Powers, Feats, & Skills (Herregor Supplement)

This section will get quite an overhaul when 4E is released, until then it will serve as a repository for the 3.5 versions of feats and skills I use to round out the selections and make the setting my own.


Combat Loading [General]

The character is skilled at reloading his firearm amidst the dangers of combat.

Prerequisites: BAB +1, Proficient in small arms or longarms.

Benefit: The character may load a firearm in combat without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.

Improved Combat Loading [General]

Whether he's a practiced gun for hire, or an old lawman, the character can load a pistol quicker than a rattlesnake's strike.

Prerequisites: BAB +5, Combat Loading.

Benefit: The character decreases the load time of proficient firearms by 1 step. Full round actions become standard, standard become move, and move actions become swift actions.

Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.

Sharpshooter [General]

Possessed of keen eyes and steady hands the character could shoot a tick off a dog's back.

Prerequisites: Precise Shot, Weapon Focus with small arms or longarms weapon group.

Benefit: The character applies his dexterity modifier to damage while using a firearm with which he has the weapon focus feat. As this is precision based damage the character loses the benefits of this feat against any target that would deny a rogue the ability to use sneak attack.

Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.

Twin Gunslinger [General]

The character is trained in using two, one-handed, missile weapons at the same time.

Prerequisites: Dexterity 15

Benefit: The character can fight with a one handed missile weapon in each hand, he can make one additional attack with the off hand weapon during a full attack action. In addition the penalties for fighting with two missile weapons is offset by 2 for he main hand, and 6 for her off hand.

Normal: Without this feat the character takes a -6 penalty with her main hand, and a -10 penalty with her off hand when using two missile weapons.

Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.

Improved Twin Gunslinger [General]

Prerequisites: Twin Gunslinger, BAB +9

Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack made with an offhand missile weapon, the character may take an additional attack with a -5 penalty with the off hand weapon. This is only useful with missile weapons that can be loaded with more than one shot.

Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.

Rattlesnake Strike

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Quickdraw

Benefit: The Character is always considered armed for the purposes of determining threatened area, and may draw a weapon as part of an attack of opportunity.

Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.

Reflexive Parry [General]

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes

Benefit: The character may apply his parry defense to his AC while flat footed. Note that the character still loses his dexterity modifier to AC unless he possesses another ability that would allow him to retain it.

Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.

Stance Dancing [General]

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Dodge and Parry Defense of +3 or higher

Benefit: Once per round the character may choose to use his other defense mode (dodge or parry) as an immediate action.

Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.


Craft (Artillery) Int; Trained Only

The character has trained in the loading, maintenance, and firing of canons and other large, battlefield, firearms.

Check: A successful check is required to load an artillery weapon (the DC is set by the specific weapon). If the check is successful, the weapon will be reloaded at the end of the necessary actions. If the actions are int interrupted or the check fails, the check must begin anew. If the check is failed by 5 or more the weapon is fouled and the next check takes twice as long.

Reloading artillery provokes an attack of opportunity.

Craft (Clockwork) Int; Trained Only

The character is trained in the art of manufacturing and repairing clocks, watches, and other clockwork items.

Check: The check and cost for this craft depends on the complexity of the device that the character intends to create, as described below:

Complexity DC Cost
Simple 15 10-20g
Complex 25 25-75g
Advanced 35+ 100g+

Simple: Simple devices are generally small toys, simple spring mechanisms, and clockwork timers. Timers can be used to trigger other devices, or even conceivably used to detonate a triggered grenade. Simple timers usually have a duration of under a minute.

Complex: Clocks and elaborate wind up children's toys fall under the complex heading, as well as timers designed to run from a minute to an hour or so. Items in this category may have very elaborate and extensive features, but they are generally of larger size which makes working with the item easier.

Advanced: Advanced items are much like complex items, but often on a smaller scale such as pocket watches (really just a miniaturized clock). The sky (and the maker's supply of gold) are often the limit of items in this category. With enough time, skill, and money the craftsman can make complex works of clockwork art, from music boxes to mechanical birds.

Craft (Demolitions) Int; Trained Only

The character is skilled in priming and setting explosive charges.

Check: On a successful check the user of this skill can prime and set an explosive charge. The difficulty is set by the type of explosive, complexity of the charge, and desired effect. Some examples are:

  • Prime and set a grenade - DC 10
  • Prime and set dynamite - DC 15
  • Turn black powder into an improvised charge - DC 20
  • Set explosive with tripwire or clockwork timer - +5 to DC
  • Set a sequence with 2 or more charge - +2 DC for each charge after first

A character can also attempt to defuse some charges that have been set. The DC to defuse a charge is equal to the total roll made to set the charge.

Special: A roll of 1 on a Craft (Demolitions) check is always considered to be a critical failure and it causes the charge to detonate prematurely, dealing full damage to the character setting the charge and any others caught in the blast radius.

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gollark: The End is actually just entirely in one pixel in the bottom-left corner.
gollark: As revenge against SolarFlame5.
gollark: Also, I have now DOXXED all bases on SwitchCraft.
gollark: Wrong.
gollark: Just because you know its location and what it looks like doesn't mean it's nonsecret.
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