Kogthor (3.5e NPC)


CR 12

CE Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Init/Senses +2/Listen +6, Spot +6
AC 23 (21 Raging), touch 13, flat-footed 23
hp 88 (110 Raging) (11 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +11/+8/+5 (+7 Raging)
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee +17/+12/+7 +1 Keen Berserker Large Greatsword (3d6+10 17-20/x2 Slashing)
Ranged +14/+9/+4 Mwk. (+1 Str) Composite Shortbow (1d8+1, 20/x3, 70ft)
Base Atk/Grp +11/+6/+1/+14
Atk Options Rage 2/Day, Armor Rending Charge, Weapon Sabotage, Greatblade Reach, Great Arc Swing, Improved Sunder
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
SQ Darkvision 60ft, Fast Movement, Trap Sense +1, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Master Smithy, Blade Block +3, Greater Signature Weapon, Death Grip
Feats Powerful Charge (+1d8 on Charge), Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Cleave, Improved Sunder, Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
Skills Appraise +4, Balance +3, Climb +7, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +14, Intimidate +7, Jump +13, Listen +6, Ride +4, Spot +6, Survival +5, Swim +9, Tumble +7
Possessions +1 Keen Berserker Large Greatsword, +1 Agility Chain Shirt, Amulet of Nat. Armor +2, Helmet of Reflexive Will (+2 Ref, +2 Will), Ring of Protection +2, 2 Potions of CSW, Potion of Shield of Faith +4 100gp

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