Lamp of Hundred Wishes (3.5e Equipment)

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The lamps

A lamp of hundred wishes, I wonder what inside?

The Lamps of Hundreds wishes are extremely powerful items. They were create by a mysterious guild of demonbinder (genies are "demons" in my campaign) in the desert of Isaloa (or in your campaign desert). The wizards of the guild whose name was lost in history, bounded their prey in lamps. These wonderful lamps can be made of any material but material is compatible with the nature of the genie (Efreeti in a brass lamp by example). They sealed the lamps with powerful magic so powerful that even the mightiest genie could not break the enchantment. Their magic also forces the genies to grant a wish to anyone possessing the lamps. However the demonbinders knew the lamps would be overused by mortal so they configured their enchantment in a way that after one-hundred wishes were granted the magic binding the genies evaporates. Unfortunately what the demonbinder's didn't foresee was the bad habit of recently freed genies to try to kill and torture the one who made the last wish. So many poor souls who found a lamp with very few wishes remaining died of horrible pains, or if they were lucky, turned into an funny thing by a good genie. As stated above the lamps have only one-hundred wishes to grant, not one hundred wishes per owner, The user have no way to know how many wishes remain in the lamps because the lamps magic dosen't force genies to reveal it, which makes using the lamps risky at best.


When the player first use the lamp roll a D%:

Table Genies Powers Level
DCType of GenieDescription
1Ridiculously WeakThe Genies grant wishes only equal to 1th and level 2th spells or less with a chance of failure of 10%1.
2-5Extremely WeakThe same as level 1 but can make mundane items wroth up to 50 gp/genies power levels or less by wish.
6-10Very Very WeakAs 2-5 but can duplicate the effect of 3th levels spells.
11-15Very WeakAs level 6-10 but with 100gp/power level.
16-20WeakAs level 11-15 but can duplicate the effect of 4th level spell.
21-25PoorAs level 16-20 but can duplicate the effect of 5th level spell.
26-30BadAs level 21-25 but with 200gp/ power levels.
31-35CommonAs level 26-30 but can conjure magic items (not only mundane).
36-40MinorAs level 31-35 but with no failure chances.
41-45LesserAs level 36-40 but with 300gp/ power levels.
46-49Near AverageAs limited wish Spell.
50AverageAs wish Spell. spell.
51-55Above AverageAs level 50 but with 500gp/ power levels. (51x500=25500) (Wish= 25000)
56-60GreaterAs level 51-55 but can duplicate the effect of a 9th level spells.
61-65MajorAs level 56-60 but the effect is cumulative like two wishes (except for item creation).
66-70StrongAs level 61-65 but with 600gp/ power levels.
71-75Very StrongAs level 66-70 but the effect is cumulative like three wishes (except for item creation).
76-80PowerfulAs level 71-75 but can duplicate the effect of 10th level spell (epic spell) with a DC of 100 or lower.
81-85Very PowerfulAs level 76-80 but with 700gp/ power levels.
86-90Incredibly PowerfulAs level 71-75 but can duplicate the effect of 10th level spell (epic spell) with a DC of 200 or lower.
91-95MightyAs level 86-90 but with 1000gp/ power level.
96-99AlmightyAs level 91-95 but the effect is cumulative like four wishes (except for item creation)..
100GodlikeNo gp limit, can do thing only deities may do (count as 1 divine rank for the purpose),
can resurrect person otherwise "forever" gone.
  1. When a wish fails it is wasted.
  2. The DC is also the power level of the Genies.
  3. The wishes of a lamp of Hundred Wishes cost no EXP.

Power Level: The genies power levels determine what he(she) can do, it also influence is ego (a godlike genies is far more arrogant than a ridiculously weak one). The apparency of a genie change depending of is power levels. A weak genie will be small and ridiculous and a mighty is...mighty.


Roll a D% to determine the alignment of a genie; use this table to better determine it:

Table Genies Alignement
DCAlignmentEgo Bonus
1-10Lawful Good+5
11-20Neutral Good+0
21-30Chaotic Good-5
31-40Lawful Neutral+10
51-60Chaotic neutral+0
61-70Lawful Evil+20
71-80Neutral Evil+15
81-90Chaotic Evil+10
100The Demonbinders didn't bound a genie
but a random fiend, roll for initiative!

If the result is 100 determine the fiend in any fiend table you can find, after the demon (all fiends in my campaign are called demons) is defeated, the lamp turns into a non-magical lamp, except that the oil burning inside smells horrible. If the demon kills the user, he returns to the lamp, awaiting his next victim (another one of the demonbinders' tricks is to make those lamps less tempting).


In order to determine the ego of the genie the DM must combine some factor:

  • 1/2 of his powers level
  • His Personality
  • His Alignment

You may choose is character or roll a D20 three times, either choice you can refer to this table:

Table Genies Personalities
1Arrogant+5 Ego
2TricksterTry to twist every wishes in a funny way (for him)
3OverconfidentDouble Ego
4AngryWhen conflict occur, it alway brutal
5StupidTwist even reasonable wishes (involuntary)
6Prig+5 Ego
7Prideful+10 ego against character with levels below power levels/2
8Sense of HumourAdd little harmless surprises to wishes
9Cruel (Evil only)Wish twisting is the most disastrous possible
10Pure Heart (Good or Evil)Double alignment ego bonus
11Pleasing (Good Only)Wish twisting is the least harmful possible
12Naive (Non-Evil Only)Try to make better than what asked (often with bad result)
13Shy-10 ego against character above power with level above power levelsx2
14Realist-5 Ego
15GenerousMake reasonable wish better.
16Pervert-25 Ego if the character is of the opposite gender
18HonourableAvoid twisting wishes
19Humble-5 Ego
20Roll TwiceIgnore any other 20

When All Wish are Used....

When all wishes are used the magic dissipate. The last owner of the lamps must do a diplomacy check equal to the ego of the genies. So level 50 genies would have in base 25 ego.If the character fail the DC the genies unleash his/her fury on him. Chaotic genies are alway harsher then lawful one.
When the lamp is founded roll a D% to determine the remaining wishes.

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gollark: Palaiologos TYRANNY¡¡ ̇?!?! ̇!¡ ̇!/¡?!¡/ ̇! ̇! ̇¡ ̇¡ ̇¡
gollark: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!1!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!¡¡¡!!!
gollark: ¡¡¡¡¡¡
gollark: !!!!!!!!
gollark: Oh, I don't wear glasses.
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