Instant Army, Omega Weapon (3.5e Epic Spell)

This spell summons an Omega weapon where the caster points within 75ft, so long as it fails it's will save. It receives no spell resistance and once summoned attacks the casters enemy's to the best of its ability, if they can communicate with it they can direct to to attack, not to attack or to attack particular enemies. The omega weapon disappears at the end of the duration or if dismissed, slain or banished.

Instant army, Omega weapon
Spellcraft DC: 383
Components: V
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 75ft
Target, Effect, or Area: one summoned creature
Duration: 130 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: Seeds: Summon (DC+14). Factors: increase CR by 88 (DC+196), 1 action casting time (DC+20), remove somatic component (DC+2), increase saving throw DC by +50 (DC+100), ignore SR (DC+40), increase duration by 550% (DC+11). Material cost: 3,447,000gp in materials. Research time: 69 days. XP cost: 137,880xp.

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