Krayak (Pathfinder Environment)

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Krayak prison of the unslayables

the prison of things gods feared it was originally designed to bind atropus but now has other prisoners

Physical Traits

  • Gravity: Low 1/20 earths gravity as a result characters can fly by making a strength dc 10 + weight/10 check
  • Time: erratic same as limbo
  • Size: infinite until let out
  • Morphic: normal

Magic, Alignment, and Energy/Elemental Traits

  • Elemental Dominance: Aether
  • Energy Dominance: sonic
  • Alignment Trait: strong good
  • Magic Trait: dead magic

You may only be released from this prison if a god on the outside lets you out. One way portals leading to the plane are occassionally found in the lower planes, the negative energy plane or the plane of dreams. Often hidden away in forgotten corners of such places.

Plane Inhabitants

Some notable inhabitants of this plane include creatures such as the lich king arzaag who single handedily slew shrinx mendiblotts, a man who destroyed entire continent and the last pureblood arzant, and gained the knowledge of that anceint civilization as well as killing the ancestor, he was the first abberation sire to the races of mindflayers, neolithids, aboleths and father of ragnorra.

Movement and Combat


Features of the Plane

arzaags tower, the prison of yog sothoth, and the crypt of the seven

Plane Encounters

the only things you will find in this plane are creature so powerful the gods feared them such as the titans

Alternate Variances

zyzxx instead of being opened only by a god on the outside it takes five relics being put together to open

gollark: Of course.
gollark: Like DNS to IRC, but better.
gollark: Idea: DNS to drone control bridge.
gollark: Depending on various factors, I may not in fact be free then.
gollark: Late 2022, that is.


random encounters
creatures d%
1d3 Zyxaxyz 01-20
the avatar of consumption 21-25
Idylean Monitor 26-40
1d6 heconshires 40-50
1d6 aspects of varius elder evils 50-90
1 elder evil in true form 90 - 100

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