Primordial Renewer (5e Subclass)

Primordial Renewer

Sorcerer Subclass

The Primordial Renewer is basically a hybrid of a Sorcerer and a Druid which is diametrically opposed to the Defiler, using the surrounding destruction around them to purify the elements, creating the building blocks for life to thrive either immediately or in the future.. The tell tale sign that a Renewer has graced the area is plant life growing where it should not be, very high level Renewers can even bring flora and fauna back from extinction, just as a bi-product of their spell casting. You gain this power through a Primordial Ancestry that reaches back to when life was new and undamaged by the destruction.

Nature Magic

Starting at level 1, your Primordial link from your ancestors to Nature allows you to learn spells normally associated with the Druid class. When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn a sorcerer cantrip or a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose the new spell from the Druid spell list or the Sorcerer spell list. You must otherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.

Innate Elemental Spellcasting

Starting at level 1, You can innately cast spells without requiring the normal material component of a spell. Instead, you use the entropic destruction or defilement around you as the component for the spell. Your main components being Ash(fire), Vapors(air), Silt (water), and Sand (Earth), but any elemental, positive, negative, or necrotic physical material that has been changed by entropic forces may be used as a spell component as long as the component is within a 10 foot radius sphere of you. All material components are used in the spell cast, and transform into a cleansed version of it.

Every spell you cast also requires a thought or verbal component that states which elemental sphere you are invoking and how the Renewer is cleansing the area of destruction or causing the area to be suitable for life to thrive. Once the spell is cast, whether it is successful or not, the area renews in 10 feet around the caster as the Renews says, and the spell slot is expended.

  • Any spell that requires a spell component that has a gold piece value must be of a material that has value equal to it. But the value can be of anything that is entropic or was once part of something living.
  • For example: A diamond, coal and oil are made of carbon and were once long ago part of a living thing and have value, as are sea shells, amber, petrified wood, etc. (The DM has the final say)
  • At 14th level when you gain the feature "Spring Has Sprung a leak" you may use Undead creatures as your spell component, if they are within your 15 foot sphere, any undead take the damage according to that feature.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Starting At 6th level, you are able to make plants grow instantly as a side effect of casting your spells. You may choose mundane small plants that you have seen whenever you cast a spell. Roll 1d4 per spell level; which is the number of these plants that sprout up randomly in a 10 foot radius around the caster.

Also, whenever you roll a natural 20 in the process of casting a spell, you create one sentient plant, that you have seen, with hit dice equal to or less than your own, that will serve you as a companion for 24 hours. At the end of the 24 hour period the sentient plant leaves your service and ventures out into the wide world on it's own, unless you convince it to join you permanently, the plant follower will never be hostile to the caster, but may be hostile to creatures in the party if it is carnivorous. You may never have more than one such plant follower at any time, if you roll another natural 20 while you already have a follower you can create more sentient plants, but they will not be your follower, though they will not be hostile to you, the caster.

In addition to the spells you already have, you gain the Speak with Plants spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.

Spring Has Sprung A Leak

Starting at level 14 the area that is cleansed around you is increased to a 15 foot radius sphere, and as a side effect you may heal 1 living creature within the 15 foot radius for (1d4 + you Spell Casting modifier) per spell level and any undead within the circle take (1d4 + your Spell Casting Modifier) per spell level of radiant damage.

  • In addition you gain permanent hit points, from now on you gain 1 hit point per level of Sorcerer from absorbing so much primordial energy.

Nature's Ward and Sanctuary

Nature's Ward

When you reach 18th level, you can't be charmed or frightened by elementals, plants, or animals and you are immune to poison and disease.

Nature's Sanctuary

When you reach 18th level, creatures of the natural world sense your connection to nature and become hesitant to attack you. When a beast or plant creature attacks you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Sorcerer spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must choose a different target, or the attack automatically misses. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

The creature is aware of this effect before it makes its attack against you.

Circle of Land

Choose one land from the Druid's Circle of Land (arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, or Underdark), you gain access to the land's spells and they becomes sorcerer spells for you in addition to the spells you already have. These spells are always prepared, consume a spell slot if used, and don't count as "known spells". These spells cannot be exchanged for other spells.

  • The desert land has different spells than the Druid version, Remove Create Food and Water and replace it with Create Bonfire, Replace Blight with my homebrew spell Un-Blight, and replace Wall of Stone with Wall of Sand.

Extinction? No, Re-tinction!

When you reach the pinnacle of level 20 you may in the course of your spell casting, on a roll of natural 20, use the dry bones, shells, or other fossilized remains of a long dead creature to bring that creature back from extinction, with a Hit Dice of 20 or less. In the same way you create sentient plants above. In addition, you gain Speak with Animals spell if you do not already have it, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.

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gollark: Just fly there?
gollark: And I acquired a prime myself anyway, then changed it.
gollark: You did tell me it.
gollark: In case of terrorists in the server room or something.
gollark: We should also give it access to neurotoxin dispensers.
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