PsiBorn (D20 Modern Race)
PsiBorns are People born from over expotures to psionic energy who has gained certain psionic affinity. Most cases are involved where the mother had a past sexual relationship with a psinically active person or was some times attacked by a psionic attack. Only in rare cases are where any of the parents were actually psionic. A Psiborn will give birth to a PsiBorn unless the other partner was also psionically active. Since PsiBorns are accidents in nature it's rare to find two that are alike.
Racial Traits
- Type: Humanoid Type
- Size: Medium. PsiBorn have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Abilities: -2 Str, +4 Dex, -2 Con, Int +2, -2 Wis.
- Base Speed: 50ft
- A PsiBorn may choose any 2 of the following traits for his/her character during character creation.
- Power Reverted: A psiborn can rechannel some of his/her psionic potential to combat rather then gain more mental power. For every power known from any psionic class, the psiborn gains one less power for each power level to a minimum of 1 per level. in return as a benifit a psiborn can add 1d6 points of damage to any ranged or melee wepons he/she posseses for 1 power point. this can be done once for each attack; if attack misses the power point is still wasted.
- Physically Psionic (Ex): A psiborn gives up all the power known, and in return he/she gain 5 more power points per day in return for all the powers lost; so a 5th level telepath would have lost 4 0-level, 3 1st-level & 2 2nd-level powers; 4+3+2=9, 9x5=45; so a 5th level telepath would loose all powers known but gain 45 extra power point.-this ability is usefull with the Power Reverted ability.
- Mentally Psionic (Ex): A psiborn with this train recives 1d6 dammage per second (6d6 per round) for every piece of technology on his/her possesion which is made of metal. As a benifit this psiborn knows one more power for each power level he/she has posseses. the number of power points per day are also doubled.
- Psi Vision (Ex): A psiborn with this trait has no eyes and precives the world around them with their minds eye and psychic brain waves. a psiborn with this trait has the ability to see all around him granting the effect of a 360-degree field of vision. The psiborn ignores blindness, invisibility, darkness,and concealment, though he/she must have line of effect to a creature or an object to discern it. The psiborn does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures; he/she can detect and pinpoint all creatures in line of effect within 60 feet automatically. as a draw back the location outside of the 60 feet are tottaly conceled to the psiborn as if he/she were blind. this also prevents psy born from using a scope, binoculer or any other distent viewing objects. this also prevent a psiborn from reading and from viewing any forms of computer or digital screen; which may case problems witha mage or technomage vereient.
- mind over body: A psiborn with this trait gains half the power points they normally would have gained and also knows half as may powers as they would have known for each level but in return gains all the undead traits, but still retains his/her constitution.
- soul sacrifice: A psiborn with this trait can take one point of ability damage from any one abitlity score oher then constitution and heal 10 points of damage. no score can be lowered to less then 3 by the use of this ability.
- The following trits are common to all PsiBorns.
- Cybernetic Incompatibility: A Psiborn gain his/her power fom their DNA and cannot use the abilitis granted by this race if a part of their body was replaced by something unnatural, thus, is unable to operate cybernetic attachments(not including nanites); wetwere are allowed in ceratain campaigns since they are emulating living tissue.
- Body Overload : A Psiborn also gains 2 less action points since his/her body is alredy so overloded with other sources of energy.
- A PsiBoarn keeps the 2 bonus feat at character creation.
- Free Languages: Read/Write Common (or local language), Speak Common (or local language)
- Other Languages: Any (except secret languages)
- Suggested Advanced Classes: Telepath, Battle Mind, Agent of PSI
- Level Adjustment: +0
Vital Statistics
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
50 years | +1d4 | +2d4 | +3d4 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
70 years | 120 years | 150 years | +7d20 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 5'0" | +(2d10)" | 110 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
Female | 4'10" | +(2d10)" | 100 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
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gollark: That is the file containing the welcome messages.
gollark: Real correction: `/usr/misc/greetings.txt`
gollark: Correction: `/etc/motd`.
gollark: Wait, sorry, I'm confused with CC. `/etc/motd.txt` for OC I think.
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