Mechromancer (3.5e Race)

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Mechromancers are few in number, and the flip side to normal Necromancers. They enjoy the power that summoning brings, but hate the idea of disturbing the dead. After decades of study and experimentation, they found a way to incorporate the powerful summoning technique of he Necromancers without abandoning their own personal beliefs of letting the dead rest in peace. Due to the random nature of the Mechromancer, they tend to be more chaotic in nature. They are cocky when it comes to their abilities, and tend to be prodigies at a young age. They very easily stand out in a group because of how charismatic and carefree they tend to be.

Physical Description

Instead of dark magic and corpses, the Mechromancer instead has learned to harness the elements and constructs in their place. But doing so comes at a price, they learned that in order to achieve such power a sacrifice has to be made. To achieve a connection with powers that did not normally exist, their own bodies had to be used as a material component. It is easy to spot a Mechromancer due to the fact that they have sacrificed their own limbs, and in return have built robotic ones in their place. Outside this, they tend to look like any other of their race with no defining features that cause them to stand out.


Mechromancers get along with everyone, good or evil. While they may not agree with someones personal views, they tend to not act upon such feelings and openly accept everyone for who they are. The only people they tend to not see eye to eye with are Necromancers, and while they are not normally hostile towards them, they will try to convert them to mechromancy in an attempt to persuade them to leave the dead in peace.


Mechromancers are always either chaotic good or chaotic neutral.


Mechromancers are as comfortable in a city as they are in the wild, as long as they have access to tools and parts to maintain their robotic limbs.


Mechromancers are opening to any and all religions as long as it doesn't conflict with their views towards necromancy.


Common, original racial languages



Racial Traits

  • +2 Wis, +4 Cha, -4 Str, -2 Con
  • A Mechromancer and their summoned construct share experience and level up as one. The construct has the same intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores as its summoner and cannot increase them. It does, however, gain ability points independently from its summoner at the appropriate levels to spend in its strength and dexterity, and uses them as the summoner sees fit. The construct is considered a sentient being that obeys only its summoner. The construct is treated as a cohort and it's race is considered as the appropriate form of construct, and it gains all the appropriate bonuses and penalties.
  • The Mechromancers construct can only stray 100 feet from its summoner at early levels. It gains an additional 5 feet every 2 levels.
  • A Mechromancer is considered a sub-race, and stacks its original racial bonuses and abilities with the mechromancer sub-type. However, any special abilities that involves the characters limbs from the original race type may be altered or negated at your DM's discretion.
  • Same bonuses and penalties apply to your original races size
  • You lose 10 to your base land speed due to the newfound weight of your robotic limbs.
  • Mechromancers are proficient with all armor and firearms.
  • Mechromatic Sacrifice: To become a Mechromancer, you must sacrifice at least 1 limb, with your choice of it being an arm or a leg. Doing so allows you to summon your specialized construct of medium size. You may summon this construct any number of times per day, and can stay out for however long you please. If it is killed or un-summoned, you must wait 1d4 rounds before being able to summon it again, and it may be summoned or unsummoned as a swift action. You in turn gain the Automail Limb feat. For every every arm you sacrifice you take -5 climb, -5 disguise, -2 escape artist, -1 jump, and -2 pickpocket. For every leg, you take -2 balance, -5 disguise, -3 jump, and -5 move silently. You may sacrifice both arms and legs, and the penalties for each limb replacement stacks, and you take -1 to your strength for each additional limb. For every limb you sacrifice, you gain 25 Mechrosis Points, and you receive the appropriate ability below.

Buck Up: Sacrifice one limb: Cha mod/day, your construct may shield one ally for 25 damage/electric/fire/frost/sonic/acid resistance, and grant 10 AC for 1d6 rounds. This cannot be stacked numerous times on one ally and can only be used once per round as a free action.

Armor Shred: Sacrifice two limbs: Cha mod/day, your construct may let off a blast that gives all enemies caught in it a penalty of -10 to their AC and causes them to move at half speed, and lasts for 1d4 rounds. The blast is in a 90-degree angle in front of it, and has a 20 foot range. This ability has a recharge of 1d6 rounds and stacks.

Death Cannon:Sacrifice three limbs: Cha mod/day, your construct fires a beam of energy, dealing 5d4 electric/fire damage. 10-30 points of damage has a 10% chance of catching enemies on fire, 31-50 points of damage has a 20% chance of catching enemies on fire, 51-70 points of damage has a 30% chance of catching enemies on fire, 71-90 points of damage has a 40% chance of catching enemies on fire, and 91-100 points of damage has a 50% chance of catching enemies on fire, which will cause 1d8 damage per round for 1d4 rounds It has a range of 70 feet and fires in a 180-degree angle. This ability has a 1d8 cooldown.

Chaos Ball:Sacrifice all limbs: 3/day, your construct shoots a ball of dark energy, dealing 10d10 negative energy in a 20 foot radius at a max distance of 50 feet. This ability has a 1d10 cooldown.

Mechromatic Devotion: You may only choose this skill if you sacrificed all four of your limbs. You get this ability along with Buck Up, Armor Shred, Death Cannon, and Chaos Ball. Your construct gains the ability to self repair for 10 HP per round once it is made of orichalcum. The self repair can be upgraded.

  • Mechrosis: Depending on how many limbs you sacrificed, you gain bonuses based on your HD. If you only sacrificed one, you gain a Mechrosis Point every 5 HD. If you sacrificed 2 limbs you get one every 4 HD, if you sacrificed 3 limbs you get one every 3 HD, and if you sacrificed all 4 limbs you get 30 every 2 HD. You may use these points to upgrade your Mechrotic Sacrifice abilities. You may not upgrade a ability you did not choose in the beginning of making your Mechromancer.

Buck Up: Spend 1 point to upgrade one of the following: +5/resistance of your choice, +5 AC, 1 die increase in duration (up to 1d12)

Armor Shred: Spend 1 point to upgrade one of the following: -5 to AC, 1 die increase in duration (up to Xd12), gain an additional 90-degrees to the radius (up to 360 degrees), increase range by 10 feet

Death Cannon: Spend 1 point to upgrade one of the following: Increase the fire/shock damage by 1 die (up to Xd12), increase lingering fire damage by 1 die (up to Xd12), decrease cooldown to 1d6, increase the range by 10 feet

Chaos Ball: Spend 1 point to upgrade one of the following: Increase negative energy damage by 1 die (Xd12), increase range by 10 feet

Mechromatic Devotion: Spend 1 point to add 2 Hp to the self repair ability.

The Ritual

To become a Mechromancer, the character must perform a ritual. It's different from a normal summoning spell in the fact that he/she offers parts of their bodies as the material components and making the summoned construct a detached part of themselves. The process requires the character to be willing isolate themselves and fast for 48 hours. Once they have done so, they must draw the appropriate runes upon the limb they wish to sacrifice, and cast the spell that is typical of summoning. The limb/limbs then dissolve and disappear, and cause robotic limbs to appear in their wake (provided via automail limbs feat), although the wounds between the stumps and new robotic limbs must still heal. Shortly after, the summoned construct will appear and proceed to carry its owner to the nearest friendly being that can help to nurse him/her back to health.

The Golem

Depending on how many limbs a character is willing to sacrifice, they strengthen their golem as much as they weakening themselves. They can only summon a golem equivalent to their sacrifice.

1 Limb: Starts as a stone golem of medium size. It can be upgraded to a greater stone golem or iron golem for 2 Mechrosis Points at level 5, and a greater iron golem for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 5. It's size can upgraded to a large size for 1 Mechrosis Point at level 5.

2 Limbs: Starts out as a stone golem of medium size. It can be upgraded to a greater stone golem or iron golem for 2 Mechrosis Points at level 5, a greater iron golem or mithral golem for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 10, and a greater mithral golem for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 15. Its size can be upgraded to large for 1 Mechrosis Point at level 5, upgraded to a huge size for another 1 Mechrosis Point at level 10.

3 Limbs: Starts out at stone golem medium size. It can be upgraded to a greater stone golem or iron for 2 Mechrosis Points at level 5, a greater iron golem or mithral for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 10, a greater mithral golem or adamantine for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 15, and a greater adamantine golem for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 20. Its size can be upgraded to large for 1 Mechrosis Point at level 5, upgraded to a huge size for another 1 Mechrosis Point at level 10, and upgraded to a gargantuan size for another 1 Mechrosis Point at level 15.

4 Limbs: Starts out as stone golem of medium size. It can be upgraded to a greater stone golem or a iron golem for 2 Mechrosis Points at level 5, a greater iron golem or mithral golem for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 10, a greater mithral golem or adamantine golem for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 15, a greater adamantine golem or orichalcum for another 2 Mechrosis Points at level 20, and a greater orichalcum golem for 4 Mechrosis Points at level 25. Its size can be upgraded to large for 1 Mechrosis Point at level 5, upgraded to a huge size for another 1 Mechrosis Point at level 10, and upgraded to a gargantuan size for another 1 Mechrosis Point at level 15, and upgraded to colossal size for another 1 Mechrosis Point at level 20.

  • Stone Golem: 15d10 +30 HD; Speed 20; Natural AC 30; -1 initiative; +10/+25 BAB; Attack: Slam +20 melee (2d10+10); Full Attack: 2 Slam +20 melee (2d10+10); 10 foot reach; Traits: Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5, Str 29 Dex 9; Special: Slow - A stone golem can use a slow effect, as the spell, as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range of 10 feet and a duration of 7 rounds, requiring a DC 17 Will save to negate. The save DC is Constitution-based.
  • Greater Stone Golem: 25d10 +40 HD; Speed 20; -2 initiative; Natural AC 40; +15/+30 BAB; Attack: Slam +35 melee (3d10+15); Full Attack: 2 Slam +35 melee (3d10+15); 15 foot reach; Traits: Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 Str 37 Dex 7; Special: Slow - A stone golem can use a slow effect, as the spell, as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range of 10 feet and a duration of 7 rounds, requiring a DC 17 Will save to negate. The save DC is Constitution-based.
  • Iron Golem: 20d10 +50 HD; Speed 20, -1 initiative; Natural AC 45; +15/+30 BAB; Attack: Slam +40 melee (4d10+20); Full Attack: 2 Slam +40 melee (4d10+20); 10 foot reach; Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6; Special: Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cube, cloud of poisonous gas lasting 1 round, free action once every 1d4+1 rounds; initial damage 1d4 Con, secondary damage 3d4 Con, Fortitude DC 19 negates. The save DC is Constitution-based.
  • Greater Iron Golem: 30d10 +70 HD; Speed 20, -1 initiative; Natural AC 55; +20/+35 BAB; Attack: Slam +55 melee (5d10+25); Full Attack: 2 Slam +55 melee (5d10+25); 10 foot reach; Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision; Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7; Special: Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cube, cloud of poisonous gas lasting 1 round, free action once every 1d4+1 rounds; initial damage 1d4 Con, secondary damage 3d4 Con, Fortitude DC 19 negates. The save DC is Constitution-based.
  • Mithral Golem: 25d10 +75 HD; Speed 40; +4 initiative; Natural AC 60; +20/+35 BAB; Attack: Slam +60 melee (6d10+30); Full Attack: 2 slam +60 melee (6d10+30); Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7; Traits: Construct traits, immunity to magic, damage reduction 50/+5; Special: Alacrity - Once per round, the mithral golem may take an extra partial action(either before or after its other actions)
  • Greater Mithral Golem: 35d10 +100 HD; Speed 40; +4 initiative; Natural AC 70; +25/+40 BAB; Attack: Slam +75 melee (7d10+35); Full Attack: 2 slam +75 melee (7d10+35); Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8; Traits: Construct traits, immunity to magic, damage reduction 50/+5; Special: Alacrity - Once per round, the mithral golem may take an extra partial action(either before or after its other actions)
  • Adamantium Golem: 30d10 +125 HD; Speed 20; -1 initiative; Natural AC 75; +25/+40 BAB; Attack: Slam +80 melee (8d10+40); Full Attack: 2 slam +80 melee (8d10+40); Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8; Traits: Construct traits, immunity to magic, damage reduction 50/+7
  • Greater Adamantium Golem: 40d10 +175 HD; Speed 20; -1 initiative; Natural AC 85; +30/+45 BAB; Attack: Slam +95 melee (9d10+45); Full Attack: 2 slam +95 melee (9d10+45); Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +10; Traits: Construct traits, immunity to magic, damage reduction 50/+7
  • Orichalcum Golem: 50d10 +250 HD; Speed 20; -1 initiative; Natural AC 100 +60/+80 BAB; Attack: Slam +110 melee (10d10+70); Full Attack: 2 slam +110 melee (10d10+70); Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +12; Traits: Construct traits, immunity to magic, damage reduction 100/-; fast healing 50;, low light vision; Special: Anti-Magic Field (Su)
An orichalcum colossus generates an anti-magic field with a radius of 100 ft. This field prevents the functioning of anymagic items or spells within its confines, but it does not impede the colossus own supernatural abilities. The effect is otherwise the same as an antimagic field cast by a (HD + Cha Mod)level caster; Supernova (Ex)
The death throes of the orichalcum golem result in aspectacular show of energy much akin to an atomic explosion. The blast effect should be treated as bludgeoning damage. The effect is roughly equivalent to 1 kiloton of TNT (range is 5 feet per hit die, once construct has 35+ HD, supernova gains disintegration as per the spell, and does fireball and blast damage of HDd8)
  • Greater Orichalcum Golem: 60d10 +325 HD; Speed 20; -1 initiative; Natural AC 120; +70/+95 BAB; Attack: Slam +125 melee (12d10+90); Full Attack: 2 slam +125 melee (12d10+90); Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +14; Traits: Construct traits, immunity to magic, damage reduction 100/-; fast healing 50;, low light vision; Special: Anti-Magic Field (Su)
An orichalcum colossus generates an anti-magic field with a radius of 100 ft. This field prevents the functioning of anymagic items or spells within its confines, but it does not impede the colossus own supernatural abilities. The effect is otherwise the same as an antimagic field cast by a (HD + Cha Mod)level caster; Supernova (Ex)
The death throes of the orichalcum golem result in aspectacular show of energy much akin to an atomic explosion. The blast effect should be treated as bludgeoning damage. The effect is roughly equivalent to 1 kiloton of TNT (range is 5 feet per hit die, once construct has 35+ HD supernova gains disintegration as per the spell, and does fireball and blast damage of HDd8)
  • Your construct gains +1 to its strength every HD, and every even HD gains a +1 to its dexterity as a bonus. "Greater" constructs gain an initial +10 to strength and +5 to dexterity.

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gollark: Can we expect them to be globally unique?
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