Khraan (3.5e Race)

A "race's compendium" race created by
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Khraan History

The Khraan are aliens in human bodies, a race born of an invasion into Aranea's dimension almost 500 years ago. The Dolaar were a powerful society based around their high magic and they were investigating nearby dimensions when they opened a portal to the Khraani homeworld, a world that was dying. The Khraani souls flowed through this portal like an unstoppable river, possessing human bodies and literally invading the Dolaar society. The war raged for half a decade before the Dolaar fled beneath the waves and left the Khraan in control of their shattered homeland, devastated by the powers unleashed by both sides.

The Khraan tried to adapt to their new lifeform, with souls not made for their bodies they began rebuilding their own civilization over the ruins of human ingenuity. In time they began experimenting with their new bodies, trying to make them feel and look more like the souls inside of them, turning to extreme body modifications to achieve the effect. Tattoos, piercings, implants and even grafts are a normal part of their culture and children receive their first tattoo at the age of three. This teaches them how much pain their ancestors lived through to give them all a future and begins the path of change that defines a Khraan for life as much as his family does.

After the portal to their homeworld closed and the Khraan had completed their invasion they realised that one very important thing had changed beyond their bodies. When a Khraan died, there was no heaven waiting, for they had left their Gods behind. The Khraani souls drifted in pain and the families that formed the Council of Lords tried to come up with a solution to this strange affliction when the outcast Locada family offered a suggestion which would change their society forever. Under Locada leadership the Khraani created the Well of Souls, a repository of all the Khraan souls given a place to reside and find contentment. The Well is a powerful religious symbol showing that the Khraan not only formed their own destiny, they form their own afterworld never bowing to a hostile world. The Well is a source of great psionic power for the Council of Lords, but it also chooses one Magistrate to sit on the Council to represent the fallen souls.

One of the most recent changes in the Khraan life is the coming of the Reborn. Since the Khraani souls don't merge perfectly with their human bodies the number of stillborn children is higher than normally, something which disappeared the past 35 years. These children grow up with already formed personalities, they are the Reborn, souls channeled from the Well of Souls into the bodies of soulless stillborn children. The Reborn have formed a kind of priesthood around the Well of Souls, having formed a relationship with it while being inside. Many Reborn are Locada or Geldar and they move among the Khraan as the tangible force of the Well.

Khraan Racial Abilities:

  • Medium: as Medium creatures, Khraani have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Speed: Khraan base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Language: Khraan. The Khraani never start with other languages and have to spend skill points to learn additional languages.
  • -2 Charisma: the Khraan are aliens to this world and have a hard time both relating to humans and human emotions, but also to connect.
  • Soul Legacy: The Khraani souls are teeming with psionic power. This means that they have 1 power point per level. Their alien souls also interfere with their ability to access the magic of this world, giving them a -4 racial penatly to Use Magic Device and a -1 penalty to caster level for any arcane spellcasting class (but minimum caster level 1).
  • Graft Affinity: The Khraani constantly experiment with their bodies and make great use of bodily modifications (tattoos, piercings, carvings, scarring, implants) and have perfected the use of the Grafting technique. Any Khraan can take "Graft Flesh" at 1st level, ignoring the prerequisites normally associated with that feat.
  • Family Talent: A Khraan can choose one Talent based on his choice of Family as an (additional) power known. (see below) He can manifest this power using his power points as though he were a member of his family's favored class of a level equal to his Hit Dice regardless of what class he has. If he takes a Psionic Class, this power is added as a bonus to his powers known.
  • Family Legacy: A Khraan gets a bonus when manifesting certain powers based on his choice of Family. (see below)
  • Favored Class: Varies based on Family choice. (see below)
  • Level Adjustment: +0


The noble defenders of the Khraan Empire and chosen Imperial Guards. The Nothra are a martial family where the leader is chosen, once every year, through martial combat. Children grow up learning of the great warrior-heroes of the family, the myriad expeditions their family has lead against the Monsters of Dolaar and begin learning how to use a weapon at an early age.

  • Family Talent: Call Armor, Call Weaponry, Force Shield, Inertial Armor, Metaphysical Weapon, or Prevenom Weapon.
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers with a range of Personal.
  • Favored Class: Psychic Warrior.


The bestial Umshara act as rangers and woodland scouts for the Khraan. Their family domain lies deep within the reconquered jungles in the north where they constantly battle the different monsters created by the Dolaar. Each Umshara is granted a beast from their homeworld which they call upon when they do battle, thus earning them their bestial powers.

  • Family Talent: Thicken Skin, Claws of the Beast, Biofeedback, Bite of the Wolf, Vigor, or Prevenom.
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers with a range of Personal.
  • Favored Class: Psychic Warrior


The Athin were once a family of artists and painters when their family domain (a large island) became the first of many casualties as the planet began to die. A large volcano threatened to destroy everything on the island and for centuries they managed to keep the volatile energies at bay, but also loosing every ounce of power within the Khraani culture. Now, without the need to defend their home they have become masters of the elements and were crucial in the founding of the Well of Souls.

  • Family Talent: Control Object, Control Flames, Control Light, Create Sound, Matter Agitation, or Energy Ray
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers from the Kineticist discipline list
  • Favored Class: Psion (Kineticist)


The Eilor are the lawgivers and prophets of the Khraan culture. The Eilor were the ones who discovered the transdimensional portal and scouted the alien world. Here their powers allow them to seek out criminals and understand the grand designs around them. They are also the explorers and their family have recently sponsored a large number of shipbuilding efforts and exploratory expeditions.

  • Family Talent: Precognition, Destiny Dissonance, Offensive Precognition, Defensive Precognition, Offensive Prescience, Detect Psionics
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers from the Seer discipline list
  • Favored Class: Psion (Seer)


The very reason the Khraan escaped their homeworld and began the invasion, the Gelbra are masters of time and space. A Gelbra spends at least a year in his youth trekking the Empire and the surrounding mountains to learn of the meaning of time and distance. Allies with the Umshara since time immemorial, the Gelbra are one of the most influential families in the Council of Lords, much due to their instrumental role in the Exodus.

  • Family Talent: Burst, Catfall, Deceleration, Far Hand, Know Direction and Location, or Skate
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers from the Nomad discipline list
  • Favored Class: Psion (Nomad)


Pioneers of the arts of body modifications and fleshgrafting, this family has really come into its own after the invasion. Here they focus on providing the community with their family tattoo markings, implanting bone and metal beneath the skin and grafting harvested flesh into their brethren. The Omason have a gruesome reputation for withstanding pain, since they use themselves to create the fleshgrafts, which are then cut out of the donor and implanted into the receiving Khraan.

  • Starting Power: Thicken Skin, Hammer, Synesthete, Vigor, My Light, Empty Mind
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers from the Egoist (Psychometabolism) discipline list
  • Favored Class: Psion (Egoist)


The driving force behind the Khraan economy, the Wepito family were once considered to be nothing more than workers. After the family fled the homeworld their ability to create almost anything lead them to become the premier bankers and producers. They began their ascension when the Khraan had just arrived, being able to provide everything their society needed from the very start, they used this to gain leverage with the other houses.

  • Starting Power: Astral Construct, Minor Creation, Bolt, Entangling Ectoplasm, Ecto Protection, Crystal Shard
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers from the Shaper (Metacreativity) discipline list
  • Favored Class: Psion (Shaper)


The only family banned from the Council of Lords, the Locada are the keepers of the Well of Souls and the most dangerous of manipulators. In the very beginning of the invasion, the Locada were the primary force behind every infiltration and when the war ended they tried to usurp control of the entire Khraan nation. The other families banded together to stop them and with the threat of seeing their entire female population murdered, they backed down. Since that day they were banned from the Council, but regained much status and power by being instrumental in the creation of the Well, status they now retain by sustaining it and expanding it. Since then, they also act as the lorekeepers of the Khraan, documenting both history and present, discoveries and new theories.

  • Starting Power: Charm Person, Mindlink, Attraction, Telempathic Projection, Empathy, Call to Mind.
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers from the Telepath (Telepathy) discipline list
  • Favored Class: Psion (Telepath)


As the invasion ended the Eshon family saw their power diminishing and helped form the idea of the Council of Lords to preserve some of their authority. During the invasion they had worked side by side with the Locada family, infiltrating and assassinating important key figures in the Dolaar army and organization. Since then they have become the secret inquisition of the Khraan Empire, seeking out dissidents among the Khraan, finding pockets of resistance in the jungles or being part of the exploratory expeditions mounted to find other cultures.

  • Starting Power: Skate, Sense Link, Conceal Thoughts, Elfsight, Distract, Catfall
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers with a range of Personal
  • Favored Class: Psychic Rogue


The only family who tried to convince the others to bargain with the humans instead of forcefully ejecting them, the Mihlar were always the peacekeepers and loremasters of the old Khraan homeworld. Here they found that they instead became the beacons of hope and memories, slowly loosing their position as diplomats. For centuries the Mihlar have been instrumental in keeping the stories and memories of their lost homeworld alive and this has lead them to hold a position of great respect and are viewed with great sorrow by the Khraan. They are the only ones who must keep the pain and anguish of the loss inside them and thus they suffer. This suffering has lead to the Mihlar to seek the Dolaar Sungod and a large number of the family have actually begun worshiping the deity. They received their first glance of the returning god when one of their number died and wasn't taken by the Well of Souls, rather disappearing in a glowing aura.

  • Starting Power: Demoralize, Call to Mind, Create Sound, Empathy, Disable, Object Reading.
  • Family Legacy: +1 level for Bardic Music
  • Favored Class: Thoughtsinger


The Geldar are an anomaly among the Khraan. They are a resurfaced family, once destroyed on their homeworld it seems that splinters of their souls passed through the gate at the beginning of the invasion and invading a precious few human hosts. When the war was over these Geldar presented themselves to the other families and were accepted as a sign of destiny and charged with the welfare of their new home. Since then the Geldar have walked among their fellow Khraani and touched every heart, every mind with their newly awakened powers. The Geldar bind the nation together in a subtle way, allowing people to come to terms with each other by acting as mediators or letting their souls touch each other, sharing feelings and growing closer.

  • Starting Power: Attraction, Telempathic Projection, Skills as One, Primal Terror, Missive, Detect Psionics.
  • Family Legacy: +1 manifester level when manifesting powers with the [Network] descriptor
  • Favored Class: Society Mind

Adulthood16-20 years
Middle Age35-40 years
Old Age55-60 years
Venerable Age70 years
Human, male height: 4' 10" +2d10weight: 120 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Human, female height: 4' 5" +2d10weight: 85 lb. x(2d4) lb.

In other words, more or less exactly like humans. They are alien souls born into human bodies but that doesn't change their original physiology very much.


A grown Khraan looks essentially like a human, generally with shaved head and olive skin. The most striking feature of a Khraan is their eyes, although they are normally deep brown, a Khraan emanates a glow from within, a glow which becomes more pronounced and unearthly the more they master their innate psionic powers. Since Khraan use extensive body modifications they usually have large "tribal" tattoos covering their face and bodies, snaking across them and forming powerful patterns that sometimes seem to move by themselves. They usually shave all hair from their heads and implant metal duds in the forehead and skull, adding to the flowing shape of the tattoos. Metal rods form ridges going down their spine and dividing into streams of shapes that encircle a Khraans legs. The chest usually has extensive piercings that supplement the tattoos and implants.

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gollark: Really?
gollark: I should not.
gollark: Of course, we sometimes silently alter it for no particular reason, so ones produced now also incorporate high sensitivity apiometers, apioyards and apioapiforms.
gollark: Featuring:- 512-bit CPU core supporting GCIS02-2027 instruction set - 3 exabytes of persistent memory- 17 bytes of RAM- 10^11 pins (nanoscale)- clock up to 1222YHz (please ensure sufficient cooling) or asynchronous mode- built-in RGB lighting- has power management CPU with its own power management CPU 6 levels deep- 1Tbps Ethernet (40Gbps backward compatibility mode)
gollark: Unfortunately there's no bismuth here.
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