Imps (3.5e Race)


Ezmo from Battlerite. Used as base for this race. Here he is clutching the spellbook he stole from his previous master.


Imps are mischievous and chaotic creatures. They'll play pranks much like a fey would, though they arn't as shy about showing themselves and claiming said prank.
They'll never really stay in one place, if able. They've got much to see and explore after all.
Most Imps will only look out for themselves but exceptions do exist. Every Imp does hunger for power, though. No exceptions.

Physical Description

Imps average 2 ft and 5 inches.
These Imps don't have wings or even a tail, contrary to SRD Imps. These are more like goblins in figure.
They can have pretty much any skincolour but it's always a single colour. Usually this colour represents something about the Imp. For example a red Imp might be good at fire magic, where a green imp might be a healer or even a druid or just someone that likes nature.
Their eyes are small and usually hidden beneath a hood or hat of sorts. Their mouths are oversized and packed jam full of teeth.
The inside of an Imp is glowing. The colour it glows, like the skin, can be any single colour, usually representing something about the Imp.
This glow is also an indication of health. A healthy imp will have a bright glow inside of him (usually only visible spilling forth from their massive maws), while a dead Imp will have no glow at all.
Most Imps will wear rags, while some will wear a (stolen) extravagant robe. ANother common piece of equipment is that most Imps will wear severed or broken shackles or chains. A token of pride for escaping if you will.


Imps get along with most races just fine, though they're usually enslaved and thus might resent the race that enslaved them. Since Imps are from a different plane, they usually arrive through summoning. They would then do their job or be punished (like with a magic circle) and get sent back.
Sometimes a mage might be overconfident and keep an Imp for too long. Long enough for them to find a way to escape. Usually a bloody one. An escaped Imp will usually be reluctant to go back, since their curiosity will cause them to want to wander.


Most Imps will be Chaotic Evil or Neutral Evil. Since most Imps come int othe world in slavery, they usually grow to resent the world and will want to get back at it, in one way or another. However, it's possible for Imps to have any alignment except lawful.


Most Imps like to live in civilisation, though they'll take to wilderness if need be.


Imps usually arn't religious, but some might turn to a god or cleric to aid in their initial escape.


Imps can speak Common and Infernal, they might also speak the language that corresponds with where they were summoned.


Imps might get a name from their summoner, or chose one themselves. Examples of Imp names are:
Male: Bootlick, Destruction, Hellfire, Pure, King, Servant.
Female: Daisy, Ruby, Silence, Strife, Malice.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Charisma, +2 dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Strength: Imps are innately magical and quick on their feet. However, due to their size they'll struggle with physical tasks.
  • Outsider (Chaotic): Imps, not native to this plane, are Outsiders.
  • Small: +1 AC, +1 to attack rolls, +4 to hide checks. -4 to Grapple, bullrush and overrun checks.
  • Imps base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Power Hungry: Being Outsiders, Imps need not eat or drink. The only sustenance they require is power. Imps must eat either a powerful object (a scroll, magic item, a potion, ...) or die from starvation. The Item must have some form of magic attached to it. They can go 1 day without food for every 25 gold in base price that they consumed. An imp can also eat money to survive. Using this method, they can go 1 day for every 30 gold they consume. Should the Imp fail to feed itself, he will lose all class levels until he feeds himself. Should he go 5 days without sustenance, the Imp wil starve and die. Note that if an Imp choses to eat a potion as sustenance, he won't get the normal effects of said potion.
  • Darkvision: As outsiders, Imps have darkvision up to 60 feet.
  • Demonic: Imps can get Fiendish Feats (Complete Mage) even if they're of the good alignment. They also qualify for 3.5e_Fiend_Feats. (Make sure your DM is ok with all or some of these feats as they are also homebrew and might not be balanced for your campaign.)
  • Internal Glow: Any individual attempting to do a heal check to check the Imp's health or status can instead use a Knowledge(The Planes) check to try and use the internal glow to determine what's wrong.
  • Spell-Like Ability: At-Will Arcane Mark. Caster level is 5th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Note that this arcane mark can't be used to create magical items for Power Hungry. The arcane mark is the Imp's own magic, that'd be like eating your own arm to survive.

  • Automatic Languages: Abyssal. Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages.
  • Favored Class: SRD:Sorcerer, Warlock.
  • Level Adjustment: +0

(for anon)

  • +2 Charisma, +2 dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Strength: Imps are innately magical and quick on their feet. However, due to their size they'll struggle with physical tasks.
  • Outsider (Chaotic): Imps, not native to this plane, are Outsiders.
  • Small: +1 AC, +1 to attack rolls, +4 to hide checks. -4 to Grapple, bullrush and overrun checks.
  • Imps base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Power Hungry: Being Outsiders, Imps need not eat or drink. The only sustenance they require is power. Imps must eat either a powerful object (a scroll, magic item, a potion, ...) or die from starvation. The Item must have some form of magic attached to it. They can go 1 day without food for every 25 gold in base price that they consumed. An imp can also eat money to survive. Using this method, they can go 1 day for every 30 gold they consume. Should the Imp fail to feed itself, he will lose all class levels until he feeds himself. Should he go 5 days without sustenance, the Imp wil starve and die. Note that if an Imp choses to eat a potion as sustenance, he won't get the normal effects of said potion.
  • Darkvision: As outsiders, Imps have darkvision up to 60 feet.
  • Demonic: Imps can get Fiendish Feats (Complete Mage) even if they're of the good alignment. They also qualify for 3.5e_Fiend_Feats. (Make sure your DM is ok with all or some of these feats as they are also homebrew and might not be balanced for your campaign.)
  • Internal Glow: Any individual attempting to do a heal check to check the Imp's health or status can instead use a Knowledge(The Planes) check to try and use the internal glow to determine what's wrong.
  • Shroud: constantly under the effect of Greater Invisibility. Caster level is equal to the total ECL.
  • Spell-Like Ability: At-Will Arcane Mark. Caster level is 5th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Note that this arcane mark can't be used to create magical items for Power Hungry. The arcane mark is the Imp's own magic, that'd be like eating your own arm to survive.

  • Automatic Languages: Abyssal. Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages.
  • Favored Class: SRD:Sorcerer, Warlock.
  • Level Adjustment: +2

Vital Statistics

Table: Imps Random Starting Ages
5 years+1d4+2d4+3d4
Table: Imps Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
10 years15 years20 years+Infinite years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Imps Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male2' 5"+2d412 lb.× (+1d4) lb.
Female2' 4"+2d410> lb.× (1d4) lb.

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gollark: I don't *go* outside.
gollark: ... "3D maneuver gear"? "Forest"?
gollark: But then you make the fatal mistake of having the 50 votes thing, and the COMPARTMENTAL SLATS team forms.
gollark: Yes. Initially it's just a joke.
gollark: ... and?
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