Parrying Dagger, Swordbreaker (3.5e Equipment)

A swordbreaker is similar to normal parrying daggers, but has a very sturdy blade with slots on one side, much like the teeth of a comb. The teeth can catch the blade of the opponent's sword and hold it fast, allowing a variety of follow-up techniques. If used to make a disarm attempt, the swordbreaker is treated as a one-handed weapon rather than a light weapon. A swordbreaker parrying dagger is specifically designed to be used in the off-hand of a fencer and are often wielded paired with a rapier. When used as an off-hand weapon, the swordbreaker parrying dagger grants a +1 shield bonus as the wielder can use it to intercept and "turn" attacks.

Parrying Dagger, Swordbreaker
Critical: 20/x3
Range Increment: 10'
Type: Piercing
Small18 gp1d3
Medium18 gp1d42lbs
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

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