Indus (3.5e Environment)

A region that encompasses the northern portion of the Loupe continent is Indus, defined by two very different geographical environments: Plains and Tundra. Amidst these conditions, and the amicable coastline available, the Indus region is advantageous to the many that live here, if not always by the same means as to another. The tundra is a unforgiving place, and has been untamed since the time of Old Kaladon, having been the seat of the old empire before its mysterious collapse.

Plutocratic Monarchy
1 King, 6 Barons
Associated Deities
Vault, Mephistopheles, Gahss, Undine
State Languages
Common, Elven, Aquan
64% Human, 2% Dwarf, 31% Elf, 3% Merfolk

Climate, Geography, and Wildlife

The Indus Region.

Snowstorms abound, all over Indus' Tundra region, and can be quite the hazard to travelers unfamiliar with the region. The Southern reaches generally enjoy more normal weather, sharing this quality with most of the nation of Kerrigan, which also enjoys moderate weather, along with most of the civilizations of Halimeda. Beyond the general descriptors of the Tundra itself, and the coastline and plains that accompany it, the Forest of Forever adds a strange level of feature to the region, given the properties that the forest has to generally mess with and even lead astray the wandering vagabond, towards a puddle of insanity.

Wildlife for the region generally follows that which can be expected of the two regions, with little exception. The forest, however, can contain creatures of any region or environment, considering its magical properties. While not as naturally diverse as the other regions of Loupe, the unique environments of Indus provide more challenge than most creatures would, offering little chance to save oneself from exposure, if one is not careful.

Indi warships generally have other issues to worry about, far from most other civilizations. With such a large fleet deployed, and near the larger parts of the ocean, sea monsters are not unheard of; In the time of Kaladon, reports of even Leviathans were frequent, as well as strange oceanic phenomenon.


The history of civilization in the Indus region is one that rivals Sol's own, long past, and appropriately so; The two have shared a breadth of troubles, and those in Indus are much less accepting of Solean citizens. Even downright aggressive. Before Indus ever existed, as we now know it, it was home to the Kaladonian Empire, and its capital city of Kaladon. Like its successor, this great power battled a comparatively tiny nation of Sol, given that many of the region on Loupe were already part of the Kaladonian Empire, at the time. While never truly succeeding, perhaps due to the natural advantage of Solean Troops in the deserts, the efforts by the empire were only ever stopped short by the interference of the dwarves, who had allied with Sol. Kaladon preceded to war against the underground denizens with far greater success, until it was met with a strange fate: The entire capital city disappeared, leaving behind only ruins and no trace of civilization, with noone to tell what had happened.

Those displaced by this began to witness the evaporation of the Kaladonian empire. Commanders waited for orders that never came, and the citizens began to forget that they were ruled, and the birth of new nations began, from the ashes of the old empire. Indus was one of these nations. At one point, Sumervale was a powerful military port city, building warships and training officers, but when Kaladon fell, it slowly transformed into something more. It became the capital city of the people of Indus.


Indus is a rather odd case in terms of Government. It has, in the past, tried many different things, including at one point, being a Plutocratic Despotism, where a single man gained control over the country by simply buying it out. Eventually, however, the country managed to settle into that of a Monarchy, while retaining some control over the crown, based on those who controlled the most wealth, in the region. The King, while holding the vast majority of the power in almost every aspect of State, is required to appease the wills of the six Barons that preside under him, as well, lest they simply refuse to abide by his commands, and lock up large portions of the country's economical capabilities, threatening the collapse of the nation. The King can always attempt to attack and replace the offending Baron, of course, but if each Baron withdrawals from the nation, the King will have an absolutely harder time of it, with no way to maintain an army.

Generally, the citizenry do not interact with the Government as much as with other nations, and are far removed from the processes that govern their lives. That said, they are often subject to many speeches and propaganda rallies to further demonize their arch enemy of Sol, a nation that they have struggled against for years.

Foreign Relations and Military

A tumultuous nation in terms for foreign powers, Indus has few allies, and is constantly on the warpath with some nation or another, but often, this nation is Sol. An age-old conflict dating back to the Kaladonian empire, the struggle has mostly been over the regions just west of the glacial plains, which Indus considers its own. The glacial plains have constantly thwarted even the strongest of armies, however experienced Indi soldiers are to the cold, and so far, between strong allies and environmental dangers, Sol has remained untouched.

Despite this, Indus constantly tries to expand its territories over the glacial planes, even having settled colonies there, such as the small town of Ventis. These colonies are not always successful, however, and they either succumb to natural obstacles, or to wild beasts. Other nations also express displeasure when the colonies are close to their own nations, as well.

Indus has warred with several countries over its time, besides Sol, but mostly, this only refers to Kerrigan, and sometimes Tirasus. Its major force is the navy that it employs, which is arguably the largest in the world, if not the most powerful.

Language, Religion, and Culture

Indi speak many languages, but most commonly speak in Common, followed by Elven and Aquan in respect to the speaking populations. This is largely due to the amount of Humans and Elves, as well as a sizeable amount of Merfolk, who live in the region. As always, other languages are present, but are rather rare, unless the speaker is an outsider, themself.

Indus is host to many religions, and even various temples are built across the land, far more often than in some cities, though not nearly as often as in Silverfell. In Sumervale, the main religions are to Gahss, the god of war and victory, as well as Vault, the god of wealth. Spread amongst the rest of the region, however, you may find temples to Undine, Aesirean goddess of water, and Mephistopheles, the god of the pact.

Heavily influenced by the snowy regions that surround them, Indi culture revolves around tailoring and carpentry, as well as the occasional bonfire ceremony. Music is often cheery and upbeat, while artwork is usually made with pale shades of blue, made from the snow and various plant dyes that can be harvested in the region.


Sumervale, Capital of the Indus Region

Sumervale, seat of Indus, is characterized by its large port, and incredible naval strength, easily seen by any visitors as the hundreds of warships in the bay near the port. It resembles a metropolis, with feats of engineering holding a city above cities, a relic from the days of the Kaladonian empire. At the center of the city, on the highest level, is the castle, belonging to the king of Indus. Here, he meets with the Barons to decide how to rule the nation.


A small city built near the border to the Kerrigan region. Its inhabitants are less aligned with those in the capital, though for the most part, share the same general tastes, such as an extreme dislike for Sol.

Other Notable Sites

  • Forest of Forever - The large cluster of wood in the northern region. It is said to have magic deep in the wood that causes odd occurrences to happen in the forest.
  • Kaladon Ruins - The remains of old Kaladon lie in the northwestern part of the region, now aside a glacier.

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