Maul (Special Ability)

Maul (Ex)

A creature with this special attack gains extra natural attacks when it grapples its foe. Normally, a monster can attack with only one of its natural weapons while grappling, but a monster with the maul ability usually gains an additional bite attack that it can use only against a grappled foe. Maul attacks are not subject to the usual -4 penalty for attacking with a natural weapon in a grapple.

A monster with the maul ability must begin its turn grappling to use its maul-it can't begin a grapple and maul in the same turn.

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gollark: You should be correct, and assume that either of you might be wrong.
gollark: Worrying.
gollark: You seem to just be sitting in a chair photographing yourself at a strange angle.
gollark: I don't understand what you're doing or why it's trolling.
gollark: Of course, you may experience bad things due to lack of vitamin D.
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