Manawyddan (3.5e Deity)

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Enter 'h', 'd', 'l', 'i', 'g', or 'o' for parameter 'hdligo'
Symbol: A leather saddle.
Home Plane:
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Craft, horses, travel
Clergy Alignments:
Domains: Craft, Creation, Metal, Trade, Wealth
Favored Weapon: Lance
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Youngest of the Water Deities by quite a few millennia Manawyddan was but a child when his brother Pwyll helped free Branwen. An honest and considerate child Manawyddan learned most of his skills as a craftsman from mortals, and still does in fact turn up at the workshops of the truly talented for lessons. He also loves horses, it is said that one of his steed might carry a man for over eight times as long as any other could without tiring. He teaches that making something is a true act, whereas destroying something is merely a lack of action. Destroyers are nothing more than pointless hatred. All things made by sentient races are beautiful in their own way.

Clergy and Temples

It is almost impossible to become a cleric of Manawyddan unless you are a craftsman or have a profession connected to horses. The training is basic and broad and most clerics then go straight back to the workbench or stable, presenting a nasty surprise when their village is attacked by raiders... The city of Grolmistren was protected for three days solely by the Dukes stable boy and eight soldiers. There are no robes, but Clerics are obliged to wear a horseshoe broach.

Few actual temples or even shrines exist. Most clerics make do with a stable loft or workbench. As far as ceremonies go it is hard to unpick the superstitions of craftsmen and horsemen from the holy rights of Manawyddan, if such a distinction exists.

Sacrifices to Manawyddan take the form of craft items and images of horses.


Lands of Blamakar

{{3.5e <!-Type (Greater, Hero, Lesser, etc. When "Over" please use Overdeities and remove the next word)-> Deities Breadcrumb}} [[Category:<!-Type (Greater, Hero, Lesser, etc. When "Over" or "Demi" please use Overdeity or Demigod and remove the next word)-> Deity]]

gollark: Oh, fun idea, I wonder if you could run the "natural language description to code" things *backward*.
gollark: I'm waiting for the thing to run.
gollark: No.
gollark: Here is "fox in temperate forest blue".
gollark: I'm not running that.
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