Planeswalker (3.5e Prestige Class)


"After four thousand years, you learn to plan for betrayal."
—Urza, Planeswalker to The Nine Titans of The Coalition

On a very rare occasion on a plane of existence a being is born with an inner spark of greatness, something that is so rare and special that no one in the multiverse understands what causes someone to have it. Even if someone has this spark it is not for sure that it will be awakened. This spark... is what separates Planeswalkers from mortal beings. Planeswalkers are mortals who through the awakening of their spark have been overwhelmed with the energies of the multiverse and understand the way to breach the paths onto other planes along with incredible magic that is only limited by mere thought.

Becoming a Planeswalker

Characters may only become a Planeswalker if they are one of the rare beings born with the Spark. If they do truly anyone with a basic understanding of the Multiverse may become a Planeswalker.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Varies based on what color of magic a Planeswalker embodies.( White: any non-evil, Blue: any non-chaotic, Black: any non-good, Red: any non-lawful, Green: any non-lawful)
Race: Any non-outsider.
Skills: Knowledge (The Planes) 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 9.
Table: The Planeswalker

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Planeswalker
1st+0+2+2+2 Color Attunement, Planar Intuition, Planeshift, Timeless Body 3
2nd+1+3+3+3 Fly 100ft. 5
3rd+2+3+3+3 Telepathy 100ft. 7
4th+3+4+4+4 Immortal Regeneration 9
5th+3+4+4+4 Above Humanity 11

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All)(Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language, and Spellcraft (Int).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Planeswalker.

Planeswalker Points (Ex): The Planeswalker gains a number of planeswalker points per day as shown on the chart plus her main spellcasting ability modifier (int, wis, cha). If she does not cast spells then use which ever is higher.

Color Attunement (Ex): When you enter the Planeswalker prestige class you must choose a color of magic you represent. There are five colors from which you may choose from: White, the color of law, balance, and good; Blue, the color of knowledge, trickery, and artifice; Black, the color of death, ambition, and power; Red, the color of rage, chaos, and destruction; Green, the color of nature, purity, and independence. You may only choose a color in which your alignment allows (shown at requirements) and based on your color choice are the abilities you will gain in the Planeswalker class.


Table: The White Planeswalker
1stCircle of Protection
2ndMass Vigor
3rdRay of Healing
4thAngelic Personification
5thBringer of Life

Circle of Protection (Su):At 1st leve the White Planeswalker gains a deflection bonus to there armor class equal to her main spellcasting ability modifier (int, wis, cha).

Mass Vigor (Su):At 2nd level the White Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point as a swift action to give herself and all allies within 40 feet Fast Healing 3 for 10 rounds plus 1 round for every level of Planeswalker they have taken.

Ray of Healing (Su):At 3rd level a White Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point as a standard action to make a ranged touch attack to any target within 30 feet to heal 4d8 points of damage. She may spend any number of additional planeswalker points to heal an additional 1d8 per point spent.

Angelic Personification (Ex): As the White Planeswalker reaches 4th level she resembles the pure magic she uses. Her features seem flawless, her skin smooth, her eyes shine golden or white, and she has a constant glow or radiance about her (purely cosmetic). This can of course be covered by her Body of Thought ability but those who use a True Seeing spell see you in this form. Also as a standard action the White Planeswalker may access the energies of the multiverse restoring 1d4+1 planeswalker points but also gets a -2 to strength, dexterity, and constitution for 24 hours. Nothing can restore these points other than waiting the 24 hours.

Bringer of Life (Su): At 5th level the White Planeswalker gains the ability to bring another being back to life completely, using 8 planeswalker points. This acts as a True Resurrection spell.

Table: The Blue Planeswalker
2ndDuplicate Perfection
3rdMaster of The Unseen Hand
4thArtificial Personification
5thLord of Infinite Forms

Curiosity (Su):At 1st level the Blue Planeswalker gains the ability to use Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Arcane Mark, and Read Magic at will as a swift action.

Duplicate Perfection (Su):At 2nd level the Blue Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point as an immediate action to use an effect that acts as the Mirror Image spell but you create a number of duplicates equal to 1d4 plus your planeswalker level.

Master of the Unseen Hand (Su):At 3rd level a Blue Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point as a standard action to use Telekinesis that acts as the spell except she may wield weapons with it, she does not need to maintain concentration to keep it active, and she may spend any number of additional points and expend the ability as a swift action to deal 1d6 points of force damage per each additional planeswalker point spent to one target as a ranged touch attack.

Artificial Personification (Ex):As the Blue Planeswalker reaches 4th level she resembles the arcane magic she uses. Her features seem perfect, her skin angular, her eyes glowing blue like perfectly cut sapphires, and she has a constant sound of gears moving as she moves her body parts (purely cosmetic). This can of course be covered by her Body of Thought ability but those who use a True Seeing spell see you in this form. Also as a standard action the Blue Planeswalker may access the energies of the multiverse restoring 1d4+1 planeswalker points but also gets a -2 to strength, dexterity, and constitution for 24 hours. Nothing can restore these points other than waiting the 24 hours.

Lord of Infinite Forms (Su):Upon attaining 5th level the Blue Planeswalker may spend 8 planeswalker points as a standard action to use Shapeshift as the spell except there is no limit to what creature you transform into.

Table: The Black Planeswalker
1stAura of Death
2ndFeast of Flesh
3rdMinions of Unlife
4thFiendish Personification
5thFate of The Damned

Touch of Death (Ex):At 1st level the Black Planeswalker acts as if the Deathknell spell were applied to all attacks and spells she casts.

Feast of Flesh (Su):At 2nd level as a swift action a Black Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point and make a ranged touch attack of 60 feet to give the target -3 natural armor and you gain +3 natural armor for a number of minutes equal to your planeswalker level.

Minions of Unlife (Su):At 3rd level as a standard action a Black Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point to use Summon Undead I as the spell. A Black Planeswalker may spend additional planeswalker points to increase the level of Summon Undead she uses to a maximum of 5 planeswalker points for Summon Undead V.

Fiendish Personification (Ex):As the Black Planeswalker reaches 4th level she resembles the dark magic she uses. Her features seem demonic, her skin pale, her eyes black as the abyss, and she has a constant sound of quiet screams and a shadowy aura surrounding her (purely cosmetic). This can of course be covered by her Body of Thought ability but those who use a True Seeing spell see you in this form. Also as a standard action the Black Planeswalker may access the energies of the multiverse restoring 1d4+1 planeswalker points but also gets a -2 to strength, dexterity, and constitution for 24 hours. Nothing can restore these points other than waiting the 24 hours.

Fate of The Damned (Su):Upon reaching 5th level a Black Planeswalker may spend 8 planeswalker points as a standard action to use the Imprison spell except she may have any number of targets up to her constitution modifier.

Table: The Red Planeswalker
2ndFlames of The Firebrand
3rdSulfuric Vortex
4thFiery Personification
5thHerald of The Apocalypse

Impatience (Ex): At 1st level the Red Planeswalker gains +10 to all movement speeds.

Flames of The Firebrand (Su): At 2nd level the Red Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point as a swift action to gain the use of the Fire Shield spell, in addition she gains immunity to fire.

Sulfuric Vortex (Su):At 3rd level the Red Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point as a standard action to make a raging twister of flames that has a 20 foot radius and a 100 foot height that lasts 1 round per level of Planeswalker you possess and deals 4d12 points of damage to everything in its radius each round they are in it. A Red Planeswalker may also spend any number of additional planeswalker points to increase the damage it does each round by 1d12 per planeswalker point spent.

Fiery Personification (Ex): As the Red Planeswalker reaches 4th level she resembles the fiery magic she uses. Her features seem steaming, her skin bright with heat, her eyes glowing red like hellfire, and she has a constant flame burning somewhere on her body (purely cosmetic). This can of course be covered by her Body of Thought ability but those who use a True Seeing spell see you in this form. Also as a standard action the Red Planeswalker may access the energies of the multiverse restoring 1d4+1 planeswalker points but also gets a -2 to strength, dexterity, and constitution for 24 hours. Nothing can restore these points other than waiting the 24 hours.

Herald of The Apocalypse (Su):Upon reaching 5th level the Red Planeswalker may spend 8 planeswalker points as a standard action and unleash her inner chaos and fury causing everything within a 30 foot radius to be under effect of the Disintigrate spell.

Table: The Green Planeswalker
1stIronwood Armor
2ndBestial Growth
3rdHurricane Barrier
4thPrimordial Personification
5thLiving Maelstrom

Ironwood Armor (Ex):At 1st level the Green Planeswalker gains Damage Reduction equal to your Planeswalker level. (Ex. A Green Planeswalker at level 3 has DR 3/- )

Bestial Growth (Su):At 2nd level the Green Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point as a swift action to give herself a +2 per Planeswalker level to either strength, dexterity, or constitution for a number of minutes equal to you Planeswalker level.

Hurricane Barrier (Su): At 3rd level the Green Planeswalker may spend 1 planeswalker point as a standard action to use Wind Wall as the spell except the Planeswalker may spend any number of additional planeswalker points to have any one who passes through the wall get dealt 1d4 points of damage per additional planeswalker point spent.

Primordial Personification (Ex):As the Green Planeswalker reaches 4th level she resembles the natural magic she uses. Her features seem bestial, her skin rough with spines, her eyes feral and hungry, and she has plants grow at her feet wherever she steps (purely cosmetic). This can of course be covered by her Body of Thought ability but those who use a True Seeing spell see you in this form. Also as a standard action the Green Planeswalker may access the energies of the multiverse restoring 1d4+1 planeswalker points but also gets a -2 to strength, dexterity, and constitution for 24 hours. Nothing can restore these points other than waiting the 24 hours.

Living Maelstrom (Su):Upon reaching 5th level the Green Planeswalker may spend 8 planeswalker points to use the Stormrage spell except she does not have a limit to the bolts of lightning she expends and the damage they deal is equal to half your level.

A Planeswalkers equivalent spellcaster level for all her abilities are four times her current Planeswalker level to a maximum of 20. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Planar Intuition (Ex): As the Planeswalker travels through the multiverse her understanding of it increases. The Planeswalker gets a +1 to all Knowledge (The Planes) checks for every level of Planeswalker she obtains.

Planeshift (Su): Upon gaining awareness of the multiverse and activating her spark, the Planeswalker gains the ability to use some of the cosmic energy in her to shift between the planes of existence. The Planeswalker may use 2 planeswalker points as a full round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity to planeswalk to another plane of existence as the Planeshift spell.

Body of Thought (Ex): As the spark of a Planeswalker activates and the being becomes a Planeswalker her body is no longer torn by the ravages of reality or time. The Planeswalker may use the Alter Self as the spell at will as a swift action. A Planeswalker also no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue.

Fly Speed (Su): Upon attaining 2nd level the Planeswalker gains a fly speed of 100ft. with good maneuverability.

Telepathy (Su): At 3rd level a Planeswalker can communicate telepathically with any other creature within 100 feet that has a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.

Immortal Regeneration (Ex): Upon gaining 4th level if a Planeswalker ever falls below -10 hit points she does not die but instead is unconscious as her body reforms itself at half her maximum hit points. Reforming a Planeswalkers body requires 1 week the first time it happens and 1 day every time she dies after. If a Planeswalker dies and its brain is being scrambled for more then 1d6 minutes the Planeswalker cannot think fast enough to reform her body and does die as normal, though nothing can bring her back, not even a True Resurrection spell or a Wish spell.

Above Humanity (Ex): As a Planeswalker reaches 5th level she has obtained real undeniable power and no longer has any traces to her species of origin. The Planeswalker becomes a magical creature. She is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than as her previous type for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the Planeswalker gains damage reduction 10/magic, which allows her to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonmagical weapon or by any natural attack made by a creature that doesn’t have similar damage reduction. Additionally as the Planeswalker transcends her mortal race she starts to look down on them. From now on the Planeswalker gains a -4 to diplomacy checks when dealing with a mortal race as she no longer relates with them.

Playing a Planeswalker

Combat: A Planeswalker has varying roles in combat depending on what she was before she became a Planeswalker and what color Planeswalker she is. She could be a Green Planeswalker melee combatant or a White Planeswalker healer. The ranges are very wide.

Planeswalkers in the World

If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever. -Koth of The Hammer, Red Planeswalker

Planeswalker never tend to fit into any world they go to. Too powerful for mortal societies to accept them and too weak for deities to accept them into their ranks. Planeswalkers face a lonely life of wandering across the multiverse expanding on their knowledge or searching for their own personal needs.

NPC Reactions: NPC's see Planeswalkers with fear and awe knowing the undeniable power they hold and the destructive and fantastic magic they can summon with a single thought. Most Planeswalkers try to blend into society using their Body of Thought ability only showing their true nature when need be.

Planeswalker Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (The Planes) can research Planeswalkers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (The Planes)
10Planeswalkers are powerful beings.
15Planeswalkers travel the planes and are effectively immortal.
25Planeswalkers can be of any race or class and are extremely hard to kill and have a repertoire of powerful abilities at their beck and call.
30At this level of knowledge the player knows of a local planeswalker or how to kill one specifically.

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gollark: Fear my ultrawide brain monitor™.
gollark: Imagining reality is quite easy, fortunately.
gollark: Observe, network good*ness.
gollark: ...
gollark: It won't, it's on *my* end.
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