Paper Mage (5e Subclass)

Paper Mage (Roguish Archetype)

Paper Rogues are a unique type of assassin, one that combines the grace and fragility of paper with deadly yet imaginative precision. Art by 써나

A youthful girl walks towards the archduke with a bouquet of white flowers. She jauntly apporaches the figure, her target none the wiser of her motivations. How could he? A little girl carrying flowers? The last thing the archduke saw was the sky as his head rolled from his body ... as well as the little girl, bouquet gone, now holding a large white claymore stained with blood, as errant pieces of paper flutter around her.

Paper Make

When you choose this Archetype at the 3rd level, after some time and practice you are finally able to freely control paper. You can freely move small amounts of paper with your mind, for example flipping pages in a book, or a couple pieces of free falling confetti in the wind. You can also fold paper into small objects, like a small crane or flower.

However, if you attempt to control larger volumes of paper, or weaponize this paper, it requires more of your concentration. You gain Paper Points equal to your intelligence modifier plus your proficency bonus. To use any of your Paper Make abilities you can expend these Paper Points. These points are restored on a long rest. Additionally, to use any of your Paper Make abilities, you must have a source of paper, either near you or on you.

At the 3rd level, choose two Paper Make abilities. You get to choose an additional ability at level 9, 13 and 17. Some abilities use your concentration (following the same rules as concentration spells). You can only concentrate on up to one Paper Make ability or spell, at any given time. You are proficient with your paper weapons

Paper Save DC: 8 + your proficiency + your Intelligence Modifier

Paper Make Abilities:

Paper Make: Carrier: [Concentration] You can concentrate for 10 minutes and spend 3 Paper Points and create a vehicle creation of your design within 30ft of you. It has a walking or flying speed of 2 times your walking speed depending on your creation. Your vehicle can carry up to 4 people. For each 1 Paper Point more you spend, you can carry one more person.

Paper Make: Costume: After a minute of concentration, you can spend 2 Paper Points to create a full costume of your choosing. It takes any form or colour you choose. This costume stays for 24 hours or until dismissed. You can also use your paper costume as a source for your Paper Make abilities.

Paper Make: Shuriken: As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Paper Point to create a paper shuriken with a range of 30/60. It deals 1d4 slashing damage. On a critical hit, it triggers sneak attack.

Paper Make: Storm: As an action, you can spend 2 Paper Point to create a paper storm around you within a cube of 15ft. Any creature within that area makes a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Paper Save DC. On a failure, those creatures take 3d6 slashing damage and half as much on a successful one. For each 1 Paper Point more you spend, the damage increases by 1d6. This attack does not trigger sneak attack.

Paper Make: Structure: [Concentration] After one minute of concentration, you can spend 3 Paper Point to create a medium size structure of your choosing within 30ft of you. It can hold up to 500 pounds, has an AC of 10 and 10 HP. It lasts until dismissed or your concentration ends. You can spend 1 extra Paper Point to create a Large structure that can hold 800 Pounds and a 2 extra Paper Points to create a Huge structure that can hold up to 1000 pounds.

Paper Make: Wall: [Concentration] As an action you can spend 1 Paper Point to create a wall within 30ft of you that fits within a flat space of 10ft by 10ft. You wall can bend or have multiple faces but it must fit within those boundaries. You can spend 1 more Paper Point to create a wall within a 15ft x 15ft square and 2 more for 20ft x 20ft. The wall has an AC of 10 and 10 HP.

Paper Make: Weapon: [Concentration] As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Paper Point and make any simple or finnesse weapon you have seen before, copying its damage die/dice as well as attributes but not its abilities.

Paper Make: Wings: [Concentration] As an action, you can spend 1 Paper Point to create wings, You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed.

Paper Make: Wrap: [Concentration] As an action, you can spend 2 Paper Point to wrap a creature within 30ft of you in paper. The creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Paper Save DC. On a failure the creature is restrained. It can repeat its saving Throw at the start of each of its turns.

Paper Make: Guardian: [Concentration] As an action you can spend 3 Paper Points to create a medium sized creature of a form of your choosing within 30 ft of you. You can spend an extra 1 Paper Point to make a large creature. This creature has certain statistics:

o AC of 11 + your Intelligence modifier.

o HP of 10 + 3 times your Rogue level.

o Walking or Flying speed of 30ft

o Due to its construct nature, it is immune to Psychic Damage, charms and can't be put to sleep.

o It deals 1d6 damage for medium and 1d10 for large. The type of damage depends on the form of the creature.

o The creature adds your Intelligence modifier to any attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks and saving throws it makes.

o Your Paper Guardian counts as an ally in terms of triggering sneak attack.

Paper Make: Self

Starting at the 17th level, you’ve learnt the art of turning yourself into paper. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can go into your Paper Make: Self state. In this state you can use yourself as a paper source, as your body is now paper. However, you also take any damage your creations take in this form. With the same bonus action you can also disperse yourself into a cloud of paper. You can reconstitute yourself as a bonus action. While dispersed:

• You can only be hit with attacks that have you make a saving throw.

• You are immune to all conditions.

• You cannot attack, or talk.

• You have a flying speed of 2 times your walking speed.

• You can use your Paper abilities and spend Paper Points in this form.

Note: This subclass is meant for players to utilize their imagination. You are not limited to the Paper Make abilities listed here. If you have your own idea for an ability, talk with your DM and see if it is okay for you to add to the list and use in your game.

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gollark: ... I just refreshed randomly on volcano... there was a cheese there?
gollark: I mean, xenowyrms and zyumorphs are roughly the same value, I think. Maybe zyus are a bit more common. Hard to say.
gollark: Still working through my 14-dragon name backlog...
gollark: I got a *chicken* for an aeon once.
gollark: Indeed.
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