Path of the God Hand (5e Subclass)
Path of the God Hand
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The God Hand. |
Barbarian Subclass
Fabled artifacts of great power, the God Hands are living human arms. While they can be attached to any willing creature rather easily, removing them is a much harder process. One person is capable of possessing both arms, but unlocking the true power of both requires a great deal of mastery.
- God or Demon
At 3rd level, when you rage, you unlock the power of the God Hand. While raging, your unarmed strikes deal 1d8+your Strength modifier damage.
- Quickened Strikes
At 6th level, you may attack an additional time when you take the Attack action while not wielding a weapon, and you may make an unarmed strike as a bonus action.
- Roulette
At 10th level, you gain a maximum of 6 roulette points and you must select 8 roulette moves as listed in the Roulette Moves table, attributing each to a number between 2 and 9. As an action while you are raging, you may roll 1d10, taking the respective roulette move. On a 1, you must take a 0 Cost roulette move. On a 10, you may choose what move you use. Your Rage ends immediately after using a roulette move. You may triple a roulette move’s cost to use it while you are not raging.
When you reduce a CR 1 or higher creature do 0 hit points, you may attempt a DC 22 Strength saving throw with a bonus equal to half the creature’s CR rounded down. On a success, you gain 1d4-1 roulette points. CR 18 or greater creatures always grant 3 roulette points.
- Double God Hand
At 14th level, you master both God Hands. You may use two roulette moves instead of one as an action. When doing so, you may use the same move twice or roll for both. When you roll to use a roulette move, you may choose what move you use on both a 1 and 10. Additionally, your maximum roulette points increases by 3.
Roulette Moves
Name | Roulette Point Cost | Effect |
Grovel | 0 | All creatures within 15 feet must succeed a DC 10+your Strength modifier saving throw or become stunned until the end of their next turn or they are attacked and you become prone. |
Dead Pan | 0 | A comedic frying-pan is summoned in the sky that hits you on the head dealing 1d12+3 bludgeoning damage and stunning you until the beginning of your next turn. You also become immune to all damage until the beginning of your next turn |
Ball Buster | 1 | You make a single unarmed attack with advantage. On a hit, the targeted creature must make a DC 15+your Strength modifier saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of their next turn. |
Chain Yanker | 1 | One creature within 60 feet must succeed a DC 15+your Strength modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are moved in a straight line to 5 feet from you. |
Daisy Cutter | 1 | You move in a 30 foot line. Every creature within 5 feet of this line must succeed a DC 15+your Strength modifier Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6+your Strength modifier+your Rage damage radiant damage on a failure. Creatures effected by this may still make opportunity attacks against you. |
Divine Smash | 1 | Every creature in a 10 foot radius must attempt DC 15+your Strength modifier Dexterity saving throw, taking your unarmed strike damage and becoming Prone on a failure. |
Face Runner | 1 | You make 2 unarmed strikes against a creature. If they both hit, they are moved 35 feet in a direction of your choice. |
God Charge | 1 | You regain 1 use of your Rage. |
Head Slicer | 1 | Every creature in a 30 foot line must make a DC 15+your Strength modifier. On a failure, they take 1d12+your Strength modifier+your Rage damage radiant damage. |
One Inch Punch | 1 | You make an unarmed strike against a single creature. On a hit, they are moved 30 feet in a straight line. |
Shockwave | 1 | Every creature in a 30 foot cone must succeed a DC15+your Strength modifier Constitution saving throw or take 1d6+your Strength modifier+your Rage damage radiant damage on a failure |
Discombobulator | 2 | You make 4 unarmed strikes against a single creature. |
Spirit of God | 2 | You regain 2 uses of your Rage. |
Enlightenment | 3 | You regain half your level d12 + your Strength modifier hit points. |
Shaolin Palm | 3 | Every creature in a 60 x 25 foot line must succeed a DC 15+your Strength modifier Constitution saving throw, taking 4d10 radiant damage on a failure and being knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much and are not knocked prone. |
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