Harpy (5e Race)


Design Note: See Flying Races (5e Guideline)

"Only one with a strong heart, mind or soul can take a stand against the mind set that all are evil. A harpy I may be, but a devil I am not." The Cloaked woman walks off without another word.

Physical Description

Many Harpies, although considered the hags of nature, can actually be quite attractive sometimes. The women are slender, curvy, busty, and well built. The men are muscular, toned, and sometimes ferocious and handsome. Some use this for good, but many for evil. With their song in hand, they lead many to their doom. Those who work to change the name tend to hide in cloaks, even though many do not have a concept of clothing, or just plain hate clothes. Contrary to popular belief, harpies' wings and arms are the same thing. They are not two different appendages meaning conventional weaponry is rarely used by harpies, but their talons and feathers vary. Some can have black, others blue; maybe even green or white. The talons are always curved, but maybe some broke theirs to change people's thoughts. Others may have kept them long and let them grow to the malicious curve. They have them on both their hands and feet, as all harpies have the "bird legs."


Coming from no one set home, the origin of Harpies is hearsay. Very few work to change the name painted on harpies as evil or monstrous. The few that work to change the name usually go into hiding, or are forced into the life of crime in the end, as most commoners either run in fear or turn point and draw their blades.


Many are evil, those who change to the light, neutral, or even on the rare case lawful sides are hated by other harpies. They do not have many heroes to their name, any harpies going against their norms is frowned upon. Marriage is foreign to them, as when a female mates, she will more than likely leave her mate and raise the child alone until they can talk, fly and fight. Though there are cases of harpies living as a couple, or even a family. Similar to the Drow, Harpies are a primarily female run race. The men are there for fodder, as mates, and to look pretty in most harpies eyes. But their social construct is scattered, as they live in isolation or small packs that break apart and grow sporadically. So it is not uncommon to see a man leading a group. Harpies also have a strong sense of pride. Be it in their looks, their fighting style, what they make, or what they kill. Trophies are common. Be it something as simple as a wood carving, or a skull strapped to their hips. In line with their sadistic nature, many chaotic harpies don the skulls of their kills around their hips.

Harpy Names

The names sometimes sound like mixes of french and german, or even babylonian or greek. The names are meant to sound beautiful for women, or powerful for men.

Male: Jessault, Markkus, Netarvah

Female: Setinada, Kiarah, Savyra

Harpy Traits

Harpies are skilled on the ground and in the air, able to use their talons if unbroken and sing a song to captivate her foe.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Harpies reach full maturity at around age 3, and usually live to be up to 40 years old.
Alignment. Many are chaotic, some neutral, some both. All harpies keep some form of their wild self, be it in their neutrality, or their chaotic nature.
Size. Harpies normally stand at around 5 feet tall and weigh about 100 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Monstrous Nature. Your creature type is considered to be both humanoid and monstrosity.
Talon Strike. Your talons are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Winged. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. You cannot use this flying speed if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or if you are encumbered.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Auran.
Subrace. You belong to one of two distinct varieties of harpy: the warwing or the soulcaller. Choose one of these subraces.


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Mighty Wings. Your flying speed increases to 50 feet.


Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Harpy's Song. You can cast the vicious mockery cantrip at will using this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast charm person once using this trait. Starting at 5th level, you can cast the enthrall spell once using this trait. You regain all expended uses of this trait when you complete a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Random Height and Weight

Table: Harpy Random Height and Weight
Base HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
4′ 5″+1d10100 lb.× 1d4 lb.

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gollark: MacOS is getting that, actually.
gollark: Well, yes, they're not amazing magic things which can immediately do anything if you plug them in, but they... can do bad things.
gollark: That is true, although my laptop doesn't support Thunderbolt so all I have to worry about is... electronic hardware attacks and rubberducky-type things?
gollark: > Like usb 3.1 supports direct memory access<@689232518125191253> Does it? I thought that was limited to Thunderbolt, which most devices do not actually support. There are meant to be mechanisms for limiting the access of Thunderbolt devices but they seem to be broken all the time and terrible anywya.
gollark: Sure you can, just X-ray-scan them before use.
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