Nagana (3.5e Race)


The nagana are a race of reptilian humanoids who are known best for their resemblance to yuan-ti abominations. Endothermic and obviously descended from snakes, they are alien to almost all other races.


As a race, nagana are highly centralized, with a majority of the species looking out for the interests of the group, rather than the individual. Their rigidly defined caste system dictates the place of each nagana in society, base upon a summary of natural skills that is normally taken at a young age. While all castes are the same race, each one has different skills, abilities and natural features that allow this style of caste system.

Warriors tend to be alert and are generally not very personable. They are protectors, and prefer martial trades to best serve the clan. A patient bunch, they will give a wrong-doer long enough to think on their actions before reacting. Once spurred to act, however, they almost always respond with lethal force, preferring to kill their opponents.

The Worker caste is the, as to be expected, working class. They do whatever needs to be done for the clan, be that crafting, teaching, breeding or what have you. They are highly protective of the clan hatchery, and the eggs within, and will often fly into a blind rage if those are threatened.

Mystics among their race, Evokers are mysterious and distant, set apart from the others. They naturally channel the great powers of magic by right of birth. They are, often, more charismatic and wise than their brethren, but tend to be very secular and distant from the rest of the community. Generally seen as wise elders and great leaders, Evokers hone their talents to a fine art to aid their clan.

The Sport caste is the least defined of the castes, having only arisen recently. They tend to be rather social folk, breaking from the clan focused norm to be more people focused. Highly independent, this caste has begun to make their place as diplomats and scholars, doing well in both pursuits of knowledge and inter-species relation.

Physical Description

Many people who first see a nagana believe them to be yuan-ti abominations. Indeed, there are many parallels that can be drawn between the two serpentine races. The main differences, however, tend to make themselves known in short order. For one, the nagana, on average, are longer than an abomination, with the smallest being only ten feet long at maturity.

Another main difference is that they seem to be less angular and savage looking, being more sleek and lithe. On average, the males are slightly larger than the females, however individual castes have differing sizes and size differences. Their scales, which covers their entire body, tend to come in a variety of colours, with interesting combinations and patterns having appeared over the years. Most lack hair, and the feature is in fact exceedingly rare among the species, however those with hair commonly have a similar colour to their scales. Amber is a common eye colour, however blue, red and green can also be found.


Relations between the nagana and the warm-blooded races are, ironically, cool at best. The way that 'the mammals' think is strange to them, though they understand the dwarven devotion to clan and family well. In fact, the two races, while unlikely to encounter each other normally, tend to get along fairly well. The major barrier in social situations is the fact that many people see the scales and the tails and assume that they are yuan-ti.

In human socities, they are viewed with suspicion at best, and equal parts of fear and hostility at worst. Halflings tend to be welcoming, as they are with other races, but fearful. Gnomes are curious but also fearful. Elves see the nagana as suspicious as a whole, but take individuals on a per-person basis. The fact that they are hostile with yuan-ti comes as a surprise to most, however the two races are near constantly at war, as the nagana seek to destroy the 'imitators'.

Law and Chaos

As a race, nagana tend toward more lawful behaviour, due to their centralizd society. Everyone has a place and must operate within it in order for their clans to function. Neutral members are common enough, though, normally of the good morality. Chaotic persons are seen as dangerous to the status quo, and the more disruptive of them tend to be exiled before their ideals destabilize the clan. Chaotic nagana and exiles are rare, though. One or two clans have appeared over the years that are chaotic, however very few have survived long.

Good and Evil

Nagana are mostly seen as neutral, however good and evil nagana are only slightly less common than their unbiased brethren. Clans of evil nagana have been known to hunt halflings and gnomes, turning them into a delicacy, while clans of good nagana often work to counter any bad stereotypes. Often, the two clash, but luckily, a whole clan dominated by one morality or another is uncommon at best.


Being cold-blooded, nagana are more commonly found in temperate to tropical locations. The most common subtype tends to live in or around warm forests or similarly warm valleys. Most clans are at least loosely allied, however they have no nation of their own as of yet.


Religion is only common among the Evoker caste, however the nagana as a whole do have their own pantheon. Chief among their deities is Sh'hissnar, the Keeper of Duty. Her domains are Law, Balance, Community, Family, and Scalykind.


The racial language of nagana is Ssisk. Ssisk is sharp, harsh, raspy, consonant heavy and tends to include a variety of hiss-like sounds. It is difficult for most mammals to speak Ssisk due to this and the fact that it is rare to find a willing teacher. They also learn the common tongue, but it tends to be heavily accented. It is also not uncommon for them to learn the language of dwarves, due to their positive relations, and sylvan due to the location of most clans. Halfling and Gnome is normally picked up to ease relations with the smaller folk, though not always for benign reasons.


Nagana names are more classified by caste than gender. Personal names tend to come first, followed by caste and clan, but the structure is very malleable and it is a matter of personal preference much of the time. Often, they affix words that exemplify what they do best, and are awarded a special title if they are deemed masters of their craft or duty, as a symbol of status.

Common Warrior names: Sa'ass, Shik, Z'zax, Sh'sha
Common Worker names: Ak'ka, Telz, Atisj, T'tez
Common Evoker names: Keok, Ik'kaska, K'kis, I'issk
Common Sport names: Lsiss, Vizk, L'ki, Vak

Common Clan names: Ket'tes'siss, Vass'teka, Sj'shiss

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, 2 Charisma: Nagana are lithe, but they are not well accepted in society.
  • Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian): While they are humanoid in shape, the nagana are closer to their snake ancestors than to any of the mammalian races.
  • Medium: Nagana gain no bonuses or penalties for their size.
  • Nagana base land speed is 20 feet. However, nagana can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armour.: Nagana have a swim speed of 10 and a climb speed of 10. They may take 10 on any climb or swim checks, even when distracted or threatened.
  • Heat Sense to 60 feet. (Ex): This is the ability to see infrared heat patterns. It works even if all of the other characters senses are blinded. However, it does not work if the heat-sensitive pits on the face are blocked or covered. Some creatures, like the undead or the incorporeal, may not have a discernible heat signature, if any at all.
  • Scent (Ex): The unique tongue of the nagana give it the scent ability. A nagana can detect opponents by scent within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stentch, can be detected at triple normal range. When a nagana detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed - only its presence somewhere within range. The nagana can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever the nagana comes within 5 feet of the source, the nagana pinpoints the source's location. Excessively strong smells can cancel the scent ability for 1d10 hours. It is a Fortitude save to resist the cancellation, with a DC based upon the substance and the strength thereof. They also lose the ability to taste in this time.
  • Scaled: A nagana's scales provide it a +1 natural armour bonus.
  • Natural Attacks: The nagana have a natural bite attack that deals 1d4+strength modifier damage. It may be used as a regular attack, a secondary attack, or as part of a full attack.
  • Poison Resistant: +2 on all saves vs. poison. Being poisonous themselves, nagana have evolved a resistance to toxins. They are also immune to their own poison.
  • +2 racial bonus to Intimidate checks: The nagana's appearance and resemblance to yuan-ti abominations tends to perturb other species.
  • +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks: It is harder to hear a nagana move than it is other races.
  • +2 racial bonus to Grapple checks and Climb checks: A nagana' powerful tail aids it in overcoming an opponent and in maintaining grip when climbing.
  • Cold Sensitivity: Nagana take a 2 to all attack and skill rolls when in chilled or cold environments, and an extra 2 points of damage from cold effects.
  • Caste Racial Traits: At character creation, choose one caste (Evoker, Sport, Warrior or Worker). This choice cannot be changed later. Gain the following caste traits.
    • Evoker:
      • Ability Score Adjustment: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom OR Charisma; This stacks with the basic adjustments for the race.
      • Magic (Su): An Evoker may have 2 spell-like abilities of his choice, up to spell level 3. These choices are subject to DM approval. Level 1 abilities can be used 3 times a day, Level 2 abilities may be used 2 times a day, and level 3 abilities maybe used once a day. Level 0 spells count as 1/2 a choice, and may be used at will (or 6 times a day at the DMs discretion.) Caster level is equal to character level 3.
      • Poison: Usable 4/day on a successful bite attack. The target must make a Fort save (DC12+Con Modifier+1/2 HD) or take 1d3 constitution damage. At level 5, the poison damage increases to 1d4. At level 9, the poison damage increases again to 1d6. At level 5, the poison damage increases to 1d4. At level 9, the poison damage increases again to 1d6. At level 12, the nagana gains a secondary poison damage. At level 12, the nagana gains a secondary strength damage to their poison. The secondary damage begins at 1d3, then improves to 1d4 at level 16 and 1d6 at level 20.
    • Sport:
      • Ability Score Adjustment: 2 Constitution, 2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +4 Charisma; This stacks with the basic adjustments for the race.
      • Diplomacy: The Sport caste is comprised of natural diplomats, and they therefore gain a racial +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks.
      • Poison: Usable 4/day on a successful bite attack. The target must make a Fort save (DC12+Con Modifier+1/2 HD) or take 1d3 intelligence damage. At level 5, the poison damage increases to 1d4. At level 9, the poison damage increases again to 1d6. At level 5, the poison damage increases to 1d4. At level 9, the poison damage increases again to 1d6. At level 12, the nagana gains a secondary poison damage. At level 12, the nagana gains a secondary sleep effect.
    • Warrior:
      • Ability Score Adjustment: +2 Strength, 2 Charisma; This stacks with the basic adjustments for the race.
      • Hood (Ex): The Warrior caste automatically has the Hooded Nagana feat, but their heat sense is reduced from 60 feet to 30 feet. The anatomy of the Warrior partially covers the heat-sensitive pits, reducing their ability to sense heat.
      • Poison: Usable 4/day on a successful bite attack. The target must make a Fort save (DC12+Con Modifier+1/2 HD) or take 1d3 constitution damage. At level 5, the poison damage increases to 1d4. At level 9, the poison damage increases again to 1d6. At level 5, the poison damage increases to 1d4. At level 9, the poison damage increases again to 1d6. At level 12, the nagana gains a secondary poison damage. At level 12, the nagana gains a secondary death effect.
    • Worker:
      • Frenzy (Ex): The Worker caste can go into a rage as a barbarian of three levels lower (minimum level 1). During this time, the nagana cannot feel pain, and will continue fighting until -10 hit points. This effect is automatic if hearth or hatchery is threatened, and requires a DC 15 Will save to activate voluntarily. The Workers are the last line of defense for the clan, and they attack without regard for themselves if the hatchery or their home is in danger.
      • Poison: Usable 4/day on a successful bite attack. The target must make a Fort save (DC12+Con Modifier+1/2 HD) or take 1d3 wisdom damage. At level 5, the poison damage increases to 1d4. At level 9, the poison damage increases again to 1d6. At level 5, the poison damage increases to 1d4. At level 9, the poison damage increases again to 1d6. At level 12, the nagana gains a secondary poison damage. At level 12, the nagana gains a secondary paralysis effect.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Sissk, Serpent's Cant. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan.
  • Caste Favored Class: Warrior; Fighter. Worker; Any (NPC: Artisan). Evoker; Any one spontaneous caster other than Bard. Sport; Bard.

Vital Statistics

Table: Random Starting Ages
14 years+1d6 years+2d4 years+2d6 years
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
44 years65 years86 years+4d10 years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Warrior Nagana Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male6' 6"+2d4310 lb.× (3d6) lb.
Female6' 2"+2d4290 lb.× (3d6) lb.
Table: Worker Nagana Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male6' 0"+1d4280 lb.× (3d6) lb.
Female5' 6"+1d4275 lb.× (3d6) lb.
Table: Evoker Nagana Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male5' 6"+1d4240 lb.× (3d6) lb.
Female6' 0"+1d4250 lb.× (3d6) lb.
Table: Sport Nagana Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male5' 7"+1d4275 lb.× (3d6) lb.
Female6' 1"+2d3275 lb.× (3d6) lb.

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gollark: Some sort of direct computer-to-computer modem would give people unrealistic ideas about security.
gollark: No.
gollark: Rednet isn't actually computer-to-computer as such. It pretends to be, but anyone can pretend to be any computer and trivially read any message.
gollark: Yes, so is rednet.
gollark: Rednet is just a bad modem wrapper.
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