Know Thine Enemy (5e Class Feature)

Know Thine Enemy
Starting at 2nd level you may, as a bonus action, study an opponent's mannerisms in order to gain temporary advantages against them, make an insight check against a creature's CR or Level, + 5, if you pass you may choose an ability to gain against that creature, this lasts a number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier at which time they notice you are taking advantage of a weakness they have and it ends, you cannot use this ability on the same creature more than once per day. You must be able to see your enemy to apply this ability.

  • Awareness: You learn about the creature's biology and learn one piece of knowledge (you know this and won't forget it): Their AC, 1 saving throw of your choice, their current hit points, 1 special action they have (if they don't have any you learn 1 of their attack's statistics)
  • Exposed: You find a weakness in their natural or artificial defenses, the AC you target against them is equal to 10 + their dexterity modifier.
  • Habit: You notice a tell that they have when they speak, you have advantage on all insight and charisma checks against the creature and know if they are lying (unless they are aided by magic).
  • Pattern: You notice a pattern in their actions, they gain disadvantage if they try to attack you.
  • Vulnerability: You find a vulnerable spot on their body, attacking such an area grants only you advantage against the creature.
At 5th level the duration is (Wisdom Ability Modifier x 2) and Habit's insight lasts 24 hours.
At 11th level you may use this feature as bonus action.'

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