Hecatoncheires (4e Creature)
Hecatoncheires Tactics
The hecatonchieres is not a subtle enemy, lauching waves of bladed attacks against a single foe. When it uses it Summon Hecatoncheires ability, the hecatoncheires and its summoned hecatoncheires will try to flank a dangerous but fragile opponent and try to kill it as quickly as possible using action points.
An hecatonchieres is also very dangerous against melee opponents because of its threatening reach, as most of its enemies will not have a reach of 3 or more.
Hecatoncheires Lore
A character knows the following information about Hecatoncheires with a successful Religion check.
DC 25 : The Hecatonchieres is one of the most powerful beings in existence, surpassing most gods and primordials in power. This monster makes Demogorgan and Dagon look like kitty cats.
DC 30 : The Hecatonchieres have a hundred hands apiece, each hand wielding either an ancient, enormous broadsword or a boulder of incredible size. There are only three in known existence, each either chained with warding and magic, or in deep slumber. Few exist today, and they are extremely rare
DC 35 : Hecatonchiereses used to be massive in number, but once the universe cooled and the gods emerged, most vanished. There are only three in known existence, each either chained with warding and magic, or in deep slumber. In combat they can summon powerful illusions to assist them in battle. They are not real Hecatonchieres, but they still fight like them. A smart adventurer would run.
DC 40 :
Encounter Groups
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