Kaeozzoidian (Jaroidia Supplement)

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the bigger combatant wins

Physical Description

they look like a larger human, ranging from 8 foot 5 to 9 foot 10, weighing an average of 750 lbs, they are large size.


they are the most common race on Kaeozzoidia, aside from humans. humans were are thought to be a group that once were Kaeozzoidians. they are accepted into society as if they were humans. they act similar to humans, however, they are usually kinder to other races that aren't as common than humans are, they especially like elves, and they treat them well in exchange for secrets. they were accepted about 100 years after the war started between Kaeozzburg and Jaroidia, each side realizing that having them as a potential ally was very useful, they are found on both sides of the war today, and they still remember what it was like to be outcasts, so they treat other outcasts well. aside from that common trait, and their larger size causing them to be the military, they are the same as humans. the best and worst can be found among them, as well as humans.


they are the military on Jaroidia and Kaeozzburg, they also are commonly knights. they used to fight with each other often, but now, they fight on 1 side or the other. they no longer make alliances, instead they fight for whoever is in charge. there are no remnants of the former clans that Kaeozzoidians once were.

Kaeozzoidian Names

they use the same names as humans.

Kaeozzoidian Traits

you are toughened from being the military for so long, you get traits resembling that. this race is only for the Jaroidia setting.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 3, your Charisma score increases by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 3.
Age. they mature at around age 15, typically living until around age 120, with a maximum of 170.
Alignment. any
Size. Large
Speed. Your base walking speed is 50 feet.
trance, and enhanced health. when you would take a long rest, you instead meditate deeply, remaining semi-conscious, for 4 hours a day. The Common word for this meditation is "trance". While meditating, you dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive after years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit a human would from 8 hours of sleep(and gain any benefits that specifically require a trance), you can do this twice back to back for the effects of 2 long rests. your maximum hit points is increased by an additional 2 each time you level up(including level 1).
better action surge. unlocking a level 11, once on your turn, you can give yourself 1 extra action, 1 extra bonus action, and 1 extra reaction, these go away if not used by the start of your next turn. and you also double your total movement speed until the end of the turn after next(used up movement is taken off of the new total, not the one doubled). you can do this once per long rest taken since it was last used, but once total per turn. this stacks with other effects that do anything that would relate to this, such as a fighters action surge, or a monks fast movement.
weapon, skill, and armor training. you have proficiency in light, medium, and heavy armor, and shields, and simple and martial weapons, and you get the skilled feat. you get 1 fighting style of your choice, and you count as 2 sizes larger for determining your carrying capacity. you can get any races racial feats(if they specify abilities you don't have, you get those abilities as if you were that race), and you don't need to meet prerequisites in order to get feats because your training has made you adaptable.
extra attack. at a a total level of 7 or higher when you would make an attack you get to attack once more if you are level 7 to 11, twice more for level 11 to 20, and 3 times more for level 20.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight

6′ 2″+3d6695+10d10 lb.× (don't multiply height mod, weight mod is 0) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics

there are none. just use the background.

d8Personality Trait
(one vote)

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gollark: Er, sponge binding.
gollark: <@115156616256552962> slime binding, emboss knight slime head
gollark: <@356209633313947648> PotatOS is good
gollark: They are called "traffic lights".
gollark: Send in the DMCA ENFORCERS.
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