survival, Knowledge (geography) and Handle Animal checks, and Survival is always a class skill for them. Further, up to 10 animals traveling with them can hustle or make a forced march for 1 hour longer than normal before taking nonlethal damage and becoming fatigued.
  • Niǎo

  • Physical Description: Niǎo have high, full cheeks, longer noses and more oval shaped faces. They also have smaller eyes without an epicanthic fold. They tend to be taller, about 5’7” for men and 5’5” women. Their skin tends range between sandy beige and copper.
  • Names: Most given names consist of two syllables. One of the two characters in a given name is shared by all people in a family generation. Niǎo names are not gender-specific.
    • First Syllable: Bo, Da, Dong, Ki, Kyung, Man, Mun, Shi, Soon, Woo
    • Second Syllable: A, Gi, Hye, Jin, Nam, Seok, Sun, Tae, Won, Yoon
    • Family Names: Bak, Choi, Chung, Jung, Kim, Lee, Pak, Rhee, Yi
  • Cultural Traits
    • Observers of the Natural World: Niǎo gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Knowledge (Nature) checks, and Perception is always a class skill for them. Additionally, they gain a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws against illusion effects.
    • From Three Kingdoms: Choose One:
      • Romantic: Niǎo with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence those who might be romantically attracted to them, a +2 racial bonus to one category of Perform checks and a +2 racial bonus to any Knowledge checks that deal with the local music scene. Diplomacy is always a class skill for them.
      • World Wise: Niǎo with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for them. Further, three times per day when attempting a skill check for a skill they’re untrained in, they can roll twice and take the better result.
      • One of the Multitude: Niǎo with this trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks when within 10 feet of at least two other humanoids. They gain a +1 racial bonus on attacks of opportunity made while flanking.
  • Shī rén

  • Physical Description: Shī rén features are round, with a square jaw line. Their skin tends to be lighter, between tan and golden sand.
  • Names: The Shī rén have the surname Shīzi, meaning lion, for males and Mǔ shī, meaning lioness, for females. This was enacted in order to eradicate the categorizing of people to their caste and/or occupation by their last names. It also emphasizes equality among the Shī rén and gives them a group identity.
    • Male Names: Agni, Amar, Bala, Durai, Ganesh, Hari, Isha, Kama, Kavi, Raj
    • Female Names: Amala, Asha, Avani, Ila, Kala, Lila, Malini, Neha, Rajani, Sati
  • Cultural Traits
    • Philosophy of Nonviolence: Shī rén can use any weapon to deal nonleathal damage without penalty and they are profiecent with the whip and net. Further, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Heal checks and Heal is always a class skill for them.
    • Ritual Etiqitte: All interactiona are set ceremonies, and everyone knows how to play thier part. Shī rén can usea Perform (Acting or Oratory) in place Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidation with people of high social standing.
  • Jiyū

  • Physical Description: Jiyū tend to have wavy hair, round eyes and high cheekbones. They have wide flat features and are naturally muscular. Their skin ranges between copper and sienna.
  • Names: Surnames are usually taken from the surname or the given name of the father and are generally monosyllabic. Given names may be as long as five syllables, long names are created by adding short names together (i.e., Sokvanna, Kirimara)
    • Male Names: Amara, Bona, Chann, Darany, Heng, Kiri, Nimol, Prak, Rith, Sann
    • Female Names: Ary, Botum, Da, Jorani, Maly, Nuon, Sobin, Sok, Vanna, Veata
    • Family Names: Ben, Chen, Din, Keo, Khin, Mao, Myu, Tang, Tat, Yun
  • Cultural Traits
    • Inpentrable Faith: Jiyū gain a +1 racial bonus on Will saves against divine spells and spell-like effects employed against them by devotees of Other faiths.
    • Mana Flow: Jiyū gains a pool of ki points equal to their Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). They can spend and regain ki points as a monk, however they can not make ki strikes. If they gain a ki pool later, they gain half their Wisdom bonus (minimum 1) as bonus ki points to their ki pool.
    • Herbalist: Jiyū gain a +2 racial bonus on Heal and Knowledge (Nature) checks, and Heal is always a class skill for them.
  • Rén

  • Physical Description: Rén features are rounder than other Dao, with a square-ish jawline. Their skin tends to be darker, between medium beige and sienna.
  • Names: Ren names consist of a surname, which comes first, followed by a personal name. Both are usually monosyllabic.
    • Male Names: Bang, Cheng, Fu, Gou, Jin, Jun, Li, Ping, Tai, Yong
    • Female Names: Ai, Fen, Ju, Lan, Mei, Nuan, Su, Wen, Xiu, Yin
    • Family Names: Bao, Cheng, Kuang, Liang, Mao, Pan, Shen, Wan, Yang, Zheng
  • Cultural Traits
    • Comprehensive Education: Rén gain all Knowledge skills as class skills, and they gain a +1 racial bonus on skill checks for each Knowledge skill that they gain as a class skill from their class levels. Additionally, they can speak and read two additional languages of your choice.
    • Defence Training: Rén gain a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to CMD.
  • Tōmin

  • Physical Description: Tōmin have flatter, oval face and less prominent noses. They also have larger eyes and less pronounced cheekbones. Their skin ranges from a light sandy color to golden bronze.
    • Male Names: Akio, Daichi, Haruki, Hibiki, Itsuki, Kaito, Katashi, Kenji, Nobu, Riku
    • Female Names: Ai, Aki, Emi, Hana, Haru, Hikari, Izumi, Kiku, Midori, Rei
    • Family Names: Akiyama, Fujioka, Hamasaki, Kagome, Kawaguchi, Matsuoka, Mori, Nakano, Sato, Tachibana
  • Cultural Traits
    • Insular: Tōmin gain a +2 racial bonus on attack rolls and skill checks to use the aid another action to aid other Tōmin. However, they may only start with Saezuri; if they have high Intelligence scores, they can select their bonus languages from among Shuōhuà, Nói Nhỏ, Nùhǒu, and Nolea.
    • Ways of Life: Choose one:
      • Samurai: Tōmin with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus to Profession (Soldier), and on Survival checks to navigate or follow tracks. Further, they gain a +1 bonus to Will saves vs. fear effects.
      • Jizamurai: Tōmin with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus to Profession (Farmer), and on Survival checks to locate food and water; Profession (Farmer) is always a class skill for them. Further, they receive a +1 bonus on all Constitution checks.
      • Fishermen: Tōmin with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus to Profession (Sailor), and on Survival checks to locate food (this bonus doubles when near a body of water); Profession (Sailor) is always a class skill for them. Further, in matters related to the ocean, they gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (nature) checks.
  • Huan

  • Physical Description: Huan have round features, with a flatter, wider nose. They have a wide face with larger eyes with a puffy epicanthic fold. Their skin tends range between tawny beige and deep copper.
  • Name: To indicate a person's generation brothers and sisters share the same middle name, distinguishing them from the generation before and after them. To separate branches of a big family a middle name may be added to the Family name.
    • Male Names: An, Bâo, Chí, Hùng, Nguyên, Quân, Thanh, Vân, Vinh, Xuân
    • Female Names: Cam, Hoa, Kim, Lan, Liên, Mai, Thu, Tién, Tú, Yên
    • Male Middle Name: Chí, Công, Dinh, Minh, Nhung, Quang, Thành, Trai, Văn, Viên
    • Female Middle Name: Bình, Châu, Chi, Huệ, Lành, Linh, Phương, Thi, Trúc, Vinh
    • Family Names: Bùi, Hồ, Huỳnh, Kim, Lê, Pham, Ngô, Tiêu, Trần, Vũ
  • Cultural Traits
    • Piety: Huan receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks and Knowledge (religion) is always a class skill for them. In addition, once per day before attempting an attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check, a Huan can call out to their deity in order to receive a +2 racial bonus on that roll; they can use this ability only if they are able to speak.
    • Industrious: Huan gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks and checks with their choice of one Craft or Profession skill.
  • Şahin (shah hin)

  • Physical Description: Şahin men are 5’8” and women are 5’4”. They have defined cheekbones and a high, arched bridge of the nose. Their eyebrows are prominent and their faces are oval shaped. They have brown, black, or occasionally red hair. Their skin is dark tan to medium brown.
  • Names: Surnames are patronymic with -oğlu ("child of") or if nobility/royalty -zade ("descendant in the line"). Married women carry both their maiden and husband's surnames.
    • Female Names: Arzu, Asli, Eda, Esra, Irem, Lale, Naz, Sila, Sule, Zehra
    • Male Names: Asil, Aziz, Baki, Bakir, Demir, Erol, Eser, Ozan, Tahir, Timur
  • Cultural Traits
    • Cossak: Once per day, when they succeed at a Ride check, the Şahin can attempt an immediate Intimidate check against the nearest foe. If they fail this check, the DC of their next Intimidate check against that opponent does not increase (as it normally would). Additionally, While riding any horse bareback, the Şahin are treated as though they are riding it with a riding saddle (placing any actual saddle upon the horse negates this benefit).
    • Plains Nomad: the Şahin gain a +2 racial bonus on Survival, Knowledge (Geography) and Knowledge (Nature), and Survival is always a class skill for them. Further, they receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.
  • Doğan (doh jan)

  • Physical Description: Doğan men are 5’4” and women are 5’2”. They have high cheekbones, full lips, and a high, arched down-turned nose. Their eyebrows and eyelashes are thick. They have brown or black hair and medium brown skin.
  • Names: The Doğan have two surnames; one from each parent. The father's first surname is written first (with the suffix -ová added for daughters) and the mother's first surname second. If they are descended from royalty they will add that person's surname to the end of their own on official documents, or if they want to make an impression. Women do not take on their husband's name when married.
    • Female Names: Azar, Banu, Donya, Jahel, Kiana, Laleh, Mina, Sahar, Tarsa, Zhila
    • Male Names: Amir, Basir, Bijan, Izad, Kasra, Mir, Omid, Reza, Sajad, Zand
    • Surnames: Akdemir, Asani, Aslan, Başar, Çoban, Demir, Ekren, Ekşi, Eriş, Farhi, Gür, Hanım, Haşim, Kaldırım, Karakaş, Kaş, Özdemir, Özkök, Şakir, Taş
  • Cultural Traits
    • Trick Riding: Doğans gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics, Handle Animal and Ride checks when dealing with horses. Further, any horse trained by them gains an aditional trick.
    • Song and Story: The Doğans are exposed to a wide variety of tales, from both home and abroad. Doğans gain a +2 racial bonus on Perform (singing and storytelling), and Knowlegde (History). Additionally, Once per day, they can make a Knowledge check (even if they are untrained) with a trait bonus equal to their Intelligence modifier plus 3 (minimum +1).
  • Bjerg Folke

  • Physical Description: Bjerg Folke are tall and thick bodied. They tend to have somewhat wavy hair of red, blond or light brown and green or blue eyes. Their skin is fair or reddish, and often tan from the sun.
  • Names: Bjerg Folke name their children after a deceased relative or hero; the child is believed to inherit with the name the gifts or personality of their namesake. Surnames are patronymic with -søn and –sen indicating ‘son of’ and –dóttir, -dotter and –datter indicating ‘daughter of’.
    • Female Names: Astrid, Brynhild, Gunnvor, Hilde, Ingrid, Ragnhild, Sigrid, Solveig, Torunn, Vigdis
    • Male Names: Arne, Bjorn, Eirick, Gunnar, Harald, Ivar, Magnus, Sigurd, Stienar, Valdemar
  • Cultural Traits
    • Heart of the Mountains: Bjerg Folke gain a +2 racial bonus on Climb checks and Acrobatics checks to move on narrow surfaces and uneven ground. Furthermore, they are considered acclimated to the effects of high altitude.
    • Imposing: Bjerg Folke gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for them. Further, they add Strength bonus to intimidate checks.
  • Lave Landere

  • Physical Description: The Lave Landeres are tall and slender with narrow noses. They have fair skin, wavy blond or brown hair and green or blue eyes.
  • Names: Lave Landeres use two part names that differs from that of others in the family by changing one element in the name. Surnames are patronymic with -poika indicating ‘son of’ and –tytär indicating ‘daughter of’.
    • First Part: Blad-, Brun/Bryn-, Ek-, Falk/Falken-, Finn-, Fors-, Gran-, Grav-, Gunn-, Hall-, Holm(e)-, Ing-, Nor-, Øster-, Rose-, Sig-, Sønder-, Stor-, Sund-, Wester-
    • Second Part Female: -blad, -foss/voss, -grav, -gren, -heim/hem, -löv, -neer/ner, -nor/nørre, -øster, -ros/rosen, -rud, -sølv, -smede, -sønder, -wester
    • Second Part Male: -biôrn, -fors, -geirr, -graven, -hell, -kron, -löf, -myr, -neder, -ness, -nord/norden, -øster, -ryd, -ström, -vester
  • Cultural Traits
    • Heart of the Wilderness: Lave Landeres gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 racial bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them.
    • Warrior's Blood: Lave Landeres gain a +1 racial bonus on initiative and a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks. Further, they gain +1 weapon damage whenever a morale bonus to attack is in effect.
  • Jibade

  • Physical Description: The Jibade are tall and slender with a long skull. They have a narrow and often slightly hooked nose. Dark hair and eyes are prevalent as is an olive complexion.
  • Names: As the Jibade do not use surnames it is common to apply an epithet to help distinguish people with the same name, such as Aa ("great" or eldest), Hery-ib (the one in the middle) and Nedjes ("small" or youngest). Similarly, people often included the name of their father (Ir-en meaning "of his body") or mother (Mes-en meaning "born of"). Nicknames and abbreviations are also common.
    • Female Names: Aziza, Kamilah, Mariasha, Nabirye, Rehema, Sagira, Sahirah, Sekhet, Tahirah, Zalika
    • Male Names: Amsi, Aten, Hamadi, Jahi, Kaphiri, Omari, Sebak, Sekani, Tehuti, Yafeu
  • Cultural Traits
    • Pharaoh's Blood: Jibade gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks, a +2 racial bonus on any saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions, and a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws against fire effects.
    • Alchemy Expert: Jibade gain the Brew Potion feat. Further, They can choose one 1st-level spell from the bard, cleric, druid, or sorcerer/wizard spell list and may create potions of this spell as if it were on their spell list.
    • Weapon Familiarity: Jibad are proficient with khopeshs, bows, spears, and cresent axes.
  • Thamiri

  • Physical Description: The Thamiri are tall and lean in their youth but gain weight as they age. They have almond shaped eyes which are usually brown but may be hazel or green as well. Their hair is curly or wavy and either black or dark brown. They have high cheekbones, circular faces, and sharp features. Their skin is a sun-kissed light brown.
  • Names: The Thamiri use titles in place of surnames, although some titles can be inherited. El- meaning ‘the’ is the most common preface for a title. An ‘i’ is often added to the end of a noun, like a place name, to use it to describe a person (El-Yafiri means the one from Yafir).
    • Female Names: Aisha, Amani, Basira, Dalal, Isra, Janan, Karima, Laila, Nadira, Rasima
    • Male Names: Amir, Aziz, Basir, Faraj, Jabir, Nadir, Nizar, Omar, Rasim, Sharif
  • Cultural Traits
    • Dragon's Eye: Thamiri receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks to notice coins, gems, jewelry, and valuable trade goods. They gain a chance to notice such goods whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
    • Desert Born: Thamiri gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth and Survival checks while within the desert. Further, they receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue, exhaustion, or ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments.
  • Badawi

  • Physical Description: Badawi are tall and slight with oval faces, straight noses and thin lips. Their hair ranges from medium to dark brown and tends to be wavy. They have brown or hazel eyes. Their skin is a dark olive.
  • Names: Badawi use prefixes and suffixes to differentiate between people with the same name.
    • Female Names: Ava, Azar, Dana, Leila, Nahid, Nasrin, Parisa, Parvaneh, Roshan, Shirin
    • Male Names: Azad, Baraz, Ehsan, Hadi, Jahan, Javed, Mahdi, Navid, Omid, Yaser
    • Prefixes: Haji- (pilgrim), Jenaab- (sir, excellency), Khan- (honored person), Mir- (royal descent), Ostad- (person who is master of a profession)
    • Suffixes: -i (creates an adjective), -ian (creates a plural adjective), -an (plural), -pour (military descent), -zadeh (descendant of), -nezhad/nejad (of race/clan), -nia (His/Her highness), -far (the light of), -bakhsh (granted by), -dad (given by)
  • Cultural Traits
    • Sand Merchant: Whenever a Badawi buys from or sells to a merchant, they treat a settlement’s Base Value and Purchase Limit as 20% higher. Further, they can resell items at an additional 10% over the amount of gp they normally would get from selling off treasure.
    • Well Supplied: Once per day, when a Badawi is confronted with a situation that calls for a particular mundane item, they happen to have such an item on their person. The item must cost no more than 25 gp plus 5 gp per level, and they must pay its cost when they “find” it (in other words, the money they thought they had on their person was actually the item). The item must be something they can easily carry—for example, if they are on foot and have only a backpack, they could not have a large iron cauldron. They can’t find magical items using this feat, nor can they have specific items, such as the key to a particular door. If they are stripped of their equipment or possessions, they lose the benefits of this feat until you have at least a day to resupply and acquire new items.
    • Dune Nomad: A Badawi gains a +2 racial bonus on all Appraise, Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks. Further, they receive a +2 racial bonus on any saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions.
  • Halfbreeds

    Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs can crossbreed with each other.

    Dwarf/Human Hybrid Racial Traits

  • Stats: +2 to any one stat
  • Medium: Dwarf/Human Hybrids are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Slow and Steady: Dwarf/Human Hybrids have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
  • Stability: Dwarf/Human Hybrids receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground.
  • Healthy: Dwarf/Human Hybrids gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.
  • Master Craftsman: Dwarf/Human Hybrids gain Master Craftsman as a bonus feat.
  • Focused Study: At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, Dwarf/Human Hybrids gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
  • Languages: Dwarf/Human Hybrids begin play speaking Sprache and one human language. Dwarf/Human Hybrids with high Intelligence scores can choose from any language.
  • Dwarf/Orc Hybrid Racial Traits

  • Stats: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom
  • Medium: Dwarf/Orc Hybrids are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Slow and Steady: Dwarf/Orc Hybrids have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
  • Stability: Dwarf/Orc Hybrids receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground.
  • Healthy: Dwarf/Orc Hybrids gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.
  • Master Craftsman: Dwarf/Orc Hybrids gain Master Craftsman as a bonus feat.
  • Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a Dwarf/Orc Hybrid is reduced to fewer than 0 hit points but is not killed, it can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. At the end of its next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, it immediately falls unconscious and begins to die.
  • Scent (Ex): Dwarf/Orc Hybrids gain the scent ability.
  • Languages: Dwarf/Orc Hybrids begin play speaking Sprache and one orc language. Dwarf/Orc Hybrids with high Intelligence scores can choose from any language.
  • Human/Orc Hybrid Racial Traits

  • Stats: +2 to any one stat
  • Medium: Dwarf/Human Hybrids are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a Dwarf/Orc Hybrid is reduced to fewer than 0 hit points but is not killed, it can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. At the end of its next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, it immediately falls unconscious and begins to die.
  • Scent (Ex): Dwarf/Orc Hybrids gain the scent ability.
  • Focused Study: At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, Dwarf/Human Hybrids gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
  • Languages: Dwarf/Human Hybrids begin play speaking one orc language and one human language. Human/Orc Hybrids with high Intelligence scores can choose from any language.
  • Halfbreed Ethnicities

    Halfbreeds adopt Ethnicities from either parent component. If you wish to model core equivalent races: Anything that can replace Damage Reduction, Ferocity, Skilled or the Bonus Feat can also replace Focused Study, Scent, or Healthy AND Master Craftsman; and anything that can replace Healthy or Master Craftsman can also replace Orc Ferocity.

    Also, halfbreeds tend to take after one parent more than the other and so they use that parent's height and weight chart. In general, those with Dwarven parentage tend to be short and squat by the other parent's standard (-1d6 in., +1d4x5 lbs.) and those with Orcish heritage tend to pack on more girth (+1d4x5 lbs. for males and +1d4x7 for females).

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    gollark: Besides, I can always rotate images by 45 degrees or fuzz them beyond recognizability to get around it.
    gollark: So it can't detect 45 degree rotations. Interesting.
    gollark: Well, that works.
    gollark: Oh seriously? It supports webp too?
    gollark: Waaaait, hold on.
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