Jedi Knight (3.5e Class)

Jedi Knight

In a realm, far, far away... a monastic order called the Jedi became revered as guardians of peace and justice in their realm. As mystical wielders of "the Force", their powers inspired awe in most of the realm's citizens. The calm, considered demeanor of the Jedi made them ideal brokers of peace in times of conflict or dispute. Yet, for all their power and diversity, the Jedi are few. Often beset by foes in times of doubt and confusion, undercurrents of evil often challenged their order and the establishment they served, the most notable being the Sith. These dark warriors were the antithesis of the Jedi, their sworn enemies, and the battle between them brought their realm to war more than once.

Making a Jedi Knight

The Jedi Knights are the warriors of the Jedi Order. They are the defenders of peace. Unlike Jedi Consulars, Jedi Knights rely more on Lightsaber combat than the Force.

Abilities: A Jedi knight depends on Wisdom for Force abilities but Jedi Knights mostly depend on the three physical attributes–-Strength, Dexterity and Constitution—for Lightsaber combat.

Races: Any race can become a Jedi. Contrary to popular belief, even the savage races may find a home with the Jedi Order.

Alignment: Jedi may not be evil or chaotic.

Starting Gold: 4d4×10 gp (120 gp).

Starting Age: as a Fighter.

Table: The Jedi Knight

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+1+0+2+2 Lightsaber Form 1: Shii Cho, Bonus Feat, Jedi Mage Hand, Forceful Grace
2nd+2+0+3+3 Saber Ward
3rd+3+1+3+3 Jedi Mind Trick
4th+4+1+4+4 Force Push, Uncanny Dodge
5th+5+1+4+4 Blade Storm
6th+6/+1+2+5+5 Jedi Reflexes
7th+7/+2+2+5+5 Throw Lightsaber
8th+8/+3+2+6+6 Jedi Acrobatics
9th+9/+4+3+6+6 Telekinesis
10th+10/+5+3+7+7 Bonus Feat, Improved Uncanny Dodge
11th+11/+6/+1+3+7+7 Jedi Meditation, Padawan Training
12th+12/+7/+2+4+8+8 Bonus Feat
13th+13/+8/+3+4+8+8 Wholeness of Body
14th+14/+9/+4+4+9+9 Improved Throw Lightsaber
15th+15/+10/+5+5+9+9 Jedi Mind Clarity
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+5+10+10 Force Field
17th+17/+12/+7/+2+5+10+10 Improved Telekinesis
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+6+11+11 Bonus Feat
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+6+11+11 Jedi Master
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+7+12+12 One with the Force, Nullify

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level): Balance, Climb, Concentrate, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Heal, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim, and Tumble.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Jedi Knight.

'Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Jedi knights are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, the bastard sword, and their lightsaber (see below). They are also proficient in all types of armor (armor penalties and weight does not affect the Jedi Knight in any way and they do not reduce his speed either.) except shields.

LightSaber Form 1: Shii Cho: At 1st level, a Jedi Knight gains a lightsaber as his vorpal weapon. A Jedi can choose for his lightsaber to be either a longsword, bastard sword, or a two-bladed sword, each of brilliant energy. However, unlike normal brilliant energy weapons, a lightsaber can harm undead; constructs; and objects, and deals damage to the armor and shield equal to the damage given to the defender (minus hardness, min 1 excpet against adamantine). The hilt is also unique in sturdiness and can come in many designs. A Jedi can choose whatever design for a hilt and whatever color of a lightsaber he wishes. A lightsaber is treated as a one-handed exotic melee weapon or a two-handed martial melee weapon.

Forceful Grace (Ex): At 1st level, a Jedi knight gains an insight bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier on all Balance, Jump, Tumble, checks as well as Reflex saves and his AC. Forceful Grace does not apply if the user is immobile.

Bonus Feat (Ex): At 1st level Jedi receives a Bonus Feat.

Jedi Mage Hand Starting at 1st level, a Jedi knight gains the ability to use Mage Hand once per Jedi Level + Wisdom modifier per day. They may use this to call their lightsaber, regardless of it's usual weight restrictions.

Saber Ward At 2nd level, if successful (d20 + Dexterity Mod), a Jedi can use his lightsaber to block range attacks coming his way. At first level, he can only block range attacks 10 ft with his lightsaber. He can block an extra 10 ft every level after first. This ability can affect range attacks in a 30 foot spread from the Jedi. Reflex save is DC 15

Jedi Mind Trick (Su): At 3rd level, once per day per point of Wis bonus, a Jedi knight is capable of slightly influencing the minds of others. This works exactly like a suggestion spell, however Jedi are forbidden to use it for personal gain. Every time it is used for personal gain and not in the name of the Jedi Order, a Jedi gains one point of "Sith Taint". The save to resist a Jedi mind trick is 10 + 1/2 Jedi Knight level + Wisdom modifier.

Force Push(Su) At 4th level, a Jedi gains Force Push which can push back targets 5 ft.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)At 4th level, a Jedi gains the use of the Uncanny Dodge ability.

Blade Storm: At 5th level, a Jedi can launch a 30 foot cone of energy out from their palm or lightsaber, inflicting damage and moving objects in it's path. It deals 1d6 points of damage for every two Jedi levels. Creatures and objects in the effect are also knocked back 5 ft per point of Wisdom bonus, landing prone. A successful Reflex save (DC 10+ 1/2 Jedi Level + Wisdom modifier) results in half damage and no movement. A Jedi can use this ability once every 1d4 round.

Jedi Reflexes At 6th level, a Jedi knight is so adept at feeling the will of others, he gains Lightning Reflexes even if he does not meet the prerequisites of that feat.

Throw Lightsaber: At 7th level, a Jedi knight as a full-round action may throw his lightsaber 10 ft + 10 ft per 2 Wis bonus modifiers. The lightsaber is treated as having the "Returning" special ability.

Jedi Acrobatics (Ex): At 8th level, a Jedi knight no longer requires a running start to perform a Jump skill check without penalty.

Telekinesis (Sp): At 9th level, a Jedi gains the use of the spell telekinesis as a spell-like ability once every Jedi level per day.

Bonus Feat (Ex) at 10th level, a Jedi gains a Bonus Feat.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) At 10th level, a Jedi gains the use of the Improved Uncanny Dodge ability, as the barbarian.

Padawan Training: At 11th level, the Jedi Knight gains the Leadership feat. However, the Jedi Knight's cohort is another Jedi Knight, and he does not gain followers, unless he takes the leadership feat again. The cohort acts as a student to the Jedi Knight's mentor.

Jedi Meditation: At 11th level, a Jedi gains the ability to meditate during a battle. This meditation sends out waves of positive energy to allies, and negative energy to enemies. Allies get a +2 morale bonus to attacks, damage, armor class, and saves. Enemies with a hit dice lower than the Jedi's must run away. Enemies with equal or greater hit dice than the Jedi's get a -2 to attacks, damage, armor class, and saves. The save DC(Will based) is 10+1/2 the Jedi's level+his Wisdom modifier.

Bonus Feat At 12th level, a Jedi knight gains a bonus feat.

Wholeness of Body At 13th level, a Jedi can heal his own wounds. He can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to twice his current Jedi level each day, and he can spread this healing out among several uses.

Improved Throw Lightsaber At 14th level, a Jedi knight can now throw his lightsaber as a standard action instead of a full-round action.

Jedi Mind Clarity At 15th level, a Jedi mind is so pure that he becomes immune to mind affecting spells.

Force Field At 16th level, a Jedi knight gains spell resistance equal to 10 + 1/2 Jedi level + wisdom modifier.

Improved Telekenesis At 17th level, the Jedi knight may now manipulate double the amount of weight that can normally be manipulated.

Bonus Feat At 18th level, a Jedi gains a bonus feat.

Jedi Master (Su): When Jedi knights reach level 19, they attain the status of Jedi Master, which confers the ability to have the spell Freedom of Movement perpetually on.

Nullify At 20th level, a Jedi gains the Nulify ability, which causes targets surrounding (5 ft) the Jedi Knight not to attack him during combat.

One With the Force (Su): Upon reaching 20th level, a Jedi has grown so close to the Force that they can listen to it more clearly than other Jedi. A Jedi gains the ability to use Detect Thoughts and Clairaudience/Clairvoyance at will.

Ex-Jedi Knight

A Jedi knight who ceases to uphold the laws of the Jedi Order, leaves the order, changes to a prohibited alignment and/or joins the Dark Side of theSith (due to Sith Taint) does not lose their connection to the Force or their Force abilities. They may lose their padawan, as determined by their DM; you never know. A Jedi who betrays the Jedi order in favor of the Dark Side loses all affiliation with the Jedi Order and is marked for eradication.

Epic Jedi Knight

Table: The Epic Jedi Knight

Hit Die: d10

21stBonus Feat
22ndForce Lightning/Energy Absorption 5/day
23rdSuperior Focus
24thForce Lightning/Energy Absorption 6/day
25thBonus Feat
26thForce Lightning/Energy Absorption 7/day
27thTelekinetic Sphere
28thForce Lightning/Energy Absorption 8/day
29thBonus Feat
30thForce Lightning/Energy Absorption 9/day

Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Force Lightning/Energy Absorption (Su): The Jedi knight's powers to use the Force continue to grow. He may now use these abilities one more time per day at 22nd level and every even numbered level after 22nd (6/day at 24th, 7/day at 26th, 8/day at 28th and so on.)

Superior Focus: At 23th level, the bonuses gained from the Jedi Focus ability triples for the chosen Force ability.

Telekinetic Sphere (Sp): At 27th level, a Jedi knight gains the use of the spell telekinetic sphere as a spell-like ability at will.

Bonus Feat At 21st, 25th, and 29th level, the Jedi Knight recieves an Epic Bonus Feat. Their Jedi Knight levels stack as Monk or Fighter levels for determining prerequisites for bonus feats.

Human Jedi Knight Starting Package

All Jedi knights are taught to be ascetics (i.e., free of material needs), but they understand the necessity of self-defense and survival. Usually a Jedi knight will be found with his weapon and the clothes on his back, passing for a simple traveler.

Weapons: Bastard Sword (d10, critical 19-20/x2, slashing damage). Armor: Scale mail (AC +4, Armor Check Penalty -4).

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Move Silently2Dex
Sense Motive4Wis

Feat: Improved Initiative.

Bonus Feats: If Strength score is more than 13, Power Attack. If below 13, Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword).

Gear: Traveler's outfit, belt pouch, three day's rations, waterskin.

Gold: 40 gold.

Playing a Jedi Knight

Despite the forefront role that Jedi knights played in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and their importance in the Star Wars original trilogy, Jedi knights are not ones to take the lead role for selfish reasons nor should an entire campaign revolve around a Jedi knight solving a problem—save that problem involve the Sith. Unless the campaign world is a backward Outer Rim world in the Star Wars Universe that SOMEHOW escaped notice of the star-faring races further in and/or the Empire, Jedi knights should stay concealed and use their powers sparingly lest they be discovered and knowledge of their existence spread to unworthy ears.

Religion: Jedi knights meditate upon the Force and all that it makes possible.

Other Classes: Martial classes are amazed at the skill and finesse wielded by a Jedi knight, while arcane casters are academically curious at best and jealous at worst. Rogues are ambivalent to Jedi knights. Clerics and paladins distrust Jedi knights—even though they're on the same side—due to their powers being divine in nature, yet not tied to a deity; to them Jedi are an anathema.

Combat: Dancing in and out of combat, Jedi knights can surprise a combatant with a sudden burst of telekinetic power.

Advancement: Jedi knights usually stay Jedi knights, but some may take levels in monk, Fighter, Paladin, Samurai, or the Kensai Prestige Class, so long as they follow the code of the Jedi Order.

Jedi Knights in the World

This Jedi will play an important part in the battles to come. Truly, she will be strong—a luminous being is she.
—Ood Bnar, Jedi knight, commenting on Jedi knight Nomi Sunrider

Most Jedi knights fit in well amongst the populace, because no one knows what they truly are. Upon learning what they are, confusion sets in. Common questions are "Are you a paladin?" or "Where's your monastery located, stranger?", simply due to the unfamilar nature of a Jedi knight's abilities. Those who do know of the Jedi Order and the Jedi ask themselves the same question again and again: why don't they invest in armor?

Daily Life: Meditation and training, if not on a quest to root out the Sith, defend the weak or uphold justice.

Notables: Many Jedi have made their mark on the history of the Order, namely Grand Master Yoda and the innovator of Vaapad (varient of the Seventh Form of Combat) Master Mace Windu. Others include Jedi knight Syfo-Dias and Old Republic Jedi knight Nomi Sunrider. Of particular note are the members of the Skywalker family line, who were deeply involved in the old Jedi legend concerning the Chosen One, who would bring balance to the Force.

Organizations: The Jedi Order, first and foremost.

NPC Reactions: Almost all NPCs treat Jedi as they hope to be treated when on mission: just another normal Joe going about his business from point A to point B. Those who know of the Jedi Order treat their members with the utmost respect.

Jedi Knight Lore

Characters with ranks in some appropriate skill can research Jedi knights to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (arcana, history or religion)
20Jedi knights are defenders of peace and justice.
25Jedi knights believe in an energy that permeates all life in the universe, simply called the Force.
30The Jedi Order stands for the good or light side of the Force. The Jedi stand in opposition to the Sith, purveyors of the dark side of the Force. The battles between them have forced the realms into conflict more than once.
(Note: the researcher knows how many wars by name that Jedi have been involved per the number the Knowledge check exceeds the DC. Ex.: a Knowledge check of 33 will reveal three wars involving members of the Jedi Order.)
45The Jedi believe that one day there will be a being who will bring balance to the Force, called the Chosen One.

Jedi Knights in the Game

Most people know not to disturb the Jedi in their temple unless they have a realm-wide problem that requires negotiations, be they subtle or "aggressive." Otherwise, the Jedi keep to themselves unless they are on a quest.

Adaptation: Making a forceblade, beam sabre or laser blade a martial weapon for Jedi would complete the feel. Of course, you'd have to make such weapons part of your campaign world and not just a fuck for your pet NPC or PC. Then you'd have to include cortosis weave metal and such adaptation becomes far more complicated. It's best to stick to standard D&D weapons, because it keeps the game from breaking. The closest thing D&D has to a lightsaber would be a brilliant energy longsword—a +5 weapon enhancement(bling bling!)--and it doesn't work on undead or constructs, so lightsabers are straight-up Nerfed.

Sample Encounter: The Grand Tyrant's stormtroopers rolled up in the Jedi temple lookin' to drink beer and kill Jedi knights. They're all out of Yuengling, so it's time to stomp some younglings! And what's with the goblin and the teenager in the corner?

EL variable: The goblin mentioned above is Jedi Grand Master Yoda (LG old male goblin Jedi knight 20). He has held this particular padawan--Jet Zookasa--safe from the Grand Tyrant's decree that all Jedi should be put to death. Master Yoda hopes to make the defeat of these defilers a test for the young padawan learner.

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gollark: There are lots of people and organizations who do.
gollark: Credit cards/banks do fraud protection stuff, except that works *after* your money has been sent away, and arbitrarily freezing your account if you do "suspicious" stuff is not ideal.
gollark: Nothing, really.
gollark: Happy chicken!
gollark: Cryptocurrencies require you to actually make a transaction to send money, which is obviously much saner than "haha yes take the numbers and now you can arbitrarily take my money".
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