Light Shuriken Thrower (Pathfinder Equipment)

Shuriken throwers are similar in appearance to crossbows, but the firing mechanism is designed to fire shurikens rather than bolts. Shuriken throwers generally have a third the range of similar sized crossbows, but deal more damage.

Shuriken Thrower, Light
Simple Two-Handed Projectile
Critical: x3
Range Increment: 20 ft.
Type: Slashing and Piercing
Hardness: 5
Small40 gp1d82 lb2
Medium40 gp1d104 lb5
Large80 gp1d128 lb10
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

Shuriken throwers require shuriken for ammunition. A light shuriken thrower is reloaded in the same way as a light crossbow, and counts as a crossbow for the purposes of feats and magical enhancements that specifically affect crossbows.

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