PFSRD:Cloak Of The Hedge Wizard
Price 2,500 gp; Aura faint, school based on cloak type; CL 1st; Weight 1 lb.
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This cloak comes in eight varieties—one for each school of magic. The cloak grants its wearer the ability to use a certain number of spells on command (caster level 1st) based on its school of magic. It also grants the wearer the ability to use prestidigitation on command and at will.
Abjuration: at will— resistance; 1/day— endure elements, shield
Conjuration: at will— acid splash; 1/day— mage armor, unseen servant
Divination: at will— detect magic; 1/day— detect secret doors, true strike
Enchantment: at will— daze; 1/day— charm person, sleep
Evocation: at will— light; 1/day— floating disk, magic missile
Illusion: at will— ghost sound; 1/day— color spray, silent image
Necromancy: at will— touch of fatigue; 1/day— cause fear, ray of enfeeblement
Transmutation: at will— mage hand; 1/day— enlarge person, expeditious retreat
Construction Requirements
Cost 1,125 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, prestidigitation and any spell the cloak allows the caster to use; the creator must have Spell Focus in the cloak's school of magic
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