

L5s and L6s

Header 5

blah, text, blah again, and more text, yadda yadda yadda yackety-schmackety blah blah blah, text, blah again, and more text, yadda yadda yadda yackety-schmackety blah blah blah, text, blah again, and more text, yadda yadda yadda

Header 6

blah, text, blah again, and more text, yadda yadda yadda yackety-schmackety blah blah blah, text, blah again, and more text, yadda yadda yadda yackety-schmackety blah blah blah, text, blah again, and more text, yadda yadda yadda yackety-schmackety blah


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Nested Lists


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5e Table

Table: Sample 5e Table
  1. some footnote.

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4e Table

Table: Sample 4e Table
  1. some footnote.

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Pathfinder Table

Table: Sample Pathinfder Table
  1. some footnote.

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table.pathfinder tr.
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table.pathfinder td.notes
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d20 Table

Table: Sample d20 Table
  1. some footnote.

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Concentration (Con).


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Stat Blocks


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Dragon and Monster Stats


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table.monstats tr:first-child th + th
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table.monstats tr.separator > *
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Author Table

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Columns Helper Table


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Done Discussions


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ToC Depth Control


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Convenient Text-Alignment Classes


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Calendar CSS

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Template:Quote CSS

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==Semantic MediaWiki==

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	   You can support Semantic MediaWiki development by not using Internet Explorer. Thanks.
	   (IE centers the Timeline *elements*, which messes up the whole layout) */

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Show/Hide Button for Collapsible Tables


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#searchInput {

gollark: No.
gollark: No, that's also bad.
gollark: You could try doing other things instead.
gollark: I see.
gollark: Well, presumably TikTok is an "app". In most cases, you can uninstall these by going to "settings" on your device, then "apps", then selecting the one in question, then clicking "uninstall" and "OK".

SRD Styling


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== Banners ==

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This article is issued from Dandwiki. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.