Kritian (5e Race)

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Kritian, Dragon Clan

Physical Description

They resemble the form of a Human, however they seem to sometimes have a greater variety of colouration for hair and eye colour.

Their most visible feature that identifies them as non-humans are the appearance of draconic tail, horns and sometimes wings depending on their type. At first glance they may seem somewhat demonic due to these features, and truth be told, more often then not they have been avoided or fled from due to such assumptions. However, closer examination or examination through psionic or magical means easily reveals what they are.


There was once an advanced dragon civilization prior to the rise of humanity, until a mysterious wave of deteriorating health struck them, rendering them infertile and slowly driving them mad. In response, the dragonkin learned that the only way to survive the condition was to take humanoid form, and so sought to convince all dragons to do so. While many refused to accept this and eventually devolved into mindless beasts, others accepted the word of the dragon elders and took humanoid forms, thus becoming Kritians. By sealing their powers, the Kritians retained the ability to temporarily become dragons, but never for long, owing to the risks posed to their health. In the following millenia, as humans became the dominant power over the continent, Kritians became the target of racism from humans in an exercise of their new-found power over the land. In their weak humanoid forms, the Kritians were easily abused and mistreated, and were condemned to living in poverty. This ultimately led to the rise of which certain Kritans sought to exact vengeance upon humanity for their crimes against the Kritians, and to retake their land.


The society is not as different as human society, with a slightly more xenophobic aura. Many spend their days retaining their humanoid form for the sake of their health. There arent many towns and other small clans of Kritians spread throughout the world prior to an expected extinction. When a Kritian reaches adulthood it is expected that they will leave their parents' home and find their own place to stay, but there isn't too much pressure put on them getting out. No two Kritian clans are exactly the same. Most lead to an endogamy to preserve the herritage of each community. Others have a belief of the bringing powerful offsprings outside of their ckan, but only which could be granted with a related race of draconic herritage.

Theyre a race in which can be derived with divided ideals. Those leading to a belief that humankind and dragonkind would come to an agreement into coexisting. Treating all who don't present themselves as a threat as guests to be protected from outside dangers for as long as they seek shelter with the Kritians. They have managed to keep this disposition through their exodus from infinity. Though, due to their new lifestyle as a nomadic people, they have become more closer not as a people, though more inquisitive of other cultures and peoples.

Some Kritians though, consider this side of the community as too soft, for as those who dwell in their ancestry's forsaken background have harden them into a bitter or cold people. This side of Kritians maintain their pride into not lowering their guard.

Kritian Names

Kritian naming conventions are very similar to that of humans, there is no real trial or rite of passage for them to undertake to gain their names. Kritians, also take names from other races.

Male: Dotharus, Septirth, Valoo, Fafnir, Griol, Jono, Horace, Tim

Female: Sara, Yua, Neval, Valerie, Ronera, Armada

Kritian Traits

A race carrying draconic ancestry and able to transform into a different kind of dragon depending on their gene.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1, and your Wisdom, Constitution or Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Kritians mature slightly faster than humans reaching adulthood at mid-teens. Kritians can live up to 3000 years.
Alignment. Most Kritians are good and pray to their draconic ancestors, but those who wont forget the past can lead from Lawful Evil to Neutral.
Size. Kritians are slightly smaller than humans at around 5 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Accession. You can use your action to assume the form of a dragon. You can use this feature once per short rest.

Your level and herritage determines the type of dragon form you can transform into. You can stay in your dragon form as long as you can pay its mana cost. When you ascend you must pay the total cost of your form and half that cost (rounded down) on each turn until you revert to your normal form. You can revert to your normal form as an free action. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 mana in your Mana Pool, subjected to a polymorph spell or drop to 0 hit points.

While you are transformed, the following rules apply:

Your game statistics are enhanced by the statistics of the Dragon, but you retain your alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies. If the creature has the same proficiency as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use the creature's bonus instead of yours.

When you transform, you gain 1/5 temporary hit points (summed up from your full hit point). You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them.
Breath Weapon. You can use your action to exhale destructive energy in the form of a breath weapon. Your draconic heritage determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation. When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your draconic form. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes full damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one (pushed also depending on the herritage). After you use your breath weapon, you have a chance to use it again on each round. Roll 1d6; if the die roll is a 6 your breath weapon is recharged and can be used again.
Mana Pool. A Kritian's ability to use Accession is limited by the mana available in its mana pool. Each level you add mana to your mana pool equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier. Your Mana Pool is restored after you complete a long rest.
Draconic Vigor. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Innate Spellcasting. You know innate cantrips based on your draconic heritage. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these.
Dragon Form. You can choose the type of dragon form you will take when using Accession. You gain its traits only when you maintain your dragon form. Once reverted back, you lose its traits until transformed again.

The humanoid form consists of usually having unnarmed attacks with traits available like horns, claws, a tail and sometimes wings. These traits will vary from the type of dragon form chosen, whereas few have limited features in this case and the stats table will also be affected (ex. Wyrm only be able to do Bite and tail attacks). Although each have its different types of benefits, rendering them useful on certain occassions.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.

Transformation Tables

8thYoung DragonMedium26
15thAdult DragonHuge46
20thElder DragonGargantuan68
Young Dragon14+1+105d61d61d41d41d4
Adult Dragon18+3+2+27d61d81d61d61d6
Elder Dragon20+3+3+38d61d101d81d81d8


The usual 4 legged and winged dragon. You gain +2 in Strength and the Winged trait and with a fly speed of 50ft. Every 5 levels it increases +10ft.

Unarmed Attacks

Bite. You deal 1d6 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away.
Horns. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away
Claws. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away
Tail. You deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to a creature 5ft away

Oriental Lung Dragon

A 4 legged and extended bodied dragon with deer-like horns and two thin long whiskers. Despite not having wings, you are able to levitate, granting you still the Winged trait and have a fly speed of 50ft. Every 5 levels it increases +10ft.

Unarmed Attacks

Bite. You deal 1d6 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away.
Horns. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away
Claws. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away
Tail. You deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage to a creature 10ft away. At level 12 it increases to a d8, at level 20 to a d10.


A wingless 4 legged dragon. You gain +2 in Dexterity and +10ft walk speed.

Unarmed Attacks

Bite. You deal 1d6 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away.
Horns. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away.
Claws. You deal 1d6 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away. At level 12 it increases to a d8, at level 20 to a d10.
Tail. You deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to a creature 5ft away.


A wingless and legless dragon, resembling a serpent. You slither on the ground and gain the Constrict trait. As an action, you use your tail and grapple your target and constrict them dealing 1d6 + Strength bludgeoning damage. Each turn the creature must make a strength save of 8 + your Strength mod + proficiency bonus to escape your grasp. Every 6 levels the damage increases a 1d6.

Unarmed Attacks

Bite. You deal 1d8 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away. At level 12 it increases to a d10, at level 20 to a d12. Roll a d6 for every bite you do, if you roll a 6, the creature is poisoned.
Horns. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away.
Tail. You deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage to a creature 20ft away. At level 12 it increases to a d8, at level 20 to a d10.


A dragon consisting of two back legs and winged arms. You gain a fly speed of 60ft. Each 4 levels it increades +10ft.

Unarmed Attacks

Bite. You deal 1d6 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away.
Horns. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away
Claws. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to a creature 5ft away
Tail. You deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to a creature 5ft away

Red Dragon

Red Kritians find their homes in the mountains and or caves all throughout the world. They prefer the heat, and love to live near volcanoes or deep dwarven mines. They are one of the few hostile and boorish of the herritages. They value vengefulness, rapaciousness, avarice and ferocity above other traits and recognize these traits in themselves with pride. They are territorial and care little for news of others. They do however, look for news of other red draconic beings in their area, whereas the meetings werent always a friendly encounter. They despise the thought of weakness in any kritian and believe that if a red cannot protect what it has, then it doesn't deserve to have it.

Alignment. Any Evil or Neutral
Physical trait. Red scales/Amber eyes
Cantrips. You know the produce flame cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Fire
Breath. Fire 15ft cone (Dexterity saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Scorched Scales. As a bonus action, you can increase the heat of your body immensely, creatures of it's choice take 1d4 fire damage when they touch it, or hit it with a melee attack. Every 9 levels it increases a 1d4.

Blue Dragon

Blue Kritians call the desert their home, finding comfort in the shifting sands. They are more likely to be mocking and manipulative than outrightly cruel or murderous to 'lesser' creatures. They are infamous for tricking desert travelers into drinking sand or going miles out of their way to avoid nonexistent dust basins.

Alignment. Any Lawful
Physical trait. Deep indigo scales/Light blue or grey eyes.
Cantrips. You know the shocking grasp cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Lighting damage.
Breath. Lighting 5 - 30ft line (Dexterity saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Inner Eyelid. You have an inner eyelid that protects your eyes. You gain resistance to nonmagical blindness. You gain advantage on checks against nonmagical blindness.

Green Dragon

Green Kritians are most often found living in forests and jungles around the world. They tend to be the guides or guardians of the forests, depending on their trust with outsiders. They love intrigue and secrets. They put up a front of diplomacy and deceit when dealing with stronger foes, but they reveal their cruel and petty nature when intimidating lesser beings or when gaining the upper hand. They delight in stalking their enemies and listening in for any information they can gather before moving to attack.

Alignment. Any Neutral/Lawful Evil
Physical trait. Dark or light green scales/Sea green, chartreuse or hazel eyes
Cantrips. You know the poison spray cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Poison damage.
Breath. Poison 15ft cone (Constitution saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Natural Camouflage. You are able to easily hide yourself and your party while in forests. While you and your party are within 10ft of eachother, you can grant advantage to Stealth checks in forests.

White Dragon

White Kritians prefer to call the cold tundra their home, living deep in the snowy wastelands and high in the frigid mountains. They are exceptional swimmers. They love to swim in cold water; the more frigid, the better. Much of their diet consisted of aquatic creatures, even whales. Knowing that they were the weakest, many whites harbored inferiority complexes. They took any opportunity to bully beings such as giants and younger dragons of other species. They look down on others, and tend to view other creatures as prey.

Alignment. Any Chaotic
Physical trait. White scales/Black or light grey eyes
Cantrips. You know the ray of frost cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Cold
Breath. Icy blast of hail 15ft cone (Constitution saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Icy Walk. To you, ice and snow aren't difficult terrain.

Black Dragon

Black Kritian tend to live close to swamps or crumbling ruins and they tend to shy away from the outside of their home. They can have a rather strange or awkward behaviour when facing with other races, although in certain cases as a reason of despisement. They tend to have a dull look over others and dwell on their own goals solitarily.

Alignment. Any Neutral
Physical trait. Black scales/Red or Golden
Cantrips. You know the acid splash cantrip and can cast it at will. (Increase to 1d8 dmg)
Resistance. Acid
Breath. Acid 5 - 30ft line (Dexterity saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water. Also, while in a swamp, you have advantage to Stealth checks.

Copper Dragon

Copper Kritians tend to live in hills and rocky uplands. They can be incorrigible pranksters, joke tellers, and riddlers. They are quite devious and clever, but their intent is purely benign. They do not seek to harm 'lesser' creatures, but merely wish to impress them with superior intelligence and wit, and to fool them with clever pranks. A visitor to a copper kritian's lair can expect to be entertained at length, although they will become frustrated if the visitor does not appear impressed with their tricks, riddles, and stories.

Alignment. Any Good
Physical trait. Metallic Brown scales/Golden or Black eyes
Cantrips. You know the acid splash or vicious mockery cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Acid
Breath. Acid 5 - 30ft line (Dexterity saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Trickster. You gain a copper's dragon fondness for pranks. You gain proficiency with the Sleight of Hand skill, and you double your proficiency bonus on checks with it.

Brass Dragon

Brass Kritians can typically be found in deserts, more often than not in ruins or canyons, but occasionally in a cave system. Brass Kritians can be very curious, in which they crave conversation, and gather information from many creatures throughout it's life. They love to engage friends and foes alike in hours of long-winded conversation. It was not unusual for a brass kritian to be fluent in several hundred different languages, although they obviously preferred to converse in Draconic whenever possible.

Alignment. Any Good
Physical trait. Burnished warm brown scales/Golden or Hazel eyes
Cantrips. You know the create bonfire cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Fire
Breath. Fire 5 - 30ft line (Dexterity saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Interrogator. You gain the insight of a brass dragon. You have proficiency in Insight checks and your proficiency is doubled.}}

Bronze Dragon

Bronze Kritians are coastal dwellers that feed primarily on aquatic plants and fish. Their appearance seem to be fierce looking, but on the inaide they are of good nature. They are the most social species of Kritians, and often swam and played together in groups. They enjoy observing and interacting with smaller creatures, and surprisingly humans. They always sought justice as best they could, and could not abide to see any creature being treated with cruelty of any sort. They would have often gone out of their way to help them, such as rescuing humans from a shipwreck or a dangerous foe while in their humanoid form. They would never seek payment for their help, in any way. They also love to attend human festivals and parties, although usually in humanoid form.

Alignment. Any Good
Physical trait. Metallic bronze with pints of green scales/Forest or Hazel eyes
Cantrips. You know the thorn whip cantrip and can cast it at will. (it takes the form of an electrical current and must do Lightning damage)
Resistance. Lighting
Breath. Repulsion 15ft cone (Strength saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water. Also, while in a swamp, you have advantage to Stealth checks.

Silver Dragon

Silver kritians are true friends to all. They enjoy the company of humans and elves so much that it will often take the form of a humanoid and live among them for the majority of its life. They believe themselves the most superior creatures in the world. Unlike the gold or bronze kritians, the silver kritians don't not usually go out of its way to bring justice on the world. Instead, they waits for others to ask them for help. They will attempt to right an injustice if they see one, but they have no inclination to intentionally seek evil out and destroy it. Silvers are more interested in protecting the humans or elves it has come to care for than in looking for evil.

Alignment. Any Good
Physical trait. Metallic blue scales/grey, light blue or black eyes
Cantrips. You know the forstbite cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Cold
Breath. Paralyzing gas 15ft cone (Constitution saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Fog. You create a fog wall as if it had been cast through the fog cloud spell. The fog lasts for 30 seconds unless it is dispersed through magical means. This ability can be used once per long rest.

Golden Dragon

Strong believers in the greater good and in the rule of order, gold kritians were sometimes viewed as arrogant and dismissive. They tended to avoid philosophical or ethical discussions with beings they deemed inferior, although they enjoyed arguing in favor of law. Due to their vast superiority with respect to the average humanoid, they often had difficulty in understanding the everyday troubles and needs of communities and in some rare instances might even end up becoming tyrants.

Alignment. Lawful/Neutral Good
Physical trait. Golden metallic or yellow scales/Golden or blue eyes
Cantrips. You know the acid splash cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Acid
Breath. Acid 5 - 30ft line (Dexterity saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Devourer of Wealth. A gold dragon is capable of eating gems and precious metals. By consuming 40gp or 4 pound of gems it will be enough sustenance for 15 days.

Shadow Dragon

Shadow Kritians come from shadowfell, a parallel plane from which necrotic energies and shadow magic stemmed. Many shadow kritians inhabited dark places such as ruins or abandoned keeps. They were often mistaken for Black Kritians. Shadow kritian hunt not merely to survive or to protect their territory, but also for the sheer joy of causing pain. They care not whether their victims are helpless or hazardous, weak or powerful. Violence brings satisfaction.

Alignment. Chaotic Evil
Physical trait. Black and/or dark purple scales/Golden or purple eyes
Cantrips. You know the chill touch cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Necrotic
Breath. Energy-Draining shadows 15ft cone (Constitution saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, you can take the hide action as a bonus action.

Radiant Dragon

In acient times, Radiant kritians where considered sun angels due to their magnificent radience powers. It was common for radiant kritians to appoint themselves with quests to promote good. Those that earned a radiant dragon's fury found a relentless enemy who would not rest until the utter and complete subjugation of the evildoers. Either by slaying or by bringing villains to justice, a golds only acceptable outcome was complete victory over evil.

Alignment. Lawful Good
Physical trait. Burnished yellow scales/Sky blue or lightish grey eyes
Cantrips. You know the thaumaturgy cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Radiant
Breath. Force 15ft cone (Strength saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Radiant Armor. As an action, you cause your scales to radiate light for up to 10ft (increases +5ft every 5 levels). At the end of each of your turns, you and each creature within 10 feet of you take radiant damage equal to half your level (rounded up). In addition, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Crystal Dragon

Crystal kritians are generally good-natured, though their incredible vanity sometimes causes them to seem aloof and cocky. Any perceived insult against its appearance is all but assured to send a crystal kritian into a rage. Crystal kritians prefer underground lairs, and often go for decades or even centuries without emerging from their extensive cavern lairs onto the surface world above, whichis the reason of a rare sight nowadays. They before came into conflict with the White Kritians and had been known to steal white kritian children in order to raise them in a friendlier environment.

Alignment. Any Neutral
Physical trait. Multicolored crystal scales/Sky blue or lightish grey eyes
Cantrips. You know the eldritch blast cantrip and can cast it at will.
Resistance. Slashing
Breath. Sonic force 15ft cone (Strength saving throw)

Bonus Trait

Scintillating Scales. You radiate an aura of scintillating color from your jeweled scales to a radius of 10ft (Increases +5ft every 5 levels) All within this area must make a Wisdom save (the same as your breath weapon) each round to avoid being stunned.

Random Height and Weight

5′ 0″+4d435 lb.× (3d2) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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