Iron Sentinel (5e Subclass)

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Iron Sentinel

Fighter Subclass

A steel-clad elf felling enemies left and right with her lightning fast halberd, laughing at their incompetence. A single dragonborn atop a mountain, fending off legions of demons with his glaive, bathing in their blood. A decorated human laying waste to entire armies with precise strikes, wading through the corpses of the slain. The Iron sentinel wields polearms with ease and grace, wading into combat and not only keeping enemies at bay, but unleashing a brutal vengeance on attackers, striking them down where they stand. Iron sentinels become true masters of their weapons, as if they were extensions of their own body. Such power strikes fear and awe into those who witness it on the battlefield.

Grace and Ease

You begin to learn the more intricate ways of polearm weapons. At 3rd level, you become proficient with all polearms (spear, halberd, javelin, pike, lance, halberd, glaive, quarterstaff) in case you didn't already have such proficiency. You also gain the Polearm Master Feat, and if you already had it, you may choose another feat to gain or take an ASI. While wielding a polearm, your AC increases by 1.

Adaptive reflexes

At 7th level, you gain the Sentinel Feat, and if you already had it, you may choose another feat to gain, or you may obtain an ASI, obeying the normal ASI rules. You also gain expertise with polearms.

Powerful strikes

You have begun to truly master your weapons, and you can wield them nigh effortlessly, delivering crushing blows with ease. At 10th level, when someone makes a melee attack against you, you may use your reaction to inflict disadvantage on their attack and make a melee attack against them with advantage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your strength modifier, regaining all spent uses after a long rest. Additionally, if you attune to a magic polearm, it does not use up an attunement slot, and your critical range is also increased by 1 when wielding polearms.

Hurricane Strike

At 15th level, you have mastered your weapons and you can use them to inflict mass casualties on a battlefield. Once per long rest, you may use your bonus action to sweep across the battlefield, charging forward as if taking the dash action. You may do this without provoking opportunity attacks. You may make a melee attack against every creature that would be within your range at any point in the charge. You may not move normally on your turn if you choose to do this. Additionally, until the start of your next turn, melee attacks against you have advantage, and you have disadvantage on all strength and dexterity saving throws. Your opportunity attacks no longer use up reactions, so long as they are made with a polearm.

Steel Fortress

At 18th level, your mastery of your weapon allows you to dual wield polearms, regardless of heavy or 2-handed requirements. You may also treat the second attack as you would if it were your first attack, regarding bonuses to attack and damage rolls. Your AC increases by another 1 when wielding a second polearm.

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