Jigyousho (3.5e Class)

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A jigyousho has gained the extraordinary power to communicate with and control plants. As she gains levels, her power over these plants grows until she begins to take on plant traits herself.

Making a Jigyousho

A jigyousho is on a path of experience, enlightenment and finally transcendence. Her ultimate goal is to become a sentient plant, gaining the advantages of both sides of natural life at the same time. Even as her more mortal fellows spurn her, a jigyousho finds herself warmly embraced by all plants.

A jigyousho is much like the plants she seeks to emulate: stoic and unmoving. She is often slow to act and not prone to quick decisions; the example of nature has, in her view, taught her almost infinite patience. But while it is often difficult to get a jigyousho to join a cause, she is devoted and resolute thereafter. Once a jigyousho decides to do something, she rarely backs down from it. When her plants are threatened, however, the jigyousho changes almost entirely. She is quick to defend wildlife of any kind, but treasures long-growing plants the most.

Combat aside, a jigyousho is heavily spiritual, often believing in the power of nature the same way that druids do. She is artistic, finding beauty in the majesty of aging creatures (a quirk that develops from watching trees grow), but has little interest in art that does not concern her plants and is likely to be criticized by her peers as an eccentric.

Abilities: Wisdom is the most important ability for the jigyousho, since it affects the Difficulty Class of many of her special powers. Intuition and gut instinct are the most valued traits a jigyousho sees in herself. The jigyousho tends to spurn organized education and study, preferring to rely on natural ability rather than so-called “higher learning”.

Races: Any race can become a jigyousho, for the love of nature can pierce the heart of many different species. It's just a matter of likelihood.

Alignment: Any neutral (chaotic neutral, true neutral, or lawful neutral).

Starting Gold: As druid.

Starting Age: Complex

Table: The Jigyousho

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+2+0+2 Animate plants, Treespeak
2nd+1+3+0+3 Special Plant (Entanglement)
3rd+2+3+1+3 Special Plant (Rose Whip)
4th+3+4+1+4 Improved Resistance
5th+3+4+1+4 Special Plant (Rageplant)
6th+4+5+2+5 Strengthen Plants
7th+5+5+2+5 Special Plant (Wall of Thorns)
9th+6/+1+6+3+6 Special Plant (Hydravise)
10th+7/+2+7+3+7 Ally of the Woods
11th+8/+3+7+3+7 Nature’s Step
12th+9/+4+8+4+8 Special Plant (Blood Thistle)
13th+9/+4+8+4+8 Photosynthesis
14th+10/+5+9+4+9 Greater Plants
15th+11/+6/+1+9+5+9 Special Plant (Dread Blossom)
16th+12/+7/+2+10+5+10 Redwood Longevity
17th+12/+7/+2+10+5+10 Regrowth
18th+13/+8/+3+11+6+11 Special Plant (Tree of Repentance)
20th+15/+10/+5+12+6+12 One with Nature

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Jigyousho.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A jigyousho is proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but no shields.

Table: The Rose Whip
Jigyousho LevelDamageEnhancement
8th-11th1d8+2 acid
11-15th1d10+3 acid burst
15th+2d6+4 keen acid burst

Animate Plants (Su): A jigyousho can animate a number of plants whose combined HD are equal to or less than her own. This ability is usable at will but otherwise functions as a spell of the same name, but any of the special plants she summons (see below) count against this total for the duration of their effects.

Treespeak (Su): A jigyousho has the innate ability to communicate with plants (as the speak with plants spell). Due to her close connection to plants, all plants have a one step improvement in their attitude towards her. This ability is always active.

Improved Resistance (Ex): At 4th level, a jigyousho becomes immune to any poisonous effects of plants (even extraplanar plants) and also gains a +4 bonus on saves vs. other poisons.

Strengthen Plants (Su): At 5th level, all plants animated or summoned by a jigyousho receive a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution as if she possessed the Augment Summoning feat. This bonus only applies to plants animated or summoned via the jigyousho’s special abilities and therefore cannot be used in conjunction with the Augment Summoning feat.

Special Plants (Su): As the jigyousho gains levels, she becomes familiar with many plants that are of a dangerous and often extraplanar nature. These plants are normally carried by the jigyousho as seeds. These are then pumped full of magical energy and summoned to fight for her. Others can be used via alternate means such as implanting them in a target (the most prominent example being the Blood Thistle) and then causing them to grow and create and unexpected (and often lethal) attack. Unless otherwise noted, the use of a special plant is a standard action.

Entanglement: At 2nd level, a jigyousho can use her animate plants ability to manipulate all manner of flora. She gains the ability to use the entangle spell at will, except that instead of infesting an area the plants only ensnare one enemy per HD she uses to control them. For example, a 2nd level jigyousho could entangle either one or two opponents using entanglement, but if she entangles two she cannot animate any other plants until she ceases the entanglement.

Rose Whip: A 3rd level or higher jigyousho can take a mundane rose and transform it into a deadly weapon. As a free action, the jigyousho can turn a rose into a unique whip that deals lethal slashing damage that increases as her level goes up (see table below for progression) and has the reach of a normal whip while still offering the bonus to trip and disarm attacks. The whip deals double damage on a critical hit and has a critical threat range of 18-20. The jigyousho is automatically considered proficient with the rose whip and may take feats accordingly. She also attacks with the whip at her highest base attack bonus. While the whip can be used in conjunction with another weapon for the purposes of two-weapon fighting, only one rose whip may be in existence at a time. If the jigyousho is ever disarmed while using the whip, it turns back into a normal rose immediately. As long as the rose whip is activated, it counts for 1 HD towards her animate plants ability.

Rageplant: This opioid plant—grown in the deep recesses of the Lowerdark—stimulates the imbiber’s muscles but temporarily decreases brain function. A jigyousho keeps it circulating constantly in her blood but can suppress its effects at will. When she desires, the jigyousho can use the rageplant to send herself flying into a frenzy, granting her all of the benefits and drawbacks of a barbarian rage for 1d4+1 rounds. The use of this special plant does not require HD from the animate plants ability, but the jigyousho is treated as exhausted following this rage. Once she has acquired the photosynthesis ability, a jigyousho is no longer exhausted after a rage so long as she can still receive the benefits of her photosynthesis ability.

Wall of Thorns: The jigyousho creates a wall of thick, thorny branches, as the wall of thorns spell at a caster level equal to her jigyousho level. The branches differ from the regular spell in that they are in fact living plants, but possess spell resistance equal to 10 plus the jigyousho’s level. Just like the spell, a jigyousho’s wall of thorns lasts for 10 minutes per level.

Hydravise: The jigyousho summons a vicious plant called a hydravise that has 16 HD (see Hydravise entry). The hydravise fights for six rounds or until dismissed. The jigyousho below 16th level who summons the hydravise must succeed on a DC 20 Handle Animal check to retain control of the plant. If this check fails, the hydravise goes berserk and attacks the creature closest to it, usually the jigyousho. When a jigyousho of 16th level or higher summons a hydravise, it will fights completely loyally to the jigyousho, shielding the jigyousho from attack without hesitation if so commanded. If she so wishes, the jigyousho can increase the HD of the plant summoned, but the new HD still counts against her total HD controlled and the HD of the hydravise cannot exceed her own.

Blood Thistle: This plant is an instant attack plant that, when implanted into the victim via a ranged touch attack (Reflex save for half damage, as the victim removes the seed before its growth), will burst forth in a bloody bloom of black thistles. The thorns on this plant are several inches long, dealing 1d6 points of damage per jigyousho level. The As an instant effect plant, the Blood Thistle does not count against the HD for the animate plants ability, but it does come with a cost. This powerful plant drains a great deal of energy. Its use deals 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per level to the jigyousho.

Dread Blossom: The jigyousho summons a swarm of flying dread blossoms (page 45, Monster Manual III) that engulf her and act as a force for both offense and defense, occupying her square and all other spaces within 5 feet. Due to the swarm of flowers surround her, any attack or ability that requires an attack roll (such as a ray spell) directed at the jigyousho has a 50% chance to hit the swarm instead, dealing damage as it normally would to the swarm. The blossoms’ poison pollen is also exuded in a 15 ft. radius around the edge of the swarm (effectively a 20 ft. radius around the jigyousho). Any who enter a square occupied by the blossoms take the appropriate amount of swarm damage per square they move through. If she wishes, the jigyousho can direct the swarm to attack a target up to 30 feet away. If she does so, the miss chance provided by the swarm drops to 10% until her next turn since the swarm needs to return to her (it drops to 10% because some of the swarm stays behind). Unlike the hydravise, the Hit Dice of the Dread Blossom Swarm cannot be increased, but the Jigyousho can summon a second swarm if she doubles its Hit Dice. This increases the radius of the swarm around the jigyousho to 10 ft. (and with it the radius of the poison pollen) and allows her to send one swarm while still maintaining the benefits of the swarm’s protection, but the maximum miss chance afforded by the Dread Blossom remains unchanged.

Tree of Repentance: It takes a particularly vengeful or malicious soul to unleash this Abyssal plant. When a seed from a Tree of Repentance is planted on a victim and grown magically, the target must succeed a Fortitude save equal to 10 plus ½ the jigyousho’s level plus the jigyousho’s Wisdom modifier. If they fail the save they are put under an effect similar to an eternity of torture spell (BoVD 95-96) and are wracked with endless agony as their life energy is slowly and painfully sapped away by the tree, which holds them grappled and helpless as all their ability scores are brought to 0 (except for Constitution which stops dropping at 1). As the spell, this effect is permanent; the tree or the victim cannot be attacked by any means, and the only way to free the victim is by means of a wish or miracle spell cast by a caster of higher level than the jigyousho. Even if the victim succeeds on their Fortitude save, they still take 5d6 points of damage and a -4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 round per level of the jigyousho. A jigyousho can only possess one Seed of Repentance at any given time. After she uses it, she must then magically create or purchase another one, for no Tree of Repentance grows naturally only in the Lower Planes and is therefore inaccessible to most.

Ally of the Woods (Ex): By 10th level, a jigyousho is easily recognizable to plant creatures as an ally. From now on, no mindless pant or sentient plant with the same alignment (either good, evil, or neither, not both) as the jigyousho will willingly attack her without provocation, and even hostile plant creatures (including those compelled or forced to attack) must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + jigyousho level + Charisma modifier) or cease their attack. If the jigyousho initiates the combat, the plant does not need to make a save, but this should rarely occur.

Nature's Step (Su): Starting at 11th level, a jigyousho may travel through a Medium-size or larger living plant to another living plant of the same kind, regardless of distance. This ability functions as the transport via plants spell, and can be used a number of times per day equal to the jigyousho’s Wisdom modifier.

Photosynthesis (Ex): At 13th level, a jigyousho takes on a particular trait of a plant: the ability to photosynthesize and create nutrients from mere sunlight and moisture. When in direct natural sunlight, she gains the benefits of the Endurance feat and fast healing equal to ½ her jigyousho level (rounded down). Any unnatural light source (including a daylight spell) does not grant these benefits. Only real sunlight will do it. Photosynthesis does not function indoors, underground, or at night. Due to this ability, a high-level jigyousho is often easily identifiable as her skin takes on a greenish hue, giving them a -4 circumstance penalty on Disguise checks. The coloration also gives her a +4 bonus to Hide checks in forested areas.

Greater Plants (Su): At 14th level, the jigyousho gains the ability to further increase the abilities of her animated and summoned plants. The Strength and Constitution bonuses given to these creatures as a result of the Strengthen Plants class feature are increased by 2. They also gain 2 additional Hit Dice (if applicable) and a +2 bonus to DC for any effects (including the saving throws for the Blood Thistle or Tree of Repentance when they can be used). Hit Dice added from this ability do not count towards the jigyousho’s total.

Redwood Longevity (Ex): A 16th level jigyousho’s body has absorbed some of the longevity of the plants with which she shares such a bond. She now gains no further penalties for aging (previously existing changes still apply) and her maximum lifespan is doubled.

Regrowth (Ex): A 17th level, jigyousho gains the ability to regenerate lost limbs in during photosynthesis. When photosynthesizing, any limbs lost will regrow in 8 hours. This ability only functions when the jigyousho is alive; if her head is cut off (such as by a vorpal weapon) then it does not regrow (or perhaps it does but she remains dead nonetheless). Severed parts can be reattached instantly by holding them to the stump (again, provided she can use her photosynthesis ability).

One With Nature (Ex): At 20th level, a jigyousho’s journey of bonding with plants has reached its climax. Her type changes to plant (meaning she can be affected by spells that affect plants but not those that affect humanoids), gaining all plant traits but not losing any ability scores or proficiencies. As a plant creature, she no longer needs to eat or sleep but she must still breathe. She also gains a permanent +4 natural armor bonus due to the toughening of her skin, and no plant will voluntarily attack her unless provoked.


If a jigyousho ever becomes good or evil, then she has strayed from the path of neutrality that is nature's way. She loses her animate plants ability (and thus most of her Special Plants abilities) and connot continue advancing as a jigyousho until she becomes neutral again. No atonement spell is required, for nature has its own way of expressing forgiveness.

Epic Jigyousho

Table: The Epic Jigyousho

Hit Die: d8
21stBonus Feat
24thBonus Feat
27thBonus Feat
30thBonus Feat

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Animate Plants: The total HD of plants that the jigyousho can control continues to go up.

Special Plants: Any plant that deals damage based on the jigyousho's level continues to increase.

Bonus Feats: The epic jigyousho gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Jigyousho bonus feats) at level 21 and every 3 levels thereafter.

Epic Jigyousho Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, Epic Reputation, Epic Speed, Evolution of the Species, Extended Life Span, Epic Toughness, Fast Healing, Great Strength Great Wisdom, Legendary Tracker, Superior Initiative.

Elf Jigyousho Starting Package

Weapons: Quarterstaff.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Knowledge (nature)4Wis
Spot (nature)4Wis
Survival (nature)4Wis

Feat: Improved Initiative.

Gear: Quarterstaff, leather armor, backpack with waterskin, one day's trail rations.

Gold: 1d6 gp.

Playing a Jigyousho

Religion: Deities of nature are by far the most common patrons of most jigyousho. Those who worship any other deity, while they exist, are often unheard of and shunned by the others. Nevertheless, other deities of nature are worshipped, and contact with druids has encouraged some jigyousho to worship nature itself and no particular deity.

Other Classes: Jigyousho get along best with druids, but they also see a great deal of kinship with rangers as well. They distrust sorcerers and warlocks due to suspicions of unnatural heritage but will tolerate their presence, especially if they hold some knowledge of herbs or nature. They hold wizards with indifference, scoffing at their devotion to study but also valuing them for the same reasons as the other spellcasters described above. Jigyousho hold a particular disdain for paladins, fighters and rogues, prejudiced to the belief that most of them come from urban centers and have no appreciation for a natural environment.

Combat: A jigyousho makes an able warrior, especially when her rose whip reaches its full potency and she gains her powerful self-restorative abilities. While she cannot cast spells, she can quickly summon a host of plants to protect herself and her allies, making her effective in a support role as well.

Jigyousho in the World

That attack that I missed you with? It was merely a feint so that I could plant something much more dangerous on you. The Blood Thistle is an extremely large and dangerous plant from the deepest reaches of Chult, and its seed has already taken root in your body. It has become ripe, and is ready to burst forth on my command.
—Nessa Carnesîr, wood elf jigyousho

Just because a jigyousho is neutral doesn't mean they can't be villains. Even if they are not evil-aligned, some jigyousho are particularly cruel and ruthless towards all manner of non-plant creatures, which they view as inferior and worthy only of being food for the plants. On the other hand, some jigyousho are hospitable or even kind, offering aid or protection to those travel peacefully through their territory. Even their patience can be strained, though, if the travelers renege on their promise to not disturb the wildlife.

Daily Life: Most jigyousho live in quiet tranquility, an existence that many would consider boring. Some are more adventurously-minded, seeing their travels as the more expedient path to their transcendence. These jigyousho also search for more "fascinating" (to others, dangerous) plants to add to their repertoire (DM's discretion dictates what new plants can be added beyond the regular Special Plants).

Notables: Due to their extreme reclusiveness, most jigyousho are never heard of in the urban centers. But one of the most famous jigyousho, an wood elven princess by the name of Nessa Carnesîr, gained her fame by bringing her forest of treants and other plants to the aid of a remote farming village under attack by a group of demons. The strength of the plant army was said to be so great that there remained nothing of the demons afterwards; they had simply been swallowed up by the foliage.

Organizations: No formal organization of jigyousho exists, but they are rumored to congregate anually on the first day of spring to celebrate the onset of new plant blooms.

NPC Reactions: While respected for their prowess, jigyousho are often discriminated against or even shunned for their numerous eccentricities. The jigyousho take this persecution in stride, blaming it on the ignorance of urban denizens who bring only the torch and axe to the forest.

Jigyousho Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can research jigyousho to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (nature)
5A jigyousho is a being that can communicate with and control plants.
10Jigyousho possess some plants that are not of this world and are exceptionally dangerous.
15A jigyousho is usually not hostile unless someone harms the plants in their territory.
20The ultimate goal of a jigyousho is to transform themselves into a plant creature.

Jigyousho in the Game

A jigyousho will join a party because she acknowledges that nature (or sometimes some other unamed force) bequeathed upon her comrades skills that she lacks. While she has little tolerance for those who shethinks will harm nature, she is generally a team player and will add another rare set of powers to a group.

Adaptation: New plants for the Jigyousho to control can be added at the DM's discretion. Such plants can come from underground (like the hydravise) or from another plane altogether (such as the Tree of Repentance). The default plants are to get started, but almost any plant can be adapted for the jigyousho's use.

Sample Encounter:

EL 8: As the PC's set up their camp in the forest, an 8th level jigyousho confronts them about the tree they cut down for their campfire. Enraged, she reveals her rose whip and attacks, animating the assassin vines in the trees to assist her.

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