PFSRD:Knight's Pennon
Price varies; Aura moderate abjuration or transmutation; CL 6th; Weight 1 lb.
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Battle 4,500 gp; Honor 2,200 gp; Parley 4,500 gp
This narrow cloth flag is made to attach to the end a knight's lance, though it can be flown from a spear, polearm, or even a staff. It has no effect if not mounted appropriately. A knight's pennon grants different benefits depending on its color and design.
Battle: The red knight's pennon of battle allows its bearer to benefit from heroism once per day.
Honor: The gold knight's pennon of honor bestows protection from evil upon the bearer once per day.
Parley: The white knight's pennon of parley, when displayed approaching a negotiation, grants the bearer a +4 enhancement bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks for 1 hour, so long as the bearer does not initiate any hostile action.
Construction Requirements
Battle 2,250 gp; Honor 1,100 gp; Parley 2,250 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, heroism (battle), protection from evil (honor), eagle's splendor (parley)
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