Kyudo Practitioner (3.5e Class)

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Kyudo Practitioner

Kyuudou is the martial art of archery, developed through centuries of development in Japanese warfare. Contemporary Kyuudou focuses on training able, disciplined archers, with various goals depending on the school and the student. Many focus on efficiency in combat, while others may focus on form. Alternatively, practitioners may focus instead on spiritual development and the achievement of Zen.

Making a Kyudo Practitioner

Abilities: The Kyuudou Practitioner practices a form of combat, once called Kyuujutsu, that was common in Japanese warfare until the 16th century. Through focused, delayed shots, he ensures that his arrows strike his opponents without fail, each shot dealing as much damage as possible. He relies on his Wisdom as the main driving force behind his shots, as well as many of his abilities. High Constitution may help him concentrate if attacked, and Charisma is used for a number of class skills; however, Wisdom should take priority.

Races: Any race known to produce many individuals capable of discipline are most likely to produce Kyuudou Practitioners. In many cases these races are Humans and Elves.

Alignment: Disciplined individuals are most likely to gain benefits from adopting Kyuudou. Kyuudou Practitioners are likely to be Lawful, with possible exceptions.

Starting Gold: None

Starting Age: Complex.

Table: The Kyudo Practitioner

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+2+2+2 Hassetsu, Weapon Focus (Yumi), Bonus Feat
2nd+1+3+3+3 Perception
5th+2+4+4+4 Craftsman's Familiarity, Open Minded
7th+3+5+5+5 Yugaeri
10th+5+7+7+7 School of Choice, Weapon Specialization (Yumi)
11th+5+7+7+7 Open Minded
13th+6/+1+8+8+8 Divinesight
15th+7/+2+9+9+9 Path to Enlightenment
17th+8/+3+10+10+10 Peaceful Suppression
19th+9/+4+11+11+11 Greater Weapon Specialization (Yumi)
20th+10/+5+12+12+12 True Divinesight, Fluid Form

Class Skills (Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level))

Balance, Concentration, Craft (Bows), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nobility), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spot, Survival

Class Features

Kyuudou Practitioner Bonus Feat List: Vital Strike, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Kyuudou Practitioner is only proficient with the Yumi.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, the Kyuudou Practitioner gains one bonus feat, from the Kyuudou Practitioner bonus feat list, ignoring its pre-requisites.

Weapon Focus (Yumi): At 1st level, the Kyuudou Practitioner gains the Weapon Focus (Yumi) feat. At 10th level and 19th level, he will gain the Weapon Specialization (Yumi) and Greater Weapon Specialization (Yumi) feats, respectively, ignoring class pre-requisites.

Hassestu (Eight Stages of Shooting) (Ex): The Kyuudou Practitioner is not interested in unleashing a torrent of arrows towards a general area. Instead, he focuses on sharpening his own mind to unleash the perfect shot within. While using a traditional Kyudo bow (Yumi), the Kyudo Practioneer cannot attack in the same turn as preparing an arrow lest he suffers a -20 to hit and a -20 to damage. Instead, the Kyudo Practioneer must target an individual enemy and prepare the shot for an entire turn. During the next turn, he may fire at that target without rolling to hit (This cannot be considered a critical hit on its own). When firing, the Kyuudou Practitioner may ignore the target's Damage Resistance and gain a Damage Bonus equal to his class level + his Wisdom modifier. If he is attacked at any point during the preparation phase, he may roll a Concentration check of DC 20 (15 at 5th level, and 10 at 20th level) to maintain concentration. The shot is lost upon failure and must be prepared again. On the Kyuudou Practitioner's next turn, while the shot is prepared, his attack must be his first action that turn before he can attempt anything else. He may not prepare another shot the turn he fires.

Yumi: The Yumi is an incredibly tall bow, generally reaching a height of 2 meters. Unless the Kyuudou Practitioner has adopted Osagawa Style Kyuudou, he may not use this bow while mounted. Count the Yumi as a two-handed ranged weapon. Every other long rest, the Yumi must go under minor maintenance, prompting the Kyuudou Practitioner to roll a Craft (Bows) check of DC 10. 5 successive failures of this check will break the Yumi, usually by deforming it, forcing the Kyuudou Practitioner to repair it with a Craft (Bows) check of DC 15 or replace it. The standard Yumi deals 1d8 damage, has a range of 130 feet, and weighs 3 lbs.

Yugake: The Yugake is a protective glove worn on the hand drawing the bow. It is required in order to use Hassetsu, so that the Kyuudou Practitioner may avoid injuring his hand. It requires one full round action to equip and grants an Armor Class bonus of +1. All Kyuudou Practitioners have this by default.

Perception (Ex): Through constant meditation, the Kyuudou Practitioner sees more than what others may see. Starting at 2nd level, the Kyuudou Practitioner gains am Armor Class bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier. For every 6 levels, starting at this level, the Kyuudou Practitioner may add his wisdom score to any skill check once a day (This will cap at 3 times per day, at 14th level).

Craftsman's Familiarity (Ex): Upon familiarizing himself with the Yumi through usage and maintenance, the Kyuudou Practitioner may attempt to craft his own Yumi. Starting at 5th level, he may use the Craft (Bows) skill to craft a Yumi, with the skill check's DC varying depending on the desired quality of the bow. Bows of the Kyuudou Practitioner's own handiwork will gain a +3 Damage Bonus for every 5th level, starting at this level, when they are under his possession.

Open-Minded: At 5th level, automatically gain the Open Minded feat (and once more at 11th level).

Yugaeri (Ex): Through rigorous training, the Kyuudou Practitioner begins to grasp the concept of Yugaeri. This is a technique in which the Kyuudou Practitioner adopts a more restrictive stance that allows the bow to turn in the hand after firing, allowing for a quick transition back to a proper posture. Starting at the 7th level, the Kyuudou Practitioner may initiate a Dexterity check of DC 15 (12 at 14th level, 8 at 19th level) to prepare firing another shot when releasing Hassetsu. This must be declared when first preparing Hassetsu, for the restrictive stance denies the Kyuudou Practitioner the ability to roll his standard Concentration check when attacked. He may not use Yugaeri more than once in succession.

School of Choice (Ex): At 10th level, the Kyuudou Practitioner may select a style based off of four groups of schools. The benefits of these styles only apply when using a Yumi.

  • Yamato Style: This style focuses on flow and sharpness. The Kyuudou Practitioner must step forward 10 feet right before firing, disabling him from firing at enemies directly in front of him, regardless of any feats he may possess. The Kyuudou Practitioner gains a +1 Damage Bonus for every 2 class levels. The target must make a Reflex saving throw of DC 10 + Wisdom Modifier + 1/2 class level or be knocked prone. Gain Tumble (Dex) as a class skill, and gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
  • Ogasawara Style: This style is designed for mounted archery, offering a more mobile form of Kyuudou. When preparing Hassetsu, the Kyuudou Practitioner may move 10 feet in any direction without jeopardizing his focus. He may also move for half of his maximum movement, but must roll to hit. When moving at full movement, the Kyuudou Practitioner must roll to hit with -4 attack penalty. At 18th level, the Kyuudou Practitioner may move for half his maximum movement without jeopardizing his concentration, and may move his full movement at the cost of rolling to hit. The Kyuudou Practitioner may also perform mounted archery while preparing Hassetsu as if he had the Mounted Archery feat, but must roll to hit with a -4 attack roll penalty when firing, regardless of the conditions met above. Gain Ride (Dex) as a class skill, and gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks.
  • Honda Style: This style was adapted from long range warfare, excelling at landing precise shots from great distances. The Kyuudou Practitioner's attack range is extended by 1/2 the range of his Yumi (this stacks with the Far Shot feat). All attacks that land past the default maximum range of the Kyuudou Practitioner's Yumi gain a damage bonus equal to his Base Attack Bonus. At 20th level, his attack range extension increases to the equipped Yumi's full range (effectively double the default range). Attacks that land beyond past 1 1/2 times the Yumi's default range are considered critical hits, in addition to any existing bonuses. Gain Climb (Str) as a class skill, and gain a +2 bonus on Spot checks.
  • Hikari Style: Focuses on the flow of oneself and the world, offering a more defensive form of Kyuudou. When preparing Hassetsu, the Kyuudou Practitioner gains an Armor Class bonus equal to his class level and bonuses to all Saving Throws equal to half of his class levels(rounded down). The DC on all Concentration checks related to Hassetsu increases by 5 when this style is chosen, but the Kyuudou Practitioner may choose to counter attack, given that Hassetsu is not interrupted, if he avoids all hits. The counter attack gain a Damage Bonus equal to the assailant's Damage Modifiers. Gain Escape Artist (Dex) as a class skill, and gain a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws.
  • Hunter Style: Instead of adopting the practices of the main schools of Kyuudou, the Kyuudou Practitioner instead pioneers his own style. His is a style of hiding and positioning, in which he finds the perfect distance to strike. Shots that land between 60-80 feet away from the Kyuudou Practitioner gain a Damage Bonus equal to his Base Attack Bonus x2. Shorter ranges will deal standard damage, while longer ranges receive a Damage Penalty equal to the Kyuudou Practitioner's Base Attack Bonus. At 15th level, this bonus range expands to 50-90 feet. At 20th level, this range expands to 30-110 feet, and shots that land between 60-80 feet are considered critical hits, in addition to its other range damage bonuses. He may also move 5 feet in any direction while preparing Hassetsu. Gain Hide (Dex) as a class skill, and gain a +2 bonus on Move Silently checks.

Divinesight (Ex): The Kyuudou Practitioner, at the advanced stages of his training, reaches a point where he can perceive certain entities without the gift of sight when focusing upon them. Starting at 13th level, the Kyuudou Practitioner may act as if he had Blindsight, but only on a target he marks (he does not require visual feed of the target, only knowledge of its presence within 150 ft).

The Path to Enlightenment (Ex): At 15th level, the Kyuudou Practitioner may begin a journey of extensive meditation lasting several weeks with minimal food, water, and rest. This must be done alone, without interruption. Successful completion grants the Kyuudou Practitioner a number of bonuses:

  • Gain one Kyuudou Practitioner Bonus Feat (ignoring its pre-requisites)
  • +5 bonus to Sense Motive, Spot, Listen, and Search checks (increases to +10 at 20th level)
  • Ability to identify an individuals alignment without fail once per long rest.

Peaceful Supression (Sp): At 17th level, the Kyuudou Practitioner may fire an arrow that demands the target's surrender. This prompts the target to make a Willpower saving throw of DC 10 + 1/2 class level. A successful save will negate the attack, but a failed save will deal double the damage the arrow would normally deal, tearing asunder the target's will to fight.

True Divinesight (Ex): At the final stages of his training, the Kyuudou Practitioner can freely view his surroundings without the gift of sight. At 20th level, he may enter a state of focus to gain Blindsight for 150 feet until attacked. Once attacked, the Kyuudou Practitioner must make a Concentration check of DC 20 to maintain focus.

Fluid Form (Ex): At the peak of his training, the Kyuudou Practitioner is so accustomed to the procedure of Hassetsu that he can prepare his attacks with haste without jeopardizing his focus. At 20th level, he may prepare Hassetsu using only his movement action, allowing him to attack using a full turn action. This technique is incompatible with Yugaeri, unless the Kyuudou Practitioner has the Rapid Reload feat.

Ex-Kyudo Practitioners


Epic Levels: Kyuudou Master

Table: The Kyuudou Master

Hit Die: d8

21stOpen Minded
22ndPerception 4/Day
23rdDivine Arrow
25thOpen Minded
26thPerception 5/Day
28thStyle Perfection
30thDivine Omnipotence

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Divine Arrow (Sp): Starting at 23rd level, the Kyuudou Master may prepare a divine arrow that matches his alignment. This requires a full hour to prepare and costs 1000 gold. The arrow lasts for one week, and only one can be in possession at a time.

  • Good Alignments - Arrow of Purification: Deal an additional 6d6 damage against targets of evil alignments, and ignore magic barriers of arcane nature.
  • Neutral Alignments (Excluding Neutral Good and Neutral Evil) - Arrow of Conviction: Deal an additional 3d6 damage against targets of either good or evil alignments, and ignore physical barriers.
  • Evil Alignments - Arrow of Punishment: Deal an additional 6d6 damage against targets of good alignments, and ignore magic barriers of divine nature.

Style Perfection (Ex): At the 28th Level, the Kyuudou Master perfects the style of his choice. Furthermore, the DC of concentration checks when attacked is reduced to 5.

  • Yamato Style: Stepping forward upon firing is now optional, targets marked prone by your attacks must use a full-round action to get up.
  • Ogasawara Style: Roll normally when performing mounted archery.
  • Honda Style: The Kyuudou Practitioner's attack range is triple his Yumi's default range. When attacking within 30 feet of his maximum range, the Kyuudou Practitioner gains an additional damage bonus equal to his Base Attack Bonus.
  • Hikari Style: The DC of Concentration checks no longer increase when attacked. Counter attack damage bonuses now equal the assailant's damage modifiers times the number of attacks missed.
  • Hunter Style: Long-range penalties no longer apply until you reach the maximum range of the Kyuudou Practitioner's equipped Yumi.

Divine Omnipotence (Ex): At 30th level, the Kyuudou Master can maintain Blindsight without the need for Concentration. His range of Blindsight gains an additional 10 x Wisdom Modifier feet.

Bonus Feats: The epic gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic bonus feats) every levels after 20th.

Epic Bonus Feat List: .

Kyuudou Practitioner Starting Package

Weapons: .

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.


Feat: .

Bonus Feats: .

Gear: .

Gold: .

Playing a Kyuudou Practitioner

Religion: Kyuudou Practitioners either spend their time improving their technique or on spiritual development. They are not necessarily bound to any religious institutions or beliefs, though they may follow a deity (or deities) if they align with their goals and convictions.

Other Classes: Since Kyuudou is an art ultimately dictated by discipline, practitioners of the art may not mesh well with Barbarians or Rogues. Kyuudou Practitioners may engage with Rangers who adopt archery, allowing for an exchange of ideas and techniques. They may be wary of Clerics who are especially dogmatic towards their faiths, though others may see Kyuudou Practitioners themselves as dogmatic.

Combat: Kyuudou Practitioners are almost strictly back-line fighters, due to the nature of their attacks. However, they may attempt to avoid combat if possible, as their art, while derived from war, is focused on self-improvement.

Kyuudou Practitioners in the World

Archers from the far east have displayed incredible marksmanship, taking every moment they can to ensure that they make their mark. But I wonder, they take so long to prepare their shot; would such an art be practical in real combat?
—Dirothir, Elven Diplomat visiting the Far East

Daily Life: Kyuudou is an art that requires discipline, so practitioners of the art regularly spend at least a portion of their time practicing and perfecting their form. Equipment maintenance also constitutes a major part of their training, for extended use of the Yumi may cause damage, so Kyuudou Practitioners take great lengths to maintain the condition of their Yumi. Especially skilled practitioners who have an aptitude for instruction may undertake a pupil (or many) and train them in Kyuudou.

Organizations: Schools of Kyuudou, called dojos, are spread throughout the eastern continents of the world. Though legendarily rare, one might come across one such dojo in western continents as well.

Kyuudou Lore

Characters that have the Knowledge (Nobility) skill can research Kyuudou Practitioners to learn more about them. When a skill check is made, read or paraphrase the following.

Knowledge (Nobility)
11Kyuudou Practitioners are disciplined archers.
16Kyuudou Practitioners train themselves in a way in which they never miss their mark.
21Kyuudou Practitioners are known for their unparalleled capability in concentration, an attribute vital for making the art practical in combat.
26Especially powerful Kyuudou Practitioners have been known to pierce the hearts of opposing generals in the heat of battle, even without the gift of sight. Those who have wholly dedicated their lives to this discipline can achieve a state of perception close to omnipotence.

Kyuudou Practitioners in the Game

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: .

EL : .

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gollark: It really is very good. It inspired PotatoASM.
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