Navel (Andu Supplement)

Navel is a bit unique than any other city. While other cities sprang up at river edges, coastal ports, and wooded clearings, Navel was designed and built for one purpose. To hold all the religions in one glorious religious city.


Around the time of King Andu there has been a wedge driven between divine and arcane casters. That rift has widened over the years and it was proposed that an act of generocity on the arcane side might mend old grudges. A wizard named Tristbanthis hired an engineer to find a location for this holy city. His engineer surveyed the land and returned with haste. Alas, they found the location.

In the middle of the continent, more like the middle of nowhere, they decided to place this city. Why they decided on this location is unknown. It was miles from a water source, no record of any holy event taking place there, and nearly completely flat short of Jawbone Mountain Range to the south.

They proposed to connect the Atax River to the west and the Murky River to the east bringing fresh water to the area. This new waterway would allow construction materials, workers, and provisions to enter the site. Tristbanthis was nearing old age and fearing that the project would stop upon his death, he pulled workers from digging the canal to start work on the city.

Each faith was given a equal area to house their temple with strict guidelines. Each building could be no more than 420 feet long, 130 feet wide, and 110 feet tall. This does not include butresses to support the outer walls nor the 40 foot maximum spire on top. These calculations were the mathmatical template to house each faith in the city and give a limit to the structural integrity of the level of engineering at the time. Plus it limited how one temple tried to out perform its neighbor.

The center most circle of temples were reserved for the greater gods and goddesses. The next rings of temples are for intermediate gods and goddesses followed by lessor ones. The DM can choose to map these out though it includes nearly all faiths present on that continent. There are roads through the city named after the hours of a clock. The street from the center of the city directly north is 12th street or 12th hour, for example.

Tristbanthis managed to complete most of the temples, and outer wall before his passing. With his last breath he called this holy city Navel (nə vĕl'). No successor wanted to continue the canal and it was nearly abandoned. The faiths took up residence in this well designed city and a small town sprang up outside the walls of Navel.

The Wall

The outer wall is 10 foot wide by 16 foot high and heavily guarded by undead. These skeleton warriors serve as loyal, low maintenance, guards that could be easily turned or commanded by any of the clergy. The troops stand watch at any hour of the day and rumor has it that more powerful undead guards populate the inner circles.

The gates are always closed and opened to allow merchants and traders to pass. If the city should be besieged, the townsfolk are allowed to seek safety inside the walls if they wish. Many citizens are unsure about which to fear more, an advancing army or the undead guards protecting them.


Templars are temple guards meant to protect against foreign threats from other temples or invaders. This private army is limited to 100 units though most temples keep their actual number a secret. It is not uncommon to see 20 units accompanying the leader who wishes to travel outside the city walls.

The Sewers

The planning for the sewers was rather well thoughtout. The city does not have any tunnels leading out beyond the walls for attackers to gain access. The trash and waste goto a central area and filth feeders like an Otyugh take care of it. There is a whole balanced ecosystem where one creature handles organic waste, another metalic waste, and so on.

The Catacombs

These tunnels were not part of the original plans. Some link greater temples with others and may have a ceremonial chamber. This chamber might be host to summoning circles where temple leaders pool their energy to attain a higher goal. Other tunnels may lead to an area far below the surface where powerful undead creatures are being summoned/created to overthrow the balance.

The Council of Elders

To eliminate inner turmoil, a council of elders was formed. This council holds one figure from the greater temples and a seat for all other faiths in Navel is available on the common floor. The council addresses the goals of the majority and handles disputes. A system of voting (favoring the powerful temples) has been established giving greater temples 3 votes, intermediate temples 2 votes, and lesser temples only 1 vote.

More is explained in the Organization section of this suppliment.

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