Kreen (5e Race)


The Thri-kreen of the Tablelands have a rather primitive view of the world, but their mentality is still similar to that of the Tohr-kreen of the north. Much of our common behavior stems from our insect nature. Among the thri-kreen of the Tablelands, the constant struggle for survival greatly influences their beliefs and practices. Of course, the racial memory of our kind gives all kreen common ground and insures that certain values are upheld. Of paramount importance among all kreen of all lands is the clutch.
—the journals of Klik-Chaka.da

Kreen minds, behavior, and physiology often seem bizarre to members of other races. But despite their fierce appearance, the insect like humanoids can be loyal and courageous companions. The Kreen view everything through the lens of the hunt and the predator-prey relationship. Their basic social units are the clutch and the pack. To any Kreen whether the nomadic Thri-Kreen or the settled Tohr-Kreen the clutch is everything.

Physical Description

To races unfamiliar with the insect like Kreen, their appearance can be unsettling. They are often mistaken for monsters, and sometimes accidentally fall into that misconception because of their beliefs and mentality. The insectoid Kreen have six limbs and are covered in tough chitinous plates ranging in a variety of colors. Their lowest pair of limbs is used as legs, and their upper pair of limbs serves as arms. The middle set of limbs is small but dexterous, and the Kreen use them for fine manipulation, leaving heavy work to the stronger upper arms. Both the middle and the upper pairs of limbs have three clawed fingers and one opposable thumb. Kreen range from a little over 5 feet and up to 7 feet tall and have a average build, depending on the sub race. They have wedge-shaped heads and large compound eyes, two antennae, and powerful mandibles. There are very distinct differences among the three Kreen subraces but the general anatomy is the same.


Kreen have fairly short lives compared to other races, roughly around 30 years. However all Kreen have racial memory or what they call “Ta-tho”. A certain place or thing can trigger this and allow them to glimpse into the past memories about the trigger and gain knowledge of it. Some of these memories are of the great one Chak’sa a Kreen khan, or “Haaz”, who once ruled the Kreen race and worked along side humans for the betterment of both. Under his rule a council of the three Kreen subraces was formed, called the “Da’kreen-Dej’kaluk”, and with its birth so to came the first Kreen city. Some Kreen develop psionic abilities, either awakened by the “Ta-tho” or developed on their own. Some Kreen harness this gift and become powerful psychic warriors. Not many but some Kreen can use magic however, use of it is greatly frowned upon.


In the Kreen language “Kreen” actually means people. Kreen society is made up of two groups. The Thri-Kreen or “nomad people” and the Tohr-Kreen or “settled people”. The barbaric Thri-Kreen are slow to trust and wary of outsiders. The more civilized Tohr-Kreen are usually friendlier then their nomadic cousins however that does not make them any less cautious. Kreen basic social units are the clutch and the pack. A clutch is a small group (no more than six) to which an individual kreen has a close bond. The concept of the clutch combines “team,” “friends,” and “family.” Every kreen has a birth clutch that consists of all surviving members of the group of eggs from which it hatched. Later in life, each kreen forms one or more other clutches. A pack is a larger social unit that consists of any number of clutches. If deprived of a clutch, a kreen is biologically compelled to seek out a new group to join. Obeying their pack instincts, kreen try to find their place in any group. They use a series of challenges to determine the pecking order, assessing their possible clutch mates in secret or, when necessary, demanding trial by combat. Kreen seize leadership of groups in which they’re the strongest members, but they are willing to accept subordinate roles in the presence of powerful allies. They take orders from the pack or clutch leader without hesitation, eager to fulfill the duties of their position. Any member of the clutch is free to voice its opinion and offer advice. Indeed, each member is expected to have expertise in matters the others do not. All must contribute to the good of the clutch and the success of the hunt.

Kreen Names

Kreen grow very fast becoming a full adult within three years of hatching, kreen growth is like most other insects by a series of molts. Until a kreen has reach adulthood they may be call young or larva. Some will go by a pack or clutch name, sometimes the name of their parents. When a Kreen has reached maturity and proven his worth to the hunt, it is then they are given a name that suits their being or they may chose one for themselves.

Male:Cha’ka, Chuka-tet, Drik-chkit, Hakka, Ka’cha, Kacht ta, Ka’tho, Lakta-cho, Pak’cha, Pik-ik-cha, Sa’Relka, T’Chai, Tak-tha

Female:Cha’ka, Chuka-tet, Drik-chkit, Hakka, Ka’cha, Kacht ta, Ka’tho, Lakta-cho, Pak’cha, Pik-ik-cha, Sa’Relka, T’Chai, Tak-tha

Kreen Traits

Kreen minds, behavior, and physiology often seem bizarre to members of other races. But despite their fierce appearance, the insect like humanoids can be loyal and courageous companions. The Kreen view everything through the lens of the hunt and the predator-prey relationship. Their basic social units are the clutch and the pack. To any Kreen weather the nomadic Thri-Kreen or the settled Tohr-Kreen the clutch is everything.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Age. Their inability to sleep is thought to be the reason why Kreen have such short lifespans, the average Thri-Kreen life expectancy being only 30 years. However, they reach adulthood within 5 or 6 years. There have been some cases of some living longer.
Alignment. Kreen generally lean towards neutral alignment.
Size. Thri-Kreen range from a little over 5 feet and up to 7 feet tall and have an average build, depending on the subrace. They have 6 limbs and are covered in tough chitinous plates. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. Having large compound eyes and being able to see infrared light, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Torpor. Rather than sleep, Thri-Kreen enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings and may perform light activities. You require only 4 hours of torpor to gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Venomous Bite. A Kreen's saliva is venomous allowing for them to bite their pray for greater chance of a kill. You can use your action to bite one target. The bite is a natural weapon with the Finesse property, and you have proficiency with it. It deals 1d4 piercing damage + Strength, and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. If the saving throw fails, the target takes poison damage equal to the modifier used for the attack roll immediately after failing and on the start of every subsequent turn for the duration. The poisoned target can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the effect upon a success. After you use your Venomous Bite, you can’t use it again until you complete a long rest.
Multiple Arms. You have two extra arms under your main pair of arms. These smaller arms can be used like the main pair. When wielding weapons, these smaller arms can only use weapons that have the light tag, and cannot use them to wield two-handed weapons along with one main hand.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Kreen. The Kreen language involves series of clicks, clacks, chirps, pops, hums, and growls, often with a dry and raspy tone. These sounds are generally difficult for other races to reproduce, due to the substantial difference in anatomy. Likewise, certain sounds in Common cannot be reproduced by the Kreen due to their lack of lips.
Subrace. The term Thri-Kreen actually means “nomad people”, not the name of a race as most think. The Kreen race has evolved into three main bloodlines: the more widely known about mantis-like Manti-Kreen, the beetle-like Scara-Kreen, and the wasp-like Vespi-Kreen. These three bloodlines are the most common varieties of Kreen, although other as-yet-unlocated subraces are widely accepted to exist.


The Manti-Kreen are fierce mantis-like warriors with a love for the thrill of combat and the hunt. They excel in hand-to-hand combat and use guerrilla tactics to wear down their prey. Manti-Kreen consider all other living creatures as potential nourishment, and they particularly love the taste of elf flesh. Swift and athletic, Manti-Kreen are natural climbers and jumpers. More often than not, Manti-kreen are Thri-Kreen (nomadic), preferring to stay on the move. This has given rise to the common misconception that all Kreen are Thri-Kreen, as Thri-Kreen are the most commonly witnessed subset of Kreen. Manti-Kreen prefer drier climates, as excessive humidity can cause them to have trouble breathing. The Manti-Kreen have very strong and slim frames, giving them the look of a true warrior. They have foot-long spiky blades extending from the elbows of their upper pair of arms. These blades, tucked tightly against their arms, are of great use in battle. The chitinous plates of most Manti-Kreen range in coloration from sandy tan to dull green, when the plates are not camouflaged. More exotic coloration of the chitin has been infrequently witnessed, however.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Standing Leap. You have advantage on all Athletics or Acrobatics checks made to jump or climb. The Manti-Kreen's long jump is up to 30 feet and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.
Vicious Claws. The gifts of your Manti heritage have made you a much deadlier melee combatant. You have two hidden mantis blades tucked tightly to the underside of your upper arms. You can use your action to strike one enemy with the blades. This attack counts as a natural weapon with the Finesse property, and uses Dexterity for attack and damage rolls, as well as your proficiency bonus. On hit, the target takes 1d8 + ability modifier slashing damage. The damage increases to 2d8 at 6th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 16th level.


Scara-Kreens are the shields of their race and are usually considered gentle giants, as they are relatively peaceful in spite of being the most physically imposing Kreen bloodline. The Scara-kreen dwell primarily in the Upperdark, the uppermost layer of the huge cavern network that is the Underdark. Unlike other Kreen, they mainly eat fruit, vegetables, fungi, and roots. That being said, some do acquire a taste for meat. Though they are skilled combatants, they tend to act only in defense of themselves or others, and favour defensive tactics. Scara-kreen do not favour a particular lifestyle; they are found amongst both the nomadic Thri-Kreen and settled Tohr-Kreen. They have powerful upper arms with large, flat chitinous plates along the side, which they use for clearing and moving earth, as well as large chitin-clawed fingers. The Scara-kreen tend to have a large horn extending from their head or the top of their back (and in some cases, both). These horn(s) strongly resemble those of rhinoceros beetles, and can vary a great deal. They stand about a foot taller then their cousins and are much broader, making them an fearsome sight to behold. However, this broadness is more often representative of their sheer durability than their physical prowess. A Scara-Kreen's chitin may appear in a range of colors and patterns, though the majority are iridescent blacks through dark greens and blues.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Burrow. Your base walking speed becomes 20 and you can now dig and tunnel under the earth. You use up half of your movement to enter the earth, then move normally while moving within it. While moving in this way you may choose to leave a tunnel through the earth provided it doesn't collapse behind you. Starting at 10th level, you can burrow through solid rock at half your burrowing speed and you may choose to leave up to a 5 foot-wide, 6-foot-high tunnel in your wake. While you are burrowing, you have tremorsense in a 3-foot radius. When trying to move though waterlogged earth, it is considered difficult terrain.
Thick Carapace. The gifts of your Scara heritage have made your chitinous plates much tougher then your other Kreen cousins. Your base AC is 10 + your Constitution Modifier and will grow stronger as you level, to a cap of 20. The base value of 11 increases to 12 at 6th level, 13 at 11th level, and 14 at 16th level. This effect only applies when you are not wearing armor, and is overruled by any stronger mechanic, such as Unarmored Defense, as normal. Shields, class options, and feats which affect AC stack on top of this base AC as normal. If your carapace suffers damage, you receive a loss to your AC (-1 for limbs, -2 for torso), and you must complete a long rest for it to heal.


The Vespi-Kreen are by far the most social of the Kreen, although this also makes them the most territorial. They take to the skies to ensure their territory, usually jungle or dense forest, is clear of uninvited guests and other threats. The Vespi-Kreen primarily eat meat, but will also consume nectar in order to boost their energy. They are naturally skillful flyers and make full use of that fact, but train to be equally skillful on the ground as they are in the sky. Vespi-Kreen have a natural affinity for Psionics, and the deadliest of Kreen psions tend to be Vespi-Kreen. They are primarily Tohr-Kreen (settled people), and often live in close knit communities consisting of multiple packs, building homes high in the trees from reeds and Kreen-made Dasl crystal. The Vespi-Kreen are generally more streamlined, with slender and angular bodies allowing them greater agility whilst zipping through the trees. On their upper back, where a human's shoulder blades would lie, there sprout two pairs of large insect wings. Both are long and clear, though the lower pair is slightly smaller then the upper pair. They are the only Kreen bloodline to retain an abdomen, which has evolved into a potent weapon. Relatively narrow and measuring two to three feet in length, the segmented abdomen of a Vespi-Kreen is able to project venomous barbs an appreciable distance. When they are not camouflaged, Vespi-Kreen tend to have a lot in common with the coloration of wasps, bearing bands of black interspersed with warning stripes of yellow, red or blue.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Fly. You have a flying speed of half your base speed, and can fly no higher than the same value. You can only fly for up to 20 minutes straight before you need to land. (Example- with a base speed of 30 feet, you have a flying speed of 15 feet and can fly up to 30 feet high.) If you finish your turn while on the air, roll for an Acrobatics check. If you fail, you fall to the ground and crash land.
Venomous Stings. The gifts of your Vespi heritage has given your venom a better delivery system and more potency. You can use your action to fire a group of small venomous barbs, gifted by your Vespi bloodline at one enemy. The barbs uses your proficiency bonus and Dexterity as its modifier for attack, reach 10ft. They do 1d6+Dexterity modifier piercing damage on hit, and the target must succeed on Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. If the saving throw fails the target has combat disadvantage, and takes your chosen modifier as poison damage at the start of their turn when poisoned in this way. The poisoned target can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. After you use your Venomous Stings, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest. At the 6th level you can hit from 15ft, at the 11th level the target is also paralyzed , and at the 16th level you can hit from 20 ft away. (You can use venomous bite or venomous stings but not both unless your DM allows. This attack suffers the same penalties as any normal ranged weapon.)

Random Height and Weight

5′ 3″+2d12135 lb.× (2d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Design Note: This book is a good place for Kreen lore. This is a older book and the Kreen described in this wiki look different from the ones in the book. I based the look of the wiki Kreen more on the 4 & 5e versions, but a lot of there back-story comes from this book.

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gollark: I could just remove them.
gollark: In case you might want it later, presumably.
gollark: That would be mean and thus impossible. If it did happen anyway you'd have to copy everything from your existing installs I *guess*.
gollark: You should actually be conspiring to stop Java Edition updates.
gollark: People can patch security issues in Forge or whatever future equivalent, and mods will never* need updating!
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