Iolis Equipment (Iolis Supplement)




Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Club+21d6-1gp3 lb.Mace-
Dagger+31d45/101gp1 lb.DaggerOff-hand, light thrown
Javelin+21d610/205gp2 lb.SpearHeavy Thrown
Mace+21d8-5gp6 lb.MaceVersatile
Spear+21d8-5gp6 lb.SpearVersatile
Spiked Gauntlent+21d6-5gp1 lb.UnarmedOff-hand


Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Greatclub+22d4-1gp10 lb.Mace-
Quarterstaff+21d8-5gp4 lb.Staff-
Scythe+22d4-5gp10 lb.Heavy Blade-



Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Battleaxe+21d10-15gp6 lb.AxeVersatile
Flail+21d10-10gp5 lb.FlailVersatile
Handaxe+21d65/105gp3 lb.AxeOff-Hand, Heavy Thrown
Short Sword+31d6-10gp2 lb.Light BladeOff-Hand
Longsword+31d8-15gp4 lb.Heavy BladeVersatile
Sai+31d65/105gp2 lb.DaggerOff-Hand
Warhammer+21d10-15gp5 lb.HammerVersatile
Broadsword+21d10-20gp5 lb.Heavy BladeBasket Hilt^
Falchlon+32d4-20gp6 lb.Heavy BladeHigh-Crit
Khopesh+21d8-20gp8 lb.Axe, Heavy BladeBrutal, Versatile
Light War Pick+31d6-10gp4 lb.PickHigh Crit, Off-Hand
Scourge+21d8-3gp2 lb.FlailOff-Hand
Trident+21d83/610gp4 lb.Spear, Heavy ThrownVersatile


Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Galive+22d4-25gp10 lb.Heavy Blade, PolearmReach, Hold Your Ground*
Morgenstern+21d10-10gp8 lb.Mace-
Claymore+31d10-30gp8 lb.Heavy Blade-
Halberd+21d10-25gp12 lb.Axe, PolearmReach
Heavy Flail+22d6-25gp10 lb.Flail-
Longspear+21d10-10gp9 lb.Polearm, SpearReach
Broad Sword, 2 hands+22d6-25gp7 lb.Heavy BladeBasket Hilt^
Partisan+22d6-15gp8 lb.PolearmStand Your Ground #
Heavy War Pick+21d12-20gp8 lb.PickHigh Crit



Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Kodachi+31d8-25gp2 lb.Light BladeOff-hand, High Crit
Bastard Sword+31d10-30gp6 lb.Heavy BladeVersatile
Kukri+21d6-10gp2 lb.DaggerBrutal, Off-Hand
Rapier+31d8-25gp2 lb.Light BladeHigh Crit
Sabre+31d8-25gp5 lb.Light BladeBasket Hilt
Craghammer+21d10-20gp6 lb.HammerBrutal, Versatile
Parrying Dagger+22d4-5gp1 lb.Light BladeDefensive, Off-Hand
Triple-Headed Flail+31d10-15gp6 lb.FlailVersatile
Waraxe+21d12-30gp10 lb.AxeVesatile


Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Katana+31d10-25gp4 lb.Light BladeHigh Crit
Execution Axe+21d12-30gp14 lb.AxeBrutal, High Crit
Executioner's Sword+32d6-30gp10 lb.Heavy BladeBrutal, High Crit
Greatspear+31d10-25gp8 lb.Polearm, SpearReach
  • *Galive- Hold Your Ground= You deal 2X damage to charging foes larger than you.
  • ^Broad Sword- Basket Hilt= You gain a +1 bonus to AC because of the hand guard.
  • #Partisan- Stand Your Ground= You deal and extra 1d6 damage to charging foes if the weapon is firmly set.
  • ~Rayado- Brutal= If your damage roll is one, you may roll again but you have to use the second result.



Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Hand Crossbow+21d610/2025 gp2 lb.CrossbowLoad free
Sling+21d610/201 gp0 lb.SlingLoad free
Repeating Crossbow+21d810/2035 gp6 lb.CrossbowLoad free, Clip


Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Crossbow+21d815/3025 gp4 lb.CrossbowLoad Minor


Military Ranged


Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Longbow+22d620/4030 gp3 lb.BowLoad free
Shortbow+21d815/3025 gp2 lb.BowLoad free, Small
Greatbow+21d1225/5030 gp5 lb.BowLoad free

Superior Ranged


Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Revolver+22d610/15200 gp5 lb.FirearmClip*, High Crit, Off Hand
Shuriken (5)+32d45/151 gp1/2 lb.DaggerLight Thrown


Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Rifle+32d825/3550 gp12 lb.FirearmClip*, High Crit
Shotgun+32d8-1d125/1550 gp12 lb.FirearmClip*, Spread^
Superior Crossbow+31d1020/4030 gp6 lb.CrossbowLoad Minor
  • *Clip- the weapon has 6 shots. While the clip is being used the gun reloads free. To eject a clip and load a new one use a standard action.
  • ^Spread- the shotgun uses a spread shot that fires in a cone from the initial square. its smallest range is at 5 ft. and the farthest range is at 15 ft. and is 25ft. wide. the firing pattern looks like this:

if a creature is in the smallest row, it takes 2d8 damage. In the second row, it takes 2d6 damage, and in the third row it takes 1d12 damage.


Armor Armor Bonus Minimum Enchantment Bonus Check Speed Price Weight Type
Cloth armor(Cloth)-+0--1gp4lb.Light
Padded armor(Cloth)-+2--15gp4lb.Light
Leather armor(Leather)+2+0--20gp10lb.Light
Studded Leather armor(Leather)+2--30gp10lb.Light
Hide armor(Hide)+3+0-1-30gp15lb.Light
Brigandine armor(Hide)+3+2-1-35gp15lb.Light
Ring Mail(Chain)+6+0-1-140gp30lb.Heavy
Chain Mail(Chain)+6+2-1-145gp30lb.Heavy
Scale Mail(Scale)+7+0--150gp40lb.Heavy
Plate Jacket(Scale)+7+2--155gp40lb.Heavy
Plate Mail(Plate)+8+0-2-160gp50lb.Heavy
Field Plate Mail(Plate)+8+2-2-265gp50lb.Heavy


Armor Shield Bonus Minimum Enchantment Bonus Check Speed Price Weight Type
Kite Shield+2--2-10gp15lb.Heavy


Item Price Weight
Arcane Implement
Orb15gp2 lb.
Rod12gp2 lb.
Staff5gp4 lb.
Holy Symbol10gp1 lb.
Ki Focus10gp1 lb.
Totem5gp2 lb.
Drum3gp1 lb.
Flute5gp1 lb.
Harp15gp4 lb.
Horn7gp3 lb.
Lute12gp2 lb.
Lyre10gp1 lb.
Woodwind5gp2 lb.
Guitar12gp2 lb.
Standard Adventurer's kit15gp33 lb.
Backpack(empty)2gp2 lb.
Bedroll1sp5 lb.
Flint and Steel1gp-
Pouch, belt (empty)1gp.5 lb.
Rations, Trail (10 days)5gp10 lb.
Rope, hempen (50ft)1gp10 lb.
Sunrods (2)4gp2 lb.
Waterskin1gp4 lb.
Climber's Kit2gp11 lb.
Grappling Hook1gp4 lb.
Hammer5sp2 lb.
Pitons (10)5sp5 lb.
Thieves' Tools20gp1 lb.
Posioner's set25gp5 lb.
Alchemist Set25gp5 lb.
Lantern7gp2 lb.
Everburning Torch50gp1 lb.
Ghost Candle10gp.1 lb.
Unseelie Candle10gp.1 lb.
Flower of the Dawn25gp-
Flower of the Fairy Queen's Gown65gp-
Senaliesse chrysanthemum10gp-
Star-Indigo seeds, 1 pouch5gp.1 lb.
Wolfsbane, 1 bundle5gp.1 lb.
Sweetheart's Confection10gp
Journeybread (10 days)50gp1 lb.
Faewine rasin15gp-
Cockatrice Venom100gp.1 lb.
Blessed Soil10gp1 lb.
Arrows (30)1gp3 lb.
Bolts (Xbow(20))1gp2 lb.
Sling bullets (20)1gp5 lb.
Clip, Bullet (6)2gp5 lb.
Journal20gp3 lb.
Ritual book50gp3 lb.
Ritual componentsvariesvaries
Spellbook50gp3 lb.
Formula Book50gp3 lb.
Alchemical reagentsvariesvaries
Rain stick150gp1 lb.
Raven's Feather25gp.1 lb.
Frozen Tears25gp.5 lb.
Unicorn antler200gp.5 lb.
Gray rain cloak20gp3 lb.
Night's mantle1000gp4 lb.

Alchemical Components

Item Market Price (gp) Key Skills Type Levels
Acidic Fire200Arcana, ThieveryVolatile5,10,15,20,25,30
Alchemical Silver200Nature, Religion, ThieveryOil5,15,25
Alchemist's Acid70Arcana, ThieveryVolatile1,6,11,16,21,26
Alchemist's Fire70Arcana, ThieveryVolatile1,6,11,16,21,26
Alchemist's Frost70Arcana, ThieveryVolatile1,6,11,16,21,26
Alchemist's Spark120Arcana, ThieveryVolatile3,8,13,18,23,28
Antivenom70Heal, NatureCurative1,11,21
Beastbane160Heal, NatureOther4,9,14,19,24,29
Blastpatch120Arcana, ThieveryVolatile4,9,14,19,24,29
Blinding Bomb120Arcana, ThieveryVolatile3,8,13,18,23,28
Bloodstinger Poison120Nature, ThieveryPoison3,8,13,18,23,28
Clear-Path Mist375Arcana, NatureOther8,13,18,23,28
Clearsense Powder80Heal, NatureCurative1,6,11,16,21,26
Clearwater Solution100/20Arcana, Nature, ReligionOther1
Clockwork Bomb160Arcans, ThieveryVolatile4,9,14,19,24,29
Dragonfire Tar120Nature, ThieveryVolatile3,8,13,18,23,28
Ghoststrike Oil500Nature, Religion, ThieveryOil3,8,13,18,23,28
Goodnight Tincture150Nature, ThieveryPoison6,11,16,21,26
Grayflower Perfume800/200Heal, NatureOther10
Heartflow90Nature, ThieveryPoison3,8,13,18,23,28
Herbal Poultice90NatureCurative3,8,13,18,23,28
Inferno Oil200Arcana, Nature, ThieveryOil5,10,15,20,25,30
Jolt Flask800Arcana, ThieveryVolatile10,15,20,25,30
Keen Oil600/200Arcana, ThieveryOil10
Lockburst Chalk160Arcana, ThieveryOther4,9,14,19,24,29
Lodret Leaf200Heal, NatureCurative5,15,25
Noxious Grenade700Arcana, ThieveryVolatile11,16,21,26
Panther Tears100/25Heal, NatureOther2
Resonance Crystal160Arcana, NatureOther4,9,14,19,24,29
Salve of Slipperiness375Nature, ThieveryOther8,13,18,23,28
Slow-step Oil120Arcana, Nature, ThieveryOil3,8,13,18,23,28
Smokestick450/150Arcana, ThieveryVolatile6
Sovereign Glue375Arcana, ThieveryOther8,18,28
Spotted Toadstool Venom600Nature, ThieveryPoison10,15,20,25,30
Suppression Crystal120Arcana, NatureOther4,14,24
Tanglefoot bag100Arcana, ThieveryOther2,7,12,17,22,27
Tension Wheel120Arcana, ThieveryOther4,14,24
Tethercord120Arcana, Nature, ThieveryOther3,8,13,18,23,28
Thunderstone200Arcana, Nature, ThieveryVolatile5,10,15,20,25,30
Tracking Dust160Nature, ThieveryOther4,9,14,19,24,29
Universal Solvent600/200Arcana, ThieveryOther10
Woundpatch120Heal, NatureCurative3,13,23

Elemental Stones

To overcome the limitations of cimpathe, wizards created stones with elemental energies infused into them. These Elemental Stones are far from perfect, and will lose power after being used a certian number of times. Stone recharge fully at each extended rest and 1/2 level + Intelligence modifiers at a short rest.

There are also services as well to add runes to Divine Implements to better channel the Divine Powers. Runes allow Divine Classes to use divine powers until the uses are expended. Runes recharge fully at each extended rest and 1/2 level + Intelligence modifiers at a short rest. The following table has the costs for the stones and a runeing service. Certain runes cause the Divine Powers to deal different types of damage. These runes don't power Divine Powers and need to be used with another rune.

Item Market Price (gp) Element Uses Level First Available
Flare Stone5gpFire201
Tempest Stone5gpForce201
Acidic Stone5gpAcid201
Shock Stone5gpLightning201
Shard Stone5gpPsychic201
Vile Stone5gpPoison201
Frost Stone5gpCold201
Dawn Stone5gpRadiant201
Grave Stone5gpNecrotic201
Sonic Stone5gpThunder201
Storm Stone10gpThunder, Lighting403
Caustic Stone10gpAcid, Poison403
Fire Star20gpFire, Thunder, Lightning605
Water Star20gpCold, Acid, Poison605
Wind Star20gpForce, Psychic605
Earth Star20gpNecrotic, Radiant605
Chaos Star A40gpForce, Psychic, Necrotic, Radiant2008
Chaos Star B40gpCold, Acid, Poison, Fire, Thunder, Lightning2008
Elemental Star80gpCold, Acid, Poison, Fire, Thunder, Lightning, Force, Psychic, Necrotic, RadiantUnlimited11
Basic Rune5gpDivine Power201
Standard Rune10gpDivine Power405
Greater Rune20gpDivine Power607
Grand Rune80gpDivine PowerUnlimited11
Fire Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal fire damageUnlimited3
Cold Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal Cold damageUnlimited3
Acid Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal acid damageUnlimited3
Poison Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal poison damageUnlimited3
Thunder Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal thunder damageUnlimited3
Lightning Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal lightning damageUnlimited3
Force Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal Force damageUnlimited3
Psychic Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal Psychic damageUnlimited3
Blasphemes Rune20gpCauses Divine Power attacks to deal necrotic damageUnlimited3

Back to Main Page 4e Homebrew Campaign Settings Iolis- Wayward Haven (4e Campaign Setting)

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gollark: Shellscripts execute line-by-line, so if you stick a ZIP on the end and do something like```bash#!/bin/shunzip $0exit```then the shell won't complain about the random binary data at the end of the script.
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