Okami Amaterasu (3.5e Class)

Okami Amaterasu

Amaterasu is the Japanese Sun Godess, the living embodiment of a powerful being in the body of an animal or Humanoid.

Making an Okami

An Okami is great for both support, tank, and fighter roles, being mobile and adjusting the battlefield to her choosing. The Okami has the ability to switch between her mortal form and her animal form.

Abilities: Most important attributes to an Okami are Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Neutral, Neutral Good, or Lawful Good.

Starting Gold: None.

Starting Age: Simple.

Table: The Okami Amaterasu

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Max Inkwells
1st+1+0+1+1 Divine Retribution, Bloom, Power Slash, Switch Out, Feat 1
2nd+2+0+2+2 Devout Beads, Sunrise 1
3rd+3+1+ 2+2 Tsumugari, Crescent, Feat 2
4th+4+1+3+3 Snarling Beast, Ink Bullet, Ability Point 2
5th+5+2+4+4 Life Beads, Cherry Bomb 3
6th+6/+1+2+4+4 Seven Strike, Catwalk, Feat 3
7th+7/+2+3+5+5 Infinity Judge, Water Lily, Vine 4
8th+8/+3+3+6+6 Exorcism Beads, Water Spout, Ability Point 4
9th+9/+4+4+6+6 Blade of Kusanagi, Feat 5
10th+10/+5+4+7+7 Trinity Mirror, Veil of Mist 5
11th+11/+6/+1+5+8+8 Resurrection Beads 6
12th+12/+7/+2+5+8+8 Eighth Wonder, Galestorm, Feat, Ability Point 6
13th+13/+8/+3+6+9+9 Legendary Weapon(1) 7
14th+14/+9/+4+6+10+10 Secret Brush Technique(1) 7
15th+15/+10/+5+7+10+10 Rejuvination, Secret Brush Technique(2), Feat 8
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+7+11+11 Legendary Weapon(2), Secret Brush Technique(3), Ability Point 8
17th+17/+12/+7/+2+8+12+12 Secret Brush Technique(4) 9
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+8+12+12 Secret Brush Technique(5), Feat 9
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+9+13+13 Legendary Weapon(3), Secret Brush Technique(6) 10
20th+20/+15/10/+5+9+14+14 Secret Brush Technique(7), Ability Point 10

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Concentration(Con), Diplomacy(Cha), Handle Animal(Cha), Heal(Wis), Hide(Dex), Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Move Silently(Dex), Perform(Cha), Sense Motive(Wis), Tumble(Dex).

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: a Okami Amaterasu is proficient with Rosaries(whip) and takes no penalty using it. Amaterasu is also proficient with Glaives along with her Reflector. The Okami is allowed to use Armor and starts with Light Armor Proficiency

Divne Power: The Okami Amaterasu may use her dex to cast her brush techniques, she may also use her dex to use sub actions and main action on her reflectors and her Rosary

Okami Forms

The Okami has two different forms - Mortal and Wolf. Each form has its own ups and downs, and shares the same stats as one another. An Okami may switch forms whenever she wants, but in combat she follows the rules of Switch Out when switching her forms.

Mortal Form - If the Okami chooses to be in Mortal Form, she has an increased +2 to her Charisma and Intelligence, and the speed of her Mortal Form's race (Human, Elf, Orc, etc), as well as gaining a +5 to Diplomacy, Handle Animal, and Perform checks.

Animal Form - If the Okami chooses to be in Animal Form, she becomes a specific creature of her choosing, and has an increased +2 to her Dexterity, as well as an extra +5 to her Intimidate, Hide, and Tumble checks. The Okami's speed is also set to 50 for non-flying animals, and 40 to flying animals.


An Okami has specific weapons that it is only allowed to use, these are Reflectors, Rosaries, and Glaives.

An Okami is able to equip two of these at a time, one for a Main Weapon, and the other for a Sub Weapon.

Depending on whether the weapon is equipped in the Main slot or Sub slot effects how the weapon would act.

There are numbers of combinations, such as a Reflector for your Main, and a Rosary for your Sub. You could even have a Rosary in your Main and a different Rosary in your Sub.

However, on an Okami's turn, they must choose whether to use their Main Weapon's action, or their Sub Weapon's Action. An Okami may not use both a Main and Sub action on the same turn.

The Legendary Weapon perks gained at lvl 13, 16, and 19 allow you to pick which Legendary Weapon you want, such as if you wanted the Legendary Reflector at level 13, and the Legendary Glaive at level 19, but wanted the Legendary Rosary at lvl 16. An Okami may decide what level they gain the specific Legendary Weapon.

Switch Out -Using the Switch Out ability gained at level 1, an Okami can use her turn to switch out her Main and Sub Weapons, or she can switch forms. She cannot attack during this turn, but can still move around if she is switching her weapons.

The following are Legendary Weapons -

Legendary Reflector - Solar Flare, also gains the Brush Techniques Inferno and Fire Burst.

Legendary Rosary - Tundra Beads, also gains the Brush Techniques Blizzard and Icestorm.

Legendary Glaive - Thunder Edge, also gains the Brush Techniques Thunderstorm and Thunderbolt.

Table: Weapon Damage
LevelReflector DamageReflector Sub ACRosary DamageGlaive Damage

Reflector Weapons

Reflector Weapons are a mix between a shield and a disc that is used to either damage or block attacks.

A Reflector's Main attack is a simple shield/disc bash.

A Reflector's Sub function allows the Okami to charge it up on that turn to provide her extra AC until her next turn. An Okami may not make any Brush Techniques if they choose to use a Reflector as their Sub action. Any targets she successfully blocks with take Reflector Damage and be pushed back 5ft.

An Okami can choose to charge their Reflector for a turn (If it's in her main) and on her next turn will deal double Reflector Damage to any targets in front of her (Including anyone in her attack of opportunity areas). She may do this once every three turns.

Divine Retribution - When equipped, Okami gains an extra +2 AC, extra +4 AC when sub blocking.

Snarling Beast - When any damage is dealt using the Snarling Beast, Okami targets any nearby enemy (Even the same one she attacked) and hits them with an Ink Bullet. The Snarling Beast also deals a bonus +2 on damage rolls unlike the other reflectors.

Infinity Judge - When Okami successfully blocks with Infinity Judge as her sub, the reflector disperses and 14 pieces of the Infinity Judge will attack nearby enemies, each targeting a single enemy. One piece per enemy. Each piece deals Reflector Damage.

Trinity Mirror - When any damage is dealt using the Trinity Mirror, Okami targets any nearby enemy (Even the same one she attacked) and hits them with an Ink Bullet. In addition, upon a successful attack roll with Trinity Mirror, Okami may attack again with a -2 to her attack, and if she succeeds on the second hit, she can attempt one more with a -4 to attack.

Solar Flare - When any damage is dealt using Solar Flare, enemies take additional Fire Damage. Okami may guide her brush if the Solar Flare is on as her main, and will use one ink well to ignite a nearby enemy (max of 50ft) for Fire Damage.

Rosary Weapons

Rosary Weapons and bead-like whips that can be used at a distance. (Add Dexterity Modifier to your damage rolls instead of Strength Modifier with Rosaries)

A Rosaries' Main attack has a 20ft range and targets any enemies in a line, rolling her attack for each one.

A Rosaries' Sub attack has a 40ft range and targets a single enemy.

If the Okami has a Rosary for her Main Weapon, she can strike any enemy in front of her in a cone (15ft, including anyone in her attack of opportunity areas) once every three turns. Any targets who are hit by this attack take double Rosary Damage.

Devout Beads - When equipped as her Main, Okami gains an extra +2 to her Dexterity.

Life Beads - When any damage is dealt using the Life Beads, Okami targets any nearby enemy (Even the same one she attacked) and hits them with an Ink Bullet. In addition, Okami will heal herself for the damage done by the Ink Bullet. (Must be equipped as main for the heal to be used)

Exorcism Beads - When equipped, the Exorcism Beads will deal additional Holy Damage to Undead and Demon creatures on successful damage hits.

Resurrection Beads - When equipped as sub, it's long range attacks will deal an additional +2 on damage rolls. Along with this, the Resurrection Beads can be used once per day to help an injured ally back up (Not including herself) as well as return them from the dead with 1d4 current health. If the Resurrection Bead's daily is used they will no longer be available for the rest of the day. The Resurrection Beads must be equipped in order to use its daily.

Tundra Beads - Upon successful damage rolls, the target will take additional Ice Damage. Okami may guide her brush if the Tundra Beads are on as her main, and will use one ink well to deal Ice Damage.

Glaive Weapons

Glaive Weapons are giant swords that would normally be two-handed, but not in Okami's case. They can be used to give a good strike in or even to knock an opponent down.

A Glaive's Main action is a simple sword strike, but some Glaives have special strikes.

A Glaive's Sub action makes Okami charge up an attack, and on her next turn, knocks up an enemy and knocks them back down, knocking them on the ground for a turn and dealing 2dGlaive Damage.

Tsumugari - When equipped during night time (and the correct conditions are met), Tsumugari gains additional Moon Shine to its attack and damage rolls.

Seven Strike - When any damage is dealt using Seven Strike, Okami targets any nearby enemy (Even the same one she attacked) and hits them with an Ink Bullet. In addition, when the Seven Strike is equipped as a sub it may instantly do an aerial attack, but will not be able to do so again for three turns.

Blade of Kusanagi - When equipped as Okami's main, it may be used once every three turns to lunge 15ft in a straight line, damaging any enemies in her path and adding Ksanagi's Poison to them. In addition, any enemies hit by Blade of Kusanagi will have Ksanagi's Poison applied to them.

Eighth Wonder - When any damage is dealt using Eighth Wonder, Okami targets any nearby enemy (Even the same one she attacked) and hits them with an Ink Bullet. When equipped as a main weapon it may lunge forward 15ft, slamming down any hit by it and knocking them down for a turn. May only be used once every three turns.

Thunder Edge - When any damage is dealt using Thunder Edge, the enemy will take additional Electrical Damage. Okami may guide her brush if the Thunder Edge is her main, and will use one ink well to stun a nearby enemy for their next turn, dealing Electrical Damage as well.

Brush Techniques

Brush Techniques are an Okami's magical spells, using her environment and Celestial Brush to her advantage. All Brush Techniques use up her Inkwells, her source of power, and can only be used within 50ft of herself. At the end of combat, an Okami's Inkwells refill to the brim. Every 3rd turn in combat, half an Inkwell will recharge for her to use. Brush Techniques can be used once every turn, before or her after the Okami's Main or Sub Action.

Blizzard - If Okami has any source of ice, she may use it to guide her brush and manipulate the ice. If she chooses to attack a target with the ice, it will deal Ice Damage. Uses a single ink well.

Bloom - Okami may revive dead plants or creates plants, grass, flowers, etc with her brush. Uses half an ink well.

Catwalk - Okami may use Catwalk to give her an additional +5 on her next climb check. Uses half an ink well.

Cherry Bomb - Okami creates a bomb at least 30ft away from herself, placing it on the ground, exploding on her next turn. The Cherry Bomb will explode in a 15x15ft radius and deal Explosive Damage. Uses one and one half ink wells.

Crescent - Okami uses her brush to turn day to night. Uses two ink wells.

Fire Burst - Launches a fireball, dealing Fire Damage in a 10x10 area, leaving a Fire Patch where it landed. Enemies standing in the Fire Patch take Fire Damage each turn they are in it. Uses two ink wells.

Galestorm - Okami uses her brush to blow wind in the direction she chooses for a single turn. Uses one ink well.

Icestorm - Okami creates an icestorm, raining down ice shards, dealing Ice Damage to anyone in the 15x15 area. Uses two ink wells.

Inferno - If there is a source of fire, Okami may guide her brush from it and manipulated it. She may also choose to attack and ignite an enemy, dealing Fire Damage. Uses a single ink well.

Ink Bullet - Activated by specific weapons, dealing Ink Damage. Uses 1/4 of an ink well.

Power Slash - Okami uses her brush to do a slashing strike with her brush in front of herself (Her attacks of opportunity areas) and deals Slash Damage. Uses an ink well.

Rejuvination - Using the power of the past, Okami can guide her brush over missing things such as a broken bridge, but may only if she has seen it before in the past. Uses one and a half ink wells for each thing re-drawn.

Sunrise - Okami uses her brush to turn night to day. Uses two ink wells.

Thunderbolt - Okami calls down a bolt of lightning, dealing Electrical Damage to them and stunning them for a turn. Uses two ink wells.

Thunderstorm - If Okami has any source of electricity, she may use it to guide her brush and manipulate the lightning. If she chooses to attack en enemy, she may guide to one and deal Electrical Damage, and stun them for a turn. Uses an ink well.

Veil of Mist - Okami uses her brush to create mist in a 40x40 area, allowing her and allies to avoid, sneak around, or get an advantage on enemies. Uses one and a half ink wells.

Vine - Okami may use her brush to create a vine, giving her a personal rope. She gains a +5 on Climb Rope checks as well. Uses one ink well.

Water Lily - Okami may use her brush to create water lilies on water. Each lily consumes half an ink well.

Waterspout - If there is a source of water, Okami may guide her brush from it and manipulate it. Uses an ink well.

Secret Brush Techniques

The following Brush Techniques are gained at lvl 13-20 in whatever order the player chooses, giving upgraded versions of some techniques and some entirely new ones, as well.

Power Slash 2 - Allows up to two Power Slashes on the same turn. Doubles ink wells used.

Power Slash 3 - Allows up to three Power Slashes on the same turn. Triples ink wells used.

Cherry Bomb 2 - Allows you to create two Cherry Bombs on the same turn. Doubles ink wells used.

Cherry Bomb 3 - Allows you to create three Cherry Bombs on the same turn. Triples ink wells used.

Mist Warp - Allows Okami to teleport around the mist. Uses one ink well for each teleport.

Whirlwind - Okami creates a Whirlwind around herself, giving her Whirlwind Armor. Uses three ink wells. Whirlwind Armor lasts for ten turns and will deal 2d6 damage to anyone standing next to the Okami.

Deluge - Okami creates a storm cloud above a 20x20 area, raining down water. Uses two ink wells.

Damage Types

All types of damage are used in spells and some weapons, combining Okami's power with them.

Table: Damage Types
LevelFire DamageIce DamageElectrical DamageInk DamageExplosive DamageSlash DamageHoly DamageKusanagi's Poison

Fire Damage - Fire Damage is caused by Solar Flare or certain Brush Techniques, dealing Fire Damage to the enemy hit.

Ice Damage - Ice Damage is caused by Tundra Beads or certain Brush Techniques. There is a 1/4 chance that an enemy hit by Ice Damage can be frozen for 2d3 turns. If an enemy is already frozen and Okami manages to freeze them again, it will add +1 to the amount of time frozen.

Electrical Damage - Electrical Damage is caused by Thunder Glaive or certain Brush Techniques. Anytime Electrical Damage is done, the target is stunned for a turn.

Ink Damage - Ink Damage is a result of the Ink Bullet ability applied to certain weapons.

Explosive Damage - Explosive Damage is caused by Okami's Cherry Bomb.

Slash Damage - Slash Damage is caused by Okami's Power Slash.

Holy Damage - Holy Damage is caused by any enemies hit by Exorcism Beads.

Kusanagi's Poison - Kusanagi's Poison is applied to any enemy hit by Blade of Kusanagi, enemies with the poison applied will take Kusanagi's Poison each turn for 1d5 turns. If enemies who are hit by Blade of Kusanagi are already poisoned, an additional 1d5 turns of Kusanagi's Poison is added to the duration.

Moon Shine - Moon Shine occurs whenever Tsumugari is equipped and it is night time. If it is night time, Tsumugari gains an additional +2 to attack and damage rolls. If the moon is visible, Tsumugari gains a +3 to attack and damage rolls. If the moon is a crescent moon, Tsumugari gains a +5 to attack and damage rolls. All three of these effects can be applied at once, such as if it's night time and the moon is out, but it is not a crescent, Tsumugari will gain an additional +5 to attack and damage rolls.

Epic Okami

Table: The Epic Okami

Hit Die: d8

21stAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +1 on damage rolls.
22ndAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +2 on damage rolls.
23rdAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +3 on damage rolls.
24thAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +4 on damage rolls.
25thAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +5 on damage rolls. Bonus Feat.
26thAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +6 on damage rolls.
27thAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +7 on damage rolls.
28thAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +8 on damage rolls.
29thAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +9 on damage rolls.
30thAll damage types (Brush Techniques, Weapons, etc) gain a +10 on damage rolls. Bonus Feat.

8 + Int modifier skill points per level.

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