Magical Plant (5e Race)

April Fools!
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Magical Plant

A race of small animated place that were once apart of a mad magicians experiments. Now set loose upon the world left to their tiny devices.

Physical Description

An infant Arboreal Magic Plant

Magical plants come in all shapes and sizes, from Bonsai trees to Daisies. From wearing Pots, to being covered in thorns or bark. They are always small in stature, but Arboreal plants tend to be thicker and broader while Potted plants tend to be smaller and more colorful. Thorny plants are taller and lankier than their other types and are usually shades of green.


The history of how these plants came into the lab of a mad magician, then later became sentient is unknown, but now they are free to wander the world and adventure as they please, or to secretly decorate someone's home, to which the owners may never know.


As there are only supposed to be a few in existence, there isn't much to note on their societal habits. They lean towards a more neutral stance on society. Though Potted plants tend to be more chaotic and methodical in nature, while Arboreals tend to be more lawful and chill. Thorny plants can swing either way but tend to be shy.

Magical Plant Names

Generally Magical plants are named something clever in relation to what kind of plant they look like.

Male: Herb, Root

Female: Blossom, Rose

Magical Plant Traits

A small plant that has been granted sentient life through some experimentation
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Dexterity or Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. As a magical plant, you can live up to 1,000 years depending on your subrace.
Alignment. Magical plants tend toward neutrality.
Size. Small
Speed. Your base walking speed is 15 feet.
Plant. Your creature type is considered to be both humanoid and plant, and you can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. However, you are vulnerable to fire damage.
Magical Adaption. You have natural power and talent for magic that is not hampered by your size or physical form. You can ignore the Somatic component of any spells you cast. Additionally, You are always treated as holding a spellcasting focus without needing one.
Spacial Manipulation. You know the Mage Hand cantrip and may cast it as a bonus action. Your spellcastic ability for this cantrip is Intelligence.

Your natural magic grants you a personal pocket dimension that only you can access. This pocket dimension has no air within it, and can hold up to 250 lbs in weight. As a reaction you can send any item that you touch or is touched by your Mage Hand into your pocket dimension provided it isn't larger than a 5ft by 5ft cube. Items being carried or worn by another creature cannot be put into this space. Living creatures cannot enter this space. As a reaction you can summon any item from the storage into your mage hand or an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you.
Spark of Magic. You learn two cantrips of your choice from either the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell lists. You learn one additional cantrip from these lists at 5th and 11th level.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and speak with any plants of a similar type.
Subrace. Choose between Potted, Thorny, or Arboreal.


Pot. As you are rooted in a pot of your own design, You gain a natural AC of 12 plus your Dexterity modifier. If you take damage equal to half your total health in one attack, your pot breaks and needs be fixed or replaced for 5 gold. Without your pot your AC becomes 8 plus your Dexterity modifier. (If so desired, talk to your DM about allowing armored pots. If so, follow standard armor rules for buying or determining AC.)
Soiled Roots. While Potted, your base movement speed is reduced to 10, but you have advantage against effects to knock you prone.
Arcane Speech. You learn one 1st-level spell from the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell lists and you may cast this spell once as a 1st-level spell without needing any material components or using any spell slots. You can use this feature once per long rest.


Thorns. You are covered in a large amount of thorns and spikes. Whenever a creature touches you or hits you with a melee attack, they take piercing damage equal your Constitution modifier. Additionally your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 piercing damage.
Shredding grasp. You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to grapple a target. Additionally whenever you grapple a creature they take piercing damage equal to your Constitution modifier and on the start of both of your turns.
Thorn Volley. As an action, you can choose to expel all of your thorns at once. All creatures within a 10ft radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC for this ability equals 8 plus your Constitution modifier plus your proficiency bonus. On a fail, the creature takes 2d8 piercing damage and is under the poisoned condition until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn't poisoned. Once this ability is used, you loose both your Thorns and Shredding Grasp traits until the end of your next long rest.


Large and in charge. You count as one size larger when determining the weight you can push, drag, lift, or carry. Additionally your extra dimensional space can hold twice the weight.
Photogenic lineage. While in direct sunlight, or within 5 feet of a magical source of bright light, you may use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to your level.
Magic Ineptitude. You lose the Spark of Magic trait and instead of selecting Wisdom or Intelligence you make select your Strength score to increase by 2.
Thick Barked. You are resistant to non-magical bludgeoning damage.

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gollark: You want those to look like... numbers... and not have messy `x.add(y).sub(z)` all over the place.
gollark: Complex numbers, bignums, vectors, whatever else.
gollark: But what if you have extra, say, number types?
gollark: streams' >> is dumb.
gollark: I mean, for random stuff like C++ does, yes.
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