Kitsune (Monstrous Humanoid)(3.5e Race)

Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. Foremost among these is the ability to assume human form. While some folktales speak of kitsune employing this ability to trick others—as foxes in folklore often do—other stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives.

Foxes and human beings lived close together in ancient Japan; this companionship gave rise to legends about the creatures. Kitsune have become closely associated with Inari, a Shinto kami or spirit, and serve as its messengers. This role has reinforced the fox's supernatural significance. The more tails a kitsune has—they may have as many as nine—the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. Because of their potential power and influence, some people make offerings to them, considering them to be a deity.


The kitsune are a race of fox people who revel in the art of trickery and illusions. The kitsune are bound by honor, but are free spirited and easygoing. They are hardworking, honest, and logical. The kitsune are a cunning race that loves good jokes, but will not hesitate to lift a blade in self-defense.


Kitsune tend to live in small units, usually only consisting of their partner and any children not yet old enough to fend for themselves. Being flighty in nature, they are often prone to wander and explore, sometimes leading them to seek more inhabited locations early on, though they can quickly feel overwhelmed in towns and cities. also, Kitsune believe in personal duty to one's clan and to one's self. Though proud, they are not vain and try not to show off their reputation too much. Kitsune believe in humility and in dignity, and it is everyone’s duty to remind each other of those values through trickery and humiliation. If a kitsune becomes too proud or haughty he will often find himself being bombarded with a variety of jokes, pranks, illusions and other things that would embaress him. Kitsune learn to let their actions speak for themselves and enjoy a good puzzle or riddle to exercise their wits. They value those who can confuse their enemies with verbal trickery and confusing conundrums. Ironically as much as kitsune deceive and trick they try to be logical and real with themselves. If they see someone who is more skilled than they, they will admit it. If a fight goes awry they will not hesitate to run if their abilities are not up to par. Though easy going they do not take mortal insults or infringements lightly, especially to family members, and will demand compensation for the misdeed or start seeking out revenge themselves

Physical Description

Kitsune, though resembling elves at first glance, are usually more hairy than a human or elf when pure-blooded. Their hair is usually shades of red and brown, with albinos having silvery hair. They are roughly the size of an elf, though they tend to be shorter, rather than taller than the average elf. Their skin color varies from a light tan to a darker tan color, rarely being pale or dark-skinned. Their eyes can be any color of that of an elf or human, though they are rarely blue or red. For Kitsune, green eyes are considered very beautiful though they occur about as often as brown eyes and hazel.

Kitsune are much lighter than their size would appear, with hollowed, yet strong, bones allowing them to move gracefully and with great agility. Though they otherwise appear to be elf-like, Kitsune have ears that are located nearer to the top of their head similar to a foxes and bear a similar shape, though they are often hidden by hair which is kept longer for such purposes. A Kitsune grows tails, almost supernaturally fast, with more tails grown based on its age at equal intervals, having up to nine tails total. These tails grow to full length in approximately one week, and can be regenerated if lost in approximately two weeks. Despite this, the Kitsune highly value their tails, so much so that they may become aggressive against anyone who intends to harm or even touch their tails without permission. A Kitsune can hide its ears and tails through shape-shifting as a natural reflex to encountering other humanoid races, with the opposing character needing an additional +10 to spot and a +5 to search in order to notice the Kitsune's tails and ears.


Becoming experts at shape-shifting as they mature, a Kitsune may occasionally form relations with other humanoid races, often themselves being mistaken for a humanoid race. Their animal heritage, being more spirit-based rather than animal-based, allows them to breed


Kitsune tend to be chaotic more often than lawful, preferring to exist freely in the woods and away from large population centers. Kitsune can be friendly tricksters, occasionally helping a lost wandering person find their way out of the woods. They can, however, also be vengeful spirits, taking pleasure in the fright and suffering of those they come across.


Kitsune prefer to live in the woods, often in mountainous regions to avoid common contact with other intelligent species. Despite this, Kitsune often live near enough small villages to have contact if they so choose, whether to form friendships, relationships, or to harass, depending on the intentions of the individual Kitsune.

The kitsune although on their own already a spirit manifested in mortal form still have religion. The most favored god of kitsune is kitsu-kami a thousand tailed kitsune god hailed for its power of trickery, illusion magic, and wisdom. Topically kitsu-kami is associated with lustful acts as its only weakness.


Kitsune can speak common, as well as the local language of the nearest village of intelligent humanoids. They also speak their own language of Kitsunese which, when spoken, is similar enough to that of the Hengeyokai to be roughly understood both ways, however their written languages are distinctly different.


Names are given after birth, usually within the first month of life. Names are often based on the child's personality, though some names are passed down through the family lineage or based on those of the culture of nearby villages. The names, when spoken, are usually a flowing sound and short in length.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -4 Constitution, -4 Strength: Kitsune are incredibly agile, but unfortunately suffer from a weak physique
  • Racial Bonuses: +3 to Listen, Spot, Bluff, and Disguise
  • Monstrous Humanoid:Shapechanger
  • Medium size
  • Kitsune base land speed is 40 feet; while in Fox-form, Kitsune base land speed is 50 feet.
  • Darkvision: A Kitsune can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d4) and bite (1d6)
  • Weapon Proficiency: A Kitsune is automatically proficient with all simple weapons.
  • Shapechanger: Kitsune are shapechangers, not humanoids. As such, they are immune to spells that specifically target humanoids (including charm person and hold person) but they are susceptible to any spells that target shapechangers.
  • Fox Form (Su): A Kitsune can assume the shape of Medium-size, multi-tailed fox (as the ability Change Shape). In humanoid form, the doppelganger loses its natural attacks. A Kitsune can remain in its humanoid form until it chooses to switch to its Fox Form. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but a kitsune reverts to its natural form when killed.
    • While in Fox Form, the Kitsune's weapons and armor transform to become part of it. Despite this, the Kitsune can have a separate set of armor in its Fox Form that transforms into its body when changing back (though nothing heavier than light armor, and only if proficient in its natural form). This armor must be something that would fit a riding dog.
  • Scent: Kitsune are able to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Kitsune can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. When a kitsune detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed - only its presence somewhere within range. Kitsune with the Track feat and scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track.
  • Eyes of the Fox: Kitsune are treated as being constantly affected by the spell true seeing as a magical ability. The kitsune is also immune to the effects of true seeing and is not detected when he invisible, being hidden by an illusion, etc.: Kitsune have a knack for seeing past any, if not all illusions and know how to bypass this true sight.
  • Spell-Like Ability:
    • Fox Fire: 1/day per level Kitsune can produce the effects dancing lights at will, as the spell (caster level 2nd). Kitsune can activate this ability as a standard action: Gaining the ability to produce foxfire with their tales at a young age, Kitsune are masters at manipulating it and using it to trick their enemies. While in their "Fox Form", Kitsune can cast dancing lights at will as a standard action instead of a full-round action.

. Caster level is . The save DC is -based.

  • Automatic Languages: Common, Kitsunese, Hengeyokai (spoken only)
  • Favored Class: SRD:Rogue, Ninja, Scout, or SRD:Sorcerer
  • Level Adjustment: +1
  • Effective Character Level (ECL): 1

Vital Statistics

Table: Kitsune Random Starting Ages
50 years+1d100+3d100+5d100 -->
Table: Kitsune Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
500 years800 years1000 years years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 1 to Str, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +2 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Kitsune Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male4'+2d6"70 lb.+3d10 lb.
Female3' 10"+2d6"60 lb.+3d10 lb.

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gollark: Are you unaware of "all mesh networking ever"?
gollark: The internet does routing, as far as I know, in a mostly noncentralized way through something something BGP. IP addresses are centrally allocated, but they don't *have* to be done that way (although the design of the routing stuff requires it I think?).
gollark: If they know other people on the network you can connect through them.
gollark: People you know somehow?
gollark: The internet itself doesn't really depend on a central authority, also.
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