King Gardear (3.5e NPC)

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King Gardear

CR —

aristocrat 10/ fighter 6
Neutral good Medium humanoid (half-orc)
Init/Senses +5/Listen +1, Spot +6
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17
(+1 Dex, +7 armor)
hp 74 (16 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +8/+6/+10
Speed 20
Melee longsword +18/+13/+8 (1d8+4/1920)
Base Atk/Grp +13/+8/+3/+15
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 13
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus(Longsword), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Leadership, Skill Focus(Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Knowledge(History)), Skill Focus (Knowledge(Nobility))
Skills Diplomacy +24, Knowledge(History) +22, Knowledge(Nobility) +22
Possessions +2 breastplate, +2 longsword, 50 pp

Other NPC Information

King Gardear is the king of The Continent of Lucan (DnD Campaign Setting) and is loved by all of his good-aligned subjects. He has only been ruling for 10 years, but in those 10 years Lucan has prospered. He is not actually meant for PCs to fight, but he can provide many plot hooks.

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gollark: CEOs *probably* won't let *that many* people die to make their game more popular.
gollark: Well, you could be injured and not be able to heal it as easily as modern medicine could.
gollark: Modern life is... pretty safe, I guess, we have things like "medicine" and "policing" and "civilization". Games patterned off some older world and where conflict is a key mechanic are *not*.
gollark: ... yes?
gollark: Yes, you said that, but that's a significant risk.
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