Leatherweave (3.5e Equipment)

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Leatherweave is a fibrous plant substance made by druids from special vines and leaves. It functions similarly to leather (same HP and hardness), and is used by Druids for many of the same things as most people use leather for (leather armor, cloaks, sword sheaths, belts, clothing, etc.) as an alternative to killing forest creatures for their flesh. It has identical value to something made from leather, though due to the fact that only druids can create it, it is not available to most non-druid/ranger characters. The magical preservation techniques used to fuse the vines and leaves keep the plant life alive and healthy, due to this, a cure minor wounds spell is just as capable as a mending spell of repairing the Leatherweave item, though it will non recover hit points naturally (as it does not still draw nutrients from anywhere).

Cost: as leather

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