MSRD:Future Equipment

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The gadget system is a way to customize weapons, armor, and equipment to more appropriately fit a given campaign or character. Since each campaign will likely use very different items based on its unique setting, the gadget system allows total freedom in designing specific models of equipment from the generic base items found throughout this chapter.

Using the gadget system is a simple matter of mixing and matching various elements of a piece of gear until it fits what is needed.

First, pick a base weapon, armor, or piece of equipment to be modified. Select a gadget for the appropriate type (armor gadgets for armor, and so on) that is either a universal gadget or a gadget from the same (or lower) Progress Level. Modify the Purchase DC of the base item according to the gadget’s instructions, and then purchase the gadget-modified item as normal. Some gadgets have additional restrictions placed on them that must be considered before making the gadget modification.


The following gadgets are universal and can apply to weapons found in any era, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.

Alternate Weapon

Some weapons are capable of serving multiple purposes by integrating two types of weapon into one. This can encompass everything from having a bayonet installed on a rifle to allowing a weapon to switch between two different energy types at any given time. When dealing with firearms and other ranged weapons, this usually involves only mixing like types; for example, energy weapons are only combined with energy weapons, and ballistic weapons are only combined with ballistic weapons. This is not a hard-and-fast limitation but rather a suggestion based on the logistics of designing such a weapon. When selecting the alternate weapon gadget, choose a second weapon. That weapon is integrated into the base weapon and can be used at any time. Additionally, you must choose whether or not the alternate weapon may be physically separated from the base weapon or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times, each time adding a single additional weapon to the base model.

Restrictions: The character must also purchase the weapon to be integrated separately from the primary weapon, before the gadget modification is made.

Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Autofire Module

Some firearms and energy weapons are capable of firing in singleshot or semiautomatic forms only. The autofire module gadget allows these weapons to be fired on autofire.

Restrictions: Ranged weapon without autofire only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Autoloader Module

Many weapons rely on box magazines or power packs to function. The autoloader gadget facilitates quick reloading. This may come in the form of an integrated power pack alternator, or in spring-mounted magazine loaders worn on the wrist of the user. Regardless of their location on the owner’s body or the form that the autoloader takes, a weapon with the autoloader module gadget is always automatically reloaded as a free action as soon as the previous magazine or power pack is expended. This module cannot be transferred from one weapon to another, even those of similar types, due to the fact that each autoloader module is keyed to the individual weapon for which it was designed.

Restrictions: Ranged weapons using box magazines or power packs only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +3.

Booby Trapped

Those characters with a more paranoid outlook on life may consider the booby trapped gadget for protecting their personal belongings. Any weapon with this gadget is designed to function properly only for the owner or owners of the weapon, or for a particular group of characters. If an unauthorized character picks up or attempts to use the weapon, a special trap is immediately triggered. After a trap is triggered, only an authorized user can reset the weapon to its normal state. When selecting the booby trap gadget, the character must designate a single person or a particular group that can use the weapon safely without triggering the trap. Additionally, the character must select a single trap from the list below.

Barbs: The weapon rapidly projects spikes or blades from its grip, dealing 1d6 points of damage to the user each round the weapon is held.

Electric Shock: Power cells in the weapon’s grip discharge and deal 1d6 points of electricity damage to the user.

Stun Bolt: A stun shock (Fortitude save DC 15) is discharged from a special nozzle built into the weapon. See the stun module gadget for more information on the effects of stun shocks.

Trigger Integrated Weapon: An integrated weapon is triggered and targets the unauthorized user. This trap requires that the weapon make use of the alternate weapon gadget (see above) and is typically used to trigger an explosive device.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +6.


In situations that call for stealth and deception, it is of great value to be able to separate an item into its parts and transport them in their broken down state. A weapon that makes use of the collapsible gadget is easily disassembled and reassembled at a moment’s notice. Breaking down a weapon into its individual parts requires a full-round action, while reassembling them in the correct order requires another full-round action. Obviously, the weapons must be fully assembled to be used. In its disassembled state, a weapon is not easily identified; a Knowledge (technology) check (DC 17) is required to identify a collapsed weapon for what it really is.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2.


By eliminating wasted space and using smaller components, some engineers are capable of producing weapons far smaller than their standard counterparts. Any weapon that makes use of the compact gadget is one size smaller than normal, to a minimum size of Diminutive.

This gadget can only be added to ranged weapons, as most melee weapons rely on size and mass to deliver damage.

Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Expanded Magazine

Some weapon engineers recognize that stopping to reload a weapon in combat is a dangerous and potentially life-threatening maneuver. Taking steps to reduce the amount of time required to keep the weapon full, these engineers have increased the ammunition capacity of the weapon to reduce the frequency with which it must be reloaded. Any weapon with the expanded magazine gadget doubles its normal magazine capacity. This gadget may only be taken once per weapon.

Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Genetic Tags

Some law enforcement agencies and military units go out of their way to track the exact actions of their members by placing an identifying marker on any ammunition expended. This marker may come in the form of a serial number stamped on a weapon’s casing, or may be as subtle as a chemical compound sprayed on the outside of the ammunition it leaves the weapon’s chamber. Regardless of form, each round of ammunition that is fired from the weapon bears a unique tag that corresponds to the genetic code of the person to whom the weapon is assigned, immediately identifying the attacker to any forensic analysis.

Restrictions: Ranged ballistic weapons only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Integrated Equipment

A particular piece of nonweapon equipment has been integrated into the weapon and can be used by the weapon’s bearer at any time. This gadget is often used to give ranged weapons features like glow-lamps or flares, though it is not limited to those applications. Some weapons may use the integrated equipment gadget to incorporate a small computer or sensor module, reducing the amount of equipment the character has to carry.

When selecting the integrated equipment gadget, choose a piece of equipment. That equipment is integrated into the base weapon and can be used at any time. Additionally, you must choose whether or not the equipment may be physically separated from the base weapon or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times, each time adding a single additional piece of equipment to the base model.

Restrictions: The character must also purchase the piece of equipment to be integrated separately from the weapon, before the gadget modification is made.

Purchase DC Modifier: +1.


By eliminating wasted space and using microscopic components, some engineers are capable of producing weapons vastly smaller than normal. Any weapon that makes use of the miniaturized gadget is two size categories smaller than normal, to a minimum size of Diminutive.

A weapon to which the miniaturized gadget has been added cannot fire standard ammunition. It must fire appropriate ammunition modified by the miniaturized universal equipment gadget.

This gadget can only be added to ranged weapons, as most melee weapons rely on size and mass to deliver damage.

Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +5.

Scope, Rangefinding Laser

One of the most valuable additions to any weapon is a scope, allowing the bearer to target opponents farther away than normal. What makes the rangefinding laser scope gadget so valuable is that it serves two purposes. First, a weapon with this gadget increases its range increment by one-half (multiply by 1.5). Additionally, the scope also sends out an invisible laser that can determine the exact range to a target, and then relay that information via a computer link. If that information is relayed to another weapon with the rangefinding laser scope gadget targeting the same character or object, the second attacker gains a +1 equipment bonus on his first attack roll against the target. This allows multiple characters with rangefinding laser scope gadgets to triangulate the exact position of a target and ensures greater accuracy.

Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Sensor Baffling

From simple metal detectors to advanced x-ray scanners, there’s a way to detect every weapon. As the technology level increases, so does the accuracy of weapons sensing devices. The ability to confuse these sensors can be invaluable, especially when smuggling weapons past security. Any weapon with the sensor baffling gadget grants a +4 bonus on any checks made to conceal the weapon from sensors or other detection devices.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2.


Some weapons are designed to be concealed from sight and then quickly drawn into the hand at a moment’s notice. The spring-loaded gadget ensures that small weapons can remain hidden under layers of clothes or armor and still be called to action at any time. The bearer of a weapon with this gadget automatically gains the benefits of the Quick Draw feat with this weapon only, even if the weapon is hidden from sight on that character’s person.

Restrictions: Weapons of size Small or smaller only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2

Stun Module

One advantage of energy weapons over their ballistic and physical counterparts is that they are capable of altering their own output on the fly. With the stun module gadget, this means that an energy weapon can be used to apply nonlethal force. The stun module is an alternate firing mode; switching to or from stun mode is a free action (just like changing a weapon’s rate of fire). Whenever a character fires a weapon set to stun and successfully hits the target, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC determined by cost of the gadget) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Restrictions: Energy weapons only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2 (Fort DC 12); +4 (Fort DC 15); +6 (Fort DC 18).

Techno-Organic Makeup

Though the technology of Earth is based on electronics and mechanics, some alien cultures may have developed technology based on living organisms working in harmony for an intended purpose. Additionally, advanced civilizations may make use of certain biological forms of technology integrated with their own mechanical devices to form a techno-organic hybrid capable of performing certain tasks with increased efficiency.

A weapon with the techno-organic makeup gadget is composed of living tissue or a biological/mechanical hybrid material. Unlike normal weapons, the weapon with this gadget heals itself at a rate of one hit point per hour when damaged. Additionally, weapons with this gadget are susceptible to diseases and poisons specifically designed to target techno-organic material.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Variable Ammunition

Firearms typically draw their ammunition from a single source and do so until they are reloaded with a fresh magazine. The variable ammunition gadget changes this; it allows the user to load an additional type of ammunition. This essentially doubles the ammunition capacity of the weapon and allows the user to switch between the two different types of ammunition as a free action.

This gadget may be selected multiple times, each time adding a single additional magazine capacity for a different type of ammunition.

Restrictions: Ranged ballistic weapons only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Variable Charge

As with the stun module gadget, the variable charge gadget takes advantage of an energy weapon’s ability to modify the damage caused by its own shots. This gadget gives the user the ability to “power up” his or her shots by focusing more energy into a single blast. A weapon with the variable charge gadget may be primed as an attack action, increasing the damage of its next shot by +1 die. For example, a weapon that normally deals 2d6 points of damage deals 3d6 points of damage after being primed for one round. A weapon may be primed for up to three rounds. If primed for more than three rounds, it becomes unstable; on the fourth round the weapon must be fired or else it explodes and deals the fully charged damage (normal weapon damage, +4 dice) to the user. When this occurs, the weapon is completely destroyed.

Restrictions: Ranged energy weapons only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +6.

Voice Recognition System

A countermeasure commonly built into weapons is the voice recognition system gadget. It requires any user to speak a command word to unlock the weapon before it can be used. Some weapons couple the voice recognition system with the booby trap gadget to require a voice command to reset the weapon to its previous state. Any weapon with the voice recognition system gadget will not fire or activate unless the owner (or designated group) gives the command word to the weapon.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +1.


The following gadgets are universal and can apply to armors found in any era, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.

Environment Seal

Since many armors are designed with a particular environment in mind, this gadget provides the wearer protection from harsh conditions. The environment seal gadget transforms any armor into a stable and insulated artificial environment. This provides the wearer with the right amount of breathable air and external pressure to assure comfort and survival for up to eight hours, ensuring that the armor can function in the extremes of the deep sea or deep space, along with any environment in between. Only certain types of armor can handle this modification and those that do usually integrate a sealed helmet, body glove, and emergency air tanks to generate internal atmosphere.

Restrictions: Medium, heavy, or powered armor only.

Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Integrated Equipment

A particular piece of nonweapon equipment has been integrated into the armor and can be used by the armor’s wearer at any time. This gadget is often used to add features such as glow-lamps or duracable to armor, though it is not limited to those applications. Indeed, some armors are intended to make their wearers into independent one-person armies, and sport a dozen or more such equipment integrations.

When selecting the integrated equipment gadget, choose a piece of equipment. That equipment is integrated into the base armor and can be used at any time. Additionally, you must choose whether or not the equipment may be physically separated from the base armor or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times, each time adding a single additional piece of equipment to the base model.

Restrictions: The character must also purchase the piece of equipment to be integrated separately from the armor, before the gadget modification is made.

Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Integrated Weapon

Some armors are designed with specific combat purposes in mind and build in certain weapons as standard equipment. Examples run from a pair of pop-out wrist blades to shoulder-mounted plasma cannons. Additionally, many armors link their weapons to integrated heads-up displays, turning the user into a walking combat machine.

When selecting the integrated weapon gadget, choose a single weapon. That weapon is integrated into the base armor and can be used at any time. Additionally, you must choose whether or not the weapon may be physically separated from the base armor or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times, each time adding a single additional weapon to the base armor.

Restrictions: The character must also purchase the weapon to be integrated separately from the base armor, before the gadget modification is made.

Purchase DC Modifier: See text.

Storage Compartment

A simple but often overlooked modification that can be of great benefit in almost any situation is the ability to store and carry small items in a safe place. The storage compartment gadget accomplishes just that, incorporating an empty space where other objects can be carried by the wearer with relative ease. Each storage compartment gadget allows the wearer to carry two items of size Small or smaller in a container built into the armor. This gadget may be taken multiple times, each time providing another compartment where small items may be carried.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Techno-Organic Makeup

Though the technology of Earth is based on electronics and mechanics, some alien cultures may have developed technology based on living organisms working in harmony for an intended purpose. Additionally, advanced civilizations may make use of certain biological forms of technology integrated with their own mechanical devices to form a techno-organic hybrid capable of performing certain tasks with increased efficiency.

An armor with the techno-organic makeup gadget is composed of living tissue or a biological/mechanical hybrid material. Unlike normal armors, armor with this gadget heals itself at a rate of one hit point per hour when damaged. Additionally, armor with this gadget is susceptible to diseases and poisons specifically designed to target techno-organic material.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Ultralight Composition

The development of new and experimental alloys constantly allows armor technology to advance to the point where once bulky and heavy armors become as easy to carry as lighter models. Any armor with the ultralight composition gadget weighs significantly less than similar pieces of armor and is more easily used and worn. The armor reduces its Armor Check Penalty (if any) by 1. Furthermore, the armor’s speed limitation is increased by 5 feet (to a maximum of the user’s normal speed). So, for example, an armor with an Armor Check Penalty of –2 and a speed limitation of 20 feet now has an Armor Check Penalty of –1 and a speed limitation of 25 feet.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +4.


The following gadgets are universal and can apply to equipment found in any era, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


By eliminating wasted space and using smaller components, some engineers are capable of producing equipment far smaller than its standard counterparts. Any piece of equipment that makes use of the compact gadget is one size smaller than normal, to a minimum size of Diminutive.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +1.


By eliminating wasted space and using microscopic components, some engineers are capable of producing equipment vastly smaller than normal. Any weapon that makes use of the miniaturized gadget is two size categories smaller than normal, to a minimum size of Diminutive.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +3.

Multiple Use Item

Similar in function to the alternate weapon gadget, the multiple use item gadget allows the character to integrate the function of two separate items into a single device.

When selecting the multiple use item gadget, choose a second object. That object is integrated into the base object and can be used at any time. Additionally, you must choose whether or not the alternate object may be physically separated from the base weapon or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times, each time adding a single additional piece of equipment to the base object.

Restrictions: The character must also purchase the piece of equipment to be integrated separately from the armor, before the gadget modification is made.

Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Paint-On LCD

One of the most revolutionary advances in computer technology during the Information Age and beyond is the paint-on LCD gadget. This allows almost any surface to be used as a computer display, as it grafts the color-changing pixels common to all display devices onto another surface.

Any piece of equipment with the paint-on LCD gadget can be used as a display for any piece of computer or communications equipment. Additionally, weapons and armor may make use of the paint-on LCD gadget at the normal cost, but gain no special benefit from the modification other than being able to display data.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

At the dawn of the Information Age, the value of knowledge and accurate intelligence became a crucial aspect of warfare. The ability to connect to a global communications network was critical to the success of any army, as intelligence traveled at the speed of light across the globe to command centers safe behind defended battle lines. The satellite datalink gadget enables any piece of equipment, from computer to communication device to heads-up display, to connect to a global (or, if in place, galactic) satellite network and communicate with computer systems in far remote areas.

Restrictions: This gadget may only be used with gear containing computerized communications equipment.

Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Storage Compartment

Like the gadget used for armor, the ability to store and carry small items in a safe place can sometimes be of critical importance. The storage compartment gadget accomplishes just that, incorporating an empty space where other objects can be carried with relative ease. Each storage compartment gadget allows the wearer to carry two items of size Small or smaller in a container built into the piece of equipment. This gadget may be taken multiple times, each time providing another compartment where small items may be carried.

Restrictions: None.

Purchase DC Modifier: +1.


The Information Age is the era closest to our own in terms of technology level. Most of the weapons and equipment from the Information Age are similar to those in our own world and are usually evolutions of currently existing technology. Many near-future campaigns make use of Information Age technology as their primary source of gear.


The following weapons are available at PL 5 and later.

Falcon .45

The law enforcement response to the ever-growing firepower found in the hands of criminals and gang members, the Falcon pistol not only possesses increased stopping power but also integrates the ability to fire in full automatic mode. Additionally, the Falcon is lightweight and easy to carry.

Grenade, Shrapnel

Similar in concept to the standard fragmentation grenade, the shrapnel grenade propels dangerous shards of metal outward at high velocity when it explodes. Unlike the fragmentation grenade, the shrapnel grenade incorporates aerodynamic metal shards and directional tubes to ensure that each shard is propelled at lethal velocity along a set path. The result is a calculated field of flying shrapnel that is far more effective than the simple pop-and-spray chaos of a fragmentation grenade.

Grenade, Sonic Pulse

A sonic pulse grenade deals 3d6 points of nonlethal sonic damage to any living creature in the burst radius. (Robots and other nonliving creatures are not affected.) In addition, creatures that take damage from the sonic pulse grenade must also succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 12) or be shaken for 1d4 rounds.

Oicw Assault Rifle

One of the most technologically advanced weapons to ever reach production during the Information Age, the OICW (Objective Individual Combat Weapon) assault rifle is a combination weapon.

The weapon houses a 5.56mm compact assault rifle as well as a 20mm grenade launcher (the weapon uses the alternate weapon gadget to add a mini- grenade launcher). The grenade launcher features multiple detonation modes, including detonate-on-impact mode (in which the grenade explodes on impact) and air burst mode (in which the grenade explodes in the air after traveling a certain distance).

The rifle includes a combat-capable scope with built-in targeting computers that are designed to link into the Land Warrior combat system. This system, known as TA/FCS (Target Acquisition/Fire Control System), functions as a built-in night vision scope as well as a rangefinding scope (the scope, rangefinding laser gadget). Additionally, the weapon has an integrated computer link that can hook directly into the Land Warrior armor and transmit images and data to the armor’s onboard computer system. On its own, separate from the Land Warrior system, the OICW assault rifle is one of the most dangerous and effective weapons on the market.

This weapon has a two-round burst setting. When the Burst Fire feat is used with this weapon, the penalty on the attack roll is lessened to –2 instead of –4. Also, the weapon fires only two bullets instead of five and can be used with only two bullets in the weapon. However, the weapon only deals +1 die of damage instead of +2 dice of damage. (In effect, using the Burst Fire feat with this weapon results in the effect of the Double Tap feat.) This setting does not grant the ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you use the setting without the feat, you make a normal attack, and the extra two bullets

not have the automatic rate of fire, this weapon cannot be used to make autofire attacks.

Tactical Military (TACMIL) Sniper Rifle

With the success of the OICW assault rifle, a sniper rifle equivalent was developed. The rifle itself fires a standard 7.62mm round and sports a rangefinding scope (the scope, rangefinding laser gadget) that can connect to a Land Warrior combat armor computer. Additionally, the TacMil sniper rifle features a flash suppressor as well as an effective sound suppressor, ensuring maximum stealth.

Twin Thunder Machine Gun

The Twin Thunder is a reduced-recoil .50 caliber machine gun capable of dispensing roughly 260 rounds per minute. The machine gun is designed for use in combat by two soldiers, a single gunner and an aide to feed the ammunition belt into the weapon. What makes the Twin Thunder unique from other modern machine guns is that its reduced recoil allows for greater accuracy over longer distances with less variance in the aim of the user.

Table: Progress Level 5 Ranged Weapons
Weapon1DamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrementRate of FireMagazineSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
Falcon .452d620Ballistic40 feetS, A20 boxMedium2.5 lb.18Lic (+1)
OICW assault rifle2d820Ballistic70 feetS30 boxLarge18 lb.26Mil (+3)
TacMil sniper rifle2d1020Ballistic120 feetS15 boxLarge14 lb.21Res (+2)
Twin thunder machine gun2d1020Ballistic100 feetALinkedHuge42 lb.22Mil (+3)
  1. All weapons listed in this table require the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat.
Table: Progress Level 5 Explosives And Splash Weapons
WeaponDamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrementRate of FireMagazineSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
Grenade, shrapnel5d6Slashing20 ft.1510 ft.Tiny1 lb.18Mil (+3)
Grenade, sonic pulse3d6 nonlethal plus special1Sonic15 ft.1210 ft.Tiny1 lb.15Res (+2)
  1. See the weapon description for details.

Grenades, Missiles, and Mines

Most explosives are given in the form of grenades. These grenades provide the base form for these weapons, but equivalent missiles or mines can also exist.

To create a missile from a grenade covered here, simply take the base statistics of the grenade and use them as the statistics for ammunition for a missile launcher. Be sure to adjust the range increment, since missiles travel much farther than thrown grenades.

Mines are treated in almost the opposite way; their range increment is eliminated. A mine must be placed to be effective.

Despite differences in their form, missiles, mines, and grenades all have the same primary effect regardless of the method of delivery for their payloads.


The following armors are available at PL 5 and later.

Flight Suit And Helmet

The flight suit and helmet combination worn by combat pilots doubles as body armor that protects grounded pilots. The flight suit contains kevlar-lined pouches on the chest, back, arms, legs, and abdomen, into which armor plates are inserted. The helmet protects the head.

The armored flight suit carries over into later Progress Levels. Most military pilots in later eras wear armored flight suits and helmets essentially the same as this PL 5 version, though in the design appropriate to their society.

Land Warrior Armor

The Land Warrior combat system was a major Information Age step in the ongoing effort to increase the efficiency of the individual solder. The primary benefits of Land Warrior armor are found in its communications and sensor gear; each Land Warrior armor has a built-in computer that is capable of sending and receiving text and image transmissions (via a display built into the armor), including images captured from the scope of a linked OICW assault rifle or TacMil sniper rifle. Additionally, the display can be linked to the scopes on those weapons to provide real-time representations of what the scope can see, allowing the wearer to fire around corners with ease. In addition to the communications and data equipment, the armor functions as standard infantry battle armor complete with bullet-resistant plating and kevlar protective gear. The armor allows for instantaneous transmission of coordinates and targeting information, allowing teams of Land Warrior-capable soldiers to communicate and coordinate with ease and efficiency.

Space Suit

The standard space suit used by NASA and other space programs is a completely enclosed environment suit capable of sustaining life in extremes of temperature and a lack of breathable air. The suit is large and bulky, composed of a thick body suit and helmet with a transparent mask, all parts of which are capable of deflecting micro-meteors and other space-borne projectiles. Inside the suit, internal air tanks and environmental filters maintain temperature and pressure. Additionally, a communications system not only allows for radio transmissions to the space shuttle but also allows internal sensors to monitor biological functions that can be observed from mission control. The space suit is poor combat armor, but allows for movement and action in space.

Table: Progress Level 5 Armor
ArmorTypeEquipment BonusNonprof. BonusMax Dex BonusArmor PenaltySpeed | ALIGN="CENTER" | (30 ft./20 ft.) WeightPurchase DCRestriction
Light Armor
Flight Suit and helmetTactical+2+1+6–030 ft./20 ft.2 lb.10Lic (+1)
Heavy Armor
Land warrior armorTactical+6+3+3–320 ft./15 ft.10 lb.20Lic (+1)
Space suitTactical+7+3+0–1015 ft./10 ft.50 lb.26Lic (+1)


The following equipment is available at PL 5 and later.

Display Glasses

A logical advancement of video display and VR technology, display glasses provide on-the-go monitors that can be hooked up to everything from computer systems to televisions and other audiovideo equipment. Each pair of display glasses looks like a darkened pair of sunglasses and features one or two earpieces that wrap around the back of the ear. The glasses are semitransparent and allow the wearer to see both the display and the user’s surroundings simultaneously.


Strong as steel, flexible as rubber, and almost as light as normal rope, duracable replaces most cables and ropes as the standard device for lifting, pulling, and support. Duracable is made of lightweight and durable wiring wrapped hundreds of times in a swirl that reinforces itself as more stress is placed on the coil. Duracable is able to support up to 10 metric tons of weight.

Grappler Tag

Often used in conjunction with duracable, the grappler tag is a small disc roughly six inches in diameter. When placed against a solid surface, the grappler tag attaches to that surface by magnetism (if the surface is ferrous) or by an array of nearly microscopic metal barbs (if not). The tag can then be attached to duracable and used as an anchor for climbing, pulling, or any other purpose. A button on the top of the disc releases the grappler tag’s hold.

Explorer Outfit

The explorer’s outfit is the standard uniform for bold adventurers taking their first steps into the unknown. It includes a set of cargo pants and a utility vest, each covered in numerous pockets and pouches for holding miscellaneous gear. Additionally, the explorer outfit features a pair of durable all-weather boots with a built-in knife sheath, as well as a neck-shading cap, a pair of utility sunglasses, and a belt that holds pouches of all kinds. The chief premise of the explorer’s outfit is versatility, giving the explorer a basic set of clothing that can be added to and augmented for each particular mission.


A marvel of computer technology, the hackcard is a disposable, one-use item designed to allow those who are not computer savvy to bypass technological and computer barriers or perform computer-related tasks. Each hackcard is an individual data-carrying card roughly the size of a credit card with a hole in its center and a magnetic strip on one side. Each hackcard carries a single program designed for a single purpose; this may be to open doors, bypass security restrictions, crash a computer, or even to modify information. Almost any task that can be performed by using the Computer Use skill can be encoded into a hackcard. Hackcards can be swiped in magnetic keycard readers and can be inserted into disc drives on computers with the same ease.

When a character uses a hackcard for its designated purpose, the hackcard’s Computer Use bonus (+15) is used in the place of the character’s. After a single use, the card triggers small fibers of combustible material and the hackcard self-destructs, leaving behind no trace of tampering.

Heads-Up Display (HUD)

One of the most valuable innovations in portable information technology is the personal heads-up display (HUD). A HUD is composed of optical sensors for taking in data and a display device that projects an overlay in the user’s field of vision. A HUD also typically incorporates some sort of communications link or data link to allow another person or computer to see what the wearer sees and transmit valuable information back to the HUD.

Over the years, the HUD display device transforms from a simple eyepiece worn on a headband to contact lenses that can display data, all the way up to a neural interface that simply taps into the bearer’s optical nerve and tampers with the signals sent to the brain.

The standard HUD can be used to highlight the outline of a person or object on voice command, granting a +2 bonus on Spot checks when pursuing a specific target. Additionally, a person with a link to the HUD can freely send data and images to the wearer at any time. Individual software packages (represented as gadgets) can further augment the abilities of a HUD.

Laser Tripwire

The laser tripwire is a simple device that replaces the standard physical tripwire. A single focused beam of light is projected out from the tripwire generator until it hits a solid surface. If the beam is broken by, for example, a person passing through the beam, the tripwire generator immediately sends out a signal from its data port. This can be used to activate an alarm, trigger an explosive device, or even just turn on the lights in a particular room, depending on what event the signal is set to trigger.


An invaluable device used in tracking and search and rescue, the nanobeacon is a small microchip that is placed on a target’s body (or on an object). It sends out a pulse every second that can be detected by sensors attuned to the beacon’s frequency. The nanobeacon projects its pulse at up to a 500 mile radius, each nanobeacon with its own unique identification code. Nanobeacons are often used to coordinate combat squads, track wanted criminals, and even to help recover kidnapped or lost children. A beacon can be placed on any character or object by making a simple touch attack against the target.

Portable Environment Generator

As an important piece of survival gear that can be taken on almost any expedition, the portable environment generator is an all-in-one device coveted by explorers and outdoors enthusiasts alike. Resembling a tall cylinder roughly two feet in height, the portable environment generator can project a 30-foot sphere of custom environment under any conditions. In cold weather areas, the generator produces heat. In arid deserts, the generator produces both cool air and moisture.

At night, the generator acts as a glow lamp and provides the area with light. Thanks to a special energy bubble produced by the generator, any atmospheric changes stay within the 30 foot radius and do not escape until the device is deactivated. Essentially, the portable environment generator can produce a sphere inside which a group of people can be relatively comfortable despite extremely harsh conditions outside the generator’s influence.

Portable Glow Lamp

The portable glow lamp is the most efficient and beneficial form of lighting equipment known to man. It can function as a directional lighting device (like a flashlight) or as an area-covering lantern. Glowlamps have long-lasting power cells and bulbs that never need to be replaced, and can be adjusted to provide light in any radius up 50 feet.


The puritizer is a small, semitransparent cylinder roughly one foot tall that removes impurities from water food. The puritizer’s onboard computer recognizes chemicals that can be harmful to the human body and separates them from the food and drink.

Shepherd Chip

The shepherd chip is a tiny microchip implanted beneath the surface of the wrist. It contains the bearer’s identification information. Some computers can read the shepherd chip and extract its information, while all shepherd chips can be made to receive another person’s identification information via handshake—once a mere method of greeting, the handshake becomes a permanent way to introduce oneself and clearly identify yourself to another person. Of course, the shepherd chip can be made to not broadcast information via handshake for privacy’s sake.

In addition to basic identification information, many people have their banking and credit information keyed to their shepherd chips so that they no longer have to use physical money or credit cards. Businesses love this as it allows them to prevent shoplifting; if a person carries an item from the store, that item’s value is immediately deducted from their bank account. Additionally, in later years the shepherd chip can be linked to computers (particularly neural implants) such that any information can be transferred between two shepherd chips—a great boon to the espionage community as it allows for discrete information transfers.

Some governments use shepherd chips (occasionally combined with nanobeacons) to monitor the activities of their citizens. This oppressive, watchful eye of the government is exactly what opponents of the shepherd chip fear. Additionally, a black market for forged or stolen shepherd chips emerged as soon as the chips themselves became widespread, making identity theft and falsification an ever-present crime in some communities.

Soother Pulse

A small box that fits in one hand, the soother pulse emits sub-audible noises and subtle vibrations that can soothe almost any animal. It carries in its memory banks the codes of pulses to soothe almost every animal on the planet, and new pulses can be loaded into the device whenever they are discovered. A character using the soother pulse gains a +6 equipment bonus on all Handle Animal checks when dealing with an animal identified in the soother pulse’s database.

Spray LCD

The rise to prominence of paint-on LCDs allowed many people freedom and portability with computing never before felt. The spray LCD is the logical extension of this technology. A pressurized canister similar to a can of spray paint, it can spray an LCD onto almost any surface. Any object coated with spray LCD automatically gains the paint-on LCD gadget for 1 hour. After that hour, the spray begins to dissolve and no longer functions. Each canister of spray LCD is enough to produce one working LCD.

Table: Progress Level 5 Equipment
NameSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
Computer Equipment
Display glassesTiny1 lb.12
HackcardDiminutive14Lic (+1)
Miscellaneous Equipment
DuracableMedium3 lb.4
Grappler tagTiny1 lb.5
Explorer outfitMedium2 lb.6
Heads-up displayTiny1 lb.7
Laser tripwireDiminutive5
Shepherd chipFine12
Spray LCDTiny0.5 lb.8
Survival Equipment
Portable environment generatorMedium5 lb.13
Portable glow lampTiny0.5 lb.4
PuritizerSmall2 lb.9
Soother pulseDiminutive14


The Fusion Age is the first step to technology that seems to be beyond the reach of current scientific knowledge. Gear from this Progress Level is typically a stretch of the imagination, but could eventually be derived from current technology.


The following weapons are available at PL 6 and later.

Ammunition, Bio-Agent

Unfortunately for its victims, biological warfare continues to be a common part of combat even in the Fusion Age. Bio-agent ammunition is a logical extension of previous military tactics with regards to biological warfare.

Bio-agent ammunition contains a miniscule amount of a biological weapon inside an insulated chamber within each round. Use of bio-agent ammunition causes a –1 penalty to damage. However, any living creature damaged by the round is injected with a poisonous bio-agent with effects identical to cyanogen gas.

Grenade, Concussion

Law enforcement officers in the Fusion Age use concussion grenades to knock out threatening targets. Living creatures within the concussion grenade’s 10-foot burst radius take 4d6 points of nonlethal concussion damage, or half damage on a successful Reflex save (DC 15). Concussion grenades do not affect robots or other nonliving creatures.

Grenade, EMP

An EMP grenade releases an electromagnetic pulse that instantly shorts out all electronic devices (including computers) within a 20-foot burst radius. Affected devices remain nonfunctional until repaired (see the Repair skill description for details).

The EMP grenade deals no damage to living creatures. However, a creature with cybernetic attachments takes 1d6 points of electricity damage per cybernetic attachment (maximum 5d6) and must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. If the cybernetically enhanced creature rolls a natural 1 on its Fortitude save, each of its cybernetic attachments takes 1d6 points of electricity damage as well.

An EMP grenade deals 5d6 points of electricity damage to a mecha or robot.

Grenade, Fireflush

A fireflush grenade contains a chemical compound that combusts immediately upon contact with oxygen

When a fireflush grenade detonates, it produces geysers of flame that fill a 10-foot burst radius. All creatures and objects within the burst radius take 3d6 points of fire damage. The blast also ignites clothing and other flammable items.

Grenade, Tangler

The tangler grenade operates on the same principle as the tangler gun, but targets an area rather than one specific character. Any time a character is struck by a tangler grenade, that character suffers a cumulative –2 penalty to Dexterity. This penalty remains in place until the compound is dissolved.

If the character is struck with enough tangler grenades that the penalty is equal to or greater than his Dexterity, he is immobilized and may take no actions until the compound is dissolved. Dexterity penalties from tangler grenades stack with those from tangler guns.

Hardened compound dissolves naturally after 8 hours or can be removed by using solvaway chemical or some other spray solvent.

High Frequency Sword

One of the few melee weapons to be developed in the Fusion Age, the high frequency sword is made of a durable metal alloy many times tougher than steel. Inside the blade itself, and controlled by a switch on the hilt of the weapon, are microscopic machines that cause the blade to vibrate at incredibly high speeds. Though the wielder of the weapon is shielded from these vibrations by a soft hilt, any character or object struck by the high frequency sword finds that the weapon is given extra cutting power thanks to its technological enhancements.

Laser Weapons

Laser weapons come in many shapes and sizes, from pistols to rifles and other longarms. Many different forms of technology can be used to create laser weapons, resulting in many different forms of lasers; short, self-contained beams are as common as longer, solid stream lasers, while others produce spherical balls of energy and others fire laser rings. The coloration and noise created by the laser may vary, but the effect is the same.

Laser weapons do not use ammunition, but are instead powered by power packs.

Mini-Grenade Launcher

Though personal grenade launchers were commonly found in the Information Age, the mini-grenade launcher is somewhat different in that it is reduced to roughly the size of a large pistol. Additionally, the ammunition it uses, while still as potent as hand-held counterparts, is reduced in size to match the weapon.

Though shoulder-carried missile launchers were commonly found in the Information Age, the mini-rocket launcher is somewhat different in that it is reduced to roughly the size of a large pistol. Additionally, the ammunition it uses is reduced in size to match the weapon.

Stun Baton

The stun baton is a long rod similar to those carried by modern-day police officers, though on one end of the baton a metal cap that emits a pulse of stunning energy when it strikes a target. Any creature hit by a stun baton takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage and must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Tangler Gun

A unique nonlethal weapon eagerly adopted by law enforcement agencies around the world, the tangler gun fires condensed balls of an incredibly sticky compound that can render a target immobile in a few short moments. The tangler gun fires pellets of an inert compound that, when broken, expand into a gelatinous substance that covers large portions of a target. Unfortunately for the target, the disgusting mess soon becomes more problematic as the compound hardens. Within second, a single pellet no larger than a fingernail has expanded into a ball of goop and then hardened into an immobilizing layer of tough chitin.

Any time a character is struck by a tangler gun, that character suffers a cumulative –2 penalty to Dexterity. This penalty remains in place until the compound is dissolved.

If the character is struck with enough tangler pellets that the penalty is equal to or greater than his Dexterity, he is immobilized and may take no actions until the compound is dissolved. Dexterity penalties from tangler guns stack with those from tangler grenades.

Hardened compound dissolves naturally after 8 hours or can be removed by using solvaway chemical or some other spray solvent.

Table: Progress Level 6 Ranged Weapons
Weapon1DamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrementRate of FireMagazineSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
Laser pistol2d820Fire40 feetS50 boxMedium3 lb.17Lic (+1)
Laser rifle3d820Fire80 feetS, A50 boxLarge8 lb.19Res (+2)
Laser sniper rifle3d820Fire120 feetS50 boxLarge14 lb.21Res (+2)
Mini-grenade launcherVaries220Varies270 feetSingle1 int.Medium4 lb.20Mil (+3)
Mini-rocket launcherVaries220Varies2150 feetSingle1 int.Medium5 lb.23Mil (+3)
Tangler gunSpecial20 feetS, A20 boxLarge8 lb.16Lic (+1)
  1. All weapons listed in this table require the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat.
  2. Damage and damage type varies depending on the ammunition.
Table: Progress Level 6 Melee Weapons
Weapon1DamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrementSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
High frequency sword2d619–20SlashingLarge2 lb.15
Stun baton1d6 + special20BludgeoningMedium1 lb.16

    All weapons listed in this table require the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat.

    Table: Progress Level 6 Ammunition Types
    Ammunition (Quantity)Damage TypePurchase DCRestriction
    Bio-agent (20)Ballistic14Mil (+3)
    Power pack (50)Special18
    1. A power pack powers any ranged weapon that deals energy damage (such as a laser pistol). A power pack does not change the weapon’s damage type.
    Table: Progress Level 6 Explosives And Splash Weapons
    WeaponDamageCriticalDamage TypeBurst RadiusReflex DCRange IncrementSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Grenade, concussion4d6 nonlethalConcussion15 ft.1510 ft.Tiny1 lb.15Mil (+3)
    Grenade, EMPSpecial1Electricity20 ft.1510 ft.Small2 lb.16Mil (+3)
    Grenade, fireflush3d6Fire10 ft.1510 ft.Small2 lb.18Res (+2)
    Grenade, tanglerSpecial15 ft.1210 ft.Tiny1 lb.14Lic (+1)
    1. See the weapon description for details.


    The following gadgets are found in the Fusion Age and can apply to weapons of that era or later, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.

    Scope, Video

    The video scope is a special modification to ranged weapons that provides an easier way to survey remote portions of the battlefield from the comfort of a safe haven. The video scope is a three-inch- by-three-inch viewscreen attached to the rear of a standard scope. It allows the weapon’s user to sit back and examine the details in the image rather than having to press his eye against the scope. Additionally, the viewscreen can be used to freeze-frame and take still images and boasts zoom and image enhancement software, allowing on-the-fly computer analysis and dissection of battlefield images. Some video scopes are capable of receiving broadcast images from remote locations, allowing the screen to be used for video communication (by jacking in an optional earpiece and microphone) or to transmit maps and movement orders with visual aides.

    Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +3.


    The following armors are available at PL 6 and later.

    Light Combat Armor

    Light combat armor provides less protection than later, heavier types, but also allows increased mobility. Most light combat armors consist of a reinforced blast vest, shoulder and upper arm pads, thigh and abdomen pads, and kneepads. Some light combat armors also include helmets and visors, though not all incorporate this aspect of the armor.

    Scout Armor

    Scout armor is similar in many ways to light combat armor, but with a few notable exceptions. Scout armor is painted with camouflage patterns: woodland, desert, winter (primarily white), urban (gray patterned), and black are available. When worn in an appropriate setting, the armor grants a +2 bonus on Hide checks.

    Additionally, scout armor lacks the kneepads and legwear of the light combat armor, increasing mobility but decreasing protection to the lower body. Scout armor more often incorporates survival gadgets as fits the terrain for which it is designed.

    Survival Suit

    The survival suit is the natural evolution of wilderness survival gear popularized in the Information Age. Thanks to the continued miniaturization of technology along with advancements in chemical engineering, the survival suit allows its wearer to function for days or even weeks on end without a source of water or rations. The basic premise of the survival suit is that in order to continue living in harsh environments the human body must conserve and recycle resources. As a result, the survival suit, which looks much like a modern-day wetsuit covered with matte-black pads, is able to control the intake and waste of the human body in an efficient manner.

    Water is stored in small pouches all over the survival suit and can be drawn through a small tube that protrudes from the collar; the suit recycles sweat and urine (which it chemically purifies) and then refills those pouches as needed. The outside of the survival suit bears a number of partially reflective black pads, which absorb solar energy and heat and store that energy in tiny heat cells throughout the suit. If the temperature begins to drop, these heat cells can release energy and sustain a comfortable temperature for the human body for up to 8 hours without needing to recharge. If these cells are empty, the suit also has chemical pouches that can be activated one time for another 8 hours of heat. A tiny intravenous feeding system provides nourishment when rations and food run out for up to six days. Tiny fans and vents built into the suit cool the body in temperatures of extreme heat without losing any body moisture.

    Table: Progress Level 6 Armor
    ArmorTypeEquipment BonusNonprof. BonusMax Dex BonusArmor PenaltySpeed | ALIGN="CENTER" | (30 ft./20 ft.)WeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Light Armor
    Light combat armorTactical+3+1+5–230 ft./20 ft.6 lb.12Lic (+1)
    Scout armorTactical+2+1+6–130 ft./20 ft.4 lb.11Lic (+1)
    Survival suitConcealable+1+1+7–030 ft./20 ft.3 lb.16


    The following gadgets are found in the Fusion Age and can apply to armors of that era or later, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


    Useful for scientists, explorers, and others that have need for an extra hand, the prehensile appendage gadget is both utilitarian and expensive. Essentially, this gadget consists of a long flexible cylinder capped at the end with a grasping claw that attaches to the armor’s side or back. The prehensile appendage gadget essentially gives the wearer of the armor an additional hand with which to hold and manipulate objects. The gadget cannot be used to make normal melee attacks or fire ranged weapons, but it can make grapple attempts (with a Strength bonus of +2 and using the wearer’s base attack bonus). The appendage is controlled through a pair of gloves worn by the user; by issuing commands via a specific set of hand signs, the wearer can order the gadget to pick up, drop, or manipulate an object once per round as a free action.

    Restrictions: None.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +6.


    The self-repairing gadget implements nanotechnology in its infancy to repair minor damage to armor. Whenever the armor is damaged, the self-repairing gadget immediately issues commands to a set of nanites that move to the problem spot and begin making repairs. The gadget repairs 1 point of damage per minute to the armor.

    Restrictions: None.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +6.


    The following equipment is available at PL 6 and later.


    Also known as “mechanical gills,” the aquaconverter is a simple device that takes in water, separates its molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and then feeds the oxygen into a breather tube and the hydrogen into power-generating mechanisms. Worn as a backpack with a breather tube placed in the mouth, the aquaconverter is a limitless and self-powering way to breathe safely underwater.

    Chemical, Antitox

    A chemical found in many first aid kits, antitox is a special hypodermic injection that can be used to save the life of any character infected with a poison. Each antitox injector contains a specialized analyzer linked to chemical generators. When the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it samples the target’s blood and sends the data back to the analyzer, which determines the nature of the poison and generates an antidote from stored chemical compounds. Once the antitox delivers its specially formulated chemicals, the target character is completely cured of the poison and its effects in 1d6 rounds.

    Chemical, Boost

    A drug that is both beneficial and highly dangerous, boost functions as a temporary adrenaline-enhancer. Boost was originally conceived for military purposes in an attempt to make the soldiers of the Fusion Age stronger, faster, and more combat-capable. A single injection of boost grants the character a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus on Reflex saves, increases the character’s movement speed by 10 feet, and increases the character’s massive damage threshold by +4. These effects last for 1 minute (10 rounds).

    Unfortunately, the side effects of boost almost outweigh the benefits. For one, the chemical is addictive and can alter the perceptions of a character so that she thinks she cannot live without a dose of the drug. Additionally, repeated use of boost has debilitating effects on the body’s immune and nervous systems.

    Each time a character uses a dose of boost, she has a 10% chance of suffering a –2 penalty to her Dexterity and a –1 penalty on Fortitude saves. These penalties last for 24 hours.

    If the character uses the drug again before recovering from these penalties, the penalties increase and the recovery time extends for an additional 24 hours. For example, if a character uses another dose of boost while still under the effect of the penalties, the character suffers a –4 penalty to Dexterity and –2 on Fortitude saves, and the recovery time increases to 48 hours.

    Chemical, Neutrad

    A chemical found in many first aid kits, neutrad is a special hypodermic injection that can be used to neutralize the effects of radiation poisoning. Each neutrad injector contains a specialized analyzer linked to chemical generators. When the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it samples the target’s blood and sends the data back to the analyzer, which determines the nature of the radiation sickness and generates an antidote from stored chemical compounds. Once the neutrad delivers its specially formulated chemicals, the target character is completely cured of the radiation poisoning and its effects in 1d4 hours.

    Chemical, Solvaway

    Solvaway is a special spray-on chemical designed to break through the restricting compound fired by tangler guns and tangler grenades. A single application of solvaway completely dissolves any hardened compound and frees the character as though the compound had dissolved on its own.

    Chemical, Sporekill

    A chemical found in many first aid kits, sporekill is a special hypodermic injection that can be used to neutralize the effects of most diseases. Each sporekill injector contains a specialized analyzer linked to chemical generators. When the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it samples the target’s blood and sends the data back to the analyzer, which determines the nature of the disease and generates an antidote from stored chemical compounds. Once the sporekill delivers its specially formulated chemicals, the target character is completely cured of the disease and its effects in 1d10 hours. Some genetically engineered diseases are created to circumvent sporekill chemical, and are unaffected by this piece of gear.

    Computer, Card

    As has been the case since the invention of the computer, the miniaturization of technology is most often seen in the area of computer size. The card computer functions as a standard computer but is no bigger than most credit cards or hackcards. The card computer may be hooked into any computer interface or display (including paint-on LCDs) and functions exactly like a personal computer.

    Disguise Kit, Morphic

    Most people forced to work undercover for extended periods rely on the morphic disguise kit. The kit features a pair of contact lenses that change color, a hair prosthetic that changes color, length, and texture, a paint-on LCD injector for instant tattoos that transform, and a vocal encoder (vocoder) that is attached to the throat to alter the user’s voice. Each component can be altered on command. The morphic disguise kit grants a +6 equipment bonus on all Disguise checks while in use.

    Display Contacts

    Like the previous era’s display glasses, display contacts are part of the further miniaturization of computers. These contact lenses fit perfectly over the eye and project a semitransparent image that appears to be roughly three feet from the user and comparable to a 52-inch monitor. This can be used to show the character any computer display it is linked to, and is also frequently implemented into the heads-up display device (using the multiple use item gadget) to provide real-time data on objects and people in the character’s field of vision.

    Medkit, Advanced

    The advanced medkit functions as a combined first aid kit, medical kit, and surgery kit. It also grants its user a +2 equipment bonus on all Treat Injury checks.

    Medkit, Fast-Use

    The fast-use medkit functions as both a first aid kit and a medical kit. In addition, specialized computers and sensors prepare exactly what is needed to restore a character’s hit points, treat a disease, stabilize a dying character, or revive a dazed, stunned, or unconscious character. A character may use the Treat Injury skill with the fast-use medkit as a move action.

    The fast-use medkit cannot be used as a surgery kit.


    Flash-seal looks like a block of metal roughly the size of a thin brick. It attaches to any door frame. When activated, chemical compounds inside the block of metal burn fast and hot enough to melt the metal into a liquid form. Almost instantaneously, a second chemical compound freezes the molten metal back into its solid state. The result is that the metal melts, sinks into the space between the door and its frame, and then solidifies again, essentially welding the door shut. A door that has been flash-sealed may not be opened by normal means and must be destroyed or cut through as though it were a wall.

    Fusion Torch

    The fusion torch is the Fusion Age’s equivalent of a blowtorch. The fusion torch produces a small, thin gout of flame that burns with such intensity that it creates temporary blobs of plasma all around it. The fusion torch consists of a small fuel canister attached to the torch generator. The torch deals 3d10 points of damage each round to immobile objects. Due to the nature of the fusion torch, a character using the torch must be meticulous in the way he cuts to maximize damage to whatever he is slicing through. If used as an improvised weapon, the fusion torch deals only 1d10 points of damage since it is being wielded in a more haphazard fashion.


    Though not technically an actual set of lockpicks, intellipicks are a cluster of several tiny machines (though not quite small enough to be called nanites) that can pick almost any lock and open almost any door. Intellipicks come in a small box that, when placed on the lock to be opened, releases the miniscule robots to do their work. Once the intellipicks penetrate the lock, they move tumblers and shift bolts in an efficient and rapid manner, opening the lock in way that no human could. Intellipicks have an effective Disable Device modifier of +20 (this skill can only be used to open conventional locks). Intellipicks cannot open electronic or computerized locks, though they can open magnetic locks by generating a magnetic field of opposite polarity.


    A jetpack consists of a backpack and fuel cells capable of producing powered flight for up to 2 hours. A character equipped with a jetpack can fly at a speed of 60 feet (good maneuverability). Replacement fuel cells have a purchase DC of 10.

    Neural Scrambler

    The neural scrambler is a restraint device used by many law enforcement agencies in the place of physical restraints such as handcuffs. The neural scrambler consists of a six-pronged device that, when placed over the head, interrupts brainwave activity. A character wearing a neural scrambler may not take any actions whatsoever, though she moves her normal speed under the command of another individual. When the neural scrambler is removed, the character has no knowledge of events that took place while she was restrained.

    Plastic Surgery Kit, Personal

    The personal plastic surgery kit is fashionable with society’s elite—and its criminal underworld. Consisting of a mask that fits neatly over any human face, the personal plastic surgery kit is a one-use item that completely and permanently changes a character’s facial appearance.

    The personal plastic surgery kit is first linked to a special imaging computer that programs the kit with the desired outcome. The kit is then placed on the face and activated. The kit sedates the person using it and then proceeds to alter his face according to the specifications, and can even go so far as to permanently alter eye and hair color. Using the kit takes one hour, during which the character is unconscious.

    Sensor, Chemicomp

    The chemicomp sensor computer is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet designed to find individual chemical compounds. Chemicomps can locate a specific chemical, providing a +10 equipment bonus on Search checks when attempting to find

    chemical compounds.

    Sensor, Geocomp

    The geocomp sensor computer is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet designed to find individual minerals. Geocomps can locate a specific mineral, providing a +10 equipment bonus on Search checks when attempting to find minerals.

    Sensor, Motion

    The motion sensor is capable of not only detecting motion but also of plotting it on a display screen in relation to other objects. The motion sensor plots motion relative to its own position, but can sense motion through walls and solid surfaces, indicating the location of any moving object within 100 feet.

    Universal Communicator (Unicom)

    The unicom is an all-in-one piece of equipment that handles the communication needs of a single person. Each unicom has its own frequency and can send transmissions both directly to another individual unicom as well as to an entire group of unicoms. The unicom also has a data port so that it can be linked to a computer system and receive data as well as audio and visual communications. In later eras, the unicom also frequently incorporates the hologram recorder and projector devices (via the multiple use item gadget).

    Violet Rations

    The standard rations of Fusion Age militaries, violet rations are entire meals that come in pill form. The pill is placed under the tongue and dissolves, releasing not only the flavors of various foods but also the consumer’s daily supply of nutrients and vitamins. Each violet ration is the equivalent of a single meal and is nutritious, filling, and relatively appetizing.

    Table: Progress Level 6 Equipment
    NameSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Chemical and Medical Equipment
    Chemical, antitoxDiminutive6
    Chemical, boostDiminutive6Illegal (+4)
    Chemical, neutradDiminutive6
    Chemical, solvawayDiminutive5
    Chemical, sporekillDiminutive6
    Medkit, advancedSmall3 lb.7
    Medkit, fast useSmall3 lb.7
    Plastic surgery kit, personalTiny1 lb.11Lic (+1)
    Computer Equipment
    Computer, cardDiminutive22
    Display contactsFine16
    Miscellaneous Equipment
    Disguise kit, morphicTiny1 lb.12
    Flash-sealTiny1 lb.8
    Fusion torchMedium3 lb.10
    IntellipicksSmall1 lb.13Lic (+1)
    JetpackLarge22 lb.16Lic (+1)
    Neural scramblerSmall1 lb.10Res (+2)
    Universal communicatorTiny0.5 lb.6
    Sensor Equipment
    Sensor, chemicompSmall1 lb.18
    Sensor, geocompSmall1 lb.18
    Sensor, motionTiny0.5 lb.14
    Survival Equipment
    AquaconverterMedium4 lb.13
    Violet rationsFine5


    The following gadgets are found in the Fusion Age and can apply to equipment of that era or later, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.

    A piece of software for the heads-up display device, the sensor link allows the user to directly link any computer sensor to the HUD. As a result, any sensor can be used hands-free as a free action, provided they are present on the character’s person.

    Restrictions: Heads-up display only.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +1.


    A piece of software for the heads-up display device, targeting software links directly to a ranged weapon’s video scope. This allows the character to see exactly what the video scope displays without having to look at the weapon. The character may fire around corners without exposing himself as normal. The software also grants a +1 equipment bonus on ranged attacks using the weapon to which it is connected.

    Restrictions: Heads-up display only, requires weapon with video scope gadget.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

    A piece of software for the heads-up display device, the vehicle link allows the onboard computer system of any vehicle to be displayed on the HUD. This grants a +1 equipment bonus on all Drive or Pilot checks made on a vehicle linked to the device.

    Restrictions: Heads-up display only, requires vehicle with onboard computer system.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +2.


    The self-repairing gadget implements nanotechnology in its infancy to repair minor problems with any piece of equipment. Whenever the equipment is damaged, the self-repairing gadget immediately issues commands to a set of nanites that move to the problem spot and begin making repairs. The gadget repairs one point of damage per minute to the equipment.

    Restrictions: None.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +6.


    The Gravity Age sees many of the most revolutionary changes to technology, particularly to technology used on the battlefield. Plasma weapons are finally made small enough to become practical for battlefield use, while the first powered armors begin to take shape. The advent of gravity-related technology brings some new forms of construction as well, incorporating new gravity-based technologies in practical ways.


    The following weapons are available at PL 7 and later.

    Ammunition, Deflecting

    Deflecting ammunition creates a gravity deflection field that causes the bullets to bounce off walls. When used properly, deflecting ammunition can be bounced around any barrier, around corners, underneath vehicles, and so forth for maximum penetration potential.

    Any character using deflecting ammunition immediately gains the benefit of the Skip Shot feat.

    Ammunition, Plasma-Coated

    Consisting of an armor-piercing round enveloped in superheated plasma, this type of ammunition reduces the Defense bonus provided by armor by 2, to a minimum of +1. Half of the damage it deals is fire damage, and half of the damage is ballistic damage.

    Ammunition, Seeker

    Each round of seeker ammunition contains a microscopic computer and gravity-bending generators. When seeking ammunition leaves the chamber, it immediately detects the distance to its current target. If that target moves, the gravity generators nudge the bullet into a new trajectory to intercept its target at its new location. Seeking ammunition grants a +1 bonus on all ranged attacks.

    Concussion Rifle

    A concussion rifle fires an artificial gravity pulse at the target with enough force to hurl it through the air (along a path away from the shooter). The discharged gravity pulse is mostly transparent, but bends light around itself, creating a ripple effect along its path. The pulse deals 2d10 points of concussion damage with a successful hit. In addition, the target is thrown back 5 feet for every 5 points of damage dealt by the weapon. The target must also succeed in a Fortitude save (DC = damage dealt) or be knocked prone. If the thrown target strikes a wall or other solid surface, it takes damage as though it had fallen from a height equal to the number of feet it was thrown back.

    Concussion Rod

    Modeled after the medieval mace, this weapon has a miniature artificial gravity generator embedded in its alloy head, which increases in mass at the instant of impact. The rod deals 2d8 points of damage with each successful hit; half of the damage is bludgeoning damage; half is concussive damage.

    Gravity Snare

    The gravity snare resembles a laser rifle but with two metal prongs where the muzzle should be. When fired, the prongs generate a strip of luminescent white energy that leaps from the end of the rifle toward the target. When the strip of energy strikes a target, the energy bolt bends and creates a ring of gravity around the target.

    A creature hit by the gravity ring must succeed in a Reflex save (DC 13) to avoid its effects. On a failed save, the target is entangled and unable to move for 1d6 rounds, until the gravity ring dissipates. An entangled creature can escape the gravity ring with a successful Escape Artist check (DC 40) or break free with a successful Strength check (DC 30).

    Grenade, Dissolver

    This grenade releases a cloud of gas that dissolves organic matter, dealing 2d6 points of acid damage per round to all living creatures and organic materials in a 5-foot-radius burst. Suspended in an artificial gravity well, the cloud persists until the gravity well collapses after 1 minute. The gravity well prevents even strong winds from dispersing the acid cloud.

    Grenade, Gravitic

    When this grenade detonates, it releases incredible gravitational forces. All creatures within a 10-foot-radius burst are crushed for 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the damage.

    Grenade, Stun

    A stun grenade deals no damage, but any creature within its 15-foot burst radius that fails a Reflex save (DC 18) must immediately make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. A creature that succeeds on the Reflex save is not required to make a Fortitude save and is unaffected by the grenade. A stun grenade has no effect on robots and other creatures immune to stunning effects.

    Plasma Weapons

    Plasma occurs when gases become electrically charged after losing electrons. Plasma weapons condense this electrically charged gas into a destructive force that can eat through solid objects and cause severe damage. Like laser weapons, plasma weapons come in many varieties. Most plasma weapons generate their destructive ammunition by superheating gasses held inside specialized power packs and then compressing those gasses into a focused plasma round.

    Plasma weapons do not use ammunition, but are instead powered by power packs.

    Rail Gun

    The Gravity Age rail gun uses gravity pulses, not magnets, to propel a projectile at high velocities. Metal shards are accelerated along the rail gun’s length, leaving the barrel at an extremely high velocity.

    Table: Progress Level 7 Ranged Weapons
    Weapon1DamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrementRate of FireMagazineSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Concussion rifle2d10 + special20Concussion20 feetSLarge6 lb.22Lic (+1)
    Gravity snareSpecial30 feetSLarge7 lb.17Lic (+1)
    Plasma pistol2d1020Fire40 feetS50 boxMedium3 lb.17Lic (+2)
    Plasma rifle3d1020Fire80 feetS, A50 boxLarge8 lb.19Res (+2)
    Rail gun3d1220Ballistic100 feetS20 boxLarge18 lb.24Mil (+3)
    1. All weapons listed in this table require the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat.
    Table: Progress Level 7 Melee Weapons
    Weapon1DamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrementSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Concussion rod2d820Bludgeoning/ConcussionMedium3 lb.17
    1. All weapons listed in this table require the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat.
    Table: Progress Level 7 Ammunition Types
    Ammunition (Quantity)Damage TypePurchase DCRestriction
    Deflecting (20)Ballistic12Lic (+1)
    Plasma-coated (20)Ballistic/Fire13Res (+2)
    Rail gun shards (20)Ballistic10
    Seeker (20)Ballistic15Res (+2)
    Table: Progress Level 7 Explosives And Splash Weapons
    WeaponDamageCriticalDamage TypeBurst RadiusReflex DCRange IncrementSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Grenade, dissolver2d6Acid5 ft.1510 ft.Small2 lb.14Res (+2)
    Grenade, gravitic6d6Bludgeoning10 ft.1510 ft.Tiny1 lb.20Mil (+3)
    Grenade, stunSpecial110 ft.1810 ft.Tiny1 lb.17Mil (+3)
    1. See the weapon description for details.


    The following gadgets are found in the Gravity Age and can apply to weapons of that era or later, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


    Similar to the technology that produced the silent suit, the sound suppressor gadget is the Gravity Age replacement for the silencers of the modern era. Since energy weapons cannot make use of the traditional silencers found on most ballistic weapons, the sound suppressor takes over this function with almost all Gravity Age weapons.

    The sound suppressor generates a field of sonic energy that cancels sound produced within field, reducing weapon firing noise to a mere whine of sonic energy discharge. The sound suppressor adds +10 to the DC of Listen checks made to hear the weapon firing.

    Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +3.


    The following armors are available at PL 7 and later.

    Medium Combat Armor

    Designed for heavy warfare and dangerous situations, medium combat armor covers the user almost head to toe in armor plating. Medium combat armor comes with a helmet that fits snugly on the head and does not interfere with the soldier’s field of vision.

    Silent Suit

    The silent suit uses cutting-edge sonic dampening technology to increase the stealth of the user. Silent suits look like form-fitting bodysuits with padding on the shoulders, elbows, and knees. Sonic dampening field generators are built into the suit, reducing to a minimum the noise made by movement. A character wearing a silent suit gains a +10 equipment bonus on all Move Silently checks.

    Space Combat Armor

    Space combat armor is the first true powered armor to reach common use. Space combat armor consists of heavy body armor with an environmental seal and built-in communications gear. Additionally, space combat armor boasts a jetpack specifically designed to function in space, allowing the user to maneuver in zero-g conditions. Space combat armor can be difficult and unwieldy, but makes even individual soldiers a threat in ship-to-ship combat.

    Table: Progress Level 7 Armor
    ArmorTypeEquipment BonusNonprof. BonusMax Dex BonusArmor PenaltySpeed
    (30 ft./20 ft.)
    WeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Medium Armor
    Medium combat armorTactical+4+2+4–220 ft./15 ft.8 lb.14Lic (+1)
    Silent suitConcealable+1+1+8–030 ft./20 ft.1 lb.18
    Powered Armor
    Space combat suitTactical+9+3+1–715 ft./10 ft.40 lb.17Lic (+1)


    The following gadgets are found in the Gravity Age and can apply to armors of that era or later, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


    Chameleonic materials are the end result of the marriage of sensor technology and nanotechnology. Similar in many ways to the painton LCD of the Information Age, the chameleonic surface armor gadget allows any armor to remake its own image to better blend in with the background. Microsensors on the surface of the armor detect surrounding imagery and project it from the opposite side, in effect coloring the wearer to look just like whatever is behind him. The armor blends in with any background.

    This gadget provides the armor’s wearer a bonus on Hide checks. For light armor, this bonus is +4; for medium, +6, for heavy, powered, and environmentally sealed armor, +10.

    Restrictions: None.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +6.


    The following equipment is available at PL 7 and later.

    Chemical, Biocort

    Biocort is a unique chemical compound that enhances the human body’s natural ability to heal. Biocort pushes the immune system into overdrive, and can cause the character to heal from grievous wounds at a greatly increased rate. Any character injected with biocort heals at twice the normal rate for a 24-hour period.

    Galpos Device

    The GalPos device is the Gravity Age equivalent of the GPS system of the modern era. Equipped with star charts and a link to the galactic satellite network, the GalPos device (known also as a GPD) triangulates its own position based on distance between satellite relays and its knowledge of stellar cartography. If the GalPos is taken to a region of space where it cannot contact the galactic satellite network, or to a region of space not included in its star charts, it does not function. Otherwise, the GPD can be used to indicate what planet the is on, or what star system she is in (if not on a planet).

    A GalPos device with the satellite uplink gadget can function as a GPS receiver on worlds where such systems are available.

    Grappling Tether

    Replacing duracable and the grappling tag, the grappling tether is another application of gravity technology put to practical use. The grappling tether is a beam of pure gravity energy, up to 200 feet in length, fired from a metal tube. At the end of the tether is an anchor of intense gravity. When the anchor touches a solid object, it latches on with a grip that can only be broken by an equally strong anti-gravity force.

    While the tube is held with the anchor attached to an object, the user can retract the tether to either pull the object to her (if the object is smaller in mass than the character), or pull herself to the object (if the object is greater in mass than the user, or the anchor is attached to a wall, ceiling, or other fixed surface). The anchor is released with a simple push of a button.

    Piercing Visor

    The piercing visor allows a person to see through solid objects. Through a combination motion-sensor data, gravity fluctuations, ambient light penetration, x-rays and ultraviolet light, heat and infrared signatures, sound waves and sonar, and other sensory inputs, the visor creates an accurate computer-rendered image of what lies beyond intervening objects. Any character wearing a piercing visor may, as an attack action, activate the visor’s sensors and see through a wall, floor, object, or creature at a range of up to 100 feet.

    The visor can penetrate 6 inches of metal (except lead, which it cannot see through) and 1 foot of other materials, including concrete, wood, and plaster.

    Power Backpack

    The power backpack is essentially a portable generator. While worn, the power backpack can replace the power packs used by laser and plasma weapons, granting an infinite supply of ammunition while attached. Additionally, the power backpack can provide energy to almost any device requiring electrical power.

    Projectile Deflector

    A defensive item that is in many ways the predecessor to the personal shield, the projectile deflector generates a field of gravity-altering energy around its user. Often worn as a belt or other piece of jewelry, the device actually bends the path of incoming high-speed projectiles, making the target harder to hit. The projectile deflector grants a +4 equipment bonus to Defense against ranged attacks. Melee attacks are unaffected by this device.

    Sensor, Armacomp

    The armacomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate weapons of all types. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for weapons. Additionally, the armacomp sensor’s advanced data on weapons of all types makes it a valuable resource when repairing weapons, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made on weapons. This does not include explosives and other demolitions devices, which are covered under the democomp sensor.

    Sensor, Democomp

    The democomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate explosives of all types. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for explosives. Additionally, the democomp sensor’s advanced data on explosives of all types makes it a valuable resource when planting them, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Demolitions and Disable Device checks made involving explosives.

    Sensor, Electricomp

    The electricomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate electronic devices of all types, including computers. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for electronics of a specific type. Additionally, the electricomp sensor’s advanced data on electronics of all types makes it a valuable resource when repairing computers and other electronics, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made on them. Additionally, the electricomp can be used to identify any flaws in cybernetics.

    Sensor, Mechanicomp

    The mechanicomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the evaluation and repairs of mechanical devices. The mechanicomp can identify a vehicle’s, starship’s, or mecha’s current and maximum hit points. Additionally, thanks to the mechanicomp’s extensive library of mechanical blueprints, any repairs made using the mechanicomp as a reference are more efficient, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made to vehicles, starships, and mecha.

    Sensor, Medicomp

    The mechanicomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the evaluation and healing of the human body. The medicomp can identify a creature’s current and maximum hit points. Additionally, thanks to the medicomp’s extensive library of medical records and biological knowledge, any treatments administered using the medicomp as a reference are more efficient, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Treat Injury checks.

    Table: Progress Level 7 Equipment
    NameSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Chemical and Medical Equipment
    Chemical, biocortDiminutive6
    Miscellaneous Equipment
    GalPos deviceSmall3 lb.6
    Grappling tetherSmall2 lb.9
    Piercing visorSmall1 lb.15Mil (+3)
    Power backpackMedium3 lb.8
    Projectile deflectorSmall0.5 lb.15Lic (+1)
    Sensor Equipment
    Sensor, armacompSmall1 lb.18
    Sensor, democompSmall1 lb.18Lic (+1)
    Sensor, electricompSmall1 lb.18
    Sensor, mechanicompSmall1 lb.18
    Sensor, medicompSmall1 lb.18Lic (+1)


    The following gadgets are found in the Gravity Age and can apply to equipment of that era or later, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


    A piece of software for the heads-up display device, the Ammunition Tracker is able to keep track of exactly how many shots have been expended from a particular weapon. Additionally, when a character starts to get low on ammunition, a warning flashes on the HUD indicating that a reload must occur soon.

    Restrictions: Heads-up display only, requires a weapon with an integrated computer.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +1.


    Similar to the technology that produced the silent suit, the sound suppressor gadget silences almost any noise. It generates a field of sonic energy that cancels sound produced within field, reducing all noise to a mere whine of sonic energy discharge. The sound suppressor adds +10 to the DC of Listen checks made to hear the weapon firing.

    Restrictions: None.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +3.


    The Energy Age sees the miniaturization of most power production systems, allowing for more powerful personal weapons and travel to distant stars. The invention of the StarDrive connects the farflung reaches of the galaxy in new ways, and almost any technology imaginable is available in civilized areas.


    The following weapons are available at PL 8.

    Ammunition, Phasing

    Phasing bullets contain microscopic computers and teleporters. When a phasing bullet encounters an obstacle between it and its target, it simply teleports past the obstacle and continues on course. In game terms, phasing bullets negate the benefits of cover.

    Beam Sword

    The beam sword is the Energy Age’s most potent melee weapon. A small metal handle generates a solid beam of plasma contained by a gravity-induced force field

    Cryonic Rifle

    The perfection of cryogenic technology finally reaches its most portable form in the Energy Age. A cryonic rifle draws power from a canister of compressed mutagen, which is transmitted, via an energy beam into the target. The cryonic beam deals 3d6 points of cold damage. A target reduced to negative hit points by the weapon instantly stabilizes. Furthermore, if the ray deals sufficient damage to reduce the target to –10 or fewer hit points, the target instead drops to –9 hit points and stabilizes automatically (in other words, the target does not die).

    Cryonic rifles do not use ammunition, but are instead powered by special power packs that allow 10 shots each (purchase DC8).


    Resembling a laser rifle, a disintegrator fires a micro-singularity that obliterates the target’s molecular structure on impact. Any living creature reduced to –10 hit points by the weapon completely disintegrates. Objects and nonliving creatures (including robots) reduced to 0 hit points by the weapon are likewise disintegrated.

    Disintegrators do not use ammunition, but are instead powered by special power packs that allow 10 shots each (purchase DC 8).

    Grenade, Cryonic

    When a cryonic grenade explodes, it deals 8d6 points of cold damage to all creatures in a 10-foot burst radius. A successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the damage. The freezing cold automatically stabilizes any creature reduced to negative hit points by the blast. If the cryonic blast deals sufficient damage to reduce a target to –10 or fewer hit points, the target instead drops to –9 hit points and stabilizes automatically (in other words, the target does not die).

    Grenade, Psionic

    A psionic grenade releases a 10-foot-radius psionic blast that affects only creatures with psionic abilities or powers. Any such creature that fail a Reflex save (DC 18) cannot use its psionic abilities or psionic powers for 1d4 rounds. In addition, it must succeed on a Will s ave (DC 15) o r suffer 1d6 points of temporary I ntelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage.

    Grenade, Singularity

    A singularity grenade generates a gravity field so powerful that it bends space into a miniature black hole. The black hole instantly devours all light and matter before collapsing and vanishing. Any character or object in the grenade’s 5-foot burst radius takes 15d6 points of damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the damage. If the damage is enough to reduce a creature to –10 hit points, the grenade leaves no trace of the creature behind.

    Lightning Gun

    A bulky and unwieldy weapon, the lightning gun is usually mounted on a tripod. It fires a crackling ray of electricity capable of sweeping large areas quickly. Characters wielding a lightning gun automatically gain the benefits of the Strafe feat.

    Lightning guns do not use ammunition, but are instead powered by special power packs that allow 30 shots each (purchase DC 8).

    Pulse Rifle

    The pulse rifle is a fully automatic laser assault rifle capable of firing a rapid barrage of laser rounds. The pulse rifle is the standard issue weapon given to most heavy assault soldiers in the Energy Age. Pulse rifles do not use ammunition, but are instead powered by power packs.

    Sonic Beam

    The sonic blaster fires a pulse of destructive sound at the target, dealing 2d6 points of sonic damage. In addition, any creature damaged by the sonic pulse must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be deafened and shaken for 1d4 rounds.

    Sonic beams do not use ammunition, but are instead powered by power packs.

    Table: Progress Level 8 Ranged Weapons
    Weapon1DamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrementRate of FireMagazineSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Cryonic rifle3d620Cold20 feetS10 boxLarge8 lb.21Lic (+1)
    Disintegrator3d820Energy230 feetS10 boxLarge6 lb.23Mil (+3)
    Lightning gun3d620Electricity50 feetS, A30 boxHuge30 lb.24Mil (+3)
    Pulse rifle3d1020Fire80 feetS, A50 boxLarge11 lb.21Res (+2)
    Sonic beam2d6 + special20Sonic40 feetS50 boxMedium3 lb.18Lic (+1)
    1. All weapons listed in this table require the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat.
    2. This weapon deals damage of a nonspecific energy type that is not subject to energy resistance.
    Table: Progress Level 8 Melee Weapons
    Weapon1DamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrementSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Beam sword2d819–20FireMedium1 lb.17
    1. All weapons listed in this table require the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat.
    Table: Progress Level 8 Ammunition Types
    Ammunition (Quantity)Damage TypePurchase DCRestriction
    Phasing (20)Ballistic16Res (+2)
    Table: Progress Level 8 Explosives And Splash Weapons
    WeaponDamageCriticalDamage TypeBurst RadiusReflex DCRange IncrementSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Grenade, cryonic8d6Cold10 ft.1510 ft.Small2 lb.19Res (+2)
    Grenade, psionicSpecial110 ft.1810 ft.Tiny1 lb.22Res (+2)
    Grenade, singularity15d6Energy25 ft.1510 ft.Small2 lb.26Mil (+3)
    1. See the weapon description for details.
    2. This weapon deals damage of a nonspecific energy type that is not subject to energy resistance.


    The following gadgets are found in the Energy Age and can apply to weapons of that era, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


    One disadvantage to the use of ranged weapons has always been limited ammunition. Unless the weapon’s bearer is willing to cart around a bulky power backpack or ribbons of ammunition, reloading is always a problem. The teleporting magazine gadget allows a character to reload without ever having to actually reload; when the weapon detects that it has run out of ammunition, the current box magazine is teleported out of the weapon and another one is teleported in instantaneously. Though the character never has to reload, he must possess enough magazines or power packs to be teleported in or else the gadget does not function.

    Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +6.


    The following armors are available at PL 8.

    Boost Armor

    Boost armor is powered armor that augments the character’s physical abilities. A character wearing boost armor is stronger, faster, and more nimble than ever before. Special mechanisms augment physical strength, granting a +4 bonus to the character’s Strength score. Sensors can detect incoming attacks and augment reaction times, granting a +2 bonus on all Reflex saves.

    Additionally, boost armor can improve traction and augment the ability to move quickly, increasing the character’s movement speed by 10 feet. Boost armor is lightweight and form-fitting, and provides less protection than heavier combat armors.

    Unisoldier Heavy Combat Armor

    The ultimate step in the creation of the one-soldier army, unisoldier heavy combat armor is an all-in-one package that makes the wearer a formidable opponent in combat. The wearer is covered from head to toe. The helmet includes a built-in heads-up display and a visor that changes tint to dampen the effects of sudden bright lights, making flash-bang grenades useless against the wearer. Additionally, the armor usually has built-in slots for the addition of onboard computer systems, though not all armors make use of the option.

    Table: Progress Level 8 Armor
    ArmorTypeEquipment BonusNonprof. BonusMax Dex BonusArmor PenaltySpeed
    (30 ft./20 ft.)
    WeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Heavy Armor
    Unisoldier combat armorTactical+10+3+1–620 ft./15 ft.30 lb.19Lic (+1)
    Powered Armor
    Boost ArmorTactical+7+2+4–320 ft./15 ft.20 lb.18Lic (+1)


    The following gadgets are found in the Energy Age and can apply to armors of that era, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


    With space combat almost as common as ground combat in the Energy Age, armor manufacturers seek to make their armor more useful in both space and atmospheric combat. One such enhancement is the gravity anchor gadget, which generates a field of artificial gravity around the armor’s wearer. In low gravity and zero gravity conditions, the gravity anchor can be activated to give the wearer the benefits of full gravity in any situation. Characters with this gadget are unaffected by low gravity and zero-g conditions.

    Restrictions: None.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +4.


    A combination of nanotechnology and armor engineering, morphic metal alloy is a special material used in the construction of armor to enhance the user’s ability to move freely. When activated, morphic metal bends and shapes itself to the contours of the wearer’s body, giving it both a snug fit and increased mobility. An armor with the morphic metal alloy gadget reduces its armor check penalty by 1 and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus by 1 as well.

    Restrictions: None.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +6.


    Similar in design to the gravity anchor, but with an opposite purpose, neg-grav boosters can be installed into any armor to give the wearer the benefits of low gravity conditions. Neg-grav boosters create a low-gravity field around the user and counteract the effects of gravity, allowing the character to jump to incredible heights. Any armor with this gadget grants a +10 bonus on all Jump checks in any situation where gravity is a factor. This gadget has no function in zero-g environments.

    Restrictions: None.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +4.


    The following equipment is available at PL 8.

    Chemical, Plastiflesh

    Contained in a small spray can, plastiflesh bonds with human skin on contact and accelerates the healing process by providing a layer of artificial skin to seal the wound. The target of the spray immediately recovers 1d4 hit points. No Treat Injury check is required to use plastiflesh.

    Chemical, Truthtell

    Truthtell is a specially formulated chemical that targets areas of the brain that handle creativity and, particularly, lying. By temporarily neutralizing these areas of the brain, truthtell makes it impossible for a character to lie while under the drug’s influence.

    A character injected with truthtell may make a Will save (DC 18) to negate its effects. On a failed save, the character is compelled to speak truthfully for the next 3d10 minutes. A subject under the effect of truthtell is aware of its influence and may still refuse to answer questions.

    Energy Shield

    The energy shield is a potent defense mechanism that protects the user from dangerous energy.

    An energy shield grants its wearer one of the following types of energy resistance, as determined by the wearer upon activation: cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, fire resistance 5, or sonic/ concussion resistance 5. As a move action, the wearer can adjust the shield to provide a different type of energy resistance, selected from the list above.

    Force Field, Personal

    The most reliable and powerful personal defense mechanism in the Energy Age, the personal force field projects a defensive bubble around a single Medium-size or smaller character or item. The personal force field comes in two varieties, one that provides a DR of 5/— and another that provides DR 10/—. The device contains a power pack that provides up to 2 hours of use. A power backpack may be used to extend this duration to 8 hours.

    Hologram Player

    A hologram player is a small disc with several small light projectors arranged around its outer edge. When activated, the device projects a three-dimensional image in full color as small as three inches in height or as large as a Medium-size character. The hologram player can be hooked into a hologram recorder (capable of storing three-dimensional images), or even to a unicom to receive three-dimensional images for real-time communications.

    Hologram Recorder

    A hologram recorder is a cylinder no larger than a pen with a bulbous, transparent cap on one end. The device can make a three-dimensional recording of anything within its cone-shaped recording area. Hologram recorders can store up to one hour of three-dimensional images to be played back on a hologram player or transferred to a computer as video data. Most hologram recorders can also be attached to a unicom to serve as a video input device for real-time holographic communications. The hologram recorder is commonly carried by law enforcement agents, as it allows for the accurate collection of evidence and can prevent abuse on the part of the authorities.


    The hologuise is a combination hologram projector and digital imaging computer system that is worn like a headband over the forehead. When activated, the hologuise projects a three-dimensional image over the face that completely obscures the character’s natural features. This image is commonly a different face, but can be a black veil or some other decorative image instead. With practical and fashionable uses, hologuises are employed by the wealthy elite as well as by criminals and spies. An active hologuise grants the wearer a +10 equipment bonus on all Disguise checks.

    Matter Shield

    Designed to protect off-world miners from micrometeorites and the debris of mining explosions, matter shields were quickly adapted for military and law enforcement use.

    The matter shield grants its wearer DR 5/— against ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing attacks.

    Micro-Aural Communicator (Microcom)

    The micro-aural communicator consists of three components. A tiny earpiece transmits incoming communications directly into the ear, at a volume far too low to allow others to hear. A small node placed on the inside of the lip allows the user to broadcast while speaking no louder than a whisper. Finally, a wristband functions as the input/output port for hooking other devices into the microcom.

    Using a microcom does not provoke a normal Listen check and cannot be heard by any normal means.

    The most advanced form of computer interface in the Energy Age, the neural computer link creates a direct connection between the brain and a computer system. The neural computer link eliminates the need for a physical interface. Instead, the user simply “thinks” commands to the computer. Output from the computer is sent straight to the user’s brain, tapping into the visualization centers to project images and displays directly into the user’s mind, eliminating the need for any sort of display device. In all other ways, the neural computer link allows the user to access the computer as if used conventionally. The neural computer link connects to a computer system via a network jack built into the base of the skull.

    One advantage this gives a character is that information may be downloaded directly into the brain. The character’s own mind becomes a hard drive for basic information, granting the character direct knowledge of a particular subject almost instantaneously.

    Though this does not allow the character to gain skill ranks, it does reduce the time required for Computer Use and Research checks to free actions. This applies only when the user is connected to a specific computer used for the Computer Use or Research check.

    The neural computer link can be connected, via the body’s central nervous system, directly into the user’s shepherd chip (see Progress Level 5 Equipment). Whenever data is transferred via the shepherd chip, such as a person’s identity, that knowledge is immediately loaded into the character’s brain. Essentially, this means that any two characters with shepherd chips and neural computer links may instantly know one another simply by shaking hands. Neural computer links can also be connected to nanites in a character’s bloodstream. As in the case of piloting and driving assisting nanites, these nanites interface directly with the neural link and allow the character to give commands simply by thinking them.

    Neural Network Jack, Wireless

    A natural extension of neural computing technology, the wireless neural network jack plugs into the neural computer link and allows for remote access to computer networks. Additionally, the wireless neural network jack with the satellite datalink gadget can connect to any global or galaxy-spanning computer network instantaneously. If the neural computer link is the basic means of connecting the human mind to a computer, the wireless neural network jack is the means of connecting the human mind to massive computer networks. A wireless neural network jack is useless unless the user also has a neural computer link.

    Neural Recorder

    A flexible cap that resembles a grasping clawed hand, the neural recorder can collect data directly from the human mind. Any visual or auditory memories or thoughts can be transmitted through the neural recorder and stored in its memory. Capable of storing up to two hours of data, the neural recorder requires a Computer Use check (DC 15) to activate and operate. If the subject of the neural recording is willing, the neural recorder collects images and sounds from the subject’s mind and stores them as either two-dimensional or three-dimensional recordings. An unwilling subject may make a Will save (DC 17) to prevent the recorder from functioning.

    Photon Shield

    The photon shield is a technology loosely based on the light-bending properties of black holes. By using controlled gravity waves to create millions of microscopic black holes around the user, the photon shield bends light renders him invisible.

    A photon shield can cover a Medium-size or smaller creature or a Huge or smaller object. It grants a +40 equipment bonus on Hide checks if the subject is standing still, or a +20 equipment bonus if the subject is moving. Pinpointing the location of a character wearing a photon shield that isn’t attempting to hide requires a Spot check (DC 40 if the character is not moving, DC 20 if he or she is moving). Additionally, a character wearing a photon shield gains total concealment (50% miss chance) against attacks, even if the attackers correctly pinpoint its fighting space.


    The polyvox translates the languages of different cultures and species.

    Regen Wand

    A regen wand is a tubular device roughly fifteen inches long. It emits waves of energy that promote cellular growth and healing. A character can use a regen wand as a first aid kit or medical kit. Because of the device’s simplicity, Treat Injury checks made with the regen wand gain a +4 equipment bonus.

    Sensor, Robocomp

    The robocomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the evaluation and repairs of robots and robotic life forms. The robocomp can identify a robot’s current and maximum hit points. Additionally, thanks to the robocomp’s extensive library of robotic blueprints, any repairs made using the robocomp as a reference are more efficient, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made to robots.

    Table: Progress Level 8 Equipment
    NameSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
    Chemical and Medical Equipment
    Chemical, plastifleshTiny0.5 lb.6
    Chemical, truthtellDiminutive8Lic (+1)
    Regen wandSmall1 lb.18
    Computer Equipment
    Neural computer linkFine25
    Neural network jack, wirelessFine12
    Miscellaneous Equipment
    Energy shieldTiny0.5 lb.16
    Force field, personal (DR 5/–)Tiny0.5 lb.18Mil (+3)
    Force field, personal (DR 10/–)Tiny0.5 lb.22Mil (+3)
    Hologram playerSmall2 lb.6
    Hologram recorderDiminutive9
    HologuiseSmall1 lb.15
    Matter shieldTiny0.5 lb.20Mil (+3)
    Micro-aural communicatorFine6
    Neural recorderSmall1 lb.15Lic (+1)
    Photon shieldSmall2 lb.24Mil (+3)
    PolyvoxTiny0.5 lb.10
    Sensor Equipment
    Sensor, robocompSmall1 lb.18


    The following gadget is found in the Energy Age and can apply to pieces of equipment of that era, provided all gadget-specific restrictions are observed.


    A piece of software for the heads-up display device, biosensor software allows the wearer of the HUD to identify potential weaknesses in enemies. When worn, the biosensor software integrates elements of the medicomp sensor (though the sensor itself is not required) and can identify exactly how many hit points a target has left. Initiating this scan requires a full-round action, however, as the target must be kept precisely within the sensor’s range for the duration of the scan.

    Restrictions: Heads-up displays only.

    Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

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    gollark: At 1000% markup, surely.
    gollark: You're right.
    gollark: Really? Huh.
    gollark: I don't want a plus model, 5" is big enough for my hand.
    gollark: "The" battery case? I'm fairly sure they're all unofficial ones.
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