Oracle (4e Class)


The tides are in your favor
—Karamuno, Oracle of the Waters
Class Traits
Role: Leader. You invoke your powers to aid your allies in battle
Power Source: Primal. Your powers come from your knowledge of nature and the stars
Key Abilities: Wisdom, Intelligence, Strength, Dexterity
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather, Hide, light shield
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged, Blow Dart (4e Equipment)
Implements: Totem,
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 8 + Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Nature.  From the class skills list below, choose 3 more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Endurance, Heal, History, Insight, Perception, Religion
Build Options: Seeing Oracle, Battle Oracle, Invoking Oracle
Class Features: <!-Class features->

Oracles are seers, prophets, and sometimes hermits. They read the stars tea leaves to tell the future, and offer elemental blessings of protection. Some take up arms and become battle sages in service to their lord or chieftain.

Oracle Overview

Characteristics: Many oracles are old and wise.
Races: Commonly Half-orc, elf, half-elf, dragonborn, goliath

Creating an Oracle

As an Oracle, your build choice greatly effects your play style. A battle Oracle will often be armed with a wooden shield a mace, and will charge into battle for the service of his lord. A Seeing Oracle will often stay towards the center of the group using you prophetic and healin powers to aid your allies. An Invoking Oracle often stays towards the back of the group an casts elemental spells into your enemies.

Seeing Oracle

Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by dexterity, which will allow you to make good ranged attacks.

Suggested Feat: <!-suggested feat-> (Human Feat:<!-suggested bonus feat for humans->)
Suggested Skills: Dungeoneering, Insight, Perception
Suggested At-Will Powers: Invoke Primal Fury, Shot of the Wind
Suggested Encounter Power: Tidal Fortune
Suggested Daily Power: Hand of Rejuvination
Battle Oracle

Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by strength, which will allow you to make good melee attacks.

Suggested Feat: <!-suggested feat-> (Human Feat:<!-suggested bonus feat for humans->)
Suggested Skills: Endurance, Heal, Perception
Suggested At-Will Powers: Strike of Elemental Fury, Strike of Elemental Invocation
Suggested Encounter Power: Rockbiter Strike
Suggested Daily Power: Elemental Earth Stomp
Invoking Oracle

Wisdom should be your highest score, followed by intelligence which will add to some of your powers.

Suggested Feat: <!-suggested feat-> (Human Feat:<!-suggested bonus feat for humans->)
Suggested Skills: History, Insight, Religion
Suggested At-Will Powers: Fire Lance, Groundquake
Suggested Encounter Power: Pillar of Elemental Flame
Suggested Daily Power: Call Inner Flame

Oracle Class Features

All Oracles share these class features.

Healing Touch: You gain Healing Touch power

Healing Touch Oracle Class Feature
With a touch of a hand, your ally seems to be further recovered
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Primal, Healing
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Touch
Target: you or an ally
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, make a saving throw, and regain an additional 1d6 hit points.
Increase the amount of additional hit points regained to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, 4d6 at 16th level, 5d6 at 21st level, and 6d6 at 26th level.
Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round. At 16th level, 3 times per encounter.

Blessing of the Elements: At first level, choose one of the following Powers. Like Channel Divinity powers, some additional Elemental Blessing Powers may be attained through feats.

Elemental Blessing of Fortitude Oracle Class Feature
You imbued your ally with the power of the earth, making him hardy and durable.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Primal
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Touch
Target: you or an ally
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to your wisdom modifier + 1/2 level, and gets a +2 bonus to his next Endurance or Athletics check and a +1 bonus to Fortitude until the end of the encounter.

Elemental Blessing of Swiftness Oracle Class Feature
You channel the forces of the wind into your ally, making him agile and dexterous.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Primal
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Touch
Target: you or an ally
Effect: The next time the target shifts, he may shift 3 additional square. The target also gets a +2 bonus to his next Acrobatics, Thievery, or Stealth check and a +1 bonus to Reflex until the end of the encounter.

Elemental Blessing of Foresight Oracle Class Feature
You imbued the target's mind with astral energy, making him more wise and understanding.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Primal
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Touch
Target: you or an ally
Effect: The target gains a power bonus to his next attack equal to your wisdom modifier. The target also gets a +2 bonus to his next Insight, Nature, Perception, or Dungeoneering check and a +1 bonus to Will until the end of the encounter.

Elemental Invocations: Some of your powers give your allies enhancements based on elements.

Element InvokedAugment
EarthA nearby ally gains temporary hit points equal to your wisdom modifier + 1/2 level
WaterA nearby ally gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn
FireA nearby ally gains a power bonus to damage rolls equal to your wisdom modifier until the end of your next turn
AirA nearby ally may shift two squares, and the next time the ally makes a successful attack before the end of your next turn, he may push the target 1 square.


An Oracle's powers are called Invocations. A list can be found Oracle Powers (4e Power List). Oracles may also take any Shaman power that does not contain the spirit keyword.

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gollark: You can also *buy* perfectly good atomic clocks.
gollark: Skill issue: just sync your clocks off GPS.
gollark: I agree. Since I wrote a Macron interpreter using Codex it's been fully solved.
gollark: You might have to do things like, I don't even know, gradient descent.
gollark: Just assume the nonlinear things are linear. Nobody will notice.
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