Lancer, Beast Master (3.5e Class)
Lancer, Beast Master
A Beast Master who attacks at melee range with his spear, master of the forest and the animals, connecting with an animal, a gift of the forest based on their soul, based on a Dragon Knight and a Beast Master.
Making a Lancer Beast Master
Versatility based off what animal you pick as a companion, Medium DPS, Strong tank, Medium Healer
Abilities: Depends of what you want to do you should focus Str or Dex as DPS, Con as Tank, Int as Healer.
Races: Humate, Humans, Elves and most of humanoid medium sizes Cant be taller than Medium
Alignment: All Aligments
Starting Gold: 10g, living in the forest dont give you soo much money
Weapons: Lancer can only use obviously a lance and a optional SECONDARY Bow who he doesn't use to damaging.
Armor: can't use any armor, only a buckler
Alignment Behaviors
Any Alignment of a Lancer doesn't influence on a basic Lancer Requirement= Don't kill any wild animals with no reason. if you kill it you lose all your skills and become and Ex Lancer, also can't use any nature related skill.
Lawful Evil: Attacks everything that hurt anything if isn't chaotic evil or lawful evil into the wild.
Chaotic Evil Hunt down every one that isn't of the wild and step on it with any weapon.
Lawful Good Tries to stop any animal aggression no matter what.
All Others: Have free will
Alignment Companion (Tank/Damage/Support)
Lawful Good: Brown Bear, Wolf, Deer.-
Chaotic Good: Rhinoceros, Wolf, Spider.-
Neutral Good: Crocodile , Wolf, Owl.-
True Neutral: Turtle, Cheetah, Owl.-
Chaotic Neutral: Rhinoceros,Cheetah, Spider.-
Lawful Neutral: Brown Bear, Cheetah, Owl.-
Neutral Evil: Crocodile, Snake, Owl, (Corrupted).-
Chaotic Evil: Rhinoceros, Snake, Spider, (Corrupted).-
Lawful Evil: Brown Bear, Snake, Deer, (Corrupted).-
Lancer, Beast Master Skills
Animal Companion:
The lancer has his Animal Companion who level's up with him and learn almost all the abilities for him choosing one of the three paths based on his alignment (tank,dps or support)
Animal Soul Biding:
At 2nd level you share 100% of your soul with the animal and his aspects, unlocking Animal Technique listed below.
Switching Souls
At 5th level you can switch the minds if your animal companion controlling his actions and allowed to speak with your human body mouth
Strategic Switch:
At 10th level you can, as a bonus action, switch positions with your animal on a 24h cooldown, resting will end the cooldown. When your animal takes fatal damage you can also switch positions and take the damage yourself.
Nature Reward:
If you reach level 20th with your animal companion dead he will be resurrected, if you reach level 20th with your animal companion alive and didn't die along the journey you now can use Together Nature Force: with the souls already combined you now can combine your bodies and stats (humanoid look).
Animal Companions
when level up the stats its equal to what the text is saying for example: "half of the lancer dexterity, ex; 16/2 = 8+ base animal stats"
An Animal Companion is an Forest Spirit so they don't need to eat but they can if you order(to hide something or whatever) but they need to sleep and regain energy
Brown Bear
Hit Points: 6d6 or 18 (+1d8 per level)
Str: 10+1/2(half) of the Lancer Strength
Con: 10+ the Lancer Constitution
Dex: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 2+1/2 of the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 5+1/2 of the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 5+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 1d6+1/2 of the Lancer Constitution
Hit Points: 2d6 or 8 (+1d6 per level)
Str: 8+1/2(half) of the Lancer Strength
Con: 8+1/2 of the Lancer Constitution
Dex: 12+ the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 6+1/2 of the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 6+1/2 of the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 0
Hit Points: 3d6 or 12 (+1d6 per level)
Str: 6+1/2(half) of the Lancer Strength
Con: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Constitution
Dex: 12+1/2 of the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 9+1/2 of the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 12+ the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 8+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 0
Hit Points: 3d6 or 12 (+1d8 per level)
Str: 10+1/2(half) of the Lancer Strength
Con: 14+ the Lancer Constitution
Dex: 6+1/2 of the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 8+1/2 of the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 5+ the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 3+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 1d8+1/2 of the Lancer Constitution
Hit Points: 5d6 or 18 (+1d8 per level)
Str: 14+1/2(half) of the Lancer Strength
Con: 10+ the Lancer Constitution
Dex: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 2+1/2 of the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 5+1/2 of the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 5+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 1d8+1/2 of the Lancer Constitution
Hit Points: 2d4 or 4 (+1d6 per level)
Str: 4+1/2(half) of the Lancer Strength
Con: 4+1/2 of the Lancer Constitution
Dex: 14+1/2 of the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 10+ the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 14+1/2 of the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 0
Hit Points: 2d8 or 10 (+1d6 per level)
Str: 8+1/2(half) of the Lancer Strength
Con: 8+1/2 of the Lancer Constitution
Dex: 20+1/2 of the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 8+1/2 of the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 6+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 0
Hit Points: 2d4 or 4 (+1d4 per level)
Str: 2+1 per Lancer level
Con: 2+1 per Lancer level
Dex: 12+1/2 of the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 0
Hit Points: 2d8 or 10 (+1d6 per level)
Str: 10 Permanent
Con: 20+the Lancer Constitution
Dex: 2 Permanent
Int: 12+the Lancer Intelligence Modifier
Wis: 12+the Lancer Wisdom Modifier
Cha: 6+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 1d20+The Lancer Constitution
Hit Points: 1d12 or 7 (+1d4 per level)
Str: 8+1/2 of the Lancer Strength
Con: 8+the Lancer Constitution Modifier
Dex: 10+the Lancer Dexterity
Int: 10+1/2 of the Lancer Intelligence
Wis: 12+1/2 of the Lancer Wisdom
Cha: 5+1/2 of the Lancer Charisma
Base Armor: 1d4
Animal technique
"some skills can be used only with certain animals
Bear Special: Bear Huge, immobilizing the enemy and breaking some bones 1d4 to know how many bones you break 1d4 per bone.
Wolf Special: A Howl of help calling up 1d4 of wolfs to attack in the next round and go away.
Deer Special: A Strategic retreat with takes 2 people with it.
Crocodile Special: Turn 360º the head of a enemy instantly killing a small or medium small creature if it fail in the con test (8+Str and Con Modifier)
Rhinoceros Special: Break anything thick less then 1 meter long.
Owl Special: Every friend character have permanently night vision while in 40 meters close to the Owl
Cheetah Special: Every friend character have +2 Dex. while in 10 meters close to the cheetah.
Spider Special: Whenever the Lancer fails the attack, the next successful attack will apply Spider Web to the enemy, reducing -2 of every test that he makes.
Turtle Special: Aquatic respiration and Swims 3 times faster and can taunt the enemies 1 time per fight.
Snake Special Permanently gives 2 Unholy damage to the Lancer Attacks +2 every Lancer level.
Corrupted Animal Soul: While Evil Alignment the Lancer has Corrupted Soul, when an animal companion attack fails the lancer takes 1d6 of unholy damage, if any attack succeeds you deal additional 1d6 of unholy damage, if you don't hit any attack with your animal companion in 24h he will leave you and steal part of your soul turning your character instantaneously to Chaotic Evil and you turn into an Ex. Beast Master Lancer.
Special Bite: At 2nd level the animal companion learns to give a mighty bite dealing (1d6+Str mod) of damage, then the enemy have to do a constitution test. If it fails:
Cheetah, Wolf: will also deal 1d4 of bleeding damage per turn.
Bear, Crocodile: will also taunt the enemy over that time.
Snake, Spider: will also deal 1d4 of poison damage per turn.
Rhinoceros, Owl: instead of biting they attack piercing the enemy dealing: (2d4+Str mod+ the original skill 1d6) of damage(Rino). and dealing 2d4 of damage, apply disorienting (-5 to accuracy tests)(Owl)
additional effects can only be triggered 1 time per fight.
Special Auras: At 2nd level your companion can cast Special Auras, apply special auras to all non enemy characters:
Turtle: +5 Armor (+1/2Turtle Base armor), +10 armor (+1/2Turtle Base armor) to light armor users.
Deer: Double everyone base speed and heals 1d6 of damage of everyone below 10 Hit Points.
Spider: Venom immunity and apply to enemies -1d4 to Dexterity tests.
3 Rounds of duration.
Wild Immobilization: at 4th level attacks the targets at various form:
Bear: Stands in 2 legs and roars fearing the enemies, closest enemy needs to do a Int. test (difficult= 10+ Bear Str modifier).
Crocodile: Charge into the enemy legs dealing 1d4+Str Modifier and roots him (duration= Con. Modifier or until he leaves)
Rhinoceros: Charge into the enemy dealing 1d6 of damage and arresting him with the horns.
Deer: Knock the enemy down or trow the enemy to your allies.
Wild Inspiration at 4th level the animal buffs the allies:
Spider: injects a modified venom who acts like a revitalizing healing for 1d12 per 1d4 of rounds.
Owl: Heals everyone 1d6 per 1d4 turn and buffs up +10 to accuracy tests.
Turtle: Become asleep giving 40% of they energy to the Lancer (40% of all stats+40% base armor), who also taunts the enemy. im finishing it come back later...
Wild Attack: At the 4th level your pet learn strong offensive movement.
Wolf: Jump into the enemy jugular dealing 3d6+Str mod of damage (Small-Medium Creatures) or rip off an fragile point of an Big size enemy dealing 3d6+Str mod weakening the point applying Open Wounds, attacks into that point gain 1d4 of additional damage.
Cheetah: Attack an maximum of 4 enemies with the claw dealing 1d8 each and gain an additional Movement next 2 turns with you can spend as a disengage action to.
Snake: Bites the enemy dealing 2d8 of damage and will paralyzing when the next turn start, only that turn of duration.
Lance Standing: At 4th level The lancer precisely attacks an opponent on a benefiting to the animal companion (Spider,Snake or Owl) Attacks dealing 2d8 of damage.
Snake, Spider: also will stun the target until he gets attacked again or in the next round (1 minute duration)
Owl: also hits the eye of the opponent making him lose -10 into accuracy
Group Up Roar: At level 6 your animal companion roars calling every animal of your alignment to help your team.
Animal Class At 8th level your companion is fully growth and now has a master ability:
Bear, Crocodile, Rhinoceros: Taunts all enemies in 20 meters long and whenever they hit the bear he attacks again dealing 2d8+Str modifier.
Turtle: Force every enemy to hit you if they fail in a constitution test entering in its shell doubling the base armor.
Wolf, Cheetah, Snake: attacks the enemy fast like a bolt taking off her skin weakening the point (equaly weak like explained up there) dealing 4d6+Str and Dex modifier.
Owl,Spider,Deer Spend 50% of their health to heal 3d6+Wis,Int,Cha Modifier
Ex. Beast Hunter
Lose all skills but can use Auras and tame animals.
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