Necklace of the Chorus (3.5e Equipment)

Necklace of the Chorus: This crystal necklace has a music note etched into the jewel and vibrates in harmony when you are playing music."

This necklace harmonizes with your music making it sound better and even continue the song with out you even playing. The harmonizing of the necklace gives you a +2 on any Perform skill. Whenever you are using a bardic music effect that requires concentration, the necklace can continue the song perfectly for up to 10 rounds or until you end it as a swift action or start another bardic music effect; all 10 rounds need not be in a row. The 10 rounds are restored each day at dawn.

Faint (DC 17) Illusion;CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Ghost Sound; Cost 800gp, 64 XP, 1 Day; Activation: and Swift; Weight: lb.; Market Price: 1,600 gp

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