PFSRD:Iron Circlet Of Guarded Souls
Price 30,000 gp; Aura moderate abjuration; CL11th; Weight1 lb.
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This simple cold iron circle has no markings or ornamentation upon it, and is always slightly cool to the touch. The circle shields both the wearer's soul and his identity from mystic intrusion. The wearer is immune to effects that target souls (such as trap the soul) or that would be foiled by a nondetection spell (unlike nondetection, the diviner's caster cannot attempt a spell resistance check to overcome this effect). If the wearer is slain, he cannot be restored to life by magic (save by a miracle, wish, or divine intervention) until the circlet is removed.
Construction Requirements
Cost 15,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection, trap the soul
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