Praetor (4e Creature)
Praetors are iron constructs forged by the Creator Magni to defend their arcane contraptions. They typically are human sized and resemble crosses between animated suits of armour and golems except quite thin. The gaps in their armour are filled with a silver arcane energy that seems to bind them together. The colour of stripe they bear indicates their importance:
- Dark red - minor
- Azure - average
- Black - high
- Violet - utmost.
They are the warriors and enforcers of the Praetors. They have a rust-red stripe on their chest and carry a metallic shield shaped like a cog.
Destroyers are build to destroy intruders, at any cost. They bear an azure stripe and carry ten-foot poles made from silver.
Destroyer Tactics
Destroyers tend to attack enemies at random, they don't focus on one target for too long. Their main function is to soften up targets for stronger allies.
Blacksmiths resemble 15 foot tall golems. They are more clunky than regular Praetors with a hollow cavity in their chest that contains liquid metal. One of their arms forge a large smith's hammer and the other a massive steel hand. They are held together by liquid metal rather than the arcane energy.
Praetor Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful arcana check:
- DC 15: Praetors are a race of constructs forged by the Creator Magni to guard the creations in Acrastus. They are typically encountered in groups of their own kind but sometimes work with titans, particularly the storm and fire varieties. When they deem it necessary, they will work with beings made of flesh, but only in the most dire circumstances. Praetors possess a sort of sentience, being able to reason and learn but not to feel emotions or comprehend morality. They have no survival instinct either, existing only to defend the Creator's work.
- DC 25: A theory among the common races is that Praetors are either a sort of proto-flesh being or attempt to improve upon flesh by replacing it with a stronger material. Both theories are unproven, but dwarven and human expeditions are determined to prove or disprove the theories. So far, capturing one functional is rare due to their missing survival instinct and almost emotional defence of the Creator's works.
- DC 30: The first golems, guardians and colossi were created by studying the Praetors and copying them imperfectly. Modern golems are quite different due to the impossibility of copying the arcane energy that powers them, the "spark" as they call it. It appears to originate from Magni himself. If he were to be destroyed, the Praetors would fail. Or so the theories go.
Encounter Groups
Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)
<!-repeat as necessary - REMOVE THIS LINE->
Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)
<!-repeat as necessary - REMOVE THIS LINE->
Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
- <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)
<!-repeat as necessary - REMOVE THIS LINE->
{{4e Creatures Level <!-your creature's level #-> Breadcrumb}} [[Category:Level <!-your creature's level #. Put "31+" if it's level is higher than 30->]] [[Category:<!-Role->]] [[Category:<!-Type-> Type]] [[Category:<!-Subtype-> Subtype]] </nowiki><!-REMOVE THIS LINE