Hunter Mod (3.5e Equipment)

A more detailed explanation of dust and bullets specifically is here.

Gear Mods-

  • Enhanced Mechanical Switching: Your Hunter Weapon's mechanics have been meticulously enhanced to allow for swifter, more fluid transformation. Switching weapons between ranged and melee forms takes a free action instead of a bonus action.
  • Awesome Paint Job: Your gear has been given a stylised paint job just the way you want it. People simply have to glance at it know you mean business. (+2 for intimidation)
  • Brushed Metal: Your weapon has been brushed and polished to a beautiful shine. The weapon looks even sharper than it actually is. (+2 for intimidation and awesomeness)
  • Basic Sheath: Your weapon has been fitted to a simple custom leather sheath. (Weapon can be drawn without provoking an attack of opportunity)
  • Form-Fitting Sheath: Your sheath has been expertly fitted for your weapon, making it quicker and easier to draw. (Weapon can be drawn as a bonus action)
  • Custom Sheath: You've mechanically enhanced your sheath to allow for the simple wave of your hand to draw it.(fastest draw, holds weapon perfectly, weapon can be drawn as a free action)
  • Spare- You've had a spare version of your weapon identical to its current form made in case you need it. If the weapon is small enough to be side holstered, the first of these you get can be holstered on the other side. If it’s too large, you can keep it in your hideout. Note: Each spare you get will accumulate the same modifications as the original unless you don’t want certain ones.
  • Basic Scroll: You've purchased a small PDA-like device that serves as multi-purpose tool for maintaining your equipment and communicating with your teammates. (Maintenance rolls receive a +2 circumstance bonus)
  • H.U.D. Custom Design: Your scroll has been modified and integrated onto an object on your person, allowing easier, more precise use. (Maintenance rolls receive a +4 circumstance bonus)
  • Advanced H.U.D: Your scroll has been further enhanced to allow for more complex actions without sacrificing simplicity of use. (Maintenance rolls receive a +6 circumstance bonus)
  • Epic H.U.D: Your scroll now records data and specifics of the various creatures you've slain and keeps it ready in an easy-to-use format for mid combat use. (Slaying an enemy grants a permanent +1 circumstance bonus to hit others of its kind)
  • Onboard AI: Your scroll has been given a simple AI that relays information to you on when and where to strike an opponent for optimal damage.(Adds a +2 to hit circumstance bonus to hit with Tactical Strikes)
  • Advance Onboard AI: Your scroll's AI has been enhanced to perform even more complex actions automatically and can now acquire data on various subjects for you. (Offers a +4 to hit circumstance bonus to Tactical Strikes and a +2 bonus to all Knowledge skills)
  • Radar: Your scroll has been fitted with a sonic radar, allowing for mostly exact positioning on nearby entities. (Gives a +2 circumstance bonus to all checks made to detect the presence of a living creature.)
  • Infrared Mode: Your scroll now has the ability to detect heat signatures. (Gives a +4 circumstance bonus to all checks made to detect the presence of a living creature.)
  • Mini Bio-Scanner: Your scroll now scans biometric data such as heart rate, blood pressure, mental activity, etc. (Gives a +6 circumstance bonus to all checks made to detect the presence of a living creature.)
  • Satellite Bio-Scanner: Your scroll is connected to one of many satellites designed to scout the topography of locations and presence of life. (Gives a +8 circumstance bonus to all checks made to detect the presence of a living creature.)

Ranged Weapon Mods-

  • 2x Scope/Aim: Your ranged weapon has been fitted with a special scope, allowing you to aim at distant targets better than with the naked eye. (Reduces range increment penalty by 2, each mod in this tree increases the penalty reduction from 2, to 4, to 8, etc.))
  • 4x Scope/Aim
  • 8x Scope/Aim
  • 10x Scope/Aim
  • 12x Scope/Aim
  • Armor Piercers: Your ranged weapon has been enhanced to pierce through armor of varying thickness. (Can overcome damage reduction -/+1)
  • Metal Piercing (Can overcome damage reduction -/+2)
  • Thick Metal Piercing (Can overcome damage reduction -/+3)
  • Tank Piercing (Can overcome damage reduction -/+4)
  • Building Piercing (Can overcome damage reduction -/+5)
  • Skyscraper Piercing (Can overcome damage reduction -/+6)
  • City Crosser (Can overcome damage reduction -/+7)
  • Epic Piercer (Can overcome any damage reduction)
  • Reinforced Chamber: Your gun has had its chamber re-rifled and recasted for more precise shots. (guns only) (+2 to hit)
  • Steel Chamber (+4 to hit)
  • Triple Steel Chamber (+6 to hit)
  • The Right Dealer: Your weapon has been modified, allowing for the use of special ammunition. (by getting this mod, you have access to buying any of this ammo once you get it. So you can’t buy Flicker Rounds before getting the Popper Ammo mod. And yes, you do have to buy these, but the DM can choose how much to give you when you get the mod (if any))
  • Fire Cartridge (add an extra hit die of fire damage to ranged attacks)
  • Fire Crystal Pure (overcomes damage reduction against fire)
  • Water Cartridge (add an extra hit die of cold damage to ranged attacks)
  • Water Crystal Pure (overcomes damage reduction against cold)
  • Earth Cartridge (add an extra hit die of acid damage to ranged attacks)
  • Earth Crystal Pure (overcomes damage reduction against acid)
  • Air Cartridge (add an extra hit die of magical slashing damage to ranged attacks)
  • Air Crystal Pure (overcomes damage reduction to physical attacks)
  • Kinetic Cartridge (Repulsion, Propulsion, both the target and user are propelled 10 ft in any direction)
  • Kinetic Crystal Pure (Ranged attacks propel the user 30 ft in any direction, targets must make a Fortitude Saving Throw with a DC equal to 10+damage dealt or be knocked prone and forced 15 ft away.)
  • Lightning Cartridge (Wind and Fire Pre-req) (add an extra hit die of electric damage to ranged attacks)
  • Lightning Crystal Pure (overcomes damage reduction against lightning)
  • White/Light Cartridge (Energy) (ranged attacks surround the target in bright light, giving all ranged attacks a +1 circumstance bonus for 1d4+1 rounds)
  • White/Light Crystal Pure (the light the target is surrounded with is even more bright, increasing the circumstance bonus with ranged attacks from +1 to +3)
  • Popper Ammo (Small pop, tiny chance to catch fire) (10% chance for the target to take 1d6 fire damage at the start of its turn for the next 1d4+1 rounds)
  • Lighter Ammo (small fire chance) (20% chance for the target to take 1d6 fire damage at the start of its turn for the next 1d4+1 rounds)
  • Cigarette Rounds (medium fire chance) (30% chance for the target to take 1d6 fire damage at the start of its turn for the next 1d4+1 rounds)
  • Cigar Rounds (large catch chance) (40% chance for the target to take 1d6 fire damage at the start of its turn for the next 1d4+1 rounds)
  • Flamethrower (Characters make a ranged attack against a target within 20 ft as if it was flat footed. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 fire damage and takes an extra d6 of fire damage for the next 1d6+2 rounds)
  • Flicker Rounds (“Like napalm in a shot glass”) (All ranged attacks at any range light the target on fire for 2d8+3 rounds, dealing 1d6 fire damage at the start of its turn)
  • Tiny Explosive (Every enemy with 5 ft of the target takes 1d6 fire damage)
  • Small Explosive (Every enemy within 10 ft of the target takes 2d6 fire damage)
  • Large Explosive (Every enemy within 15 ft of the target takes 3d6 fire damage)
  • Tapper Rounds (Tank Buster on steroids) (Every target within 30 ft of the target takes 3d6 fire damage)
  • Bone Breaker (blunt, painful) (Ranged attacks deal 1d6 nonlethal damage to their target)
  • Knock Knock (blunt, non-lethal)(“Like 22 sledge hammers politely asking for entrance into your face”) (Ranged attacks deal their normal hit die in non lethal damage)
  • Tracer Rounds (customizable color) (Ranged attacks add an extra hit die to its damage)

Melee Weapon Mods-

  • Dust enhancement: Your weapon has been modified to allow for dust-based attacks and special mechanical attacks.
  • Fire (Melee attacks deal an extra hit die of fire damage)
  • Wind (Melee attacks deal an extra hit die of magical slashing damage)
  • Water (Melee attacks deal an extra hit die of cold damage)
  • Kinetic (Repulsion, Propulsion) (Melee attacks stager the target, knocking it prone or forcing it to give up an attack of opportunity)
  • Earth (Melee attacks deal an extra hit die of acid damage)
  • Lightning (Wind and Fire Pre-req) (Melee attacks deal an extra hit die of lightning damage)
  • Mechanical (Earth and Fire Pre-req) (Melee attacks can allow the user to switch to their ranged form as bonus action and take an extra attack as of they were fighting with two weapons.)
  • White/Light (Energy)
  • Well Weighted: Your weapon has been rebalanced for easier use. (+2 to hit)
  • Custom Made (+4 to hit)
  • Balanced (+6 to hit)
  • Creator’s best work (+8 to hit)
  • Perfect (+10 to hit)
  • Reserve Fighter: Your weapon has been reinforced, allowing for more consistent critical blows (+2 to critical confirm rolls)
  • Trump Card (+4 to critical confirm rolls)
  • Ace in the Hole (+6 to critical confirm rolls)
  • Critical Momentum OR Critical Focus: You've trained to specialise in the use of exotic fighting styles, allowing you to modify your critical hits. (Confirmed critical hits allow the user to make another attack with full attack bonus OR deal maximum damage)
  • Instinct: You have trained to use your weapon to redirect blows. (+2 dodge bonus to AC against a single target)
  • Natural Reflexes (+4 dodge bonus to AC against a single target)
  • Automatic Motion (+5 dodge bonus to AC against a single target)
  • Impulse Parry: You've learned to use your movement to force enemies into vulnerable positions, allowing for free attacks. (Successful dodges allow for a sundering strike against the target without provoking an attack of opportunity)
  • Weapon Enhancement: You've spent time and money honing your weapon, allowing for powerful melee strikes. (+1 to damage, this can be taken multiple times, each adding +1 to damage)

All aspects of RWBY are owned by Rooster Teeth, not me.

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