Mundus (3.5e Class)

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A mundus and his friend meditating on the tree of change.


We are the shepherds. Tending eternally to the carefully balanced chaos of the universe. We keep watch over the world, and it keeps watch over us.
—Phoenix, prismatic dragon mundus

Making a Mundus

The mundus has tremendous medium range capabilities serving to his control over the four elemental forces. Although he can inflict moderate damage in combat, his real strength shines in utility and support. He can use his powers to whisk the party up and over mountains or prevent cave-ins, he can start fires in swamps and begin to stop the rain at greater levels. Mundus are often extremely wise, making them good consultants and sages. They will quickly become a key member of any group, owing to their unique utility.

Abilities: The primary attribute for the mundus is wisdom. The wisdom of a mundus determines the power he has discovered over the world and limits how strong he can become. A high dexterity can also be very useful for a mundus as they typically wear no armour and it provides them with a much needed armour class bonus if they ever enter close hand combat. A good constitution is sometimes helpful too if the mundus plans to be a tank in combat. A high intelligence may also help with the many skills a mundus finds useful.

Races: Mundus often come from lineages that are close to the world and can feel its presence in their lives. In this way elves, dwarves, and gnomes best fit the role of the mundus. Elves owing to their natural bond with the forests and life, dwarves being creatures of the deep already live in and shape the rocks and stones of the world, and Gnomes for their good hearts and inborn magical qualities. Humans are versatile and easily adapt to the class making them fit well into the world, however they are not as innately close to nature as the others. Half-elves have some of the closeness to nature of the elves, and versatility of the humans making them fit the class well. Orcs make very rare mundus owing to disdain of necessary book learning, however sometimes the more civilized of them may choose to do so.

Alignment: Any non-evil. Mundus are primarily good aligned, owing to the inherently good nature of keeping the world in balance and harmony with its destructive elemental forces. They sometimes still become neutral, just as many druids are neutral, devoting their lives to the world and caring very little about the rest.

Starting Gold: 1d4×10 gp (25 gp).

Starting Age: Complex (as wizard)

Table: The Mundus

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Power Drain
1st+0+0+0+2 Meditation
2nd+1+0+0+3 Power Give (Creatures)
3rd+1+1+1+3 Power Drain10-ft3, 1/day, 25% efficiency
4th+2+1+1+4 4 resist all energy types
5th+2+1+1+4 Power Give (Objects)20-ft3
6th+3+2+2+5 2/day
7th+3+2+2+5 Power Move
8th+4+2+2+6 8 resist all energy types50% efficiency
9th+4+3+3+6 Improved Power Move
10th+5+3+3+7 30-ft3
11th+5+3+3+7 Greater Power Move3/day
12th+6/+1+4+4+8 12 resist all energy types
13th+6/+1+4+4+8 75% efficiency
14th+7/+2+4+4+9 Improved Ability Efficiency
15th+7/+2+5+5+9 40-ft3
16th+8/+3+5+5+10 16 resist all energy types4/day
17th+8/+3+5+5+10 Mutare Mundi
18th+9/+4+6+6+11 100% efficiency
19th+9/+4+6+6+11 Living Elements
20th+10/+5+6+6+12 20 resist all energy types, Meltdown50-ft3

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all)(Int), Survival (Wis).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the mundus.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Mundus are proficient with all simple weapons however are not proficient with any armour or shields.

Meditation: The mundus does not sleep, but rather meditates to fully revitalize himself. A mundus must only 'sleep' in this way for 4 hours to get an entire night's rest, and during this meditation period is slightly more alert than regular sleeping (affording a +2 bonus on listen checks while asleep). After each period of meditation a mundus wakes up with a pool of 100 (+30/wis modifier) energy as if from the energy drain power. This power may be stored, but does not stack day to day, it merely refreshes to 100 (+30/wis modifier). The energy may be spent at a rate of 10 points for 1 hp of healing (gaining temporary hp for 3 rounds for any points of over healing), and 100 points for a temporary stat bonus of +1 (lasting 5 rounds). Spending energy in this way takes a move action.

  • After gaining power drain, the daily meditation bonus still only refreshes to 100 (+30/wis modifier), however it will never decrease your total if it is larger allowing you to store hundreds more overnight.

At 14th level the mundus may convert energy to ability scores twice as efficiently on himself, at a rate of 50 for +1.

Power Give (Creatures): At 2nd level energy may now be spent not only to heal oneself, but also given to other creatures. The creature in question must always be a willing participant and cannot store any energy given to it. Energy may still however be spent by any creature gifted with it to heal itself, or to give itself an ability score increase, in the moment they get the energy (the target choosing as a free action). Bestowing energy in this way can be done at a range of up to 50 + 10-ft/level and takes up a standard action for the mundus.

Power Drain: For the purposes of this ability all things are made of various proportions of the 4 elements, with a 10-ft cube of fire possessing 100 energy, a 10-ft cube of air or water possessing 30 energy, and a 10-ft cube of earth possessing 10 energy. Magical elemental forces do not posses natural energy and cannot be drained through this ability (thus produce flame could not be drained for energy, but a fire it starts could!). Beginning at 3rd level the mundus is able to stretch his mind out towards energy, growing in amount, frequency, and efficiency as he levels up. This begins at 1/day, absorbing from a 10-ft3, with 25% efficiency (meaning the mundus may only drain 1/4 of the energy in that 10-ft3). Importantly the mundus may also project this ability up to 100 + 20-ft/level away, so they may absorb energy in a 10-ft cube that is for example 100 ft away from themselves. Any energy you absorb is added to the energy pool first received in the meditation skill. Extra energy in this pool will never dissipate naturally, however caps itself at 300 (+100 x wis modifier). If you attempt to absorb any energy beyond this cap it will immediately dissipate itself in a violent release of power called overloading, dealing 1d6 fire, water, earth, and air damage (4d6 in total) to the mundus. It will also inflict 4d8 total damage (this time 1d8 of each type) to anything else within a 20 ft radius. Absorbing energy always takes a standard action.

Absorbing energy allows you to refill your energy pool and overload if you so choose, however it also serves another important purpose. It can convert elements. Absorbing 70 energy from fire will turn it into air or water, another 20 (or more) makes it Earth, until all energy is absorbed from a substance causing it to disappear completely (note this is only possible at 100% efficiency). This can prove useful in a desert to create water from air (no points are absorbed but transition is still possible), or to convert fire to water in an emergency. It can also prove useful at times in combat, say removing the energy from a block of air above your opponents head causing it to fall upon them. Note that absorbing 50 energy from a fire does not make it air, while adding 50 energy to air does not make it fire; these both requiring a full 70 energy. Changing states is difficult for the elements and must pass the threshold in either direction to do so.

In the case of specific materials a craft check must be made. The DC to convert to specific materials through absorbing the energy of a substance varies on its complexity, while the DC to absorb energy in the correct pattern to shape the substance into say armour varies based on its normal crafting DC. As a general rule of thumb you can only convert more costly materials into less costly materials through energy drain (or materials with approximately equal costs into each other), as there is higher quality energy in the more costly materials. Examples of DC's to convert materials are: Converting stone to clay (say to escape a dungeon...) craft DC 14, converting liquor to oil craft DC 21 (while for example converting water into oil couldn't be done due to the cost difference). You could not create steel armour from air, as air would turn into a far less valuable 'earth' material than steel. Ranks are taken separately for Craft (Material Conversion) and Craft (Armour), etc. Craft (Material Conversion) is counted as a single skill.

Attempting to drain the energy from another living creature, or even the energy in their direct vicinity (within 5'), always fails due to the control each being has over their own energy and its aura, whether it is conscious or not.

  • When absorbing and giving power use of approximations and guesswork are highly encouraged to keep the game moving quickly.

Power Give (Objects): Gained at 5th level, this ability is a subset of energy drain and works in the same way, however instead you are giving energy away. You can give energy to other elements as many times per day as you please (assuming you still have the energy to do so) unlike draining energy which is limited per day. This can prove useful in a desert to create water from sand, or to convert earth to air to escape a sealed room, or maybe even apparate a fireball. This ability can be used at a range of 50 + 10-ft/level and always takes a standard action.

Power give is a far less precise manipulation than power drain, allowing it to be used repeatedly however not without drawbacks. Power give can only create pure elements, the precise manipulation of mixed materials available with power drain cannot be accomplished with power give. This means the best I could do with my liquor for example would be to turn it into fire with 70 energy. Note that due to the imprecise nature of power give, you must spend the full conversion cost for a 10ft3 even if just converting a small amount

  • Specific damage from abilities must always be worked out by the DM (such as damage from a fireball of a certain size). Again, approximations and guesswork are highly encouraged when assigning damage to keep the game moving quickly.

Power Move: At 7th level, by giving energy to something you may also physically push it. Energy added to an element allows you to push said element with 1 lbs of force for each point spent. Thus adding 10 energy to a boulder 100 ft away would let you push it with 10 lbs of force, just enough to set it rolling down a hill. Or adding 70 energy to air to make it fire would let you push the fire with 70 lbs of force, sending it rapidly hurtling towards a target (finally a fireball). Or even adding 50 energy to three separate pockets of air beneath you could allow you to push yourself up and fly. You may sustain this force for up to 10 rounds after expending the energy. Applying Power Move takes a move action.

Beginning at 9th level the mundus gets Improved Power Move and can gain force twice as efficiently, at 2 lbs of force for each 1 point spent.

Beginning at 11th level the mundus gets Greater Power Move and can gain force three times as efficiently, at 3 lbs of force for each 1 point spent.

Quick reference list of power drain/give/move uses:

  • Taking energy from surrounding elements (to simply store up power, or to change the element's type) standard action
  • Giving energy to surrounding elements (to change its type, or possibly send it moving) standard action + move action
  • Giving energy to surrounding people (to let them heal or give them bonus ability scores) standard action
  • Using it on yourself (to heal your hit points or gain an ability score increase) move action

Mutare Mundi: Upon attaining 17th level the mundus gains use of a number of spell-like abilities usable varying times per day: 1/day -- Storm of Vengeance, Whirlwind, Earthquake; 3/day -- Control Weather, Wind Walk

  • Calculate using mundus level as caster level and wisdom as casting stat.

Living Elements: At 19th level the mundus can use elemental swarm 1/day at a caster level equal to his mundus level.

Meltdown: 20th level grants the mundus an increased ability to damage his surroundings with overload. The range of the overload is now extended out to 60 ft and deals 12d8 (3d8 of each element type) damage to all things in that range except oneself who takes only 8d8 damage (2d8 of each type). This damage is increased by +1 (to both self and surroundings) for each 10 points that the mundus exceeded his capacity when overloading.


If a mundus ever becomes evil aligned he loses all special abilities and powers that the mundus has received. If the mundus becomes non-evil once more and expends enough xp to level up from his current level, all of his previous mundus powers will be restored, however the experience will be wasted.

If the mundus stops revering the earth or blatantly and willing disregards/harms it in some way he will lose all special abilities and powers the mundus has received, as well, depending on the severity of the crime against nature, he may be stripped of all levels in mundus completely, not even remaining an ex-mundus.

Epic Mundus

Table: The Epic Mundus

Hit Die: d8

23rdBonus Feat
24th24 resist all energy types
26thBonus Feat, 7/day
28th28 resist all energy types
29thBonus Feat

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Power Drain: Power Drain continues to function normally, with uses per day increasing by 1 and size of absorption increasing by +10-ft3 every every 5 levels.

Bonus Feats: The epic mundus gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic mundus bonus feats) every 3 levels after 20th.

Epic Mundus Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, Epic Prowess, Epic Speed, Epic Toughness, Exceptional Deflection, Fast Healing, Infinite Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Self-Concealment.

Dwarven Mundus Starting Package

Weapons: Quarterstaff

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Knowledge (Arcana)4Int
Knowledge (The Planes)4Int
Knowledge (Nature)4Int
Knowledge (Religion)4Int
Craft (Material Conversion)4Int

Feat: Light Armour Proficiency

Gear: Bedroll, tent, journal, inkpen + ink, 1-2 books, tindertwigs x5, 2 weeks rations, waterskin.

Gold: 4

Playing a Mundus

Religion: The mundus is often drawn to one religion or another, but from time to time will be secular. It's extremely common to find mundus who are practising monks, and they have many of their own monasteries. Any religion a mundus does worship is usually focused around the elements, or one of them individually. If not the elements, they will sometimes worship gods of change, chaos, or law.

Other Classes: It is extremely common to find mundus working with other classes for mutual benefit. They tend to greatly respect monks and barbarians, showing admiration both for the ever changing nature of the barbarians chaotic soul, and the lawful determination of the monk to a singular balanced objective. They work extremely well and frequently with druids as well, who often share similar feelings about the elements. Beyond that it is most common to see them with fighters who can provide a marshal line for them.

Combat: Typically time is spent in the back of a fight. The mundus is a caster primarily who can manipulate the terrain and foes in strange ways, but is somewhat vulnerable to damage. In addition to offence, utility and support are among the best features of their casting ability.

Advancement: Generally the mundus will be a full 20 level progression to make full use of its powerful energy drain. Other strategies would be to multi-class out after 3rd or 5th level, thereby getting some utility through the energy drain or energy give features and possibly going into another support class. Another option would be to take mundus as a one level dip to get use of the meditation class feature, usually branching into a monk afterwards.

Mundus in the World

The world is always changing, always growing, always moving.

We exist in a living world. From the beginning of time when the earth was made, it was growing. As the creatures upon it evolved, it began to change; as the creatures grew smart, and their enemies smarter the world began to shift under their very feet. Earthquakes shake the world, they tear it up and split its land. As the plates that hold the world together shift, the world seems to be falling apart under your very feet, however it is not, it is only changing. The continents and every island around them are the result of some great quake. Water carves out the rocks, it erodes all the things we build but too it gives all things life. Water is the height of change, not truly destroying yet always forcing its surroundings onward. Water is the universal solvent, it never lets us grow too big, yet makes sure we live to keep on growing. The very air we breath shapes our world in more ways than we can ever possibly know. The wind it blows smashes the rocks to bits, whips around the trees and knocks down mountains. It allows us to live, however it too keeps us small. In many ways the air and the water are the same, both keeping you living, yet both changing so much. Water governs the depths, just as air governs the skies, so too is the earth governed by the rocks and the soil. However there is one more force of change, one more great and powerful force that controls every aspect of being, and can take it away with relative ease. This is fire. Fire is what we lived by for years, it is what we fought by for many more. We are entranced and afraid of fire, it being the most powerful and destructive force of change. Fire is what we use to kill, it is the most vicious and unforgiving of the forces; however fire has another side. Is it not fire that we use to cook our meals? Is it not fire that we use to create the light to see? Fire is perhaps the greatest force of change, being the most deadly and destructive of them all, yet still giving the life it was meant to protect. These forces are all that truly exist, they are what we live by. We live by them, and we always must live by change because...

The world is always changing, always growing, always moving.

The mundus are based around this tradition. They are designed to understand the changes that the world goes through, and furthermore, understand how to manipulate them. For a world with boundless potential, an epitome of destruction and life would go insane if it had no governor. The world would collapse in upon itself if it had nobody to keep it in check. This is what the mundus do, they keep an eye on the world, and they watch over it. In return for their undying work to protect such a world, they allow themselves to study how to change and manipulate the world that they protect, to do their own bidding. This can be in any way they please, but no matter what the mundus are always beholden to their greatest friend; the earth itself. Mundus too are studied learners and scholars. They learn about the world in the hopes of protecting it, and with the same knowledge gain control over it. They are always studying more, searching ever harder to find their next answers, or even their next question. They are weak of body, yet strong of mind, always ready to learn something new, but at the same time always ready to put their knowledge to good use against a foe. However even the greatest mundus still has things to learn, new things to discover. This is because the world always creates something new to see, for...

The world is always changing, always growing, always moving.

Daily Life: <-day in the life of a character of this class->.

Notables: <-notable NPCs of this class->.

Organizations: <-info on what, where, when, and how characters of this class congregate and assemble->.

NPC Reactions: <-How NPCs react to PCs of this class->.

Mundus Lore

Characters with ranks in <-the appropriate skills-> can research <-pluralized class name-> to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

<-the appropriate skills->
5<-common knowledge->.
10<-not so common knowledge->.
15<-rare information->.
20<-very rare information->.

Mundus in the Game

<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play.->

Adaptation: <-Possible variant conceptions of this class.->.

Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPCs of this class.->.

EL : <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter.->.

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gollark: FEAR Minoteaur semantic search.
gollark: Did you know? Minoteaur semantic search cannot be escaped.
gollark: Basically a scam to attain patreon money.
gollark: The V "language".
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