Quar (5e race)
Quar is a very varying race of people who’s one parrent are human and the other being a water humanoid (such as sahuagin).
Quar traits
Ability score increase. Increase one ability score of your choice by 1.
Age. Most of the Quar reach maturity about the same age as humans but often live a few years longer.
Alignment. Because that Quars are often treated as outsiders they tend toward chaotic evil. Some Quars might want to make the world a better place and tends toward chaotic good.
Size. Quar are the same size as humans. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and you have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision. Because that your one parrents race come from the dark water you have the ability to see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were bright light. In darkness you cant discern colours.
Amphibius. Because of your ocean origin you can breath air and water.
Langueges. You can speak common and aquan and one other languege of your choice.
Subraces. Because that there are so many ocean humanoids there are also a lot of different Quars. The most common types of Quars are: Half Triton, half Sahuagin, half Merrow, half Merfolk and half Sea Elf.
triton traits
You are nearly human but you have a few fishlike traits such as gills and spread scales.
Ability score increases. Your strength or constitution increases by one. Your charisma increases by one.
Limited control of air and water. Due to your triton ancestor you have a limited control of air and water. You can cast chill touch at will with this trait. At 5th level you can cast elemental weapon once using this trait. When you do so you can only choose lightning or cold damage for the bonus damage. You can cast the spell again when you have finished a long or short rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Limited telepathy. You can telepathically commune simple ideers with aquatic beasts within 120 feet of you.
The violence of the sahuagin can often be seen on a half sahuagin Quar. You have a blue like skin and a long tail.
Ability score increase. Your strength score increases by two and your constitusion increases by one. Your charisma and intilligence both decreases by one. You can alternatively choose your strength to increase by 2 and skip the other ability score increases/decreases.
Blood frenzy. You have advantage on melee attack rolls against creatures who have lost hit points.
Your one parrent is of the evil race of cursed merfolk. The merrow.
Ability score increases. Your strength or constitution increases by 2 or they both increases by 1
Scales. When you are not wering amor you have a natural armor of 11+your dexterity modifier.
The peacfull merfolk bloodline on the one side and the chaotic humans on the other. Merfolk quar are more likely to be good than others.
Ability score increases. Your wisdom or charisma increases by 2 or they both increases by 1.
Increased swim. Your base swimming speed is 40ft.
Friend of the water. Aquatic beasts wont willingly harm you and you can communicate simple ideers with them.